The Art of Pretending

By Gabrielle0841

285K 7.8K 10.3K

••• This is a story about a girl. A girl who lied all too well. One who was bored, pretty, and sad. A girl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Author's Note!!
The Sequel

Chapter Fourteen

7.8K 232 333
By Gabrielle0841

Blair POV.

It's been a couple days and things are starting to progress. I haven't told Natalie that whatever was happening between us was fake. The only person who knows is Emma.

Grayson was bored and decided to spend the period bothering me. He was tugging at my low messing bun and being you guess it...annoying.

"Quit it, Gray." I snap.

"I can't braid your hair when it's up." He sighed tugging the bun again.

"Well boo freaking who." Now I'm starting to remember why I was so mean to him before.

"Can I take it out?"





"Mr. Heart, Miss. Knight, do you guys have something to share?" Asked Mr. Harvey, our teacher. I quickly shake my head and mumble an apology.

I continue to copy down notes, when I see my phone light up on my desk. Grayson.

Hey- G

We are in class-B

Yea...I'm kinda right behind you-G
But I have an important question- G


What are you wearing ;)- G

You're right behind me-B

Can't see what you're wearing- G
So... what are you wearing?- G

My school uniform- B

What are you wearing under?- G

You aren't seriously trying to sext me right now- B

I'm bored-G

Not my problem- B

Want to have a quicky in the bathroom?-G

You're the one holding out on me-B

Want to suck my dick in the bathroom?-G

An idea pops in my head and I try to contain my laughter. I go to my pictures and scroll up to find a mirror selfie. It is way to showy for me to post, but I also haven't sent it to anyone. I just have it for fun.

The picture is of me in a very revealing swimsuit. My boobs look great and so does my body. Without thinking twice I hit send.

*picture* Here look at this and leave me alone-B

Grayson is drinking water when his phone lights up. He starts choking and coughing. I bite back my smile.

"What?" Asks Carter

"Are you okay Mr Heart?" Our teacher asks.

"No" he clears his throat. "But please carry on."

You're a bad girl Knight-G

I bite my lip at his response. Does that count as sexting? I've never done that with any of my boyfriends, or even sent them a picture like that. Even if it's just in a swimsuit.

Whatever that was... it has me feeling some kind of way. Which is bad, because I told myself that I am not hooking up with Grayson anymore. Fuck that. Not happening.

I got to respond back when Mr. Harvey clears his throat. "Want to get off your phone, Miss Knight?" I quickly shove my phone in my back comment.

Five minutes later I feel someone poking my back. Fucking Grayson. If I ignore him he will stop or even better yet, go away.

"Blair." He whispers. Ignored.

"Blair." He tries again. Ignored.

I hear shuffling and a ball of paper lands on my desk. I open the paper to see Grayson's writing.

That picture has me really horny now

I don't even have time to look back before our teacher starts to speak again.

"Miss Knight, please read that paper out load." My eyes widen. Fuck me. "You're full of interruptions today, which is very unlike you. If you don't want to read it, I will." He walks towards me and puts his hands out.

Without even thinking I shove the paper in my mouth. Luckily it was a small piece of paper. I chew and swallow it. Grayson and the class start to laugh.

"Miss Knight, please finish the rest of the class period in the detention room." Oof. I pack up my stuff and stand up. "Mr. Heart would you like to join her?"

   I turn around and see him standing up with his stupid smirk. "Yes." Was his reply. "It's only fair since I wrote her the note, and the very inappropriate things on it."

   "Very well." Our teacher said.

   "No" Noah shouts standing up. "I wrote her the note." You've got to be kidding me. "With the very inappropriate things in it." He adds on.

   "Miss Knight, which one wrote you the note?"

   "Umm" I'm about to reply.

   "I did." Carter stand up.

   "I bet you did." Mr Harvey sighs in defeat sitting down.

   "It's true." Said Carter

   "Then what did you write her?" Our teacher asks.

   "I wrote her... very inappropriate things." Carter replied.

   "So you all are saying you have inappropriate thoughts about Blair?" One of our male classmates ask.

   "No." Said Noah "Though our dearest Blair is the fairest of them all, and my nose would grow long if I tried to say otherwise. The inappropriate things written in the note were about Grayson's thoughts of her."

   The whole class are gaping at us with wide eyes. The guys are all laughing while the girls are shocked. The thought of Grayson actually having interest in another girl that wasn't Ashlyn is shocking to them.

   "All four of you head to the detention room, and stay there until class is over."

   "Yes sir." They all grin, pack their bags, and start to head out. I was frozen in embarrassment and confusion on what just happened. Grayson is almost to the door until he turns around and realizes I'm still at my desk.

   He jogs back towards me and grabs my hand, pulling me towards the door. "Oh and if you really want to know about the note Mr. Harvey, it was just me asking Miss Knight on a date."

   This earned more gasps from the girls. Yes, Grayson has slept with other girls, but he's never showed interest nevertheless ask one on a date. 

   The guys all laugh and we all head out into the hallway. I notice they're leading me to the exit instead of the detention room.

   "Where are we going?" I ask

   "On an adventure." Grinned Noah

   "Yea, no." I said stopping and trying to pull my hand out of Grayson's. This just causes him to hold on tighter.

   "What?" Grayson mocked smirking. "You don't trust us princess?"

   "You guys are annoying." I huffed

   "Annoyingly attractive." Grinned Carter. "Race you guys to the car!" He grinned before running.

   "So not fair!" Noah shouted after. I turn my head and look at Grayson. He's looking at me with a smirk.

   "You coming?" He asks. I roll my eyes before I start running to the car. Grayson, to no surprise, still manages to beat me.

   "You got a head start." Pouted Noah to Carter. "That's the only reason you won."

   "So what's the plan?" I ask

   "We can go to my house, and then to the cliff later." Grayson says.

   "The cliff?" I questioned.

   "Yea, for the cliff party?" Carter says, we are all piling into Grayson's car.

   "A party on a cliff?" I'm confused, who has parties on a cliff?

   "Yes, hence the statement cliff party" Noah ruffles my hair. "She's a smart one, Grayson." He smiles at me.

   "Oh shut up." I roll my eyes and push his hand off my head. Grayson is driving, Carter is in the passenger seat, and Noah and I are stuck in the back together.

   "Shes mean" Noah says sticking his tongue at me. I give him the finger in return.

   "Shes not mean, she's just..." Grayson pauses and thinks.

   "Feisty" Carter finishes for him.

   He nods in agreement. "Yea, feisty. That's why I like her so much."

   Noah let's out a dramatic gasp. Grayson swerves a little, startled. "What? What's wrong." Grayson asks.

   "I didn't know Blair had a dog." Noah says shocked.

   "A dog? I don't have a... ohhh." I realize.

   "I swear Noah if you're about to imply I'm Blair's bitch, I'll pull over this car and punch you."

   "I don't think you would want miss innocent Blair to see the violent side of you. Actually I take that back, Blair would so like the violent type."

The violent type. Is it bad that he's not wrong. Even with my dad, there's something about it that is intriguing. Is it bad I find comfort in violence since it's so familiar to me?

   I roll my eyes. Carter laughs and turns around, "if you're into muscles you should see mine." He said flexing. I throw my head back and laugh.

   "I never said anything about muscles." I laugh

We pull up to Grayson house and all hop out. "Mrs. H!" Noah shouts when we get to the house, "we're home!"

We follow the smell of cookies into the kitchen. "My boys!" She smiles. Her eyes widen when they see me, "Blair!" She gives me a hug after giving Grayson one.

"How does she know Blair?" Carter whispers.

"Why are you guys home early from school? Did you guys get in trouble?" She asked.

"Mrs. H" Noah gasps, "We're your innocent angels, we do no harm and see no harm."

She laughed. "Angels my ass, what did you guys do?" She puts down a plate of cookies on the counter in front of us, the boys quickly dig in.

"It was actually Blair mom, she got us in trouble." Grayson mumbled with a cookie shoved in his mouth. My mouth drops open.

"Me? Oh yea, no. You guys got ME in trouble."

"Tomato, tomahto" Noah says.

"I doubt that," Charlotte smiled shaking her head. "Ok, I have to go, share the cookies with Blair." She said before leaving.

Noah looks at me and narrows his eyes, pulling the plate of cookies towards himself.

"Fat ass" I stick my tongue at him.

"Flat ass" he replies back. Whatever, so not true.

"Do you guys want to start drinking?" Grayson suggests after us hanging out for awhile. "Blair?" I nod.

"Who's driving?"

"Emma" said Grayson. He said pulling out two bottle of alcohol. "Tequila or vodka?"

"Vodka" I say. He hands me the bottle and I take a swig.

"Oh shit" said Noah. "So like we are getting like drunk drunk?"

"Sounds good to me" Carter says taking the other bottle and taking a swig.

We are drunk by the time Emma knocks on the door to take us. We are blasting music so we don't even hear her come in.

"I wanted love," Grayson and the boys yell. Grayson grabs my hands and pulls me towards him. "I needed love."

Emma laughs when she sees all of us. "Oh my goodness" she says.

Noah turns his head and points at her. "Someone said true love was dead!" He sings.

"And I'm bound to fall, bound to fall" they sing.

"For you" I join in a point to Emma. Grayson beams and throws his arm over my shoulder. "Take my badge but my heart remains." He looks down at me with a smirk. "Lovin you, baby child." He sends me a wink.

"Ok kids, we are already late it's already 6:30."

We spent hours hanging out here drinking and it felt like minutes. Right now, we are all completely hammered.


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