Tharntype Seven Years Later (...

By AmImported

35.8K 1.1K 152

ONESHOT. Tharn and Type having sex and....babies. Love you More

In the middle of the night
Techno is a crybaby


3.8K 145 17
By AmImported

Hi, I don't think anyone is really reading my story so can you please leave comments . It really motivates me. Thank you <3


Seo looks down at his attire which consists of a a blue and white shirt that stretched to his knees and a white sweatpants that sagged at his ankles. 

"What's wrong with my outfit?" He asks timidly and before Type could say something bad Khlui immediately shuffles at the door.

"Type, Tharn !" He shouts before throwing his weight unto the two males. "Do not say anything bad to Seo right now, he is very fragile." He whispers into their ears. Tharn looks at Seo who stands at the door still observing his outfit with sad eyes. 

Tharn hits Type with his elbow and a glare and Type glares back but understands. 

"Your outfit is very bold and pretty Seo. It's just that am used to you wearing purple since its more of your color." He smiles lightly making Seo light up with a bright grin. 

The skinny male beams before nodding quickly as if agreeing that he looks great as always. He leaves no room for further investigation and simply disappears into Champ and Techno's home. 

Tharn watches the man leave before he turns to Khlui with a curious look, "What happened to our cheery Seo? Did you mock him about his kpop career again?" Tharn eyes widen at the image if Seo crying over his failed career once again. 

Khlui cringes, "Let's not talk about that, I still remember the weeks of bawling." He shakes his head exaggeratedly "Plus that's not even close." He sighs. 

Type looks over at Tharn who mirrors his pity look. " What happened in Korea?" 

Seo and Khlui went to Korea for a month for Khlui's work events and Seo tagged along since Khlui trademarked him as his "lucky penny" from he won the lottery back in their early 20's. For six months now the married couple has been trying for a baby but every test came back negative. Seo did not show his sadness to the his friends as he was still optimistic until they went to Korea. 

"In Korea Seo's mom advised us  to visit this specialist and it turns out my I am least likely to have a child at this age because of  a problem in my meiosis cells.." Khlui says sadly as he scratches the back of his hair weakly. 

Tharn gasps lightly making Type roll his eyes, "Don't worry about that, you guys have plenty of time to have a child and who knows, maybe you will have a miracle." Type slaps Khlui on his shoulder making the older man smile thankfully. 

Khlui chuckles, "Well you are a doctor." He walks away and into the comfortable home and when no one was looking he rubbed his stomach sadly.

"A sports doctor." Tharn mumbles under his breath making Type push him away in turn making him stumble down the quarts steps. 

The sports doctor enters the home and immediately head for the kitchen for a beer before heading for the living room where he sees Techno lying on the couch with his head in Champ's lap who is eating chicken from a box tucked beside Techno's chest and the couch. 

Type walks up to the couple and smack Champ making Techno's eyes drift to him. "You guys are bad examples for adults." 

Techno rolls his eyes and scoots further into his lover's body, "You dropped Kyung twice." He mumbles but Type hears and smacks him on his head to which Techno cries out. 

"Stop bullying him Type." Champ hisses and pull the skinner male into his body. 

Even though Techno and Champ have been together for a very long time they absolutely refuse to leave the honeymoon phase. they acted like the same childish duo but only this time they have sex at every chance they get.  Techno lost his job about a year ago for being tardy almost every day so they live off the income of Champ's chain of restaurants. The restaurant is doing exceptionally well since you have to make reservations two weeks in order to get a table. 

Tharn walks in and immediately goes on his phone while the others settle into watching the match on the television. Tharn never really enjoyed sports unless it was Type playing and Type always fusses but blushes internally as it makes him feel special. 

The men curse, scream and laugh at the television for and hour and half straight until they got bored and starting watching avenger movie reruns. By the time they were done it was already 12am. Type resides in Tharn's lap with his feet plated unto the couch so Tharn was cradling him like a baby. 

Techno is sitting on the floor in between Champs legs, the husband ran his hand through his husband's hair who's eyes were very focused on the fight being displayed. 

Seo was in the kitchen playing games on his phone and Khlui was mindlessly scrolling through his phone with a worried look breaking over his eyebrows.

"Tharn," Type pokes the man on his hard stomach making him grunt a response "I think we need to give Seo and Khlui some space. Want to go sleep in the guest room?" He pushes up before Tharn could respond. 

Tharn smirks and sits up with his lover so his lips could glide over his ear, " Or we could do something else." He implies making the other male grimace. 

"You are disgusting." He scrunches his nose and crawls over to Techno to avoid bothering Khui. 

Type stops as he reaches his best friend's knees and slap him, "Get the fuck up and go to sleep. Seo and Khlui need some time to talk. Go sleep, you are old."' He pushes Techno with a scowl.

"You're so fucking mean, I want to see how this ends." He pushes at Type who stumbles back a bit before he launches himself unto Techno. 

Champ pulls Techno away from Type with a bored expression, "Am getting bored babe, can we go up now" He kisses Techno on his neck and the skinner male blushes when he sees Type grinning at him. 

"Alright." Techno melts. 

Type laughs lightly, "Fucking pussy." 

Techno gives him a middle finger and Type blows him a kiss. 

The couple leaves the living the room and their heavy feet on the wooden floor could be heard as they ascend up the stairs. Type smiles and pulls at Tharn's hand and leads him to the downstairs guest bedroom. Tharn doesn't hesitate to throw himself unto the bed.  Under the blankets, he pulls off his jeans and shirt before rolling over to face Type who slips in wearing absolutely nothing. 

"Why are you naked?" Tharn frowns because he clearly remembers Type turning him down a few moments ago. 

"Don't question me." Type  mumbles before he fluffs his pillow and slides into Tharn's open arms. "If I was incapable of having Kyong, you wouldn't leave right?" Type asks into Tharn's naked chest. 

Tharn drops his chin unto Type's thick hair. "Well obviously, all Kyong does is cry, eat and steal you away from me." Tharn scowls making Type chuckle. "But in all seriousness, I would probably be sad if we couldn't create a life together but I love you and I would love all your flaws that come with loving you." Tharn whispers lovingly. 

Type blushes and looks up to meet Tharn's coffee eyes before pecking his lips. "You're a simp." Type says and his hand slowly dips into Tharn's boxers and begin to stroke on the soft warm length making Tharn chuckle under his breath and pull the pale male unto his lap. 


Khlui throws his phone down unto the couch after ten minutes of the home in complete silence. He pulls off his jean jacket and walks to the kitchen where Seo sat on one of the stools scrolling through his phone. The latter did not even hear him coming in. 

"Seo." He voiced making the older of the two jump slightly and he slams his phone face down unto the counter top.

Seo turns to face his partner, "What is it?" 

The tension between the two has been quite heavy since they came back from Korea. The couple was always sexual. From the moment Seo did not make it into the entertainment business at a ripe age he relied solely on Khlui who was a vlogger to help him feel better. Khlui at the time had no idea that Seo was interested in him so he payed no attention to his clingy attitude until the day of Tharn and Type's wedding when he kissed him on his way back and then proceeded to fuck Khlui by the door of his apartment. 

Khlui became an addict to Seo's touch and they started to have sex whenever each other felt horny until Seo one day claimed him. Even though it was ironically funny that the k-pop dancing geek had him breathless almost every night after that. To secure his spot as Khlui's only one, Seo began making major investments in the stock market and so he earns way more money than he can handle and then he proceeded to invest in Khlui's small business and together they grew.

So it was not unfair that Seo wants to move forward by having a child with his beloved. Its been a year since Khlui stopped taking the pill and condoms have been removed from their home. Yet, no luck in having a child. Their big home on the hill empty without pitter patter and Seo would be lying if he wasn't heartbroken at the change of plans in their lives.

"Babe, are you ok?" Khlui walks up to the sadden male. 

Seo squeezes his eyes shut to stop himself from crying, "H-how are you so calm?" His voice breaks a little making Khlui frown. 

"Am not." Khlui shakes his head. 

The lean male scuffs, "You're greeting everyone with smiles on your face and watching games with friends like everything is ok when its not ok Khlui." He whispers aggressively.

"Well what-" Seo cuts him off with a slap on the marble counter 

"Everything is not fine Khlui!" He shouts but rubs his hands over his face to regain his composure.

Khlui breath gets caught in his throat and his eyes becomes glossy, "Can you stop shouting at me !" Khlui seethes. 

Seo scuffs, "We could never have a child together Khlui, all that hard work so we could have the perfect family and its all going down the drain and you can't even admit to the fact, you're just smiling at everyone . Am I the only one angry at this?!"

"I am angry too Seo!" Khlui tears up "But I refuse to get pity hugs and stares from everyone when we tell them that I cant have your child. It's the one thing you ever wanted and I can't even give you that, I get it." He balls his fist. "It's my fault."

Seo pulls Khlui to the stool is he is sitting on and quickly pulls him into a heavy hug. Tears sprung from their face as they cried in each other's arm. 

"I am so sorry Khlui." Seo strokes his hair.

Khlui sniffles, "It's fine."

"It's not your fault baby," He pulls Khlui's head from the crook of his neck so they can look each other in the eyes "We are still young and who needs kids anyways?" He chuckles a bit.

Khlui smiles tiredly and wipes his eyes, "We do babe. I love our dogs but it is very lonely in the house, we need some chaos in our lives." He rubs Seo's neck. 

Seo leans forward and capture his lover's lips. Khlui kisses back frantically as he breathes hard to taste Seo deeper. 

Seo pulls back, "Eager ?"

Khlui doesn't respond and he simply pulls off his pants and open the buttons of his shirt. 

The latter only grins and pulls down his pants and underwear before pushing him unto the counter with one leg raised and his pink fluttering hole on display. 

"You're so wet."  Seo purrs into his neck right before sliding his fat cock into the tight channel. Khlui pulls him deeper and cries out every time Seo makes a small adjustment inside of him. 

"I love you." Seo pecks his lips before driving into him hard and fast.

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