
De Miss_Hoodnificent

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Part 3 To "X-Tra Credit" and "Sextasy" Follow Along As More Petty Ass Drama Unravels Amongst The Females As T... Mais

Lesson 1: Welcome Back
Lesson 3: Sculpting To Your Pleasure
Lesson 4: Curiosity Killed The Cooch
Lesson 5: Distractions Cum At A Price
Lesson 6: Don't Make This Harder Than It Already Is
Lesson 7: Umm...Wow...
Lesson 9: Marry Me?

Lesson 8: No Fucking Way

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De Miss_Hoodnificent

Lesson 8: No Fucking Way


I was in the hall standing by my new locker. The school finally decided on lockers and I was already hating it because my locker keeps getting jammed... Not to mention this reminds me of high school... We're in college.

"You stupid fucking locker. I'm about to shoot your damn lock!" I yelled as I started banging my math book against the lock. The clanking of metals screeched in the halls and echoed through my ears, only adding more to my irritation.

I took a few steps back and chucked the math book one final time at the locker. Then all the lights in the hall went out.

Did I seriously just fucking throw the book hard enough to knock out the lights?

"Just great." I groaned to myself as I rubbed my temples in frustration. I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight, before picking up the book and tucking it under my arm. I tried to do the lock again and it only angered me for the millionth time today-

"Need help?" A voice said followed by the sound of the door to hall closing. "I know a lot of students aren't used to the new lockers."

"Well I threw my math book at it in hopes-"

"Why would you throw one of my books at it?" Ooh this is Mr.Corvo. He better not fine me for throwing his book.

"It was all I had." I watched him grab my lock and pause. "36-10-2." I continued to watch him unlock the locker at ease... Without a single flaw and a satisfied smirk to his face. "Wipe that smirk off. Lockers are just lingerie storage for banshees like Bailey." I growled as I threw the book inside.

"Keep throwin' that book and watch what happens but if you don't like my smirk, gon' ahead and wipe it off yourself." His hands around my wait, I set my phone on the ledge of my locker with the flashlight facing upwards. "If my smirk bothers you that much." His lips were dangerously close to my neck and I couldn't fight the smile that crept onto my face.

"It doesn't bother me all that much anymore." I said gently pushing him away from me. "But next time I'll just call Amber and she'll gladly take away the smirk for me." I reached into my locker and that was right about when the lights came back on, it surprised me enough to jump back a little which caused a chuckle to come from Mr.Corvo.

"She's not even here. At least I hadn't seen her all day. You're her friend, so where's she at?" I closed the locker and turned off the flashlight on my phone. I didn't need my battery draining for accidentally leaving the flashlight on. I was surprised Mr.Corvo decided to walk with me out of the hallway but I didn't mind the company since Chanelle and Mariah were on gum scraping punishment for lashing out in class earlier.

"I saw Amber by her car this morning before school but I didn't see her any other time. I would have expected her to have visited you early this morning." We turned down one of the outdoor hallways heading towards the A wing- then I saw Heather sitting on the bench talking on the phone, laughing and giggling as she twirled her hair around her finger. She may irritate me but I give her props for her hair... it looks very soft and shiny.

"If you see her in art, tell her she needs to come by and make up a test she missed today."

"Of course I'd let her know-"

"Hi Mr.Corvo." The both of us snapped our heads in the direction the voice came in and to my surprise, it wasn't Heather who called his name... it was Chelsea. I'm pretty sure my face rearranged itself into a disturbed look. I don't even understand why she bothered with clothes when literally everything was hanging out.

"Hi Chelsea." He said back casually unamused as he stuck his hands in the pockets of his sweats. I just kind of stood here just because I was trapped. Either side of the hallway was marked off due to construction and Chelsea was blocking my way.... I'll just be patient.

"I was wondering if we could go back to your room? I left my sweater in your classroom and I'm really cold." Well then why did you dress in barely anything? How will a sweater warm your exposed legs? Oh my God this bitch is annoying me with her lack of logic.

"Yeah you can meet me outside the room, I just need to do something with Auburn real quick." I smiled contently to myself when Chelsea's face fell from disappointment.

"But I'm really cold Mr.Corvo." She in a tone of plea. Chelsea, he's not going with you right now. Pack up your thirst and angst and just meet him by his classroom like he said. For fucks sake, he said he was going to meet you there.

"I'll meet you there like I said. I need to get going." Mr.Corvo grabbed my arm and pulled me with him as we left Chelsea where she was. "Mr.Sarota's class?" He questioned.

"Yup. I finally have my journal for him to grade. I kept forgetting it at my apartment." This reading journal should boost my grade from a C- to a B+ for sure. If not... I think I'm going to need to get some kind of x-tra credit.

"Gotta be more responsible Auburn." Yeah I know but it's hard to keep track of everything at one time. I try though. "Mr.Sarota, I got a student for you." He said as we walked into Mr.Sarota's class. "Hi Dr.LJ." I instantly blushed when I saw Dr.LJ and Mr.Sarota sitting at the desk looking over at me. I felt so naked yet I was fully dressed- then Mr.Corvo nudged me so I walked more into the classroom.

"Is this a busy time?" I asked looking over Mr.Sarota.

"Not at all. Just discussing why London is never in my class and the fact she's always going to Dr.LJ's office." She goes to get dicked down. I'm pretty sure you're well aware of that Mr.Sarota, especially since Dr.LJ is smirking too hard to even try to ignore.

"She's real cute and I like checkin' on her anyways." I'm sure you do Dr.LJ. "But I need to get going. Mr.Corvo come with me to get a burrito before I have to get back to my office." He said as he stood up, dapping Mr.Sarota before he walked out of the classroom with Mr.Corvo.

"So what brought you by?" Mr.Sarota asked as he brought his blazing green eyes up to mine. The soft calm look to his face, made me feel compelled to take a seat next to him- "Sit on my desk, not the chair." He said smiling at me as he helped me up onto the desk.

"Well I had my journal for you. I'm sorry for not bringing it on time." He spread my legs apart just enough to roll his chair closer up to me. This was a little too exciting since he was so close to me and I really shouldn't be nervously-excited when I'm around him but there's no telling what he has on his mind and that's what makes me so drawn to him.

"I was wondering when I was going to finally get it." I hope you're still talking about the journal and nothing else. "It's only two weeks late." I'm sorry I kept forgetting it!

"What will my grade be now?" I was a lot more focused on the grade than the fact his hands were all over my inner thigh like white on rice. Don't get me wrong, his touch was really sensational but knowing I have a good grade is all the more satisfying.

"Probably a B- or C+." He said with a shrug.

"Oh... I was hoping for a higher grade." I said with a pout on my face. He stood up and picked my chin up with his finger, reaching down to give me a quick kiss that instantly turned my frown upside down and put the butterflies right back in my stomach.

"Aight, I'll give you a better grade-"

"Did she have to suck your dick to get a better grade too?" London asked as she walked into the classroom. "Yeah let's not forget about that little slut stunt Chelsea pulled the other week." The crack of her gum was loud and that look on her face said it all.

"...I think I'm just going go. I'll see you on Monday Mr.Sarota." I said with glumness in my voice as I pushed him back and hopped off the desk. Adjusting my bunched up shirt, I followed London outside and she wrapped an arm around me in a sense of assurance.

"You alright?"

"It just upsets me that he let her just suck his dick and gave her a better grade because of that. Every other time that I've messed with him, it was never for a better grade. It was because I enjoy his company and how he makes me feel hap[y- I'm just putting too many feelings into this. It's not a big deal, he's just a teacher and she's just a whore." I said with a disappointed sigh. I really shouldn't be this upset, but it is a shame how now they've resorted to that just to get a damn better grade. Not even Amber did that.

"I understand but hopefully Art will take your mind off of it. I heard we were making those press stamp things today and maybe even starting calligraphy." She said with a cheerful smile that made me feel a little better.

"I thought you were transferring?"

"They wouldn't accept me because I didn't have enough credits to be transferred over there. So I have to wait till next semester, then I'm gone because I can't deal with these girls at the school." I couldn't agree anymore with her but I was going to just stay here and stick it out with Mariah, Amber, Chanelle, Yvonne, and Ajalae.


I watched London and Auburn walk into art since I wasn't that far behind. I was sick and tired of gum scraping but at least I had Mariah there to keep me company. Aaliyah in our bio class decided to get smart with Mariah, so I jumped into the dispute and it went downhill from there. We were sent to Mr.Loso's room and he made us do gum scraping... I wasn't mad at first because he was in the room but when Mariah and I went outside, it just sucked from there because he didn't join us outside.

I entered into the classroom and nearly dropped my shit. There was already yelling between the two tables and I wasn't even aware of what was going on. I saw Heather returned with her pregnant ass, Ajalae wasn't even here again, Yvonne was yelling at Honey, Amber was screaming at Leah and I was just standing here trying to understand what happened.

"Oh look, good thing Chanelle finally showed up! Enjoy scraping my gum you fucking snitch!?" Leah yelled at me as Bailey stood up and accompanied her.

"I stayed far away from your gum, trust and believe. I'm a snitch? I didn't know you decided to be double fake today, what did Mr.Salazarez say when you told him that lie? Did he reject you like I know he did?" Everyone else in the room went dead silent. "Yeah, trying to get a man to hate on a person he enjoys didn't work so well did it? Even a sluts scriptures couldn't convince him for more than a week."

"What did she do?" Amber asked.

"She told Mr.Salazarez, I was just using him to get a good grade so I went to Principal G and now Leah has no classes with Mr.Salazarez." I said staring dead at Leah. "That was cute you tried-"

"Speaking of using teachers, Chelsea when are you going to confess what you did to Mr.Sarota and how you got such a high grade in the class?" Auburn announced as she took her seat.

"That's none of your business-"

"It's all of our business since we all seem to like to put each other on blast." Amber said as she stood next to me with her hands on her hips and a death stare at them.

"She sucked his dick with her thrush infested trap." London interjected.

"Since we're on the topic of Chelsea, how about she and Honey both talk about how great Mr.T-Money's dick is since both have presumably gone for a ride on it." Amber said and my jaw dropped... as well as Honey's but no one cares about Honey's jaw dropping.

"Wait what?" Honey said in a more than disappointed tone.

"Wow..thots turned on their own thot friends. Why am I not surprised? Well I'm done here, and Chelsea while you're at it, instead of spending money on some cheap ass hair, put it to buying actual clothes." Amber said before grabbing her things and walking out of the classroom.

I had a more than satisfied smile on my face as I continued with taking my seat. I crossed my legs and pulled out my drawing book. This time I didn't start anything... I was simply drawing in my drawing book waiting for Mr.T-Money to arrive.


I just stood there looking at Chelsea who kept her head down... there's no way she did that to me? We were best friends... ever since grade school- there's no way she did that to me. She knew how much I loved Mr.T-Money though...

"It's not true right? We both agreed we'd never double cross each other." Leah and Bailey took their seats and now it was just Chelsea and I who were standing there. The room was so quiet and I just felt... I felt so betrayed.

"It happened-" I lunged across the table and attacked her. Taking her down onto the ground and just started throwing punches with one hand as I held her still by her hair with the other. I was about to elbow her when the sound of a gun shot startled me to where I jumped back and hit my head against the table.

"That's enough. None of that shit is happening, this room doesn't need to be the host of a fight that'll end up on World Star. I want everyone's asses at their seats now." It wasn't Mr.T-Money in the classroom though.

I got up, holding the side of my head and walked around the table and took my seat. I caught a glimpse of Chanelle's devious smirk as she sucked on a lollipop as if indicating she just got sheer pleasure from watching what 'went down'. Much more would have gone down if that gun hadn't have startled me.

"I'm Mr.T-Stacks and I swapped with Mr.T-Money for today because why the fuck not?" He took his seat behind the desk and took a glance at us all before writing something down on a sticky note. "I heard y'all are some crazy ass students. Like real crazy." He said the last part eyeing Mariah specifically.

"Can I please go get ice or something for my head? It really hurts." I said as I rubbed the area where it hit the table. It was very tender to the touch and only become gradually more painful as time passed.

"Go ahead. Take the other female too. I don't want to hear complaints about pain for the rest of this class....unless it's a certain kind of pain I provide." I felt a chill go through me and I took that as my hint to get the hell out of the classroom.

The walk to the office was so awkward and weird. I had half the mind to push Chelsea into the wet cement but kept my calm long enough to not let that thought convince me.

"Hello ladies, how can I help you." The woman at the front said with a concerned look.

"We need to see the nurse." I said while Chelsea took her seat in one of the chairs that was by the door. The woman nodded her head and motioned for me to take a seat too. Since there were only tw chairs, I was forced to sit next to her... I didn't even as much as take another look at her. I kept my back turned and just held my head, hoping the tenderness would die down.

"Ladies, come on back." A man said after a few minutes. I followed him back to a room and took a seat on the little examination bed. Chelsea sat next to me and I rolled my eyes. She could have just taken a seat in the chair next to the bed but I'm in no condition to start anything. "So do I wanna know what happened or should I just guess?" He asked as he was looking down at his clipboard.

"Guess." I said sarcastically.

"I would assume it's a fight?" Chelsea and I nodded. "Alright hold on. Let me just go grab something from the other room and I'll get to treating you both." I nodded my head and watched him jog out of the room casually. I just want to get home at this point and lay down, Not only does my head hurt but so does my heart.


I ignored Honey and put all my focus into the doctor. I may be in pain but he was just... wow. I was a little extra curious about him and decided to investigate.

I hopped off the bed and followed where he went. Honey said something but I didn't care to hear it nor did I want to hear it. I peeked my head into the next room and found him on a bed, on his knees reaching into the cabinet up above.

"Are you aight? I was just on my way back." He said as he looked over at me. His doctors coat was open and he had no shirt on underneath so I got to see just a good enough glimpse of his body to paint a good picture, but enough was covered to still leave me wondering.

"I was just hoping you could treat me first since I'm more injured. I really just want to go home and get some rest." I said as I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I approached the bed he was still on and just looked up at him. "I feel really warm and it;s making me uncomfortable." I said as I took off my sweater and tossed it to the side. "Do you think I could have a fever?"

He hopped off the bed and placed the back of his hand on my forehead. I took the moment to look at his name tag... Mr.LJ was what it read and it made me smile.

"You feel a little warm, I'll take your temperature real quick." He said as he looked down at me. Our eyes were locked with each others and I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him much closer to me.

"Aye Dr.LJ- Oh. I see you're busy." Mr.Jenkins said as he swung the door open and just stood there. "Well... Um... I was just about to say your other patient was asking for you since her head was really sore." He continued to say. "I see you have Chelsea here... I feel awkward now."

"No need to. Chelsea, just hang out here and I'll be right back." Dr.LJ said before stepping away from me and exiting the room.

"Hi Mr.Jenkins." I said.

"Aye, so I just wanted to ask if you by any chance had my book? I need to turn in all books so I can get the new ones and start y'all on the next unit." He said as he ran his hand over his freshly shaven head. I missed seeing the blonde but I'm sure he was going to dye it again since he's so fond of being blonde.

"I'll have it on Monday. I had a question to ask you though." I said as I motioned for him to come into the room.

"And that would be?"

"What if I told you, I needed you right now?" I wrapped my arms around his neck and stared up at him, smiling at him and enjoying his presence.

"Well... you see... it's not me, it's you and I'm not really down for it tonight because like, I got this thing that requires me and this thing is top secret and also takes place in a room that's not this room with a person that's not you and yeah..." He said.

I just reached up and pressed my lips to his.


So... Mr.T-Stacks... I have nothing to say....

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