By SonamDiwakar2

321K 8K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... More

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

29. A Long Day (P2)

4.7K 147 84
By SonamDiwakar2

If you haven't watched the video above please do it's hilarious I've been watching it again and again.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

And also enjoy your reading and comment witch part of the chapter you like the most.

Stiles entered his room with Tony and noticed that his window was still open from since he talked with Issac. Tony was taking him to his bed but he turned around and sat with his back against window. Tony stands there for a second before cloning his action.

"I love every place in this tower from where I can look at the whole this window." Stiles mutters, quietly after sitting there in silence.

"Like terrace and balcony on common floor." Tony says, becouse Stiles spends his most time on those place too.

Stiles nods and room again goes silent but not awkwardly. Stiles was trying to believe that Tony Stark is his dad and digesting the fact that Tony wasn't disappointed by that or leaving him.

Tony was still trying to believe that he told Stiles and wasn't being thrown out of his life or being hated by him.

"I know what you're thinking. I'm not angry nor I fell bad that you are my dad....if anything I feel is proud to be your....son." Stiles says, with smile. Tony could have fall from overwhelming relief he felt at the moment.

"I said it before and I'll say again. I can't describe how lucky and proud I feel to have you as my son Stiles....and don't think I'm just saying it, I meant every word." Tony says, looking at Stiles, who feels his throat tighten by his words.

"You know....I was thinking about lecturing you about not telling me earlier....but I couldn't do that now." Stiles shrugs.

"Don't feel bad.....I kinda had a panic attack when I found out about you being my son." Tony says, feeling a urgent need to make Stiles feel good.

"How did you find out about me....and when?" Stiles questions, he have tons of questions but he was confuced on where to start.

"On your first day of school." Tony stops to look at Stiles's reaction, who was listening to him seriously. "I had a suspicious but I told Bruce that day and then Bucky overheard us and just in an hour I had DNA test in my hand that you're indeed my heppend just too fast." Tony exhales, remembering the moment.

"What made you think I could be your son in first place?" Stiles don't understand that. Tony couldn't just predict something too big.

Tony looks at Stiles's eyes for a second before answering.

"Your eyes." Stiles's face falls on Tony's words. He remembered sheriff saying same thing to him when he was trying to get some information from him about hale house fire. "But I got distracted after that....then I got to know about your mom's name and how she.... died. Do you know that your grandmother died with same disease?" Tony asks, making Stiles scoff.

"I didn't even know their names.....let alone how they died." Tony sighs on that.

"I will tell you about them....and your mom. I've been collecting her picture, videos and thighs for you." Stiles face lit up on that but then he remembers something and turns to looks at Tony.

"If you were her friend and then you both were going to marry each other then why did she left you....what heppend?" He asks, his restlessness can be heard in his voice.

"It was my mistake... We were happy but then my perents got killed and I was just too guilt ridden that I pushed her out of my life....she was trying to contact me for weeks but I didn't respond to her." Tony looks at Stiles, who is sitting with a clanched jaw.

"When finally I decided to talk to her I found by an employee thay her dad also died just after my perents...and I left her alone at that time. Then I read her latter in witch she said that she will never meet me again and that she taking something mine with her....I tried so much but I couldn't find her. She was she never existed." Tony is still frustrated in himself for not searching for her more. Maybe then he would have found Stiles earlier.

"She was pregnant at that time." Stiles chocked, tears filling his eyes. Tony nods in answer not trusting his words. Suddenly Stiles eyes widens and his expressions changes to anger.

"That means sheriff knew from the start but never told you or me anything even after mom." Stiles spits, feeling his hands curl into a fist.

"He must have hated me too much to let me know that I have a son." Tony says, trying to distract Stiles from his anger. He don't want Stiles to waste anymore energy on that man.

"The more I know the more I hate that guy. How could he do that....he never loved me nor he wanted to let me go. When I found out that he's not my father I never even though about trying to find my real know why, becouse I thought he's enough for me....and after that I was afraid to drag another person in that supernatural shit. But look... now I found out that you're my dad after I already told you everything about my life." Stiles yells, breathing hardly.

"But you didn't put me in any dengar. I'm already iron man and an Avenger kid." Tony tries but Stiles shakes his furiously.

"It's not that.... Now that I know what he was doing....I feel used. Li- like I knew everything from start but was being blind....I- I hate this feeling. I was waiting for something to heppend witch didn't exist." Stiles says, his chest constrict in sobs, witch don't even make sound but Tony know they hurt the most, they make you feel like you can't breathe.

Tony always finds himself lost in that kind of situation. He don't know how to console a person. He's always been bad with emotions and he'll always blame Harvard for that.

"You can kick all of their asses for doing that....and I'm coming with you." He says, and Stiles chuckles through tears.

"It's like everything around me was fake. The people I love....I saved. The life I lived......even my name is fake. Everything and everyone was with me for a reason.... they never cared for me." Stiles chocks. It hurts him to even think about them now but he can't turn his face from reality anymore.

"...and what did you have now?" Tony whispers, wrapping his one arm around Stiles.

"Scars....left by them.... emotional and physical. Nightmares.... witch shows me their reality.....and I still felt like a horrible person to think like that about them." Tony can feel himself shaking with anger with every word Stiles spoke. He was finally seeing there real faces but he felt bad to think bad about them. How can he be so selfless, that it hurts him to hate them.

"But not everything is bad....I also found a friends. Who wants nothing from me but my happiness. I- I found m- my real dad." Stiles whispers in the end.

This time Tony couldn't hold his tears back and puts his other hand around Stiles too. Indirectly but Stiles stills called him dad. Even if Stiles was finding it hard to hate them, he accepted the fact that thay don't deserve his love. He can't ask for more today.

"I couldn't save you from them that time....and I'll always hate myself for that even if I know I wasn't aware of you that time. But now....if anyone tried to even touch you, I swear he will not see next sunrise of his life. You're my son and even if you weren't I would have felt the same." Tony says, with determination. Stiles tightens his hold on him in response.

"I can't call you dad won't feel right." Stiles whispers, hesitantly.

"I can wait....but I'm going to call you my son in front of whole world." Tony says, not missing a beat. Stiles relaxes for a second but then glances at Tony with confusion.

"What do you mean by whole world?"

"We'll talk about it later. I know you're tired, I'm asking Phil to bring food here. You don't have to go on common floor tonight." Tony says, Stiles would have protested if he wasn't one second away from sleeping.

He was already half sleep when Tony was adjusting his blanket.

"Jarvis. Is Phil on common floor?" Tony asks, putting a pillow behind his back so he was in sitting position.

"No sir. Agent Coulson is in med bay with Dr. Banner." Jarvis spoke, in soft voice. Tony thought for a moment before asking again but Stiles inturupted him.

"Is Pepper fine....with me?" He know Pepper is great person, but he still wants to know how she thinks about her husband's ex's son.

Tony looks at him with understanding.

"She was on seventh cloud. She already knew about your mom and she never had a problem about my past....and about you....she was almost jumping with happiness that she's going to be your mom." Stiles feels a warm feeling in his chest on mention of word mom.

"I'm glad you married her.....I like her so much from day one." Stiles mumbles, making Tony smile.

"I think I had a feeling from the start." Tony says, randomly. Stiles looks at him to explain.

"I never bond with anyone quickly. I took loke weeks or sometimes months to let them inn." Stiles realises where Tony is going. "But when I sew you I feel like I need to make sure you're fine, comfortable and were not even looking me in the eyes but I spent whole night to make a phone with Jarvis in it....I never did it for anyone not even Peter and you know I see him as my son."

Tony feels tears burning his eyes. His heart knew from the start but he stayed blind. "I liked you having in my lab and working with you. You're discomfort makes me panicked. I can't count the things I want to do for you Stiles." Tony stops, feeling loss of words to describe how he felt.

Now it was Stiles's turn to look at him with understanding.

"I- I know it's hard to pr- process but we'll figure it out.... togather, with our family." Stiles says, with smile.

"I can't believe I missed seventeen years of that watch you grow." Tony chokes, but gethars himself quickly. "But I have thousands of stories to tell you, so many memories to made and I'm not going to miss another second of that." He smiles.

Stiles feels himself lucky that Tony is that much happy to know about him. He just cut Noah completely out of his life and wasn't even thinking to have anyone in his life to call dad again but things always change like direction of wind in his life, unexpectedly and anytime.

Tony leaves Stiles's room for a minute to get some water from kitchen for Stiles. When he comes back, he finds him fast asleep. Tony smiles sadly on how innocent and peaceful he looks when he's asleep, he isn't worrying about anything or anyone and putting something's blame on his shoulder.

He dims the lights, closes the window and slowly shuts the door and asks Jarvis to tell him when Stiles is awake. He walk inside the elevator and tells Jarvis to take him to common floor, so he could tell everyone what Stiles told him, no knowing what he's going to find there.


When thay all reached common floor, Steve, Bucky and Clint went straight in kitchen to cook something for everyone. Isaac and Peter started talking about normal stuff about school. Natasha and and Pepper were on Phone talking with someone, maybe related to their works. Sam was scrolling through his phone. Phil didn't come with then becouse Bruce told him to wait in his office.

Peter notices Issac glancing back at Pepper with slightly worried expression so he asks.

"Why are you looking at aunt Pepper constantly?" Peter asks, gaining Sam's attention who looks at Issac from his phone screen.

"She's irritated and slightly angry about something." Isaac answers. Just then Pepper cuts the call and walks towerd couch and slumps on it moving her fingers through her hairs and huffing tiredly.

Peter, Issac and Sam exchanges a worried look and Sam places a hand on her shoulder.

"Is everything fine Pep?" Pepper sighs in response and shakes her head in no.

"Then what's the problem?" Natasha asks, sitting on her other side. Both teens just listened quietly from other couch.

"A press reporter's was trying to bribe one of our employees to disclose Stiles and Issac's identity to him, but that employees didn't listened to him and called security to throw them out." Pepper says, her voice betraying her anger.

"That's good thing. Right?" Steve says, from kitchen. Natasha rolls her eyes.

"More then thousand employees work here, not all of them will be loyal like that one." Natasha explains, getting an 'oh' sound from Steve.

"We'll find some solution Pepper don't worry." Sam says, optimistically.

"What is Pepper worried over now?" Phil asks, walking inside with Bruce.

"I'm worried becouse, media don't have word privacy in their dictionary." Pepper says, not looking at him. Phil just sighs becouse he know what she meant. It's not first time thay tried something like that.

"Is Stiles with Tony?" Issac asks.

"That's why I'm here." Bruce says, Now Bucky, Clint and Steve also came back to know what Bruce have to say. "I told him about his reports and he asked me to tell you all."

All of them settled in living room. Thay know what they'll hear is not going to be pleasant. Thay also realised that is not the first time they're sitting like that to know something about Stiles.

After Bruce told them what he found non of then are surprised, but they are sad. Thay already know that Stiles is going through these problems, but listening it from Bruce made it more real.

"He came through all of that..... it's just aftermath. He will overcome this too, he's stronger then any of us....and he's not alone this time. So we just have to be with him through this and this will become his those monsters he left behind in his life." Bucky says, with proud and determination in his voice.

"We will, but we still have to know why his triggers can be. We already know many of them like nogitsune or void, is one that pushes him back in those memories and he gets anxiety and panic attack and he completely forgets that he's not there anymore. If situation is extreme....he can start dissociating again. We have to be careful with we've been since he's with us." Bruce explains, seriously.

Others nods in agreement. They know Stiles is far from fine and is going to take time to be normal again, but there is one more thing, he's not alone in this. They will never leave his side in any condition.

Peter and Issac are more determined to keep Stiles away from Flash or any kins of rumours. They know Stiles will stand and fight back for them but not for himself and that's why they are here.

The moment is broken by a growling sound. All the heads snaps towerd Peter, who smiles sheepishly. Thay laughs realising that sound came from his stomach.

"I think we should prepare dinner soon." Clint laughs, making Peter turn red.

Thay were making dinner and talking and playing games when Phil said.

"I wonder what Stiles and Tony are doing." He said it like a normal comment but they can also hear hidden worry in his voice.

"Don't worry, they're just talking." Isaac says, after a moment, making everyone look at him confuced.

"I just listened to them for a second when uncle Phil asked about them." Issac explains further.

"But rooms are sound proof." Sam says.

"Not for a werewolf." Issac shrugs.

"That mean you can listen to us whenever you want." Steve says, with wide eyes.

"Why would I do that. I always keep all the sounds blocked...... becouse I'm not creep." Isaac says, looking at them like they're cracked.

They chuckled a bit at that but before any of them can say anything else Jarvis's voice rang on common floor.

"Sorry for disturbance but Director Fury and Agent Hill are coming on common floor and have told me to inform all the Avengers of their arrival."

All the Avengers plus Issac and Pepper exchange a slightly panicked glance.

"Issac, Peter. You both go in that room and stay inside until he's gone ok?" Natasha says, pointing at a room. Both teens nods and disappeared from the floor, so Fury wouldn't find out that they are here -spacially Issac.

Thay all turn when thay heard elevator's door open. Avengers knew thay are in trouble when thay saw a angry looking Fury. They straightens a little to look a bit presentable.

"You better have a good reason to ignore me whole day." Fury says, with irritation in his voice.

"And you better have a good reason for disturbing our family dinner." Bucky shot back. Making Fury glare at him.

Only Tony, Bucky and Pepper can behave like this with Fury. Others tries to stay away from him or ignore him.

"I have....and it might be personal for one of you, that's why I'm here." Fury said, glancing at Phil for a second, making him frown.

"Let's sit first then we can talk." Natasha says, sitting on a couch with Phil and Pepper on her both sides. Pepper would have walked away in moment like this but she was intrigued to know what Fury wants to say and no one can point her out.

Clint sat beside Phil and Steve, Bucky and Sam took another couch with Bruce and Fury and Maria on chairs. It was weird to sit like this and not in a meeting room to get information about a mission but Natasha send Issac and Peter in meeting room.

"Where is Stark?" Fury asks, impatiently. He thought Tony will come after some time but he's still not here.

"Tony is doing something important, he can't come." Pepper answers.

"I came all the way here, what is more important for him." Fury looks like he could murder someone right now. Then his expressions changes before anyone can answer. "Is he with that person who is living here? Who is he bytheway?" He asks.

"We will fill him up after. You can tell us about the mission." Steve ignores Fury's question like they did everytime in headquarters.

"You didn't answer the question." Maria says, looking irritated just like Fury.

"Becouse we don't want to, can we come back on topic again." Steve says, calmly. Others decide silently to let him handle the matter.

Fury glares at him for some time but comes back on point knowing he have nothing to do with who they meets or stays with.

"I want you to capture a boy, who I think is connected to something big going on in his town...." Fury stats but gets inturupted.

"I thought you wanted us to kill whoever that potential criminal is?" Clint says, also thinking about the fact that Fury said boy.

"So you know what I was going to talk about." Fury scofs. "I don't want to kill him. I want to arrest and then interrogate him, becouse he seems to be involved in some really big crimes in that Town and on big scale too. Some of the things with him are just unexplainable. I have been watching him from some time but I'm asking you to bring him inn now becouse he left that town some time before and his last location was in New York." Fury finishes. Maria pulls out some files from a bag, but keeps them in her hand.

Most of the team is starting to connect dots now but still needs a clearance.

"What is his name?" Bucky asks, leaning forward in his seat.

"Before I tell thay I want to say something else too." Others just nods at him to continue. "I don't want Phil to join this mission." Fury says, and that is enough for Phil, Natasha and Bucky to understand who is that person and they can feel themselves breathing hard from their dawning anger.

"I advise you stay away from my naphew Fury?" Phil says, in dangerously low voice. Whole team gasps realising what Fury means.

Fury sighs like he knew this will happen.

"We're not going to harm him Phil. We just want information. Do you even know he's been missing from months now." Fury tries, to reason. He realises that now whole room was standing in there places.

"I know where he is and you're not getting to see even his shadow! You can go and find some real threats becouse we know reason behind every single crime!" Phil yells, others just stood there controlling their own anger.

Fury stood there shocked with Maria on Phil's outburst but also looks pissed. He turns and snatched an file from Maria's hand and throws it on table with thud. That file has Stiles's name as mieczyslaw Stilinski.

"Then explain to me why your naphew and his friends are involved in ninety percent of the crimes in that Town!" Fury spits, venomously.

"Then why are you after him but not his so called friends?" Clint asks, stepping forward but being held back by Steve. Everyone was looking at Fury with murderous expression.

"Becouse non of them planted a bomb in sheriff's station or admitted themselves in mental asylum." Fury shouts and room goes silent, not becouse they don't know what to say, becouse they were trying to remind themselves that killing Fury is not going to be any kind of solution. Fury continues without noticing their reaction.

"From last two years he's been found on more then hundred crime scenes, with includes his childhood friend Heather's kidnapping and murder. He was said to be somewhere else when one of his friend died in mugging, but we have proof he was there at that time and I'm convinced that he killed her."

"It wasn't him!" Bucky yells, almost getting out of Sam's grasp. Issac is being held back by Peter inside the room, so they wouldn't make situation worst.

Fury looks at him and then at everyone in room and realises how much angry and protective thay looks. It takes him a moment but soon he places all the pieces togather.

"He's living with you, didn't he. That's why you've been cancelling the meeting and other works......and Stark is with him right now." Fury says, with an accusing looks in his face.

Others courses themselves for loosing their temper and slipping the information but Pepper walks forward looking calm.

"Yes. And we won't let you meet him and to answer your questions we can assure you only one thing.... he's the most innocent person I've meet."

"You're being fooled by his appearance." Fury shots back. Making whole room scoff at once, even Issac and Peter in other room.

"You really think anyone can fool Avengers and CEO of Stark industries just like that." Natasha is the one to spoke this time.

"Then I want explaination behind every case in this file within three days." Fury offers, knowing that is thay are trying to protact someone he can't make them change there mind.

They think for some time about Fury's offer. They know one thing that they can't explain anything to Fury without telling him everything and none of them are going to tell him anything about Stiles's past without his permission, witch they couldn't even ask for considering the circumstances. They all looked at each other and Natasha decided to speak this time.

"We will, but before that we want to know what everyone associated with Stiles in that Town is doing since he left. And you can't arrest or interrogate them, becouse we want to keep Stiles whereabouts secret." She says, Fury looks at her with confusion.

"Why are you all so protective over him and are trying to hide him from his family and friends?" Fury questions with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Becouse we know the truth and thay are not his friends or family, we are." Clint says, getting in same position as Fury.

"Then why are you not doing it yourself." Maria said.

"We're on our cooling period." Bucky and Phil said at same time.

Fury and Maria who know what it means looks suprised at that.

"I would definately like to meet this boy someday." Fury mutters, but they still heard him.

"So I'm leaving that file for you and we'll be keeping an eye on Beacon Hills from now. Hope you'll get your explanation ready soon." Fury says.

They all relaxes on that Fury will leave Stiles for some time now and happy that they'll be able to know about Beacon Hills without going their soon.

Fury was about to walk away when elevator doors open and an extremely Happy looking Tony walks in, who haven't seen Fury yet. Before any of them can say anything he speaks.

"Would you guys believe me if I said that Stiles called me dad, even if not direc...." He stops mid sentence and mouth open when he spotted Fury and Maria.

Who looks at him with raised eyebrows. Whole room just groans.

They couldn't get a break.

I'm planning so many big things for story and there are going to be start of some big events from some next chapters. Also there are going to be some revelations are and lies too.

Now it's just a fact about me.
I love to learn new languages and I can speak seven languages from my country and English with sign language too.

I'm learning Spanish and Morse code right now.

I would love to know these kind of random facts and hobbies about you guys, if you want to tell them.

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