Splicing of Changes (Editing)

By Growling_moon

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Change was what Kristina Monroe wanted the most. A change of scenery. Maybe even going to a different town. B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The Poem
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 30

54 3 1
By Growling_moon

Time flies when you don't want it to. Especially when you don't want it to.

It is already winter break. That means one more semester, almost just 5 more months before Diane's graduation. I remember thinking it was just homecoming. And it feels like I blinked, and it is winter break now. I don't like how time is flying. But it is flying alright. At a very fast speed I might add.

After Diane and I sort of announced our relationship to the school at the dance. It was a little weird for a day or two. People were not sure how to respond to it. Pretty soon, whispers and rumors started, and everything was back to normal. Diane and I became stronger. Started spending more time. As now we spent everyday lunch together or she sits with me and my friends. My friends have been super accepting. They only warned Diane not to hurt me.

My friends are a different topic. Mark and Amy started dating officially after the dance and now they are in a relationship. So, is June and Jake. I learned why Alice was behaving weirdly towards their relationship. Apparently, June's dad is hot tempered and does not want his daughter to date. He was against it, as he caught them one day after their date. Then Jake did something, and he won him over. With conditions of course. Some of them include they have to invite Alice if they are going out in the evening. If they are at each other's house, they can only stay in the living room. Basically, no alone time. Only Alice is sick of being the third wheel.

Jake tried to set Alice up with someone, she just got angry and stopped talking to both of them for a while. That made June's dating life a little difficult. Only time they get together is when we meet at the hang out. That is another weird story. Because since many of us have coupled off so to speak. We have introduced new people to the spot. Namely Amy and Diane. They love the spot. And we get to hang there without any problem. Well, that is until Diane's phone rings. Her parents are extremely strict, and she lies to them every time we just hangout on the weekend. Apparently, she can spend time with me. But others not so much. Makes sense why she didn't have friends.

I did go to Diane's house once or twice. Because well I can't do suffocating houses anymore. One was enough for me, in this lifetime. I also went to Lee's house. That was fun. I met her dad; he is a fun-loving guy. His motto is to enjoy, while still in high school. As long as you have the grade, it is all good. Plus, Lee and I have these tiny stupid bets that helps us study more and get good grades. At least according to Lee's dad and Tori and Liz. Huh I guess they do help.

Tim and Alex have become best buds. Meaning Amy is in my house a little too much. She noticed Lee stays here most times too. I invited Diane over as well. That made Amy asks if she can ever invite Mark. And somehow that turned into some sort of group date thing. We just watched movies sitting and cuddling. Except Lee. She was just looking at us. James kept her company. That moment I realized this is weird especially if we couple off. So, from that day forward I have tried to not couple off when I am with Lee.

Now, I have almost separated my time with my best friend and girlfriend. My girlfriend also happens to love spending time with Lee. So, that is cool. Except whenever we three meet, Lee teases us. Diane blushes. Then they quarrel. Sometimes it makes me wonder whose best friend is Lee. But we have such an amazing bonding. For that I am grateful.

I had my first Thanksgiving with Tori. She does not do it at home. She celebrates Thanksgiving at the homeless shelter. I have never seen anyone working there or ever been to one before Tori took me. And now I am so glad I helped. It felt so satisfying even if all I did was serve some food to the people. My friends came to help out as well. They took turns. We were there the whole day. The next day Tori and Liz went to help out at the hospital. Liz was off at the children's ward and Tori at the cancer patient ward. I later got to know that they celebrated late Thanksgiving there. It is tradition with Tori and Liz. Well, I am glad I was part of their tradition even if I did not help much.

I have invited my friends over during this break. Not sure if it's a good idea or not. But the invitation is out now. Tori suggested I hold a small pre-Christmas party. Then it is not just inviting my friends for no reason but a small party. Lee loved the idea and soon secret Santa's idea was born. So, last weekend we met and picked names. Diane and Amy are included in our group as well and are invited as well. I got Alice. Well, this will be a kicker. I also decided to buy a special gift for Lee. I mean I am buying something for Diane, for my girlfriend. And my best friend deserves something too. They of course don't know that. Well Diane does since we talked about it.

Today is finally the day of the pre-Christmas party. My friends. All my friends are supposed to be arriving now. I am a little tensed. Tim is invited as well. Because I like the little guy and he is Alex's best friend. The doorbell rings, I rush to open the door. Amy and Tim stand there. Amy is looking cute in her dress and Tim is looking handsome for a little guy. I let them in, Tim hugs my leg before running off to find Alex. He does this nowadays. Diane was next, then Lee. We chatted and waiting for the rest of them to arrive. Then we hear voices outside, yet no one knocks or rings the bell.

So, I opened the door. There stood my friends. All dressed up with gifts for the secret Santa. They are all smiling sheepishly at me now. Great!

"Come in. I would ask why no one was knocking but I think I understand." I smirk.

They enter taking in the house. Looking at awe and in wonder. Then I give them a basic tour of the house. Well just showing the living room, the kitchen, the guest room, general direction the upstairs as everyone's room then my room. When I enter my room, I see a little lump on my bed. I go and pick it up. My little dude was there to scare me. But he got scared himself when I picked him up.

"Wow." "So cool." "Cool" Were the general replies to my room's color I am guessing.

"Dude why don't you have any posters?" Jake asked.

"I asked her the same thing?" Lee said.

"Me too." Diane said. I just stare at them. I do not remember them asking me this.

"I just don't."

"Kiss doesn't like posters." Alex announced entering my room with Tim.

"Hey little monster what are you guys doing here?"

"Searching for him." Alex says pointing at James on my shoulder. James giggles. I put him down and he runs off. But before he does, he pulls my chain a bit revealing my locket.

"You wear a locket?" Alice asks.

"Let me see." Silver comes forward. "What is it?"

"You still wear it?" Tori asks seeing it. "Hello everyone. Hello Charlie, Diane, Amy, Mark. Where did the little ones go?"

"Well James ran off and Alex just chased after him so did Tim I think." Tori nods.

"Hello Victoria." Everyone says at the same time. They refer to Tori as Vicky but calls her by her full name whenever they greet her, which in my opinion is a bit weird.

"Kris, you still wear it?" Tori asks again looking a little stunned.

"Of course, I do. Tori. Where is Liz?"

"Missing me Kiddo?" Liz asks joining Tori.

"Well yeah. Haven't seen you since yesterday. Awful lot of time don't you think?" I reply. She just smiles. I hear them talk about my locket, or Tori's locket. Then they start to leave us in my room.

"Victoria why doesn't Kris have any posters up in her room?" Silver asks suddenly pausing Tori on her way out.

"Ask her. I want to know the answer myself." Tori replies before walking away.

"I didn't know it is a crime not to have posters." I reply because frankly it is a bit weird. So, what I have no posters in my room. I never did. Nobody ever said anything about it before now. So, what changed now?

"I am not saying it is a crime. It's just that your walls are naked. Just like your room. No posters, no photograph. No memorabilia of a teenager living here. It feels like you are a ghost. Everything in your room is like tidy and tucked away. It feels a little scary." Silver announces.

"Well then you should see my closet if you think my room is tidy and shit."

Lee and Silver opens my closet and starts laughing. I am not sure why they are laughing but it does not sound like a funny laugh. More like 'what the fuck' type. If it is even possible to laugh like that.

"You call this messy. Girl you need to see my room then." Danny says inspecting my closet.

"Are you like OCD about stuff?" Alice asks.

"Alice that's rude!" June warns her.

"Yeah Alice!" Jake instantly voices.

"Oh, shut up Jake. June won't break up with you if you don't side with her once." Alice scoffs at the two. Alice turns to face me again, "no. I am saying it because even then you could have just pictures, awards. Something. It feels a little strange in this room. Everything is arranged in a way as if nobody ever lived here, like you don't exist. That's what I am trying to tell you. Posters are not needed but give the room the feel that you exist. This is your room. Like I have heard people say sometimes their room speak about their personality. So, this tells me nothing. Like you don't have a personality because it is a fucking desert of nothingness. Fill it up. Make it your room."

"How do I make it my room? I thought coloring it with the colors I want would do that. Now you tell me it is empty. What do people usually have in their room?" I ask genuinely wanting to know because I do not know how to make it my room. Well, I do have the stuff I packed from our trip back home, but I have not put them on display in my room. Not that I think I will ever, but that's a different matter.

"You've been in my room?" Lee asks.

"Yeah. I mean you have clothes, pictures, trophies, some toys, even a band poster. I do not remember what band."

"Exactly. Things. You can arrange them neatly, but you need things. Like decorate your room. Design it in your vision." Lee voices one hand trying to show me my room and other hand holding her chin in a thinking posture.

"That should help you, Kris. Charlie is right. Design it." Diane adds supporting one hand on Lee's shoulder. I give them a nod. Design it. That is not easy for me. Mom and dad never let me keep anything that screamed me in my room. So, it always has been a desert of nothing. That is why I had things hidden underneath in my room. Huh maybe I should hang some of the pictures in my room. Of maybe just Tori and I with Liz as well. It's a start, I think.

We settle in my room. All on the floor. I would say in a circle but no. It is more like wherever anyone found a spot they took it. Of course, Mark and Amy sat together, so did Jake and June. Diane and I were huddled together as well but that was more Lee's doing than ours. She took Diane's spot making her sit almost on my lap. Only she would do it to tease Diane about it later on, I am sure of it. Only weird thing was then Lee got up and sat opposite of us changing her position from beside me after Diane settled on my lap. Beside Lee is Jeffrey and beside him sat Danny almost forcefully. That made Alice, sit on the other side of Lee. They are sitting like in a straight line, and all of us are scattered around. That looks so weird.

"So, how's couple life going for all of you? You know this being the winter break and all." Alice asks shocking us with her question a bit. Who asks this? It sounds like she wants to ask someone but does not want to pinpoint. Hence, deflection.

"So, you really wanna know about any of us or just your dear cousin?" I ask smirking.

"Thought so." "You caught her Kris." Came Danny's and Silver's replies.

"Okay fine. You got me. Yeah, I want to ask June and Jake but at the same time I don't want to. Last time I asked her I got slapped with being a third wheel to their every date. Trust me it is not fun."

"Yeah, I would imagine it isn't. But then again you could double date with them." Silver replies.

"Radical idea. Except I don't really like anyone to go on a date with." Alice presses her lips into a thin line as soon as the words leaves her mouth.

"Here's an idea. Next time take one of us with you. That way you have someone to keep you company while they you know do their couple-y stuffs." Danny replies scratching his head.

"Why didn't I think of that?" Alice's face lights up instantly.

"Because you were busy moping and feeling sorry for yourself. Have you ever thought how I was feeling about all of this? No. You were just pissed that you were being a third wheel. Yet, I am the one who cannot feel comfortable to even hold my boyfriend's hand let alone kiss him. Because my dear cousin is always with me." June replies getting angry.

"I wouldn't tell on you. You know that right, Juney?"

"Well Ali I would but then again your mouth opens, and words sometimes spits out. So, no. I don't know." June huffs. Alice is staring blankly. We are all looking at them because whoa! Alice would never betray her cousin like that. They are not just cousins; they are best friends as well.

"You don't mean that June. Alice would never do that to you." Jeffrey says what I was thinking.

"Yeah? Well, it was because of one of her snide comments that dad found out about us in the first place. I was trying to ease into the situation and Al goes and comments something regarding a 'certain someone' and guess who heard it. My dad was all over me after that. Trying to find out. Even asked my sister who is in university right now thousands of miles away. As if she would know." June reveals. Alice is now on the verge of tears. Feeling so betrayed. I remember how much Alice was trying to protect June, and now to learn that because of one of her comments June's relationship was revealed.

"I am so sorry Juney. I had no idea. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to. How did you find out he heard us?" Alice apologizes as tears are streaming down her face.

"That night." June deadpans. None of us know what that means but judging from Alice's facial expression, she knows what it means, and it is not anything good. Her face has a horrified expression from June's two words, leaving us including Jake guessing what could have happened.

"Hey no crying today. We can all do some sort of group date thing. Then we can do our thing giving you guys time and us as your alibi." Diane suggests.

"No Offense Diane. But it is not so easy to fool my dad. I like your idea and I appreciate you helping me. I do not want you all to hear something rude my dad will inevitably say if we do some sort of a group thing. And I would very much like for you guys to remain my friends which will not happen once my dad says something. So, leave it to me. I'll be fine."

"We'll be fine June," Jake says taking June's hand in his and then kissing her knuckles. That is so sweet. Diane instantly looks at me. I am sure it reminds her of us, as I do that almost all the time. Diane's ears are light pink now and she has a big grin on her face.

"Okay let's start this secret Santa thing." Jeffrey says rubbing his hands together.

"Chill dude! The way you said it sounded so creepy." Danny says and shakes his head while Jeffrey tries to do an evil laugh and start coughing.

We all exchange gifts. I got Alice a sweater. Because I still don't know much about her. She guessed it June for some reason. But June explained after she stopped laughing that she always gets Alice a new sweater for Christmas. And Alice apparently loves it. Oh, Alice loved my gift by the way as she instantly wore it over her top, removing the one she was wearing. June got two tickets to something; I did not understand because she screamed like crazy when she opened the gift. Jake got a soccer ball, Mark got a tie, Danny some poster signed by someone. He won't show it, for it will get smudged. His words as he said he won't open it again to show it. Silver got well a silver necklace. Amy got a soft toy, she squealed. Jeffrey got a pair of combs. Till now no one has guessed except Alice who said it was June.

The names of who was your Secret Santa was supposed to be guessed after everyone opens their gifts. But Alice first uttered June's name, to which June just said no. So, she still does not know it is me. But then Jeffrey guessed it Silver, and Silver smiled. Guess he is right. Now we are going back to opening the gifts and guessing later. Diane opens next revealing a nice hair clip. I have no idea who is her Secret Santa. Lee opens her gifts and shuts it again asking me to open mine. I open it and I am shocked.

I instantly know who my Secret Santa is. It is a simple thing, yet it means so much to me. I got a photo album with the name new memories written on it. In the cover all of our pictures are there. A group photo of my friends, then Tori and Liz and another one of Alex and James. I feel my eyes get teary. I blink them back and look at Lee. She is smiling. "Tell us what you got there, Lee." I say because I remember she just closed hers and asked me to open mine. Lee is smiling at me and Diane. Guess I know who her secret Santa is. Then finally Lee shows us the watch she got.

A gasp leaves my mouth instantly. And I know now how Lee guessed who her Secret Santa is so easily. So now we begin guessing before the reveal.

"It's not June, umm...Silver?" Wow Alice! Nobody says anything. None of us nod or smile even, at her guess particularly. Although we are all smiling, so that will drive anyone crazy if you try to gauge if your guess was correct based on a smile.

"Mine is Mark." Amy declares.

"Silver is my Secret Santa." Jeffrey says.

"Danny." Silver utters.

One by one we all guess. Many of us are correct but some of us aren't. So now we reveal. I start and tell Alice I am her Secret Santa. She just jumps up and hugs me. She never would have guessed. Okay! Well, we are not that good friends, so I understand but I gave her something she loves without knowing so I guess it makes sense. Lee tells me she was my, I already knew that. Just like Diane was Lee's and the three of us knew that. Mark was Amy's. Silver was Jeffrey's. Danny was Silver's. June was Jake's. Jake was June's. How very appropriate for them. Jeffrey was Danny's no one guessed that not even Danny. Amy was Diane's and Alice was Mark's. Most of us guessed it right except Alice, Mark and Danny.

We were all happy with the gifts and some of us were shocked namely June, Danny and to some extent Lee. As she hugged Diane tightly. I would have said I was jealous, but I was not. For some reason seeing them get along so well made me smile than jealous. June did ask me that if I am jealous. We continued to chat after that. Discussing the Secret Santa, till we went out to the living room. Food was there, we all sat and ate. Again, talking about the gifts now telling them to Tori and Liz.

The party continued till like 11 when June was the first to have to leave. Even though she was staying with Alice tonight, it was still her curfew. Well, I am guessing her curfew is at midnight and she wants some time with Jake. Alice left with the couple. Silver joined them and told Alice she would drop her off. That made Alice smile because I am sure she wants to give her cousin time but not feel like betraying her yet again. Danny and Jeffrey left soon too. Both talking more like Danny asking him how he got the mysterious poster signed. I would really like to know who is in the poster, but he said we are invited to his house to see it as he will hang it in his room. Mark was the last to leave as Amy, Diane and Lee are staying for a sleepover. I invited all the girls, but June and Alice can't. Just something to do with not being allowed. And Silver well she didn't give a reason but a sweet but sad smile while declining the offer.

We all retired to my room. There I gave Lee her present. I mean I could have waited till Christmas eve because Lee's family and Diane's family are invited. They have family coming over so, they are not sure on Christmas day. Hence, we said we will celebrate Christmas eve together. But I could not wait. Lee laughed at that and said she would give me mine on that day. I knew she got me something else. How did I know? Because she danced her eyebrows continuously throughout the evening. My gift is a simple bracelet, but I know Lee will like it.

Time is really flying as now it is Christmas eve. The sleepover the night of the party three days ago was fun. Diane and I cuddled there were no questions there. Lee was quiet all of a sudden. Amy was excited as that was her first sleepover at my house. Lee is the only who stays here, and Diane is invited but she does not want to take away all my time from my friends. Well makes sense because she goes to the hangout with us now too. But that night during the sleepover Lee became a little distant.

Lee comes with her dad and her older brother, Christopher. His usual nickname is Chris but seeing as I am Kris. His new nickname became Topher. He likes it and the first thing he said is he will tell his friends to call him Topher from now on. Well okay. He is four years older than us and is in college. Diane arrived next with her mom and dad. She does not have any sibling. So, I did not meet any new member like with Lee's brother. Topher is a cool guy. Other than the fact he did tease his sister about being friends with us, as he remembers in high school here it is like weird for people from this part of town being friends with people from their side of the town. Lee's dad clarified that Lee is my best friend and stays here most days. That made Topher tease his sister more.

Topher at one point did flirt with both Diane and me. But then learned that we are in a relationship. That made him laugh at his attempt and asked if Lee knows. That made Diane say that Lee knows and teases her. Topher does not believe that we are such good friends really. Well till, we started dancing. Diane and I started dancing then we brought Lee in with us and started moving our arms in a silly way. I don't want to end up in pain and now Diane knows. So, to compromise, we move our hands and not our full body. That sure made up look real silly. And we have video evidence courtesy of Tori, Liz and Topher. Oh, I forgot about Topher's insane reaction coming to our house. He almost jumped up and down like a little kid as soon as he realized it is Tori and Liz's house.

Finally, the time came for gifts. Among us. Not within family. Amy's family was invited too but they left to spend time with Amy's grandparents in Portland the day after our party. So, Alex was a little sad today. She was with us the whole time. James fell asleep a long time ago. Diane and I exchanged gifts at first. Well, we had the same idea as I gave her a necklace and Diane gave me a necklace with letter 'D' locket. She also bought a letter 'K' locket which she put in the necklace I gave her. We both wore it. Then Lee gave me her gift. It is snow globe. But she made it. It has this town in miniature with the lake and the hangout. And it also has both of us in bobble heads. It is beautiful and so authentic. It made me tear up and hug her tightly. She hugged me back but then soon broke the hug and ran away.

Diane noticed it. So, did everyone else. Well, that was weird. Diane said she loves the gift; it is the best gift she has ever seen. Well so have I. It is so personal and caring I don't think I have ever received anything like it. I felt so special just receiving it. Diane loves our bobble heads in the globe. But she also said it is a little interesting. Because it is just us. Well, it is a snow globe and bobble heads are big, plus she is my best friend, so I found it extreme beautiful gift. It represents our adventure. I guess Diane was not satisfied with my answer, but she did not voice it. She just hummed lightly. Picking it up I gave it a shake and saw how she designed it so nicely with glitters and water. All dancing around, giving it a sparkling effect. It does not have snow because it does not snow here. It is just the perfect gift in my eyes, I think I ever received.

The day was perfect. Even if Lee started behaving weirdly after the gift exchange. Diane kept eyeing her, but Lee was not looking at either of us. She was a bit distant. I could sense it. Winter break started as fun, but now I am not so sure what the rest of the break and next semester holds.

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