From Friends To Lovers (Tanak...

By rossella_4_chan

58 4 0

everyone already knew being friends with Tanaka-kun was no easy task. but through it all you and Oota have be... More

Chapter 1: Tanaka-kun, Ohta-kun, and (y/n)-chan

58 4 0
By rossella_4_chan

Song: Tanaka-kun - City life

the birds were chirping peacefully while Tanaka was sleeping silently on the grass in front of you, as you were leaning against the tree with a book on your lap and your head slanted as you fell asleep reading. it was relaxing since you dozed off to the sound of the wind and birds

Ohta made his way to his two friends who were sleeping in the shade of the tree. when he got to them he spoke "what are you two doing, Tanaka? (y/n)?"

Tanaka just opened his eyes as mine did too. rubbing mine to get rid of the sleep and looking up at your tall friend "Ohta... the weather's nice and the breeze feels good. the little birds are making their cute chirping sounds. perhaps people nowadays have forgotten how wonderful nature is..." he took his hands off his chest and sprawled them out "yes, don't you think it's a waste to not feel it with your entire body like this?" ending it off with a yawn

marking my books spot and closing it as you got up from your spot and walked over to Ohta rubbing your eyes a bit some more "hi Ohta..."

he turned to you as he patted your head "fell asleep reading again?" you just gave a nod "you gotta learn to not do that" giving him another nod before he turned to Tanaka who just stared down at him before picking him up under his arm

the three of us making our way to our classroom, Ohta opening the door for us as he still had Tanaka under his arm as you held yours and Tanaka's bags. making our way to our desks we were greeted by our other friends "morning, Ohta, Tanaka, and (y/n)"

"thanks for retrieving Tanaka and (y/n)" Shimura spoke after

Ohta setting Tanaka at his desk as he was laying his head on it still asleep, as you just took your seat next to Tanaka and placing your book on your desk and bag on the side of your desk. setting Tanaka's on the side of his also

"yeah, morning" Ohta greeted the two

turning to the two who sat behind us "morning..."

Tanaka pulled his head up from his sleep "my desk... thanks again, Ohta" yawning right after thanking his friend

"yeah" was the only thing Ohta said after before his friend went back to sleep

"sorry for the inconvenience, Ohta" feeling bad he took time to come and get me again from falling asleep while reading

"it's ok, (y/n). you sleep less than Tanaka" he reassured you with a slight smile. giving him a nod as thanks

"why don't you use your own legs for once?" Shimura groaned as he looked at Tanaka who was once again sleeping "at least (y/n) uses hers" sighing at his words

"it's hopeless. he's Tanaka" Katou added as other classmates came in greeting Ohta and still trying to greet you as you just stayed quiet

the classes went by for a bit as Ohta stood up to speak with his friend as you put away the books you didn't need and looked at the two "Tanaka, next period is gonna start. you should take out your textbook, at least" in return he just looked up at Ohta "hey, Tanaka. are you listening--"

seeing what the problem was, you got up from your desk with a jacket over your uniform. you brought your hand up and gently poked Tanaka's wrist as he shivers "your arms fell asleep?"

Tanaka just shook his wrists up and down gently "it happens pretty often" setting his chin on the top of his hand again "when I sleep with my head on my desk, my arms fall asleep, and I can't move them. when I try to lean on the window, I misjudge the distance and hit my head really hard. and when I rest my chin on my hand, my posture gets increasingly awkward, and I end up hurting my wrist. I just want to relax..." he let out a sigh after

he has his thing called being listless. you didn't mind since he thankfully wasn't one of your friends that interrupts your reading, he did once fall asleep on your shoulder after you two were leaning against a wall and you were reading at the time. you didn't mind since he was pretty light, plus you were comfortable around him. a shiver went up your back as you put your hands to your mouth in a slight attempt at some warmth


you, Tanaka, and Ohta set your desks together as Tanaka popped his fingers while Ohta has a notebook out. you tended to do well studying at home, Ohta knew that so you just had your book out to read "okay, let's do this" with that said Tanak layed his head back down on his desk over his arms

"do what?" Ohta asked him as you turned to Tanaka instead

Tanaka spread his arms forward before speaking "I finished the worksheet, so I can finally take a break. I can doze as much as I want..." after he said that he tried going to sleep but couldn't for some reason

"what's wrong?" tilting your head confused for your friend

"since I moved my desk over here, those people are blocking the breeze" he responded as he looked at the window

"you're pretty sensitive to that stuff..." Ohta muttered before speaking a bit louder "I thought you could drift off anywhere, anytime, but I guess that's not the case"

Tanaka lifted his head up as you brought your book down a bit to listen "I can't relax today, for some reason... i'm not too far from my usual spot. maybe that just makes the little differences seem bigger"

"I see" seeing where he was getting at as Tanaka put his hands together as his chin rested on them

"more importantly, this is self-study time, an opportunity granted by God. I need to face that under optimum conditions, with no compromises. the guilt of knowing how lazy i'm being while students in the other classes are studying hard... I want to savor that feeling"

we just stared at him as one of our other friends spoke up "hey, Ohta. did you take notes last period?"

"yeah, I did. you wanna copy them?" he turned to us "i'll be right back" standing up as he grabbed last periods notes

"see you later" Tanaka spoke as you grabbed your notebook setting the book down and gently fanning Tanaka. feeling the air he turned to you "(y/n)?"

"so you can relax, it's odd to see you like this so I thought i'd give a breeze" looking at him with a straight face as you fanned him with the notebook

"thanks, (y/n)" seeing he was quickly relaxing but maybe it didn't turn out as planned

as he was leaning backwards against his chair, his head bobbing up and down slightly before he slid a bit and falling over completely "Tanaka!" being the first time you shouted as you set your notebook on the ground and checking injuries as you heard Ohta yell your friends name and came over. he thankfully wasn't hurt from falling over


Ohta had put his P.E blazer on after Tanaka zipped his up "i'm surprised you're willing to participate in P.E"

"yeah. I want to build up my physical strength so my limbs won't fall asleep or get hurt, no matter how lazy I am. i'll work my body hard so that I can slack off worry-free"

"I think that's a tad contradictory, but I see your point" zipping his blazer up as well, but then a thought came to his mind "what about (y/n)?"

Tanaka looked at Ohta puzzled "what about (y/n)?" not seeing what he meant

"aren't you also participating because (y/n) is joining P.E with us?" Ohta has always wondered how the two got along together. Tanaka being lazy and not wanting to use ton of energy and considered listless, but you. you kept to yourself and can easily be found reading or listening to music if you didn't have a book in hand. the two of you were opposites minus the fact you didn't talk a lot, well, less than Tanaka. but you both got along very well so he wondered if either of you liked the other but never had the guts to ask since he thought it wasn't his business

"huh? no, why do you ask that, Ohta?" Tanaka wasn't oblivious, but for some reason he didn't understand why Ohta asked this

"just, never mind. it was just a thought but I guess I was wrong" rubbing the back of his head as they made their way into the gymnasium where they could see you standing there staring into space

as soon as they made their way over and you greeted them, the teacher spoke up getting everyone's attention "all right, let's start warming up"

"we're playing badminton today" Shimura spoke seeing the nets and rackets

"man, I wanted to play soccer" Katou cut in sounding disappointed

turning to look at the two standing behind me "you're both on the soccer team, aren't you?" who in turn they just nodded at my question 'that makes sense then'

all of us started doing the stretches, raising our arms up flat then to our chest in an X like position. next we brought our right arm over our heads as we leaned to the left two times before switching arms and leaning to our right. doing the left side again after stretching the right, glancing over I see Tanaka sighed before joining in as we went to stretching our left arms again. but he didn't last long as his arm drooped and he held it with his other hand, he started doing the first stretch

the teacher spoke into the megaphone "Tanaka, don't take breaks during warm-up exercises. and don't skip to the end by yourself"

once we got done exercising there were teams of two. Katou and Shimura being one team while Ohta and Tanaka are the team they are against. you sat on the side for Tanaka and Ohta's team since there was an odd number

Katou chuckled as he spoke "you guys are playing against us athletes. what lousy luck!" the two were definitely cocky

Ohta seemed like he was figuratively on fire as he spoke "go easy on us" in the background Tanaka could be seen twirling his racket

sighing slightly seeing this side of him "Ohta, you're really visually intimidating..."

Shimura hit the shuttlecock over the net only for Ohta to hit it back over the net but with much more force than he should have "Ohta! take it easy! take it easy!"

"sorry" was his only response

Tanaka walked over slightly seeing his friend "you're so cool, Ohta. I wanna try that, too"

'this isn't going to go well' putting a hand over your mouth with your sleeve covering most of your hand as you let out a small yawn

"go for it"

Shimura hit the shuttlecock over the net again but towards Tanaka, as he went to hit the shuttlecock. the racket had other plans by flying out of Tanaka's grip and between the two, thankfully not hitting them

"Tanaka! your grip! your grip!" Katou shouted towards Tanaka since he did almost get hit by a racket "are you trying to kill us?!" Tanaka just looked at his hand that used to hold the racket seeing it gone. the two dragged Tanaka to the wall "why don't you take a break?"

"yeah, yeah" they then turned to you who was holding a shuttlecock "looks like your in (y/n)"

"I see" you picked up Tanaka's racket and walked onto the side of the court Ohta was on "i'll try my best to keep up" looking up at him as he nods

when the shuttlecock gets sent over once again Ohta quickly hits it down "why can't we win against one person?! (y/n) barely even has to do anything with Ohta's height"

Ohta was serving as he hit the shuttlecock to hard making it go near the P.E windows where we couldn't reach "sorry, I hit it too high. i'll go up and get it"

"just get it later, Ohta. we have extra shuttlecocks" Katou reassured as him and Shimura walked over to grab another

"they're not here" spoke Shimura seeing the box empty

"huh? where'd they go?" asked Katou

glancing over and seeing Tanaka sleeping again but noticed something different and realizing what it was "found them" the three looked at you "they're here, but..." the four of us looked at the sleeping Tanaka who had the two shuttlecocks in his hair kinda like antennas. taking your phone out you took a picture of Tanaka as he rubbed his eyes, oddly enough teacher never seemed to mind you having your phone

"i'll get the one that's stuck up there" Ohta spoke seeing as no one wanted to wake Tanaka up from sleeping as Ohta ran to get the shuttlecock

"yeah... i'd feel bad waking him up" added Shimura agreeing with Ohta

"what was he trying to do, anyways?" wondered Katou

'he honestly looks cute with those in his hair' putting your phone away and resting your chin on your hand as you squatted down 'seriously, how can someone so lazy be so cute at the same time?' slightly blushing from that thought popping into your head

(once P.E ended)

Ohta had closed his locker after putting his jersy in it "Ohta..." turning around to see Tanaka with his jersy and shirt stuck on his head "help..." Ohta tugged on the clothes trying to get it off his friends head "ouch..."

"hang in there. hang in there"


"huh?" after many attempts at tugging on the clothes he finally got them off of Tanaka's head

but with you in the girls changing room and you got your uniform on again you took out your phone and pulled up the picture you took of Tanaka with the shuttlecocks in his hair and slightly giggled "if only you knew Tanaka" sighing as you put your phone away and closing your locker "why'd you have to be adorable as well" you knew Tanaka was not so bright when it came to people liking someone so you always pretended that your crush wasn't true around the two but when alone your wall at school crumbles


the three of you made your way to the cafeteria "since I worked so hard in P.E, i'm hungrier than usual..."

putting a hand to your lips to hide your smile as Ohta spoke up "you call that working hard?"

when it go to your guys' turn in line Tanaka looked at the options "what should I get? i've decided"

"me, too" Ohta spoke after

"mm" and nodding being my answer

"can you pay for mine, too? i'll pay you back later" Tanaka asked seemingly remembering he had no money on him

before Ohta could say anything you looked up at your tall friend "I can pay for him this time, Ohta"

he looked at me puzzled "you sure about that, (y/n)?"

"mm" nodding again before pointing at my choice of what I wanted as the two also told her what they wanted as well

"here you go, boys and girl. one loaded Hamburg steak sandwich on French bread," holding it out to Ohta "this is the strawberry custard danish and caramel muffin" holding it out to Tanaka. Tanaka grabbed his sandwich as Ohta grabbed his danish and muffin reaching over the others arms "the other way around?!" once they got theirs she handed you your melon bread as you muttered a thanks

the three of us went outside under the same tree Tanaka and you fell asleep under to eat our lunch "Ohta, you sure love sweets" commented our lazy friend

taking a small bite of your sweet as Ohta spoke "yeah, these two are new this month. I have to try them"

looking up as you swallowed your bite of bread joined in "but you don't look like the type to eat strawberry danishes, so the cafeteria lady looked surprised, but Tanaka you also don't look like the 'loaded' type, either" the two nodded at your comment seeing as you had a point

"by the way, Tanaka, I read somewhere that you shouldn't make a habit of resting your chin on your hand. it can lead to temporomandibular joint disorder or nasolabial folds. developing physical strength is fine, but you should fix your bad habits first..." you looked up biting out of your bread catching Ohta's attention as he also looked at Tanaka "Tanaka?"

as soon as he moved his hand away blood dripped from the right side of his mouth 'blood?!'

"h-he spit up blood?!" quickly pulling my handkerchief out of my pocket as Ohta shook Tanaka "hey, Tanaka! are you okay?! hang in there! did you work too hard in P.E?!"

moving Ohta's arms as you use your handkerchief to wipe the blood from Tanaka's mouth as he explained what happened "a piece of French bread stabbed the inside of my mouth. and, now that I think about it, I wasn't all that hungry. it was just my imagination"

sighing a bit as Ohta took Tanaka's food "i'll eat the rest for you. don't force yourself"


"no matter how hard you work to build up your physical strength,  the human body still loses easily to a piece of French bread..." you three were standing on one of the railings staring out at the city 

"training can only go so far, after all" Ohta reminded him as you rested your arms on the railing and your head on your arms

"if that's the case, instead of getting rid of numbness and pain, maybe coexisting with them is the true answer. what's important is an unwavering mind and the ability to not care, not physical strength. Ohta, (y/n), I..." he looked to us "I think I should start copying sutras"

"you may look listless, but you might actually be super aggressive..."


you three were walking home from school as something caught Tanaka's attention as he stopped, us copying his action "hey, Ohta, (y/n). look"

"what is it?" asked Ohta as you tilted your head puzzled 

"I don't even want to be the main character in my own life..."

we both looked at him, Ohta looking down at him to his left as you looked up at him on your right seeing as he was a few inches taller than you "seriously?" Ohta spoke surprised

"think about it" he looked at the other posters "main characters are involved in so many murder cases, or they have to awaken new abilities to fight tough enemies, or they have to be a pirate and collect all the dreams they can, until the story ends. it sounds exhausting"

"well, playing the active role is what makes a main character" explained Ohta. you just walked up closer to the 'Detective Coban' poster

"background characters have it easy. they basically have no lines, and in extreme cases, their faces aren't even drawn in completely"

"that's a good thing?" contemplated Ohta not seeing why Tanaka saw it as good. somehow Tanaka seemingly had no face startling me "no, no. don't try to master that. though I do think you'd be a natural..."

we went by a park that was selling crepes as you and Ohta ordered for Tanaka. paying for them as Ohta handed Tanaka his "basically, I don't want to be relied on, play an active role, or receive attention"

the two sat on the swings eating their crepes as you do the same leaning against the wood railing with both hands holding your crepe "you'll definitely live alone in your old age..." spoke Ohta making you flinch but thankfully they didn't notice. a cat started nudging it's around Ohta's leg "what? I can't give you this" then a boy walked over and tugged on his sleeve "can you get that ball, mister?" Ohta went towards the tree with a ball in it as you held his crepe for him "here. be careful next time"

"wow, thanks!"


suddenly some girls from other schools were passing by and noticed Ohta helping out the two boys who had their ball stuck "I think..." hearing Tanaka speak, you looked to him "I wouldn't mind giving my life to you, Ohta"

with that you flinched again, sadly this time Ohta noticed but you believed he didn't when retorted "don't say misleading stuff like that"

"Ohta, do you like cooking?" you two having finished your crepe's as you handed Ohta his

"sort of" he then looked up at me as I watched the two "(y/n), don't you cook at home?"

nodding my head as they now looked at me "my mom gets home late, so I usually am the one to cook. but I don't mind, I enjoy it"

"washing dishes?" Tanaka now looked at you both with a puzzled look

"I sing while I rinse" was Ohta's answer

"I listen to music to pass the time of doing so" was yours

"end-of-the-year cleaning?" was Tanaka's next question

"once I start, I can't stop. especially the bathtub and washing machine" was Ohta's answer for this one

"puts my mind at ease seeing the clutter gone" was yours again

"I see..." it was quiet for a bit before Tanaka spoke again "I know a good family you two can marry into..."

'e-eh? what?! does he not understand most of what he just said?' flustered by what he said

as Ohta stood up from the swing he spoke "let's go home"

"i'm ultra-super-insanely tired..." muttered Tanaka

patting his back slightly "hang in there" since he was very tired now

(next day)

today was odd for one reason, how Tanaka usually relaxes. he would usually rest his chin in his right hand in the palm of it. but today, both his hands were holding his chin "double listlessness day?" you spoke turned to him in the seat in front of him as Ohta was in your seat

he looked at you puzzled by why you asked that "I don't think so, why?"

'that was a longer sigh than his usual ones. it really could be double listlessness day' tilting your head a bit

"Tanaka, help me take these worksheets to the faculty room" spoke Katou as he held a pile of paper 

"oh, I forgot. i'm coming" Tanaka stood up after with his hands till holding his chin

'shape-memory effect?!' "Tanaka, your hands"

he looks at me realizing what you meant "oh... I forgot" removing his hands from his face and he started to make his way to Katou "i'll be back"

Ohta and you watched as Tanaka put his hands under the stack of papers Katou was holding "no, Tanaka... not these. the ones over there" referring to the ones left on the podium

Tanaka looked to him puzzled "you said to help..."

Katou nodded at Tanaka's words before clarifing "yeah, but the other half is still sitting over there..."

getting up from where you were sitting before Ohta did you spoke "i'll go with you" Ohta also stood up after saying he'd join us

you four finished dropping off the papers to the faculty room "sorry for the intrusion" said Katou as he closed the door "i'm thirsty. i'm gonna get a drink from the water fountain" making his way towards the fountain

"me, too" the three of you joined him

Katou and Tanaka stood next to each other as they took a sip as you and Ohta just waited "bebing aber to drik wadder fuh fwee is awbsome!"

groaning at this you looked at him annoyed "Katou, either drink or talk. pick one"

"water fountains are awesome..." spoke Tanaka who instead was just spraying the water on his cheek instead of drinking it

sighing seeing as the two were doing the opposite from the other "Tanaka, that's not your mouth" 

"all right! i'm heading back to class" Katou shouted as he ran back to class

"my hair got wet..." he spoke staring at the wet part of his hair on his left

you sighed again as you took out your now clean handkerchief and dabbed at his wet hair trying to dry what you could "silly Tanaka" mumbling those words as his hair was still damp as he thanked you before making his way to class as you both followed him

during lunch today you and Ohta had brought made lunches while Tanaka seemed to not have any lunch on him "you're not eating lunch?" Ohta asked after his friend sighed

Ohta slightly nudged you, in return you looked at him puzzled by this before he pointed at your homemade lunch as if giving a hint. seeing what he was getting at you picked up some of your lunch with your chopsticks "here, have some of my rolled omelet. it's sweet and tasty"

"sorry, (y/n). I don't feel like eatin--" but his stomach cut him off by growling showing that he was indeed hungry

putting the omelet closer to him "have a bite" seeing as he needed to eat

"I don't want it" Tanaka spoke being resistant on eating the omelet

Ohta sighed seeing as he wouldn't take the bite from your omelet "Tanaka... you can ease up during lunch break, at least"

"what are you talking about?"

'something isn't right. even when your listless you still eat when you're hungry, so maybe it's not double listlessness day. what if...' not being able to piece it together yet

lunch ended and it came down to music class as the teacher had Tanaka at the piano seat "today, we'll be singing 'Furusato (Hometown).' Tanaka-kun, play the piano accompaniment for us"

"okay" doing as he was asked he started to play the needed keys

"I had no idea Tanaka could play the piano" said Katou surprised by this news of his friend

"yeah. he said he used to take lessons as a kid" telling Katou and Shimura what Tanaka had told you in the past

"I chased rabbits on that mountain"

"I fished for minnows in that river"

"I still dream of those days, even now"

"oh, how I miss my old country home..." everyone in class but Tanaka sang

Shimura had a scared look in his face before he decided to say something "wait... it's dark. this hometown is so dark... he's altered it to minor key!"

"not only are the rabbits and minnows gone, but my house is no longer there, either. my hometown is nothing but a wasteland!" added Katou

"sorry. Tanaka is running a double listlessness special today" Ohta informed Katou but for some reason I don't think that may be the reason

"I don't really get it, but I see"

the teacher seemed concerned as well as she made her way to what looked like a sleeping Tanaka "T-Tanaka-kun? thank you. you can go back to your seat now. oh? there's something on your cheek..." as she went to see what was on his cheek Tanaka stood up and hissed at her hand "i'm sorry!"

Katou looked at Ohta confused even more "was that double listlessness, too?"

the four of you minus Tanaka stood at the railing from yesterday and Ohta explained why he thought Tanaka was having a double listlessness day "so, that's where I got the idea that today was double listlessness day, but... after that screech, i'm not so sure"

"I see " Shimura spoke seeing what he meant

"what do you think?" wondered Ohta, concerned for his friend

"his listlessness did look like it was doubled today, for the most part, until that 'skree'!" Shimura agreed with Ohta till then we witnessed Tanaka screech

"I get it! he screeched, 'skree'!" Katou joined in but really had no clue what was wrong with Tanaka

"Katou, please shut up" the three of you said at the same time since you three knew he was clueless about this

putting your arm over the railing before Shimura spoke his mind "could it be..." the two then looked at him "of course" finally piecing it all together

"you figured it out?" asked Ohta

"yeah. the lack of appetite, the absent-mindedness... and the inexplicable behavior, like that sudden screech... for a teenage boy, the sudden occurrence of such symptoms can only mean one thing, right?"

"ah, you mean that. I get it now" Ohta spoke seeing what he meant

'wait, do they really not get it? the screech was the last piece I needed to confirm my suspicion' looking at the three boys with concern for what they were really thinking

"oh, that. yeah, it's definitely that" Katou joined still fully not understanding what they meant

"if you don't know, just say you don't know..." Shimura groaned before he looked at your tall friend "Ohta, it's love" he then turned to you

Ohta also looked at you "hm? what?" being puzzled at why they looked at you when they mentioned love. sighing as you walked away from the three as you said bye to Katou and Shimura as Ohta followed you to your guys' classroom seeing that Tanaka was still there

"Tanaka, you're still here?" Ohta asked as you went over to your desk to grab your bag from your desk 

"yeah... I just don't really want to go home..." Tanaka spoke as he stared out the window

Ohta on the other hand was still on the subject that Shimura mentioned, that being love. he looked down at his female friend who was looking at Tanaka. he found out you liked Tanaka yesterday, so he thought maybe the person Shimura was referring to was you since you were the only girl that Tanaka seemed comfortable with. he put a hand on Tanaka's shoulder "let's go get ice cream. my treat"

Tanaka stood up straight "no thanks, Ohta"

"eating something sweet will ease your mind a bit. it'll also energize you. let's go" taking Tanaka from arm pulling him up

"I said no..." in the process they knocked over Tanaka's bag

Ohta turned back "sorry, Tanaka. are you oka--" a notebook with stickynotes, cards and his phone fell out showing many indications about going to a dentist

the pieces seemed to have pieced together in Ohta's head but you picked up Tanaka's stuff and bag as you put them back in it "thought it was that" Ohta looked at me "the screech and all his other actions showed the sign of a toothache" looking back up at Ohta. who in turn looked at Tanaka's teeth before picking him up over his shoulder. you holding your guys' bags

you went with Ohta as he took Tanaka to the dentist as they were in the room with him working on his teeth. Ohta and you sat in the waiting room as it happened. on the way home all Tanaka did was hold his right cheek obviously irritated, this time Ohta was holding Tanaka's bag as you felt bad for him "does it hurt?" Ohta asked

Tanaka turned around "I can't feel anything after the anesthetic"

"by the way, are you in love with anyone?" Ohta suddenly asked making you flinch but making it so Tanaka at least didn't notice

"huh? no, i'm not" Tanaka was confused again by why he was asking this

"thought so..."

'dang, that was like an arrow to my heart. why'd you have to ask that, I already knew that' you thought as you cried internally

"I can't believe my peaceful daily life was threatened by something like this..." Tanaka spoke as he walked over to the bench that was in front of a bakery "i'm never gonna get a cavity again. i'll brush my teeth thoroughly and take proper care of them. i'll have teeth so healthy, they won't lose to cavity-causing bacteria. first, i'll research proper brushing techniques, and then..." he rested against the bench with his body fully straight

you looked up at Ohta "maybe we should take him home, he fell asleep"

"right" he picked up Tanaka under his arms as you both made your way to his place "by the way, (y/n)" you looked up at him for him to continue "i've noticed how you are around Tanaka. do you like him?"

sighing seeing as he noticed your actions from today so you looked forward being thankful that Tanaka was asleep right now "mhm, sorry for not saying so sooner. I just already knew he didn't like anyone so I decided to say nothing knowing i'd get rejected. don't tell him though" he saw you were telling the truth, and that he knew if Tanaka were to find out he thought it was best it came from you. so he nodded as if understanding

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