By DawnRoe

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This book is based on true events. On a woman who has suffered through a lot in her life, and fights everyday... More



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By DawnRoe

I've lived in a nightmare for years. It all started when I was 15 years old. I met a boy his name was Matthew E. and we would date for a few months, and he'd leave and i wouldn't see him for months and he'd come back making promise's saying he wanted to marry me and at one point even thought I was pregnant. but we continued to date off and on until I met a guy Thomas o. and got married and had a son with him. we named him Thomas William. JR born September 30,2004 I was 19 years. while I was pregnant we stayed at his father house while we was looking for a place to live. and he was always complaining  about being broke. said that it was my fault and because I was pregnant. I told him well if that's how he felt I can just leave.  but he told me he was sorry, when we finally moved into our own place, and had my son. he didn't do anything at all other than work come home play games on the pc and sleep. one day he let me try the game and as soon as he walked in he would expect me to get off the game so he could play. and after a week of playing one of his friends had added me to his friends list and was helping me with the game. and we started talking about our personal life and told him my situation and he started asking if I wanted to move in with him and all that type of stuff which I said no.. so one day he got on my account and looked through my messages. and saw what we was talking about. while I was asleep. I woke my son laying next to me. I looked over and noticed a ash tray and cigarette butt around my head near my son, who was only a few months old.( the ash tray was glass) as I started to get up I noticed a sharp pain above my eye and it was swollen. I got up and clean it up. changed my son and made sure he was ok.

 I walk in the living room which he was playing a game. and I asked him if he hit me with the ash tray and he denied it. and I noticed a letter on the table and I asked what is this. he said read it. and so I did and I remember that he said that I was cheating and I was planning on leaving him and that he ain't letting me take his son anywhere. after reading the letter. I said what the hell are you talking about, I have not cheated on you I sit here everyday taking care of our child and this house. I don't go anywhere and I can't even call anyone.

 after he left for work the only way to contact anyone was through the game, I messaged my mom and stepdad and told them what was going on. I started drinking more. and getting impatient. one morning I hear a knock at the door and it was my mom saying they just got the message and to get my stuff and so I said try being quit until everything is out and then ill tell him I'm moving out. well he woke up before I got everything out and he wouldn't leave me alone trying to make me stay. I got a job and after a few months, my stepdad had gotten a house and had asked him to move in to help pay rent and I didn't agree on it. i told him if he moves in we are still not together.

not long after he moved in, I was trying to fix the bed frame and he's desk happen to be right next to the bed, and my leg accidently bumped his chair and he punched my leg. and my mom looked to see what was going on and saw what he did but also noticed my son running toward his father and stopped and acted scared. 

about a month after that I got a phone call from my sister asking me to come visit, and so I had him drop me off before he went to work, and my sister said someone was coming over and it happen to be Matthew. we talked and watched a movie. and a few times after that. but I made it clear I was married.

one morning I woke up to a bunch of noise going on. and happen to see him with my son's car seat and said why are you here your suppose to be at work. and he says they told him to take the day off. I said why. and he says because I found out your cheating on me. I said what are you talking about. I told you when you move in we were not together, and I'm not cheating so what are you talking about where's your proof. he tells me my brother who is his best friend. called and said I've been seeing my ex-boyfriend at my sister's house and that they were watching my son so we can have sex up stair's >first my brother in law is strict about stuff like that >second why would they let us have sex in they're bed that nasty > third I don't cheat and we might not have been together but we was still married. and living together.<back to the story> so after explaining he showed up over there and I can't control whose at there house, and we was just friends that's it. well he said he wanted a divorce i said that's fine I don't care. my stepdad tried helping out by saying talk about it.. but he wanted him to say to help rent he didn't care about our relationship. 

so not to long after Matthew E. started coming over to my house and spent time with me and my son. and I knew it was officially over with my marriage so we started dating and in a month I was pregnant, I'm guess he told his lawyer it's his baby. when we had stopped having sex after my son was born. when he was about 4 months old and he was around a year old ..

so I talk to my mom and said I think I'm pregnant I had missed my monthly. and so she suggested having him stay home to watch my son. so I could get out for a bit and we bought a test and she said well are you going to get married I said I'm still married we've only been together a few months so I said I'll buy him a wedding band. if I am pregnant I'll ask him to marry me and if I'm not I'll return it. so I took the test and it was positive. so I told my mom and he has been in the other room tying to figure out what I'm doing cause my mom was trying to keep him away.

I walked in the living room and I said I'm pregnant your gonna be a dad will you marry me and showed him the ring. he looked like he seen a ghost he was frozen and I said are you ok... he was barely able to talk.. yes I'll marry you.. I said are  you gonna call your family and tell them and he said I'm still freaking out, I didn't think I could have kids. he was excited to be a father and a husband. which my son was born September 27th 2006, his name is  Matthew Giovanni E.   we ended up moving around a lot and I ended up having another son Christopher lee E. born December 29th 2007.

I got pregnant again with another son Darwin Eugene Dean E born December 30th 2009, and pregnant with another son Kaeden Zachariah E. born July 27,2010. when I found out I was pregnant with Kaeden. everything started going down hill. he started getting abusive started drinking a lot would run off and stay gone all night I'd call his mom and she say he's been there all day. and we had DFS come out to our home claiming my kids were dirty. not in school and having us in court and then all the sudden find out someone sign for papers for the lease renewal and I never got it and I would call them or go to the office asking question and saying I need to sign my new lease and that took a month and then suddenly they lied and told me to come to the office regarding signing the lease for the next year the DFS worker was at my house and went with me to the office they sat there say I signed for the mail and didn't sign the lease I said that's my name but I didn't sign it . I've been down here everyday even called trying to get my lease signed and they said they were to busy can i come down there and they still made excuses so I couldn't sign it, they said I have to pay all this money for 2 months rent.

so I had to move, the DFS worker said the only  they would allow me to live with is my son's father Thomas. so we ended up moving in with him, I had my son. and we had no vehicle so I had him alone. things got even worse living there. he was getting abusive. yelling at the kids. and smack them upside the head. and all my kids hated him. they're father told me he was going to go to his mom's and he'd be back and was gone all day long.

my sister had came over and was checking on me and the kids and I told her what was going on and my mother calls saying  Matt was at the house and scared my sister he was looking through her window. and they called the cops. because he was drunk. and next thing I know we heard something outside I open the door and he's trying to break in the window. I said were done you need to leave now. he grabbed my arm and I punched him in the face not realizing it. and closed the door. and called the police, my brother in law calls and my sisters like I was getting ready to leave and he showed up. we waited for the cops, talked to them and then I went to they're house for a few day's. 

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