The Turnabout of Hope Book 1:...

By DreamersWriters

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Phoenix Wright becomes a defense attorney and finds himself in the most intense yet completely strange cases... More

Notes for this Story
Chapter 1: My First Trial
Chapter 2: The Intern
Chapter 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth
Chapter 4: Turnabout of Sweets and Self-Love
Chapter 5: Think About the Past
Chapter 6: About the Past
Chapter 7: Turnabout Von Karma Truth Part 1
Chapter 8: The Von Karma Truth Part 2
Chapter 9: The Von Karma Truth Part 3
Chapter 10: A Mystic Introduction
Chapter 11: Two Sides
Chapter 12: A Deceased and A Spy
Chapter 13: Fey Family Fault
Chapter 14: The Interpol Case
Chapter 15: Escaping Evil Clutches
Chapter 16: The Turnabout of Saving!
Chapter 17: Returning Home
Chapter 18: Calling a Friend and Foe
Chapter 19: Discovering the Truth
Chapter 20: Turnabout of Points!
Chapter 21: Saying Goodbye to the Past and Hello to the Future
Thank You!
Chapter 22: The Chief Calls for Help
Chapter 23: Investigating a Corrupt Crime Scene
Chapter 24: The Turnabout of Real Truth!
Chapter 25: The Turnabout Terror and Demon Prosecutor's Victory
Chapter 26: Back to Work, With a Side of Justice!
Chapter 27: Unexpected but Expected
Chapter 28: The Turnabout of Wishes!
Chapter 29: Learning from the Best, Right? Wright?
Chapter 30: Even a Small Case is a Case
Chapter 31: The Turnabout of Plunders!
Chapter 32: Athena Cykes is Ready to Go!
Chapter 33: Cooking Up Disasters
-Thank You Again!-
Chapter 34: The Turnabout of Feasts!
Chapter 35: Too Many Invitations
Chapter 36: A Dance to NOT Forget!
Chapter 37: Magic is in the Air!
Chapter 38: The Ball Transforms
Chapter 39: The Turnabout of New Truth!
Chapter 40: A Serene Ending
Bonus Chapter 1: Nightlife Freunds on New Years!
Bonus Chapter 2: Be A Girl, Pastel Heroines!
Bonus Chapter 3: Apollo and Athena Finally Get Together!
Bonus Chapter 4: A Christmas Exchange
Author's Note

Epilogue: A Puzzling Foe

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By DreamersWriters

(And with that, this book is finished! To be honest, this is much happier than I thought it was going to be. Originally, I had planned a lot more for Junko and Kristoph, but I would rather save it for the sequel! So, long story short, this is the happy book. Compared to that of the sequel. The sequel will be much more dramatic and adventurous. So, I'll hopefully get to it whenever Ace Attorney 7 comes out. To give you a taste of what the sequel will be, I wrote an epilogue! Enjoy!)

Ace Detective Agency, Alfendi's Office

July 24th, 8:30 PM

(Alfendi's POV)

Seriously, did they need a three-day wedding celebration? I get they are in love, but honestly, this is a waste of money. Also, my father needed someone to look after the agency since Kat and Flora wanted to stay and watch the whole ceremony. The agency is old. It is made of oak wood. My desk was made of wood as well and had a bunch of papers scattered around with books and old case files as well.

"Honestly, Al, do you need to ruin a moment?" Hilda asked with a sigh as she entered the room with a bag of food.

Ah, the love of my life. Hilda is a very good inspector in her own right. She has nice blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a red shirt and black skirts, stockings, and shoes.

"Well, I don't want to waste money on things! If I do get married, I want a short wedding and simple!" I snapped at her.

"Oh really? With a family like yours, I am sure that is going to be the case" she said sarcastically.

"Really? You would want to waste money on that than something important in the future!" I replied to her as we both continued to argue with each other naturally.

Soon, the arguments did die down as I turned my attention to the machine I was currently trying to rebuild. I walked over to it and began to examine it. According to the files left by my ancestor, Herlock Sholmes or something like that, this device would recreate the scene of the crimes. For now, I've titled it as the Reconstruction machine, but the name is a work in progress. If this machine works, I can solve crimes without needing to leave the office.

"Is it really going to work?" she asked me curiously.

"I don't know. I'm still working on it" I confessed as I looked at the instructions a bit, "This machine was left in the attic for a long time. I don't know how long it will be before it is complete"

I then moved some papers to reveal my father's journal on the desk. Oh, right, he gave me a copy of his book to look over. This book holds a lot of mysteries my dad has yet to solve. It is an interesting book, but I wonder why he told me to keep this. Eh, my dad is the biggest puzzle of all in the end. Hilda then sat in a chair as I took out the piece of cloth from the attacker. I know if I use the machine, I should be able to figure out who did this. Once I do, I'll stop this secret crime organization. Just then, there was another knock at the door.

"I'll get it. You keep working" she said with a wave of her hand as she walked to the door.

Wait a minute, Ernest and Emma are gone. Ernest took that weird mutt with him. Something isn't right. I went after her and stopped her from opening the door. I motioned her to be quiet as I looked through the window. I saw someone in black clothing coming towards us. I reached for my gun just as the person forced their way through the door! I stood in front of Hilda and prepared for a fight.

"Hey! Who's there?!" I snapped angrily as I gripped the handle of my gun.

Hilda held hers as I growled. It was the same person in black clothing! Behind him, was the same person in white who also attacked them! The man in black lunged at me and roughly pulled me by the neck!

"Drop him!" Hilda shouted as she aimed her gun at the one in black clothes.

However, the one in white charged at her. Hilda was able to get away as I struggled in this tight grip.

"Hilda! Get him out! I've got this!" I struggled to shout.

Luckily, she was smart enough to drag the person in white out of the agency as I swung my leg to kick the person holding me in his chest. He stumbled back as I landed on the ground. I dropped my gun, but I got a good look at this attacker. I smirked. Just like I thought, he is the same person from before! Perfect!

"You are really stupid if you decided to come here and fight me! I won't let you get away a second time!" I threatened as I prepared to fight him.

The attacker lunged at me, but I stepped away and led him into my office. I then closed the door and faced him. He wasn't keeping his eyes on me. I took carefully note of where he was looking and discovered that he was looking at my desk! He wanted my dad's book! Well, as much as I have anger issues with my dad, he's not getting the book without a fight. He lunged towards the desk as I elbowed him away! He crashed into the bookshelf in my office as I cracked my knuckles. He's so going down! I stood at my desk and took the book as I made sure that piece of cloth is tucked inside my pocket. He's not going to get anything from me!

"I suggest you surrender right now before you do anything stupid. You've already lost. So, you have the right to remain silent" I said seriously as I prepared to take a pair of handcuffs out of my desk and use it on him.

"Ah!" Hilda screamed in the distance.

Shit! Hilda! I turned to the door, but I heard a loud bang echo in my office and looked at my chest. I saw blood pouring for it. Argh! I clutched my chest as I fell forward and dropped my father's book. I couldn't move. I was in so much pain. I needed to get this wound taken care of before I do anything else. The attacker just sighed as he marched towards me and took my father's book out of my hands. It was a pain to look up, but I saw his hands holding my father's book and a liter. No! Not here! He set my father's book on fire and threw it in my office. He then left me there! I have to get up and get out of here... As I tried to stand up, I collapsed on the ground as my blood was dripping from my chest. My eyes felt heavy. I was feeling weak... No, stay awake... I have to stay awake... I have... to...

(Hilda's POV)

Motostoke City, Streets

July 24th, 9:12 PM

I was still running from the agency and trying to keep my distance from this attacker. However, when I looked behind me, I didn't see the person in white anymore! I grew worried and gasped! I left Alfendi alone! I ran back to the agency and saw a horrible site before me.

Ace Detective Agency

July 24th, 9:16 PM

The agency was on fire! I rushed back in and found Alfendi on the ground! He's hurt really bad! I helped him up and carried him out of the building. I placed him on the ground and coughed. I picked up my phone and called for the fire department and the hospital. It was a bit of a blur, but the fire department came and put the fire out. The ambulances came and took me and Alfendi to the hospital

Motostoke City, Hospital

July 24th, 9:24 PM

I was fine. Nothing too bad. As for Alfendi, he was shoot. He had to be taken into surgery.

"Hilda!" Justin shouted in a panic as he and Commissioner Chelmey rushed towards me, "What the hell happened to you and Al?"

Justin was wearing his brown shorts and white shirt. The commissioner was wearing his work oufit. I quickly filled them in on everything.

"I shouldn't have left him... This is all my fault" I confessed to them in grieving tone.

"Don't you dare say that!" Justin said seriously, "We'll catch the dastards who did this! I am just lucky the both of you are here and are safe"

"I'll contact his family. You two stay with him" the commissioner ordered.

We both nodded and waited outside of the hospital room. I felt very sleepy as Justin patted my shoulder.

"Get some rest. I'll let you know anything" Justin reassured me.

I knew he was right. I need my rest. I slept in the hospital chair as Justin stayed at my side.

Motostok City, Hospital

July 24th, 4:45 AM

"Hilda!" Justin said loudly as he shook me from my sleep.

I blinked a couple of times and saw myself at the hospital. Alfendi got shoot. That's right.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"He got out of surgery. His family is coming here, right now" Justin informed me.

Just then, the nurse exited his hospital room.

"He's awake" she said calmly, "You may see him"

I was relieved! I rushed into his room. Alfendi's alive and well! As I entered his room, I rushed to his side and grinned.

"Alfendi! You're ok!" I exclaimed in delight.

I was expecting his usually snarky remarks, but I didn't hear that. I heard a whimper. That's not like him. I looked at him and noticed something off. His hair wasn't red. It was purple. Instead of looking angry and annoyed, he looked scared and weak. This isn't him...

"Hilda? Why are you so loud?" he asked surprised.

I turned to Justin who was surprised as well.

"Alfendi? Are you feeling ok?" I asked him with worry.

"Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be? I just don't understand why you are so loud and energetic?" he asked surprised.

"Stop it! Why are not getting angry? Why are you not upset? The culprit got away!" I snapped as I stood up and faced him.

Justin placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Why would I be? There will be other chances. I don't have a reason to be mad" he answered calmly.

This... Something is wrong with him...That is not the man I fell in love with... We went outside as the nurse decided to check on him. She soon returned to us.

"According to my notes, he is healthy. As for his personality, I am not sure what happened to him" she answered, "It could be because of the fight he was in. That shook of getting shoot might've changed his personality"

That's horrible... Alfendi... I sat outside the room and pondered all of this. The gunshot wound was able to shake him up like this... How will his family take it? I can't take it...

(Hershel's POV)

Motostoke City, Hospital

July 25th, 11:17 AM

All of us rushed to the hospital and found my son's room. We burst into the room and found my son sitting up.

"Oh! Al! You're ok!" Kat shouted in relief as she rushed to hug him.

She hugged him, but she was surprised. She felt her brother hug her back. Flora, my wife, and I stopped for moment. Alfendi would've pushed her off and yelled about how angry he is about the case. Something is wrong. Flora sat next to them and began to talk to them. As for my wife and I, we turned to see Justin and Hilda. We stepped outside of the room and went to talk to them. We learned of Alfendi's personality change along with the attack.

"It was just his office that was mainly destroyed. Except for the machine. It was spared from the fire" Hilda reported to us in a sad manner.

Claire wanted to reach out to her, but Hilda shook her head.

"I'm so sorry, Professor Laytons" she confessed, "But the man I truly loved isn't the same anymore. I can't be with him anymore"

Claire and I were shocked as Hilda shook her head. Though, I could understand it. Hilda fell in love with my son who now has a new personality.

"We understand Hilda" I said softly, "Do what you need to do"

"I may not be his partner anymore, but I'll still be his friend. If you excuse me, I need to take a moment" she said as she left us in a depressed manner.

"I'll make sure she is looked after. I'll help Alfendi too if he needs anything" Justin said as he went after Hilda.

I was relieved he still has his friends, but he did lose his partner. He'll be in shock about that. Now, we have to help our son. Just then, Kat ran out of the room with tears in her face as Flora ran after her.

"Hershel take care of them. I'll speak with Alfendi" Claire said as she went back to our son's room.

(Claire's POV)

I entered his room and sat at his side. He was in some kind of pain! I rushed to his side as I gently place a hand on his shoulder.

"Son, please tell me what is wrong. How can I help?" I asked him calmly.

He had his hand in his hair as it changed color! It went for the new purple hair to the familiar red hair!

"Mom... Is that you?" he asked in a strained voice.

"Yes, son. How can I help you?" I asked him calmly.

"Mom... get my coat..." he said seriously.

I rushed to his coat and pulled out a dark piece of cloth. What does he want with this?

"Please keep it safe... Hide it until I need it again... Sorry... Dad's book was destroyed... I don't know how long I'll be able to talk to you..." he continued to speak.

I was surprised. He was aware of his situation he was in. I stood at his side and hugged his hand.

"Mom... I'm scared... Something dangerous is coming... I won't be here... much" he confessed to me.

I held his hand and hugged him close. He was shaking terribly.

"Hilda left... Kat and Flora were scared... I don't know... What's coming... We need help... I'll need help... Please help me... Ah!" he cried out as he fainted!

I was in shock about this.

"Nurse! Help!" I shouted from his room.

A few nurses rushed to his side as I left the room. I need to talk to Hershel. Something is coming!

(Hershel's POV)

I caught up to my daughters and hugged them close. I am grateful I left Luke with Emmy, Clive, and Ernest to watch over the agency. My children... This is the reason I left you at home. You would be somewhere safe and away from danger. Alfendi was in danger... He's hurt now... We stood there as I gently rubbed their backs.

"I promise... I'll keep you safe... I'll make sure nothing like this happens again" I reassured them.

As they cried, Claire rushed to us. She brought them into a hug as well. After a while, the nurses allowed us to come and visit my son again. Kat and Flora didn't leave his side as I spoke with him.

"Are you ok, son?" I asked gently as Claire stood at my side.

"I am fine, dad. Sorry about this. I didn't mean to worry you. I didn't mean to scare Katrielle and Flora" he said softly as he then began to talk to his sisters.

Claire then pulled me out of the room to speak with me. She quickly explained to me what Alfendi had said to her and presented her.

"What does this mean, Hershel?" she asked worriedly as she showed me the black cloth.

"I am not sure, but please keep it hidden in a place only you will know. This is a puzzle I have never heard of. It scared our son and created this second personality. Why did they want to attack our son?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know... But he's there. He's still there. He needs our help. How are we going to help him?" Claire asked worriedly.

I pulled her into a hug as I held her close.

"We will help our son. We will find out who did this and wanted this to happen" I reassured her, "We will protect our children. I promise"

Claire nodded her head just as Commissioner Chelmey and a young lady behind him. Claire broke away from my hug and faced the commissioner.

"Commissioner! Is everything ok?" she asked worriedly.

"We are gathering the evidence from the crime scene. Right now, Justin has looked at the case, but we are not sure what to rule this case as" he confessed.

I recalled the words my son said to Claire. I have a better idea.

"Commissioner. I have a better idea, but first, I need to know what you plan to do with this case" I asked him seriously.

"Right now, we should take you son's gun away and rule the case as unsolvable" the commissioner informed us.

"Perfect. Do that. Make it known too" I said as Claire jumped at my plan, "We need to make the person who attacked my son believe he succeed. Then, we can figure out what is really happening"

The commissioner agreed as Claire looked confused before we realized that a young lady was here.

"I am sorry, young lady. We did not know you were here. I am Professor Theodore Hershel Layton. This is my wife, Professor Claire Layton. Who are you?" I asked kindly as Claire waved to her.

"Oh! Aye! Right! Detective Constable Lucy Baker!" she greeted warmly.

She wore an orange hat, green jacket, white pants, and brown shoes. Her hair was reddish brownish. Her eyes were red.

"She is planning to join the yard soon. Actually, she should be returning to my office" the commissioner said with a nod of his head.

"Aye boss!" she said as she departed from us.

She's interesting... I wonder...

"Commissioner, please tell me more about Miss Baker" I asked calmly.

"Hershel, what are you thinking of?" my wife asked curiously.

"Solving part 1 of our son's request" I answered her with a grin forming on my face.

"Well, she has potential. The only problem is that she failed the written test. She can handle cases outside very well. She just needs a mentor. So far, she hasn't found the right one" the commissioner informed us.

"Then, I have an idea. Let me see her file and call the Edgeworths and Wrights. I want to speak with them about this" I said as he nodded his head and turned to Claire, "Tell the girls they can stay as late as they want. We will be returning to our house"

She nodded her head as the commissioner simply laughed.

"You're going to catch the person who did this, aren't you, Hershel?" he asked with a knowing smile.

"But of course. Someone purposefully attacked my son and maybe my family. They will pay for that" I answered simply.

Claire joined us as we left the hospital. I held my phone as I texted Mr. Edgeworth about meeting with us.

Ace Detective Agency, Master Bedroom

July 25th, 9: 13 PM

Kat and Flora remained at the hospital as they looked after their brother. As for my wife and me, we opened her computer and contacted the Edgeworths and Wrights.

"Hello professors!" Mr. Wright greeted in a warm manner as he sat beside his husband, Mr. Edgeworth.

"It is nice to see you two" Claire greeted warmly as she tried to compose herself.

"We are sorry about calling you during your honeymoon" I said with a hint of sadness in my voice.

"Don't worry about it. It is nice to see you again" Mr. Edgeworth said warmly

"Trust me, we are happy to see you here. Especially after the two days we've had. I didn't think magic like that was real" Mr. Wright confessed in a tired manner.

I raised my eyebrow at that statement.

"Right now, everyone is safe, and our daughters are out with their friends, so it is just us. How can we help you?" Mr. Edgeworth asked kindly.

Claire gripped my hand as we slowly began to explain the situation to them. They were both horrified by the news, but they understood.

"That is tragic. We are deeply sorry about this" Mr. Edgeworth said in apologetic tone.

"As for this incident, we'll check things out on our end. Even though Lana Skye is back to being Chief Prosecutor, she is still having us look back on previous cases linked to Manfred Von Karma, Damon Gant, and Quercus Alba. We will see if we can find anything out about this" Mr. Wright informed us.

"As for Lucy Baker, I have questions as to why you want her to be the partner to your son. As your wife has stated, he's still present. I don't know if he would want to work with someone who didn't do well on their test" Mr. Edgeworth pointed out.

Claire looked at me as she agreed with the prosecutor with her arms crossed.

"Alright, Hershel. Time to tell us everything you're planning in your Layton's Histrionics Logic and Puzzling Solving" she joked as I grinned.

"Very well. Our son is afraid. A characteristic we don't often see from him unless something bad is happening. He knows something terrible is coming. He needs our help to stop it or combat it. However, he doesn't want to be left behind. He wants to be there with us as well. Though, with this second personality of his, he knows it is going to be a problem. He needs a new partner since Hilda didn't want to be his partner due to the second personality" I explained to them slowly.

"Well, what about Athena? I could send her over. She can help you out. She is a psychologist. She and her brother had a wonderful time when they discovered her brother's friend had multiple personalities. I wouldn't mind sending her over to help you. She also knows your son pretty well" Mr. Wright suggested.

"Unfortunately, I don't want her to come. She knows my son. She would react similar to how Hilda and Justin did. If anything, we need someone new. This is why I am suggesting Detective Constable Lucy Baker. She is bright, outgoing, headstrong, and empathic. The exact opposite of my son in every way with his true personality and with his current personality. She'll be able to help my son" I said with a grin.

Mr. Edgeworth and Wright were surprised as Claire blinked a few times.

"You essentially want to give your son not only a partner, but a girlfriend" Claire said with a sigh.

"Yes. I am positive that Lucy Baker will be the miss piece to his puzzle. She can adapt to both of his personalities" I reassured them with a nod of my head.

"That might work" Mr. Edgeworth said with concern in his voice.

"Why not? Stranger things have happened. Also, I can't understand Professor Hershel anyway. Go for it!" Mr. Wright encouraged.

Well, that's two votes. I looked at Claire who sighed.

"Alright. We will try this plan of yours out. But if our son asks, it was your idea. I'll hide the cloth, you call Commissioner Chelmey about Detective Constable Lucy Baker's new job" Claire said with a sigh as she left us.

I said my goodbyes to the Wrights and Edgeworths and went to inform Commissioner Chelmey about my brilliant plan. Soon enough, my son was discharged from the hospital and working with the Yard with that machine he has been working on. However, due to this incident, a lot of people around Europa were dubbing this incident the start of the Second Dark Age of Law. I am worried about this. I don't know what is coming, but it is something dangerous.

(Lucy's POV)

Mystery Room, Main Lobby

July 30th, 8:30 AM

I am so late! Argh! Stupid alarm! It never works when I need it to! I ran down the hallway and entered the room to find a tall, skinny man with purple hair.

"Sorry! I'm late!" I shouted loudly as I panted.

"It is fine. I am Inspector Alfendi Layron. Are Detective Constable Lucy Baker?" he asked as he turned away from the machine.

Give over! He really knows me!

"Ta! I'm here as your assistant till I become an Inspector like you!" I shouted determinedly as I realized something, "You're the son of Professor Layton! How about I call ya Prof and you can call me Lucy!"

"Very well, Lucy. Though, I am not sure how my father will feel about me being called Prof. He and my mother are both professors. Oh well. You have a lot of work ahead of you. Are you ready?" he asked with a yawn.

"I am ready for anything, Prof!" I shouted determinedly as I went after him and began my work at the mystery room. 

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