I Hear A Symphony ✔ •Varian X...

By Stark_Oblivion

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Complete! I Hear A Symphony ✔- A Varian X Reader Story As the younger sister of Rapunzel, your parents were... More

✿Chapter 1: Decisions✿
✿Chapter 2: Beyond Corona✿
✿Chapter 3: The Coronation✿
✿Chapter 4: The Wizard?✿
✿Chapter 5: The Alchemist.✿
✿Chapter 6: Great Expositions✿
✿Chapter 7: The Fates' Design✿
✿Chapter 8: Lovely Day✿
✿Chapter 9: The Empyrean Shower✿
✿Chapter 10: Your Highness Rapunzel✿
✿Chapter 11: The Blizzard✿
✿Chapter 12: How do you sleep?✿
✿Chapter 13: The Fall✿
✿Chapter 14: The Men✿
✿Chapter 15: A Lie✿
✿Chapter 16: Not The Same Person✿
✿Chapter 18: Somebody that I used to know✿
✿Chapter 19: Everything I Wanted✿
✿Chapter 20: There's No Use In Trying✿
✿Chapter 21: Slipping Through My Fingers✿
✿Chapter 22: It's All Forgotten Now✿
✿Chapter 23: Where Is The Justice?✿
✿Chapter 24: Mistakes Have Been Made✿
✿Chapter 25: Reuniting✿
✿Chapter 26: Rescuing Corona✿
✿Chapter 27: The Lost Treasure of Herz Der Sonne✿
✿Chapter 28: Stuck in a Shell✿
✿Chapter 29: Be Very Afraid✿
✿Chapter 30: A Vial of Amber✿
✿Chapter 31: Wither and Decay✿
✿Chapter 32: The Scroll✿
✿Chapter 33: Nothing Left To Lose✿
✿Chapter 34: That Short Lady✿
✿Chapter 35: The Rooster✿
✿Chapter 36: Goodwill Festival✿
✿Chapter 37: Demanitus's Tomb✿
✿Chapter 38: Storming The Castle✿
✿Chapter 39: Death And Life✿
✿Chapter 40: From Me, The Moon✿
✿!Thank You!✿

✿Chapter 17: Locked Away✿

3.8K 117 412
By Stark_Oblivion

You walked into the throne room, seeing all the presents for Rapunzel. Quickly you placed down your own gift for her and hid it behind some presents. You smiled at all the gifts, these people really loved Rapunzel. But then a frown grew on your face, your birthday had never been celebrated this much. You had never had a room full of gifts, or a statue built in your honor. Yes, Rapunzel was the lost princess, but shouldn't both daughters of the royal family be equal?

The doors opened behind you, Eugene was covering Rapunzel's eyes, "Presents room!" He said, removing his hands from her eyes. You waved at them awkwardly.

"Hey, guys..." You chuckled.

Rapunzel gasped, "Goodness! These are all for me? The people love you!" He said, running around her, "Oh, I am so good at this. Look, look!" He picked up a box and rattled it next to his ear, you quickly walked up to them, wondering if he could guess it, "It's a set of paintbrushes." He picked up another one and shook it, "Someone got a new necklace." He then turned to another one, "And this is..." He shook it, and it sounded like glass, "Clearly something that probably shouldn't have been shaken." Pascal hopped onto some of the gifts and pointed over to one that was on another table, "Oh, that one next?" Eugene asked, before walking off and shaking more gifts.

You decided to follow Rapunzel to check out some of the gifts. The two of you walked up to something that looked like the inside of a music box, but it was huge. In front of it was a note that said: "Wind Me". You and Rapunzel shared a looked before she reached forward and started turning the handle.

(This is the song above.)

The music box played a tune, one that sounded uncomfortably familiar. You felt like you had heard this somewhere before. It sent shivers down your spine. Rapunzel let go of the handle and turned to you, "Kinda creepy." You said, before turning around.

As you both turned around you came face to face with Friedborg, "OH! Hi!" Rapunzel said, startled, "Oh. Friedborg. You startled me." She then looked down and noticed the woman was holding a bright yellow dress, "Wait, is it time for my fitting? Where's Cassandra?"

Eugene walked up, "I haven't seen her all day. See? Things arent' so bad after all."

Rapunzel sent him a deadpan look, "No. Come on. We should find her."

You followed Rapunzel out of the room, "Hey..." You looked up at Rapunzel, "I think I'm just gonna stay in today? Alright?" You asked, you didn't exactly feel like going out in the town where everyone would be talking about Rapunzel.

She turned to you with a soft expression, "Are you feeling okay?" She asked, "Because I can always make you some hot chocolate if you want!"

"No, I'm fine!" You said, waving your hands in front of you, "I'm just a little bit tired! That's all!"

"Alright. Well, I hope you are awake by tonight! You want to be ready for that cake!" She smiled, giving you a hug before running off with Eugene. As you turned around and walked past the throne room you heard the music again. You opened the door and peeked in, spotting the music box turning on its own. You quickly left the room, not wanting to tick off whatever spirit was turning that music box. You heard some thuds and ran as quickly as you could away from that room. You made it to your room and closed the door, you had heard the stories of Rapunzel getting possessed. You didn't want that to be you.

After being in your room for an hour or two you heard a knock on the door and then it opened, without you saying anything. Your father stepped into the room, "Did you hear what happened?" He asked.

"What happened?" You asked, concerned.

He folded his hands together, "Well, earlier an automaton showed up in the castle and attacked Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cassandra." He said, causing you to gasp, "We are unsure of why Varian did it. Since he already has the flower, but we are trying to figure out a motive." The man paused, "Until then, you are to be secured in your room until this is all over."

"I can't leave?" You asked.

He nodded, "It's for your safety, (Y/N)."

"No. NO! You can't do this! Please!" You cried as he walked towards the door.

"It is for your own good." He then walked out the door and closed it, locking it behind him.

You let out a growl, throwing yourself on your bed. You felt like a bird in a cage with no chance of freedom.


It was nighttime now and you heard a knock on your window, you walked over to it and heard it click as if it was now unlocked. In stepped Eugene.

"Hey, we are breaking you and Rapunzel out." He said causing your eyes to widen.

You wanted out, but breaking the rules again? You had just committed treason and you knew your father didn't want you out of the castle.

You shook your head, "I- don't think I should." I'm already in so much trouble.

"Oh, well... are you sure?" He asked.

You nodded, "Yeah, I guess I just need to cool off a bit... a lot has happened in the last couple of days."

"Yeah, you're right. Just take some time for yourself. I'll leave your window unlocked so you can leave if you need alright?" Eugene asked, earning a nod from you. The man then walked back out of your window, you noticed he left it slightly cracked.

You shrugged to yourself before sitting down in your bed, you needed some sleep. It had been a long couple of days. You closed your eyes after covering yourself with your blanket. All you wanted right now was rest.

After a solid 30 minutes of sleep, you were awoken by the sound of your window opening. You shot up to see who was at your window and found yourself looking at a masked man.

"Who are you?! What do you want?!" You asked, scooping away from the man. He pulled up his mask, revealing a very tired-looking Varian.

"Shh, shh, shh, it's just me (Y/N)!" He said trying to calm you down.

"Just you? JUST YOU?!" You got up from your bed with a pillow and started hitting him with it, "YOU JUST USED ME, AND MADE ME COMMIT TREASON YESTERDAY! AND ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS "IT'S JUST ME"?!" You threw the pillow down and grabbed him by the shoulders shaking him back and forth, "YOU'RE AN ENEMY OF CORONA NOW AND YOU WALTZ INTO MY ROOM LIKE YOU OWN THE PLACE!" You said before calming down a bit.

Your face flushed red as you realized that you were still in your sleep gown. You stepped back from the boy and crossed your arms, looking away from him.

He took a step closer to you, "Yeah yeah..." He paused, clenching his fist, "But that doesn't matter right now. I really need your help." He said.

"No. Varian, I committed treason once for you. And I am not going going to do it again." You growled.

The boy let out a disappointed sigh, "Well if you won't come willingly... then sleep." He said, releasing a cloud of some chemical dust in your face. You immediately passed out and fell forward into his arms, "Sheesh, you're gonna wake up the whole kingdom..." He chuckled before tossing you over his shoulder.


Your eyes shot open and you sat up quickly, remembering the events that had happened prior to when you had been put to sleep. You were sitting down in a chair in the middle of Varian's lab. You looked around the room trying to find the boy.

"Varian..." You said softly, you weren't sure if you actually wanted him to respond.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and the boy walked around you, standing in front of you and leaning down, "Don't worry, (Y/N). You are merely bait to lure the princess here." He paused before walking towards his desk which had a piece of paper on it, "Only the magic of her unbreakable hair can shatter the amber and free my father." He then turned to you, "I tried asking for help in a civil manner, but was denied by everyone in Corona... except for you."

"Varian, listen to me-" You started.

"So, unfortunately, this is my only remaining recourse." He stepped over some of the amber and pulled the tarp from over it. You looked at the encased man, it hurt to see this. You had tried as hard as you could to help him, but you weren't strong enough.

You looked up at the boy, "Varian. What are you going to do after you've freed your father?" You asked.

"After?" He chuckled, "Oh, well, I'm afraid Corona will pay for turning their backs on me. And that's when everyone should start worrying." He turned to face you, "Except you, (Y/N), you were the only person who tried to help me. So you are the only person I will spare from this."

"Varian, please. Try to understand what I'm saying please." You pleaded, "Rapunzel was doing what she needed to do. If she had gone with you then all of Corona would have died! Your judgment is clouded by your hate!" You struggled to get your hands untied.

Varian looked conflicted, his face showed anger but his eyes were full of sadness, "No. NO! You're wrong!" He walked towards you, before roughly grabbing you by your blouse and pulling you out of the chair. He then dragged you over to one side of the room and shoved you down to the ground.

"Please, Varian. You're my best friend, and I don't want you pushed into this life." You cried, "Do you really think that being this person would make your father proud?"

You could tell you struck a nerve. With sadness in his eyes, the boy kneeled down before chaining your leg to the ground. His gloved fingers lightly brushed against your skin, "It's just a precaution, I don't want you running off."

"I wouldn't have tried to." You said.


The boy, who was welding an automaton decided to speak, "Any moment now, (Y/N)." He raised his mask, "Believe me, I know, I've sunk pretty low. But whatever I've done they've deserved-"

"Varian-" You tried to get him to think through this.

"Quiet! I'm the bad guy, that's fine." His expression was conflicted, "It's no fault of mine. And some justice, at last, will be served."

You called desperately, "Please, listen!"

He started climbing up a ladder, "Now it's time to step up for it's time to back down, and there's only one answer for me." He turned to look at you, wondering if he was making the right choice, he then turned away and shook his head, "And I'll stand up and fight, 'cause I know that I'm right." He then poured some potions into glass balls, "And I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready! Ready as I'll ever be!"

You looked up at the boy who was now standing in front of you, "Varian. Once you do this there is no going back."

His face grew sad, "I don't think I could go back even if I wanted to." He shook his head, "But I will have my way, and that's all that matters." The boy turned around and started pulling on some chains, lowering the automatons into the ground, "I'll make them hear me!"

He leaned back as the last automaton was lowered into the ground, "I'm ready... Ready as I'll ever be."

After a few minutes of silence, Varian looked out the window, "What a happy family reunion this will be." Varian turned around to face you, a smirk on his face, "For both of us." He said. The boy then turned to look out the window again, deep in thought. He then walked over to where you were and pulled a curtain in front of you, "Just for precaution, you know. I can't have you seeing everything that goes on here." He said, peeking through the curtain before closing it.

You heard his footsteps as he walked away, after a solid fifteen minutes or so you heard the creaking of a door. There were some footsteps and a soft thudding before the sound of glass breaking. And then you heard him.

Varian laughed evilly before he spoke with disdain, "Welcome back... Rapunzel." He growled.

"Varian, I demand you release us!" You heard your father say, "And tell me where (Y/N) is!"

"Your Majesty, "Varian said sarcastically, "I know it's hard for you, but for the first time in your life..." You heard a thud and then the sound of Pascal squeaking, "...you are in no position to demand anything." He paused, "But, in the spirit of compromise, how 'bout I meet ya halfway?" He asked before pulling back the curtain, revealing you sitting, chained, to the ground.

Rapunzel reached out for you, "(Y/N)!" She called out.

"I'm okay, Rapunzel." You knew Varian wouldn't hurt you.

Rapunzel glared at the boy, "Let her go, Varian! Please!" She cried.

Varian walked in front of you, his hand stretched out slightly in front of you, "First, you're going to do something for me."

"What do you want?" Your father asked.

"Oh! So now you care about what I want?" He turned around towards you and kneeled down, "All it took was threatening the things you love most." He lightly grabbed your shoulders, and tilted his head towards you, a smirk on his face.


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