IceQueen And FireKing

By boredinhouse2211

718 43 32

Surya pratap Rajvanshi , he is what you call arrogant , rude, hardworking , handsome hunk , son of Mr. Tejpra... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 1

291 12 5
By boredinhouse2211

"Pakistan is planning something big against india , PM and Army officials are in high level meeting in PM residence." The news anchor's voice was blasting in living room . i just washed my hairs after so long. I reached home at around 10pm after doing emergency delivery. Sorry i forgot to introduce myself , I am Dr. Vidhyati Suryavanshi , gynecologist and beloved daughter of my mom and dad , Sulekha and Kamal Suryavanshi , beloved sister of Lieutant General Dr. Vidhum Suryavanshi. Both mom and dad are cardiologist. My brother is an army surgeon. I too wanted to join Army but changed my mind after seeing my mom and dad feeling sad after Vidhum departure. Although they are happy and proud of him but still who loves empty nest right.

" Vidhi beta , Come have dinner , i made rajma , chawal for you." Mom called me. did i tell you my mom is very strict about food and she is an excellent cook; the quality i forgot to inherit.

" coming mamma." i said while wearing my pajamas and rushed to the dining table.

" How was your day vidhu." Dad asked while watching news about pakistan, useless news in my opinion but what can i say i have an army doctor in my family and also my grandfather was an army officer so dare i voice my thoughts , it will be like lord thunder visited me itself.

" It was fine dad , Did Emergency Delivery . It went well." i told him while eating dinner.

" Btw Vidhyum called me today. He is coming tommorow. he told me that he got 7 days holiday ." Mom told me while cuddling with dad.

" Really bhaiyu is coming. That rascal didn't call me. I will definitely give my silent treatment to that monkey." i Said while pouting.

" Vidhyati what are you calling your elder brother. where is your language young lady." Mom said while glaring at me.

" Dad ." i whined while going to the sink for cleaning my dishes.

"Sulekha let her be. Even i will not talk to him. he also forgot about me." Dad said with a determined look . while mom just muttered " What will i do with this father , daughter duo."

" Dad btw Yashika is coming tommorow for sleep over. i will not tell her about bhaiyu's return as knowing brother he only told about his arrival to mom. such a momma's monkey." i said , obviously mom glared but before she can say anything i rushed to my room .

" GOooood nighttttt mom and dadd." i said

Btw Yashika Rajvanshi is my best friend and she is an engineer from IIT rourkee. Working as software designer and CEO in her own company. although she could work in her parents company but she refused and started her own. and now juicy stuff, she is my brother's girlfriend too. And they got together because of yours truly. I have only one true friend yashika and viceversa for her . As her parents were in army so they were rarely home and her brother was in army school , i have no idea about him , don't judge he was never home when i used to visit Yashika, i only know his name i think surya , coming back to track , so she used to be more at our home rather than her. and mom and dad used to give our responsibility to vibhum bhaiya as he was 4 yrs elder to us and thus we three were always together. if you are thinking about my brothers friend, you can say he is overprotective and for him any male species except dad and him around both of us is danger so none of his friends were ever around.

" lets see what happens tommorow."


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