A Spark In Your Eyes

By dea__adel

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Yua Midoriya has always been the protector of the family. Ever since her dad left to work abroad, she took it... More

Author Note
~ Prologue ~
~ Chapter 001 ~
~ Chapter 002 ~
~ Chapter 003 ~
~ Chapter 004 ~
~ Chapter 005 ~
~ Chapter 006 ~
~ Special Chapter 006.1 ~
~ Chapter 007 ~
~ Chapter 008 ~
~ Chapter 008.1 Special ~
~ Chapter 009 ~
~ Chapter 010 ~
~ Chapter 011 ~
~ Chapter 013 ~
~ Chapter 014 ~
~Chapter 015~
~ Chapter 0016 ~

~ Chapter 012 ~

79 3 2
By dea__adel

Previously in A Spark in Your Eyes...

A knock then was heard at the room's door, Eri going towards her mother while Dabi got up, ready to attack if needed.

Seeing it was only the doctor, he let him in, after threatening him that if he did a wrong move and was going to hurt Yua more, he would burn.

Eri meanwhile got off the bed, not trusting much doctors, and went towards Dabi, taking his hand in hers, feeling protected near him.

After Yua was treated, the diagnosis being sever exhaustion and her wound on her leg being infected, the doctor left, leaving Dabi and the little white haired girl alone.

More time passed, the two bonding together and getting closer to the other and when it came time for Eri's bed time, she fell asleep on Dabi's chest, the latter having sat on a chair.

After a few minutes of the two females being asleep, Tomura entered in his room, Dabi looking at him and motioning towards the little girl being asleep.

All Tomura did was tell him that he had to take them away from here tomorrow and that if someone had some issue with that, the League will have his back.

Dabi nodded at him, being glad to have some sort of friendship with the League.

Slowly but surely, Dabi also fell asleep, Eri still on his chest and Yua asleep on his bed.





Light slowly coming from the window of the small bedroom, it illuminated the three figures in the room, a female, with a banged up leg sleeping on the bed and a man asleep on a chair, a little girl sleeping on his chest.

Yua woke up confused, trying to remember what happened while fighting off a headache.

Putting a hand on her forehead, she groaned, trying to figure out where she was.

That's when it all flashed before her eyes, Eri being taken, Yua loosing control - and probably killing two people, she wasn't sure - then finding out the hideout Eri was taken to, her calling Yua mom and fighting off the person that held her daughter too tight. Dabi saving both of them and then it was black, remembering only the comforting feeling of her soulmate's blue flames.

Looking around the room she was at, wondering where Eri was, if she was safe and if she was with Dabi, her questions were soon answered when spotting two figures asleep on a chair, and smiling slightly at them, she took of the cover from her, trying to sit up on her own.

With a small grunt of pain, trying not to wake them up, she sat up, looking at her leg and trying to see if she could heal it.

She noticed that lately her healing Quirk didn't work on her as well, and she feared it was because the other side of it took too much of her own energy to be able to be handled.

Seeing it wasn't working, she knew she had no chance of getting off this bed on her own and instead choose to wake Touya up, despite her wanting to let him rest.

"Touya.." she whispered, only loud enough for him to hear while trying to not wake Eri up.

After a few more tries, she saw the man's eyelids fluttering, them later opening, showing his bright turquoise eyes.

Touya looked in the bright green ones of Yua, noticing a purple color in them, that wasn't there before.

Choosing not to alarm his soulmate, he then looked down at Eri, wondering how a child would be comfortable in staying close to him and not even being sure how to be a father towards the girl.

He remembers how last night she asked him that if Yua and him are together, that meant he was her new father.

Dabi had to admit, he was scared. Enji Todoroki was a shit father to him, and he had no idea how to raise a kid.

Looking back up at Yua, he noticed her motioning him to the bed and getting her hint, smirking at her teasingly, he got up, careful to not wake Eri up, and went towards the bed.

Yua then reached to take Eri from him, helping him ease the child in the bed.

As soon as she saw Touya try to leave the room, she called his name once more, noticing the shiver going up his body and making him turn to her.

"Stay...please.." Yua begged, not wanting to be apart from him. Since losing her control, she was afraid that if her anchor left her alone, she would lose it again and she didn't want to risk it, especially not with Eri there.

Touya then sighed, going back towards the bed and after taking his boots off, getting in, the child in between them.

"Thank you.." Yua whispered, stroking slowly Eri's hair, the girl having gotten closer when she sensed Yua.

Touya could only nod, afraid to speak, afraid to do anything.

Seeing him petrified, Yua brought her other hand towards him, a hopeful look in her eyes.

Touya watched her hand, debating if taking the hand into his.

Yua just waited patiently, looking how the string that connected them glowed brighter, and starting to sense his emotions, sensing the hurt feelings he had in him, that was covered by his anger at the whole world.

"Touya" she started, grabbing his attention "I'm here" she continued, smiling at him

Touya finally caved in, grabbing her hand back, watching fascinated as the string glowed even brighter.

The two then, in hushed tones, started talking of small nothings, until, after a big yawn, Touya told his soulmate to go back to sleep, that he will watch over them.

Yua then nodded, thinking of the day prior, of their kiss and how she ended up in that same place again, only this time hunting the man that took her daughter.

Slowly but surely, Yua fell asleep, Dabi following suit, making a silent vow to protect the two with his life, no matter what.





A couple hours later, Touya woke up, noticing how it was late morning and knowing he had to get the two out of here before Hawks arrived.

Shaking Yua awake, the woman grabbed Eri in her arms, and slowly she got up, trying to ease the pressure on her leg.

Touya then took the girl from Yua's arms, mentioning how she needs to be careful with her leg.

Sneaking around the base, while giving each other secretive smiles, they got out, Touya taking one of the Liberation Front's cars and driving them towards the place Yua mentioned.

She knew by now that Taishiro would be worried and having left her phone in the apartment, she didn't want to have a fight between the two males.

After another hour of driving, they got to the Hero's apartment, where as soon as she got in, Yua was engulfed in the biggest hug she ever felt Taishiro give.

After being explained to her that Dabi had let him know the two girls were safe, Taishiro had waited in the apartment, waiting for their return.

Yua then went to pack their bags, knowing it was best if they went back home and kept down, after all Yua also needed to heal.

Meanwhile the two men stared intensely at the other.

"I'm going to protect them you know" Dabi told the hero, still holding Eri in his arms

Fat Gum knew he couldn't disagree, he did notice after all a change in the man since first knowing about him.

He could only nod, hearing Yua getting back, asking him for help to bring the bags in the car downstairs.

As Taishiro brought the bags down, Yua looked at Dabi and he at her, all she could feel from him, from their bond, was affection.

"Once again, thank you Touya" she said, making sure they were alone.

He only nodded, wanting to hug her but his hands holding another person.

"She asked me if I was her father" Touya said, looking down at the child in his arms, her soft snores melting his heart.

Yua could only look at him, knowing if he didn't want to be in their lives, she couldn't force him.

"I said she'll have to talk to you " he continued, looking at her

"I have no idea how to be a father dove, mine was pretty shit" he then laughed, unwanted memories coming to surface.

Yua then got close to him, hugging both him and Eri to the best of her abilities, wanting to comfort him the best she could.





A car zoomed in the streets of Japan, going at a fast pace while trying to stay at the required speed limit.

A small girl was sleeping on the back seat of the car, while a woman and a man were at the front seats of the vehicle.

Yua looked from the passenger seat to Dabi, who was driving and keeping an eye out for possible threats.

Meanwhile Yua looked back to Eri, noticing the little girl waking up.

"Mommy?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I'm here sweetheart" she replied, giving the child her hand to hold.

Eri smiled, her smile getting even bigger noticing that Dabi was driving.

"Where are we going mommy?"

"Back home love" she replied, looking at her and wondering how she got so lucky to have her.

"And uncle Tai?"

"He was at the apartment, he gave you a big forehead kiss before leaving." Yua replied "he didn't want to wake you up"

Eri only nodded, wondering if Dabi was going to become part of their family.

"Mommy, can we see grandma when we get home?" she asked, missing the other part of her family "Mirio too, and Aizawa Sensei and Deku"

Yua only laughed, nodding her head and reassuring the girl that when her leg got better, they could go and see everyone.

Yua already texted in advance Shota, explaining that she got hurt during the trip and if he needed Eri he would have to stop by her house to pick her up.

"Are you sure I can enter the school grounds?" Touya asked, worried something might go wrong.

With Yua now living on campus, he had a harder time check-in up on her and was worried now he couldn't enter and help her to her house.

"Oh..." Yua said, forgetting the fact that he was still a villain "I.. I could talk to Nezu, he's the principal... explain the situation.. but.."

"At least call Eraser head to pick you up. I will sneak in later" Touya finally said, one hand off the steering wheel, grabbing hers.

Yua then texted Shota, asking him if he could help her from the gates of campus towards her house and after receiving an affirmative reply, she informed her soulmate who grimaced, for once regretting his life choices.

Once they got to campus, Touya helped Yua out of the car and got her bags out, then getting back in to not be spotted.

Shota Aizawa, also known as Pro Hero Eraser-head, got out of the U. A. Gates, looking perplexed at the car and Yua and Eri with their bags out.

"Whose car is it?" he asked, worried about the two, seeing the condition of the eldest female 's leg.

"A friend, don't worry Shota" she replied quickly "Just.. Please.. Help me with the bags"

Shota tried insisting on knowing the person in the car, but after seeing Yua's refusal to inform him of who it was, he dropped the argument, thinking he will try again later.

Yua waved at the car, sad she couldn't hug Touya goodbye

After getting settled back in the house, thanking Shota, the man then left, promising to check up on them in a few hours.

After getting Eri a quick snack, she heard a knock on the window and looking out of it, she saw the crouched figure of Touya, who had lit a flame in his hand to let her know he was there.

Opening quickly the window, Touya didn't hesitate in grabbing her face and kissing her hard until he heard a giggle and stopped, noticing Eri by the door watching them.

Yua also started laughing, a blush in her face while Dabi just smiled, shaking his head in amusement.

He then ran towards Eri, grabbing her up and spinning, following his instincts and hearing her laugh, and feeling accomplished.

Yua watched, her heart filling with warmth from both her and Touya.

Seeing Touya with Eri, so carefree and open, warmed the girl's heart, not having heard Eri laugh this much since the last time they played hide and seek.

She could also see, thanks to her Quirk, the bond the two made. So soon the two already had a blue bond, which meant that they saw each other as family.

She was smiling so big, she joined them in their game, tickling Eri as she laughed even harder.

"Daddy help!!" she shouted.

Time stopped.

Yua and Touya were looking at Eri, who made big eyes. Suddenly Eri started crying, apologizing for calling Touya that name.

Touya, taken by instinct, held her tight, reassuring her its okay.

"Hey... If you want me to be your dad... I will try to be." he started saying, drying her eyes from tears "I..I don't know how to be one, but I will try for you and your mom" he continued, for the first time in years letting his walls down.

Touya never thought that he could have this.

He'd always thought that he was cursed ever since his little brother Shoto was born, that he didn't deserve attention and that he would be alone forever.

He never thought he would meet the person on the other end of the string.

He never thought he would have a second chance at life, at a family he had yearned for ever since he was a child.

Yua then came to the two, hugging them both tight once more.

She knew how much it took from Dabi, ever since that night that he told her of his real identity, of how harsh his life was, how alone he was after he 'died', she tried her best to comfort him every time they saw each other. She stopped caring since that night that he was a villain and she a civilian. He was her soulmate, her soul singer and no one would come between the family that they created.

More hours passed, the new formed family spending quality time together, Eri being the happiest she had been while Touya had finally a chance to be with Yua without fear.

Yua, remembering that Aizawa was supposed to come to check on them, told Touya that if he did come, he should go upstairs to her room while reminding Eri that for the time being, she should keep this little secret between them, for the fact that Touya was here and for the fact that she had a new father figure.

When Eri asked why, even if she, at only seven, had some small clues, Yua replied that it was because Touya was someone that was on a secret mission and that he was seen by people as a bad man.

Eri nodded in understanding, only happy that now she had a family and happy that she was home, with her mom and dad.





Three days later, Touya was asleep alongside Yua on her bed, Eri asleep in the other room.

His phone kept ringing but he tried to ignore it as much as he could, until, pissed off, he replied.

"What" he said coldly, rubbing his eyes and then bringing Yua tighter to him.

"We need you to come back, your mini vacation is over" the voice of Tomura said from the other end " we need to discuss the plan"

Touya sighed, one hand holding the phone to his ear while the other was caressing Yua's hair, the woman still asleep in his arms.

"Shigaraki" he said, tired eyes looking at the ceiling "This is the last thing I will do" he continued, moving his eyes towards the woman in his arms.

Slowly, getting out of bed, making sure she was still asleep, he went downstairs, towards the kitchen, waiting for Tomura's reply.

"You're done?" he asked "is it because of them?"

"Yeah...they...I need to protect them" he replied back, starting to boil the water for Yua's tea.

In the past few days, they got into a routine, him waking up before her and preparing her tea.

"And what about getting a job? You really thing the society will close an eye about it?"

"I have to try for them"

"The best way to protect them is to be a villain Dabi" Shigaraki said on the other line "I know that, you know that"

Touya sighed, knowing he was partly right. If he was a low ranked villain then perhaps he could have had a shot at re-entering in society, but now, his decisions came to bite him back.

Saying goodbye, telling him he will come soon and then hanging up, he then continued preparing his soulmate's tea.

He then felt arms around his bust, and smiling slightly he turned his head towards Yua.

"Good morning" he said, giving her a sweet kiss

"Good morning to you too" she replied, kissing him back afterwards once more

"Is Eri up yet?" He asked and Yua shook her head, telling him she was still asleep

"This feels so mundane" Yua said afterwards, smiling up at Touya

Touya felt a pang in his heart, knowing the bad news she will hear soon.

"What is it?" She asked, noticing his change in mood

"Shigaraki called" he said, looking down "he needs me back"

Yua then slightly nodded, knowing it was for something bad

"When?" Yua asked, wanting to know when he will have to leave

"Soon, can't stay long" he continued "you think we can wake Eri up, so I can say goodbye? I don't want to leave just like that"

Yua nodded, appreciating the gesture. She knew it was hard for him to open up and she was glad he was willing to try with them.

"You already are a good father" she replied, thinking of yesterday, when he mentioned he didn't know how to be one.

He only smiled slightly, letting her go and going up to Eri's room, opening the door and sitting on the bed.

"Eri, wake up" he said, shaking lightly the girl

Opening her eyes slowly, Eri yawned, turning in her bed and looking up at her dad.

Truth be told, the little one was happy that she could finally experience what a real family was like and the past few days were a bliss, and was hoping that it will stay like this.

"Hey" he said, smiling at her

"Hi daddy" she replied, still sleepy

"Remember how your mommy said I'm undercover?" he asked, Eri nodding "Well, I have to go back on mission today kiddo" he continued, hoping that she wouldn't be too affected

"Oh..." Eri said, sad that her hopes won't come true just yet

"Can I call you though?" she asked, looking up hopefully at her dad

"Yeah, you can kid, but you have to tell your mom first ok? She has my secret phone number to let me know in advance"

Eri nodded, happy that at least she could reach him.

Getting up and jumping in his arms, she held him tight, noticing her mother at the door.

"I'm going to miss you daddy" she said, holding him ever tighter

"Me too bug, me too"

Touya then let her go, going towards the door, taking Yua's hand and descending the stairs.

Yua brought him until they were at the door, and after another sweet kiss they shared and after telling him to be careful, she asked him when they will see him again.

Touya, not having a clear answer just yet, told her that he will let them know, because from now on, it wasn't up to him.

Yua only nodded and kissed him one more time, watching as he left sneakily from the door, trying not to be seen by the staff or students of U.A.





"Ah!" Tomura said, arms raised "There is the man of the hour!"

Hawks could only watch as Dabi returned from his 'mission', wondering what it was that even the talkative Jin kept it a secret.

He did notice a change in attitude from the man, him being more careful around him, on edge.

The stoic Dabi, was afraid of something, Hawks noticed, he had a weakness.

This for Hawks was great news, since he didn't have any information on both Dabi and Shigaraki, and finding out this weakness of his could give them an advantage.

Shigaraki then announced to everyone the grand plan, that will happen in four months from now.

Hawks knew then they were out of time, he had to let Endeavor and the HPSC know about the plan and about the fact that Dabi might have a weakness - no, Hawks knew he had a weakness, he was sure of it.

Days passed and Hawks followed Dabi around, even going as far as trying to ask Jin or anyone of the Liberation for some information, but no one was bugging, as if they were threatened to keep it a secret.

Dabi did notice in the past few days that Hawks was around him more often and he warned ahead of time Yua to not call for their safety but he had to admit, he started to miss hearing their voices.

After a few more days, Dabi had enough and called them.

He would come later to realize, that was the worst mistake he did in his life as a villain because unknown to him, Hawks had a few feathers around him, and the conversation he heard between Dabi and the mysterious woman was fully heard.

Having heard essential information about the place she lived and her name, Hawks was surprised to hear that the woman was actually the girl that helped them a few weeks back at Kyushu.

With this new found information, he passed it along to the HSPC, not even thinking of the consequences that might happen.

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