By -platinumcopyshare

315K 12K 3.2K

⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 55

3.6K 143 0
By -platinumcopyshare

Harry stared at Hexam, his mouth dropping open. “What? How did that happen?”

Hexam chuckled. “Think about it.”

For a moment, Harry stared at him, then he began to think aloud. “I gave the wand over to Tubbs. I suppose that made him master of both my wand and the Elder wand, then Draco wandlessly summoned my own wand and... oh... yeah. Damn! Does that mean he’s also master of my wand?” He clutched the holly wand to his chest, hoping that it wasn’t so. He loved his wand and knew that he would probably have to seriously duel Draco and win for him to get allegiance back.

“I don’t know. You tell me,” Hexam said, still with that charming grin on his face. Honestly, the man should have entered the ‘most charming smile’ competition. He would have given Lockhart a run for his money.

The wand in his hand felt no different. Harry stared down at it, stroking the familiar wood with his finger. He flicked the wand lazily and a shower of brightly coloured sparks leapt from the end and lit the room in a rainbow of colours for a second before fading.

“I don’t think so,” he said. “But what do I know?”

“I think your wand is fine, Harry.” Hexam patted his shoulder. “Draco used your wand in defence of you, and I think the wands – however it is they do it – know that. Your holly wand is your own.”

The door opened and Madam Pomfrey poked her head round. “Mr. Malfoy is awake if you want to speak to him.”

Harry leapt up and followed her into the infirmary. Pushing aside the curtains around Draco’s bed, he went to Draco’s side, appalled at the bruises and cuts that covered his face.

“Draco...” he murmured, taking his hand.

Draco’s puffed and swollen eyes opened slightly. His split lips quirked slightly into a half smile. “Looks like I didn’t die after all,” he croaked.

“You saved my life.”

“Good. Now we’re even.” Draco coughed slightly. “Did Hexam explain everything?”

“Yeah. I suppose the mind-bind’s gone now?”

“Tubbs did it,” Draco whispered, then he nodded. “So tired...”

“Sleep. You’re safe now,” Harry soothed, pushing a strand of blood-matted hair out of Draco’s eyes.

“Will you stay?”

“I’ll try. Pomfrey might throw me out.”

“Hex her.” Draco smiled again, then his eyes shut. Harry sat down on the chair by the bed. Draco’s hand still in his own.

Madam Pomfrey moved to his side and did her healer thing.

“Will he be all right?” Harry asked at last when she had finished.

“He’ll be fine.” Pomfrey cast another spell and the bruising around Draco’s eyes lessened. “I’ve treated the really big injuries, now I’m fine tuning.” She cast a cleaning charm on Draco’s hair, making him look better at once.

“What did that bastard do to him?” Harry asked.

Madam Pomfrey pursed her lips as she gazed at him. “I’m not sure I should...” she sighed. “It wasn’t pretty, Mr. Potter. His body may mend, but I’m not sure about his mental state. I’m going to keep him asleep for a day or two so when he wakes properly he’ll at least be healed. That will help.”

Harry nodded and squeezed the hand that lay limply in his own. “Can I stay?”

“For a while. If you want, I’ll call for you when he starts waking up, but there’s no point in coming, at least until tomorrow.”

“I want to.”

“You have lessons – and the Headmistress wants to see you,” Madam Pomfrey said with a touch of her usual severity. “Mrs. Malfoy is here as well. I think she should see her son in private.”

“I thought she was under house arrest?”

“Professor Hexam pulled a string or two. He is an auror after all. He swore he’d keep an eye on her.”

Harry got to his feet, bend down and placed a gentle kiss on Draco’s brow. “Call me when he wakes again,” he said.

He left the infirmary just as Narcissa Malfoy entered with Hexam in tow. “Mr. Potter.” She bowed her head slightly. “It seems I have to thank you once more for saving Draco’s life.” She held out a hand and Harry shook it gently.

“I did nothing much. He saved mine.”

“Nonetheless, thank you for doing what you did.” She smiled warmly. “You are welcome in my house at any time.”

She inclined her head politely once more and continued to Draco’s bed, Hexam behind her, his hand laid protectively on the small of her back. Harry watched them go, thinking that perhaps Narcissa would not be lonely for long.

Then, with head bowed and shoulders heavy, he made his way to Professor McGonagall’s office.


“I’m relieved that Mr. Malfoy will recover,” McGonagall said, sipping her tea. “Were you injured at all?”

“Hardly a scratch,” Harry replied. He sat on the edge of his seat, wondering when the proverbial shit would hit the fan. She had to know that she had been obliviated – Hexam knew after all. He wondered what the penalty would be.

But McGonagall mentioned nothing. It seemed, as far as she knew, Tubbs had gone mad and kidnapped Draco. Harry answered her questions carefully, remembering that Draco was under probation. If it became common knowledge that he had cast the killing curse, even to save Harry’s life, he might be thrown in Azkaban without trial. He wished he had spoken more to Hexam, asked him exactly what was known and what he could say.

But for now, it seemed, Draco was safe.

“By the way, Mr. Potter, I thought you would be pleased to know that Mr. Weasley has recovered from his illness – remarkably quickly, in fact. He will return to school in a few days.”

Harry suddenly felt guilty. He had hardly given Ron or Hermione a second thought, what with everything that had happened. He wondered if Hermione was still not talking to him, whether Ron would remember what happened, and if he should tell them everything.

Of course he would. He always did, despite what he thought he’d do. He couldn’t keep secrets from them; they were his best friends.

“I suggest you go to bed now, Mr. Potter,” Professor McGonagall was saying. “You look extremely tired. Ask Professor Slughorn for a dreamless sleep potion if you need one.”

Harry thanked her and made his way to the dorm, glad that it was now so late and he wouldn’t be met with questions once he got back. Indeed, everything was quiet, the fire banked, the common room already tidied by the house elves. Relieved, he went up the stairs to the dorm and, dragged his clothes off, crept under the blankets and fell into sleep almost before he could take his glasses off.

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