Through the portal

By greencaterpillarew_

157 17 1

Two worlds, as different as us, stand on the precipice of change. One war is about to end with it regains pea... More



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By greencaterpillarew_


"The end is near. The decision is still uncertain. Congratulations to the 10 remaining lieutenants good luck and make wise decisions. Being a colonel is a high and very important position. You have to think wisely and clearly. You have to stop playing games and take this serious. You have to think like a leader, because when you're in my position, you gonna be the leader." Colonel Merlot says.

"Those who will continue in the competition are" Captain Midnight says looking at us and then to then look at the panel screen in-front of her.

"First place, Dove Alabaster." She says making my blood boil and I feel Dove gaze on me.

Enjoy you're stay because that position is my home, and I'm gonna return home in no time.

"Second place Ryker Emerald. Third place Lenx Ocean. Fourth place Hames Sandstone." she says and I start getting nervous. Did he eliminate me from the competition? If he did, I promise I'll kill him.

"Fifth place Altair Crimson. Sixth place Mina Tan. Seventh place Namid Viridian." she says and my anxiety overcame the clouds.

He eliminated me.

I'm over.

I'm out.

He kicked me out.

"Eight place Hope Teal." she says and my world falls apart. I've never been this low.

Why didn't he just eliminated me?

I know that a number does not define who I am and my abilities, but this is not fair. I am not eighth place, I am first place. This is completely ridiculous.

"Is everything ok at home?"Nolan asks me taking me out of my thoughts and I nod.

"Good luck to you all. You can withdraw." Captain Midnight says.

I make my way to the exit. I don't wanna go to class. Should I skip it for this time? Stupid classes that I have to take for at least 5 centuries. I don't like those classes. I hate them, they're so boring and pointless. There's not a week where a brand new law appears that is not more stupid than the previous one.

"Hope!" Colonel Merlot calls me from behind me and reluctantly I turned around.

I know what you want.

You want me to crawl to you, and beg you.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not doing that.

My success is my pride.

And my pride is making of myself my best weapon.

I don't need you.

I have never need it you.

Rather, you need me.

"Colonel Merlot." I say with a militar salute.

"I need to talk with you." He says approaching me.

There's nothing to talk about.

"I left it on your desk, colonel Merlot, if that's what you wish to talk about." I say.

My anger I cannot cover.

"Sorry about-...

"There's nothing to apologize. I am here to work and serve as a lieutenant to Indigo. We're not friends, so at the end, there's nothing that you say back there you didn't meant. Our title at end is our biggest mockery. If you will allow me, I needed to withdraw." I say looking straight into his eyes.

"Permission granted."He says and I turn around to leave with Nolan following me.

"How he dares to talk to you after putting in 8th place. I would have killed him." He says placing his arm over my shoulders.

"He just wants attention. He must be bored." I say annoyed.


Nolan opens the door and we make our way into our table . Everyone is talking, laughing and gossiping among themselves, gathered in groups. I sit in my sit and Nolan sits next to me. I put my feet up on the table, while Nolan pulled out a bag of mint trinkets.

"They are very good." he says offering me as I look at my hologram in my hand.

"No thanks, it looks gross." I respond.

"You miss it." He says with a shrug.

"Attention, take a seat and put your feet and butts off the tables this class is about to begin." Says Ms. Marigold.

"And you, stop eating if you don't want that delicious treat to go to my bracelet." She says looking at Nolan and the lights turn on.

"Keep dreaming." Nolan says putting the bag inside his bracelet and I put my feet off the table when she gave me a dirty look.

"Who turned on the lights? Turn off the one there is a lot of light outside. Hey you. Yes, you the one with the butt face, turn off that light." She says and someone turn off the lights.

"Fantastic. I hate this, I hate everything, I hate everyone." She murmured walking around the room.

"Be quiet, children of the morning!" She yells and everyone was silence. "Thanks. We gonna continue where we left off last time. Business , war, and strife Part XV." She says.

"As you should know, before the war, Indigo used to be like any world in the universe, trades with everyone, business everywhere. It was Indigo's Golden time." She says and stops behind me making my body shiver.

This woman has a weird vibe.

She's always looking at me with those weird eyes.

"Now we gonna be focusing in the end of this time and we gonna enter in the first part of the big conflict, focusing in the relationship between Black Stone and Indigo. So please, shut you're asses up, otherwise I'll give you a test."She says before start walking around again.

The relief I feel when she moves away from me is priceless.

"Black Stone as a peaceful world and a good ally to Indigo. For many centuries they brought goods to Indigo to exchange for food, ice and other goods. Until Black Stone started to believed that Queen Millar stole from them, since she traded goods with other worlds at a lower and moderate price, which didn't suit very well to Black Stone since she demanded higher prices, and sometimes impossible to pay, for the wealthy Black Stone world." She says pacing around the room.

I frown.

This is not history.

Is it?

This sounds more like a story being told by a non Indigo, or a not ally of Indigo.

"But our beloved and great Empress Trista made a deal with Emperor Arkin III that if he helped her, that will change and it did. The day our brave Empress Trista changed that and now all worlds are the same." She says returning to the story that everyone knows.

I look at her and our eyes meet.

She smiles at me and I look away.

She's so creepy.

She looks pretty Indigo to me.

"Next week we will study Pietro Rust Laws of Infinity, so be prepared. I will send you the link to your panels." She says.

Time to disappear for the next class.


The alarms begin to sound in an unbearable way, while I tried to turn them off, but it's just too late, they are already inside. I get out of the control booth and attack the first Opal that I see first.

Our lasers collide over and over again, trying to get one of us to get hurt, but it is impossible for me to hurt him and him to hurt me, we have the same strength. The only way is that either of the two fails is a distraction or some muscle failure.

I turn on the other side of my lasers and he freaked out causing him to lose a bit of strength.

Hahaha. Sorry. Is this you're first time?

I take that opportunity to step forward and he backs away, but he trips on something and falls to the ground. I take the chance to hurt him in his mark.

I hope he enjoyed my trick.

That was funny.

I jumped, and her laser hits the emptiness. When my feet hit the ground again, our lasers met and hit each other. She press the laser with a lot of force, more force than mine, pushing me back. I stopped straining and immediately back up and she falls on top of the Opal I just kill and I inserted my laser behind her head and it pierced her mark, killing her.

I turn around, just before I could celebra victory, I see Itri in the distance who is greeting me from a the distance free of chains and surrounded by Stonians.

I run towards the exit, and the army tries to stop them from taking him away, but there were too many of them. Looking at me he bowed with a sinister smile and the Opals took him on a ship, which no one could stop.



I step outside and watch the ship pull away with one of Indigo's most dangerous prisoners. The snipers started shooting at the ship, but none of them managed to hit it and that made me angry. 

I snatched the gun from one, took aim, took a deep breath and fired the bullet broke one of the thrusters, causing the ship to stagger and slow down. I fire at the other thruster and it's also destroyed that thruster as well and the ship fell to the ground again.

I threw the gun to the ground and run with the others to look for the ship and catch the prisoner again.

I approached with an army behind me, where the ship fell. There's smoke everywhere, ship is on the ground and we face the Stonians who had managed to survive.

Itri is nowhere to be found.

"Search for the prisoner, now!" I order them.

Where is that idiot?

A dying Stonian tries to attack me raising slowly from the floor.

He looks pretty dead to me.

Let me end you're pain.

I drew my gun and fire at his mark, killing him completely.

When the Stonian falls dead to the ground, letting me see what is behind him and I immediately recognized that uniform charcoal color and that light gray hair. 

You're not getting away from me.

I run after him and he quickens his pace.

I take the gun out of the pocket and pointed at him, but a huge gem falls in front of me, making stop and also those who came after me. I dodged the gem, but Itri is nowhere to be found, he's gone.


"How did you let this happen? You are all useless!" He yells full of rage. "You don't know how to anything right." He yell us again grabbing the lieutenant in charge of the jail by the cloak and slam his head against the hard wall.

"How did he get away huh? He was in the highest security jail in all of Indigo!" He yells at him.

"Someone hacked into the system, the cells opened and the inmates were released. We caught them all, but Itri jumped out of a window and escaped." He says worry for his life and he releases him.

You're dead anyway.

The colonel looks at me as I look at him relaxed, without a drop of fear on my face, because that doesn't exist, not now.

"You were close, Hope, why didn't you catch him? You are slow, you think a lot, stop thinking and act!" He yells at me and my blood boils.

"So I was. Why didn't you go catch him then? The real question here is... where were you? Here, protecting you from the Stonians, while we are out there risking our lives, while you just watch us, and yell at us from a distance like a coward?  Disqualifies me from the competition, I don't care anymore." I say angry and I turn around to leave, although I still hear him yelling my name.

Fuck off.


I throw the card and my weapons to the floor with force, they echo in the room and I just want to scream and run away from here until I disappear.

I wanna be happy, I wanna enjoy every aspect of my life, I wanna feel relief, I wanna feel satisfaction. I'm so tired to pretend I'm selfish, like I don't care, when I feel a lot, when my soul is move by the slightest action. I'm so done seeing my hands stain with innocent blood, I don't wanna hurt anyone anymore.

I need a break.

My bedroom door slides to the left letting me in. I throw myself on the bed on my back, take a pillow which I put on my face and screamed. I'm tired, tired of nobody seeing my effort and only seeing my mistakes.

I am tired of this agony, which is called life. This is so stupid. I'm so done. What is the purpose of living like this? It doesn't matter what I do, my efforts are never recognize.

Sometimes I wonder if I am the who did something wrong, to have such results and blows. I try to do my best, to give my best, but sometimes it seems as if what I am giving is nothing. I can't give more, because I don't have no more, that's the best I can give. I'm doing the best I can, I'm giving my all.

My eyes close looking at the stars, a tear slid down my cheeks. The pain I feel inside me I cannot take out, I can't ignore it.

Suddenly a knock in my doors and I want to scream. I sit up and clean my face.

Nobody visits me, it must be a package.

Another knock on the door and I roll my eyes.

I don't fly ok? Chill.

I open the door, my eyes wide open and close the door again.

What is he doing here?

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