[Moreid] Tiny Nose

By thoughtbaby

124K 2.9K 1.2K

Morgan has a girlfriend. He wouldn't if he would know how she treats Spencer. Prompt:"I can't stand you" More



10.5K 269 137
By thoughtbaby

Denise has her phone laying next to her, nervous about Spencer saying something that draws Derek's suspicion and call or text her but nothing ever comes in.

Meanwhile Derek is eating lunch with a Spencer that is very insecure, and avoids making mistakes at all costs, almost like in the beginning of their friendship.

"What's up with you?" With a smile he nudges his nose but Spencer slaps the arm away. "Wow hey, what is it? Did I chose the wrong jello? Did I steal your coffee? Why are you mad at me?"

"I didn't say I was mad at you!" He snaps .

"I am sorry for the assumption."

She tells her that evening and she asks if she should worry about him and if she can do something but Morgan denies it,saying he probably just had a bad day.

Morgan offers to take Spencer to a new museum on the weekend if they don't have a new case and asks her to join them.

For Spencer it makes perfect sense why Morgan takes him to the museum, he feels bad for waving him off so he wants to make it up and Spencer is more than happy to let him do that while Morgan just wanted to do something to cheer him up after the rough last weeks.

But either way it played perfectly into her cards, until she realizes how detailed Spencer takes museums visits.

"He is really into this." She comments trying to signal Morgan that they should keep going.

"We haven't been here before so of course he is." Morgan pulls them over to a bench while Spencer reads the information boards. "That man so easy to please if you know how. Look how content he is."

"Mm, as far as one can be in here." Denise looks at a child being bored as well too.

"I told you this was going to be his day, you chose to come." He kisses her and then doesn't turn his head away.

"I wasn't expecting this much."

"How much more rooms can there be?"

"If this map is right - six." She hold up the map of the museum. "Maybe you could ask him to cut one or two."


"C'mon, you don't enjoy this do you?"

"I am spending time with you and him I do enjoy it yeah." She rolls her eyes and then puts her head on his shoulder playing with his hands.

"You are not even spending real time with him, c'mon."

"It's enough." He stands up letting her pound on the bench like a child while he walks up to Spencer, letting him give him explanations about the things that are presented.

Over the time they spend there she only gets more annoyed, more mad so when they are on their way home and stop at a gas station she turns around to him. "Spencer,  Derek and I are really tired, he has a headache already and it would be really kind of you if you could stop talking."

"Oh I didn't know. I am sorry."

"It's fine, just turn it down a bit." To her fortunate, Morgan brings coffee with out of the small store, signaling Reid that he really is tired when in reality he just wanted some coffee but he also doesn't comment on the fact that Spencer started reading his book but he hears him clicking with his tongue over the last miles home and decides to ask him to stay over.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I wouldn't ask you otherwise. You can sleep in the guest room."


"I think that is a great idea." Denise interrupts him preventing the lie being exposed. 

She quickly learns after some time how much Spencer actually stays over and how that revolves in her not being able to spend time with Morgan alone and how then always the attention is on Spencer. "Can I talk to you real quick?" 

"Sure" Spencer is sitting in his bed, Clooney next to him while Morgan just went downstairs to take a phone call. 

"Derek and I have been talking and we think that it is not healthy that you spend so many nights at our house."

"Your house-"

"Well you know, he asked me to move in but I wouldn't really be comfortable if you would also always be here. I need my space when I am at home and I don't want to have to tell Derek I can't move in because of you." 

"Oh" Dissapointed Spencer looks down and tears build up in his eyes.

"It's okay honey you can still see him, just not staying over so much." She goes to wipe his cheek. "C'mon we don't want to hurt Derek with you crying over this do we?"

"I am sorry"

"It's okay come here." She pulls him closer and he buries his face in her neck. "This Night is still all yours and then I am sure you will get used to it. I am sorry."

Morgan should have started to get suspicious at that. At how Spencer never stays over anymore but the moment she isn't there clinches to him. "I need some space to breath here." Morgan jokes when he feels Spencer hugging him at night in their hotel room. "Spencer?"

"Don't go."

"I am right here not going anywhere." Spencer shifts so that his chest lays on Morgan's while he has his arms wrapped around his neck. "Did you have a nightmare?"


"You just needed a hug? In the middle of the night?" He feels Spencer desperately trying to press himself closer and Morgan stops asking questions and just assumes it must have been a nightmare and that he just doesn't want to talk about.

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