๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐…๐”๐‹ (Tom Riddle)...

By dinoraii

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๐๐Ž๐–๐„๐‘๐…๐”๐‹ | REWRITE!!
Harry J. Potter
Sirius O. Black & Remus J. Lupin-Black
The Celestials
i. quidditch world cup
ii. hogwarts: tri-wizard tournament
iii. the weasley twins' revenge
iv. something fishy
v. first task: dragons; pt. 1: meeting the godfathers
vi. first task: dragons; pt.2: merlin
vii. the daily prophet
viii. shopping & a potter
ix. a civil dinner
x. a very grand way of asking
xi. yule ball
xii. second task: the black lake's merpeople residence; pt.1:the treasures
xiii. second task: the black lake's merpeople residence; pt.2:hero complexes
xiv. cedric diggory
xv. lord james fleamont potter
xvi. revelations
xvii. third task pt. 1: the family
xviii. third task pt.2: the maze
xix. third task pt.3: the graveyard
xx. third task pt.4: the return
xxi. cedric diggory: the memorial, the choice
xxii. the new addition
Interlude I
xxiii. luna's world
xxiv. james and lily: the end pt 1
xxv. dumbledore's order
xxvii. family reunions & order members
xxviii. a fainting dark lord
xxix. the hogwarts express
xxx. the sorting ceromony
xxxi. the new dada teacher & a pink toad
xxxii. the strange dog
xxxiii. ravenclaw dorms
xxxiv. a flirting pink toad
xxxv. celestial chaos
xxxvi. detention
xxxvii. cedric's new mission
xxxviii. manuel's sudden intrest
xxxix. a tutoring session
xl. a mission to get harry, draco and neville
xli. sniff plays a prank
xlii. hermione's decleration
xliii. dumbledore's army formed

xxvi. headquarters

5.6K 168 10
By dinoraii


Iris throws a pillow at him in response. Harry catches it and throws it at a laughing Iris. She shrieks and dives into the bed. Downstairs, Petunia was smiling softly at the laughter. These were one of the days that they could act their age, not worry about the war brewing in the Wizarding World. Oh how they wished it could last forever.


Despite Vernon Dursley hating the two new inhabitants in his house, Petunia spent as much time with them as she could and Dudley had very little interactions with them.

On their birthday, Dumbledore had the twins taken for the day and to The Burrow. Let's just say it was chaotic for the two youngest Weasley's to handle, with two scowling mothers watching them. Sadly, they were not allowed to stay and were sent back to the Dursley's.

On the morning of August 2, 1995, the twins decided to head out. They were never allowed to leave and it'll have been suspicious if they used underage magic where the Order members watching them could see.

That was until Mundugs Fletcher decided to sleep on the job, of course. So, as the smart fifteen year olds they are, they left — with permission obviously.

"Harry let's go into town!" Iris tackled her twin.

"We did that last night, how 'bout the park? We've only gone once," he stated.

For a moment, the twins pounded on the options.

"Separate in town and meet by the swing set?" They asked together.

They looked at each other silently and lost their composure.

"Quiet down! We didn't take you in for you two to be loud!" The muffled voice of Vernon Dursley yelled.

Harry mimicked him making Iris laugh even louder. Vernon, hearing the laughter, stomped up stairs. Hearing this through their laughter, they apparated away with a pop.

Landing in an alleyway, they quickly saw a sweating Petunia walk by carrying loads of bags while fanning herself; spoiler alert, it wasn't very effective. Secretly, Harry casted a cooling charm on her and followed Iris to a bookstore.

He wasn't even in there for ten minutes before he left to the park. It probably wasn't the best idea to tell his sister that he was just going to explore the town more since she'll obviously look for him but he was honestly tired of the place.

He decided to walk around, meeting the nicer kids of the area. He occasionally saw one of the kids in Dudley's "gang" but they never noticed him. It was around 5:30 when he decided to rest at the swing set and read.


"Is it really a smart idea to let Harry think I didn't know he left?" Iris asked the person behind her.

"Yes, sadly it is. It's crucial that he's there," they answered.

"Tempy!" Hissed Destruction.

"You know you aren't supposed to say anything!" she hit the back of their head.

"Oh c'mon!"Chaos started.

"That's the point isn't it?" Mischief continued.

"To break the rules!" They finished together.

"Oh for Hectate's sake, shut up you two," sighed Life.

"Now Exitium, aren't you supposed to be with Manuel today?" Death asked.

Iris sighed. She didn't know what was going to happen but she wanted to be there for Harry. While she, like Harry, had a facade to keep up.

He wrote to his 'friends' and his parents even though they weren't responding and she was 'writing' to Tom. To Harry, it looked like she was, but in truth she wasn't. She was writing to her father. He kept her updated and it pained him not to send a letter to his son.

While the Celestials were talking — arguing —, she left. She apparated to an alleyway near a café that was close to Grimmauld Place. She was meeting with her fellow Celestial Masters, Mistress — minus Harry and Manuel of course — and Draco. Quickly spotting the group she made her way over.

"Rissykins is here!" The twins sang annoyingly.

"You know who else is-" Draco started,

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!" Hissed the twins.

"Uh, did I miss someone important here?" Iris snorted.

A waitress came up to the table, not-so-subtly eyeing the Weasley Twins as prey.

They shifted uncomfortably and the girls held in laughter.

"So, what can I get everyone today, if everyone is here of course," she said with fake sweetness.

"Coffee," the twins and Iris chorused the bursted out laughing.

"Tea," Draco mumbled.

"Hot chocolate please," Luna said dreamily.

She nodded and winked at the twins.

"Even in the muggle world you two have fan girls," Draco sighed.

Iris stifled a laugh and Luna chuckled. The two red-heads winked at him. The waitress came up and gave them their desired items, slipping the twins her address, which they quickly discarded.

"So, have you figured out what we're going to do after Dumbledore is gone?" Draco sipped his tea. Iris, the twins and Luna shared a look but shook their heads.

Draco was about to say something else when they saw Order members start to run out into an alleyway with brooms.

"Shit," Iris said casting a quick tempus charm. Had it really been that long?

"Listen, I'll see you guys soon, I promise to pay you guys back! Bye!" Iris yelled running out the café to apparate into her bedroom at #4 Privet Drive.

What the hell happened for Order members to come running out? And where the hell are the Dursley's?


Harry Potter was sitting on the swings, a low breeze was passing through and he was in deep thought. His book was forgotten, sitting in his back pocket. There were no children seen, that's when Dudley and his friends decided to mess with him since they never really got the chance to.

"He squealed like a pig, didn't he?" One of Dudley's friends said.

"Yeah, brilliant punch, Big D," another continued.

"Did you see his face?" They laughed then looked at Harry with sneers.

"Hey, Big D," Harry mocked, concealing a grin. "Beat up another?" Harry asked.

The twins have seen Dudley bullying kids and always subtly stopped it.

"This one deserved it," Dudley sneered.

"Yeah," Harry looked at them, "Five against one, very brave," Harry sassed.

"Well, you're one to talk," Dudley said with confidence.

"Moaning in your sleep every night? At least I'm not afraid of my pillow," Dudley and his friends laughed.

""Don't kill Iris." Who cares if she's gone? Better off without her." Dudley didn't mean it.

Harry glared, hard, "Shut up."

Dudley's friends laughed.

"He's going to kill me, Mum," he continued to mock.

"Where is your mum? Where is your mum, Potter? She abandon you? Did she abandon you and your sister? Did she abandon you Pott-" Harry launched at him, wand to his neck.

Dudley froze and his friends laughed.

Then something strange happened, the hot sunny day had suddenly become cloudy, it was going to rain. Dudley's friends froze, a bit scared.

"Dudley," one spoke.

"Dudley, let's go," he finished then they all ran off.

"What's going on? What are you doing?" Dudley accused.

"I'm not doing anything," Harry protested. Harry felt a familiar chill and dragged Dudley away.

In an alleyway(A/N: Is that what it is?) Harry once again felt the chill.

"We're getting out of here Dudley. Come on, Dudley, hurry up!" Harry ushered.

That's when a Dementor appeared.

"Dudley, run," Harry tried to say as calm as possible.

Dudley fell against the wall and the Dementor started sucking his soul away, Harry tripped and one hovered over him.

With his wand already out, he exclaimed, "Expecto Patronum!"

They cleared away, Dudley was trembling and Harry heard footsteps. Quickly putting his was wand away he saw it was the neighbor, Mrs. Figg.

"Mrs. Figg," Harry said wearily.

"Don't put away your wand, Harry. They might come back," she said.

They were walking down the neighborhood, almost to their respective homes when Mrs. Figg broke the silence.

"Dementors in Little Whinging, whatever next? Whole world's gone topsy-turvy-" She grumbled.

"I don't understand. How do you know?" Harry asked.

"Dumbledore asked me to keep an eye on you," she said shortly.

"Dumbledore asked you?" Harry tried to keep the venom out of his voice. "You know Dumbledore?" Mrs. Figg nodded.

"After You-Know-Who killed that poor Diggory boy last year. . . did you expect him to let you go wandering on your own?" She asked.

Harry stayed silent, cursing that him and his sister didn't realize they were still being watched.

"Good Lord, boy. The told me you were intelligent. Now, get inside and stay here," she said when the arrived. "Expect someone will be in touch soon. Whatever happens, don't leave the house," she ordered and walked away.

The two walked into the house and Dudley ran into the living room.

"It is hot. That's right, hot everywhere," Vernon complained from the kitchen. "There's sweat. There's stifling," he said attempting to be cooled off in front of the refrigerator.

"Diddykins? Is that you?" Petunia called out. She gasped when she saw his state. "Duddy. Vernon, come quick!" Petunia called for her husband

. A bucket was brought over for Dudley and towel was placed over him. Harry stood in the corner, watching everything.

"We're going to have to take him to a hospital," Petunia said.

"Who did this to you, boy?" Vernon questioned.

Dudley looked over at Harry, his parents following his line of sight.

"Happy, are we, now? You've finally done it. You've finally driven him loopy," Vernon seethed, ready to grab the green-eyed boy.

"Vernon, don't say that," Petunia tried to say, worried for bother Dudley and Harry.

"Well, just look at him, Petunia. Out boy has gone yumpy," the fat man protested.

He tuned to Harry, "I've reached my limit, you you hear? This is the last I'm gonna take of you and your nonsense."

Just then, an owl flew in, dropping a letter. It was a Howler.

"Dead Mr. Potter," it paused. The three muggles looked at Harry; Vernon looked triumphed since he knew it was going to be something bad.

"What?" Harry asked.

"The Ministry has received intelligence that at 6:23 this evening. . . you performed the Patronus Charm in the presence of a Muggle," it stated. "As a clear violation. . . of the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. . . you are hereby expelled form Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Hoping you are well, Mafalda Hopkirk," it finished and turned into pieces of paper.

"Justice," Vernon smirked.

Harry went up to his room and that's when it hit him, where was his sister? Harry again came downstairs and noticed the Dursley's leaving to take Dudley to the hospital. He closed the door, locking it, and that's when he heard a pop from upstairs. Hoping it was Iris, he ran upstairs and he was correct.

"Where the bloody hell were you?" He questioned, closing the door and locking it.

"I lost track of time," Iris half-lied.

"Why? Did something happen?" Iris asked, hoping that the Order members that left Grimmauld weren't going to come here for something he did.

"I've been expelled from Hogwarts," he said bluntly, plopping down onto his bed.

"How the bloody hell did you manage to get expelled, Harry James Potter," her Bulgarian and British accent more prominent.

Flinching at her calm tone and full name he answered,

"Underage magic."

Iris sighed, she knows the laws of use of underage magic.

As Iris was about to respond they heard the door downstairs.

"Go check who's downstairs please," Iris said to Grindelwald through the mind link.

Both teenagers grabbed their wands out.

"It's Remus and people I do not recognize," he said.

Nodding, Iris waved her hand and the room went back to normal, their belongings being packed.

"Why'd you do that?" Harry asked.

"It's the Order. We're finally leaving this hell hole," Iris informed, sitting in the rusty bed.

Knowing that they had to act shocked, Iris and Harry slowly made their way towards the door, wands pointed out. The lock slowly slid open and the door opened revealing Remus, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shackbolt and Alister "Mad Eye" Moody.

"Let's go, we can't dilly-dally all night," Moody said in a gruff voice, leaving no room for a reunion.

Remus and Tonks grabbed their belongings and headed downstairs.

"We'll be flying," Shackbolt informed.

Right on que, everyone stuck their hands out and brooms appeared. From across the street, Arabella Figg watched them leave.


After a short but long trip and some shortcuts, the group arrived in front of Grimmauld with no number 12 showing. Remus handed the two slips of paper which they quickly looked at and No. 12 Grimmauld Place revealed itself.

It seems the muggles didn't notice the building moving. They all were ushered inside, Remus taking their belongings to their rooms.

"Harry!" Hermione ran to hug him. "Oh we were so worried about you, we heard what happened," she said in his ear, hugging him tightly.

"Let him breathe Hermione," Ron said from behind them.

Iris stood in the corner, 'cat' on her shoulder when she felt a tug. It was Nymphadora Tonks. She winked at her, her hair changing to a different color and went into the Order meeting. Iris smiled, getting the message.

Harry was able to get away from his 'friends' for a moment and tugged Iris who was staring ahead. The door was open and Sirius winked at her as a hello. The door was quickly shut before the twins could hear anything. Mrs. Weasley came and hugged Harry and gave Iris a 'warm' smile.

She ushered the four upstairs and went into the meeting. This is where the twins separated, with Hermione and Ronald throwing her evil looks.

"Hiya boys," Iris winked when she walked into a room.

"Good to see you again Rissykins," the twins said in sync.

"Care to listen in on the meeting with us and the ickle children?" Fred asked with a grin.

Immediately Iris nodded and George took out an ear.

"An ear?" Iris asked.

"Extendable ear," Fred.

"Helps you eavesdrop on conversations you are not supposed to hear," George finished.

"Wicked," Iris walked out of the room while the twin apparated to Harry and Ron's room.

"Hello Ginny," Iris said when she passed the youngest Weasley.

"Hello," she said stiffly and continued on her way.

"Something is off about her," Iris said to Mors. "Damn that Dumbledore."

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