Yet another wrong number - ON...

By RandomPerson1621

77.8K 1.8K 1.6K

On hold Exactly as it says. Will not do spiderpool, thorki, starker, wandaxpietrol or anything like that, jus... More

Wait... What?
I'm Confusion
CAW CA--- ow
Reveal To 3
I Should Be At School...
Field Trip Part 1
Field Trip Part 2
Field Trip Part 3 Lunch
Shout Out!
Pre Family? Dinner
Family Dinner
Post Family Dinner
Pointy Thing
Not A Chapter
Not A Chapter

Field Trip Part 4

3.3K 103 42
By RandomPerson1621


Okay, sope I'm back... Ish... Still behind on my course work but we won't worry about that.... I've stopped crying (that was a looonnnngggg cry 😂😂 Jk) so let's try another chaotic chapter feature non Steve approved language as an overprotective pirate uncle might make a guest appearence in real life!

Peter's pov:

While I'm pondering life after MJ's short interaction with four of the most powerful people in the world. We were making our way from the legal department when Mel's Stark tablet pinged causing her to smirk. She started leading us to the elevator while saying 'you all sighed your risk document which means you can watch the avengers train and maybe even get trained slightly yourselves.'

After a much to speedy elevator ride in which I could not prepare myself at all we were brought to the training room. As Mr Wilson was talking to us about safety I had to make a quick second decision.

You see I was standing at the back on the end of our groups huddle. Mr Rodgers was practising with his shield. His shield suddenly rebounded of the wall in my direction. I had to make the decision weither to be hit or miraculously grab or move out of the way of the shield. I only had a quick second to decide.
"What the fuck where you thinking! You told no one that you were playing frizbee and nearly endangered the life of student!"

"I'm sorry I didn't realise it would do that"

"Your fucking luckily that it didn't hit him any faster or lower otherwise he could be fucking dead you dumbass motherfucker"

Yep.... You guessed it... I didn't move...

I decided I should probably let them know that I was awake rather then have Fury and America continue their screaming match in the gym in front of my whole. entire. class.

"Erm, it's okay, I'm not dead..." I pipe up.


"HOLY SHIT HE'S ALIVE!" Clint screams breaking the awkward silence.

"OWWW, not cool Mr Hawkeye sir I have a headache" I said before closing my eyes.
Huh this floor is actually really comfy.

"Kid don't go back to sleep you have a concussion we are going to take you down to the medbay where your aunt will pick you up" Dr Bruce fucking Banner states.

"Yeah... Yeah but like, this floor is super com....." That was when I let the darkness take over.... Aunt May's gonna be mad at me for sleeping...

*timeskip brought to you by Fury's dissapointment*

I slowly wake up realising that I'm back at home with 4 very angry adults looking down at me.

"So Peter... You have spidersenses correct" May starts with disapproval.

"Yes" I responded

"So Peter, wouldn't your senses flare at a shield flying at your head?" Phil continues.

"Unless it knew I wouldn't get hurt?" I try.

"But you did get hurt, so your senses should have flared." Maria states.

"Yes" I grumble.

"So Mr Parker, why did Friday alert me that an intern by the name of Peter Parker was smacked by a shield?" Fury finishes.

"If I caught it, people would be suspicious, especially as I wasn't even facing the same direction. If I ducked, then someone without a healing factor would have gotten hurt."

All the adults sighed seeing where Peter was coming from.

"Fine. I guess that's somewhat okay but you still got hurt and so... No school. For 2 weeks" Fury responds.

I go to immediately say I'm fine and I can go back but Maria pips up "That's the normal time span for someone with your injury it would look suspicious if your seen back early. That also means no internship and Phil and I will be shadowing you for those 2 week"

"Okay fine, I accept these terms... But please tell me noone told Nat who exactly it was that got injured.

All the adults smirked.

"Sorry Spiderbaby, but it looks like starting next Friday we need to lay another place at the table" Aunt May says before leaving the room with everyone.

Great... How am I going to keep Spiderman a secret from a spy it was hard enough during training but now....



Natasha Romanoff knows I'm her Spiderbaby




I want to meet her.


Sure just let me die first, she's coming over for dinner on Friday and your both always there anyway.


K, see you Friday loser


Let me know your thoughts and what you want to happen next!

See ya soon byyyeee

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