Sinister // BTS HORROR FF


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It comes after the kids. Only those who are the youngest ones in the family. ---------------------- BTS and a... More

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Author's note


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Next morning:

Namjoon POV:

I couldnt wait any longer. I wanted to tell Jackson about what I saw in the tapes. He is the only other friend o trust. That's why he doesnt share our secrets.

I knocked the door of Jackson's house. A minute later the door opened. It was Afifa. But she looked horrible. Then I remembered that she was sick.

Me: Hello Afifa. How are you doing?

Afifa: I'm fine oppa.

Me: Is your brother in here? I really want to speak to him.

Afifa: Yeah he is here. Come on in.

When I entered the house the aroma of fried chicken entered my nose. My stomach started growling. Dammit I'm hungry.

Afifa: Oppa! Joonie oppa is here to see you!

Jackson: Oh. Namjoon is here?

Afifa: Yes!

Jackson: Okay I'm coming!

Afifa: Why dont you take a seat?

Me: Sure.

Afifa guided me to the living room and I sat on the one person seating couch. Afifa sat in front of me on the big couch.

Afifa: So any lead on the case?

Me: Yep. That's what I'm here to talk about.

Afifa: Did anything suspicious happened to you in that house?

I furrowed my eyes. Suspicious? What is she talking about? And why does she look depressed?

Me: Nope nothing happened.

Afifa: Good.

I was about to ask her something but then Jackson entered the room wearing a black tee and grey sweat pants.

Jackson: Hey bro. How you doin?

Me: Well I'm doing great.

Jackson sat beside Afifa on the couch.

Jackson: So did anything happened? Did you got any lead in the case?

Me: Yes I did. That's what I'm here to talk about. But um-

I signalled my eyes towards Afifa telling him that I want to talk privately.

Jackson: Hey Afifa. Why dont you go eat your medicine and take some rest? It's time anyway.

Afifa: Okay oppa.

Then she got up and went upstairs to where her room was. Jackson got closer to me where Afifa was sitting. I put the file on the table.

Jackson: So what is it?

Me: I tried searching for the symbol but I couldnt find it. But I found something else. Something interesting.

Jackson: Show me.

I pulled out the picture from the file of the thing that was in the water watching the family die in the pool party tape.

Jackson: Namjoon. What is that?

Me: That's what I wanted to show you.

Jackson: Where did you even get this picture?

Me: From the Pool Party.

Jackson: What Pool Party?

Me: The one that happened back in 1966.

Jackson: Joonie you are confusing me.

Me: *sigh* Okay. Well. Remember when I told you how the other family murders happened?

Jackson: Yeah.

Me: This family died by drowning in their own house pool. And this guy *points at picture* was underwater, watching them drown to death.

Jackson: What?

Me: Yes. I know it sounds crazy but it's true.

Jackson: I believe you Joonie.

Me: You do?

Jackson: Yes because whatever that thing is, I can definitely tell that it's not human at all.

Me: But I still haven't figured out about the symbol yet.

Jackson: Hmmmmmm. I know a guy. He is an expert in telling logos and symbols or any other signs just by looking at them. I can give you his number Joonie.

Me: Perfect! Thanks Jackson.

Jackson: Anytime bro. And here is the phone number.

Me: Thanks buddy.

Jackson: That's what friends are for Joonie. They help eachother.

At the library:

Raven POV:

Jungkook: 🎵Smooth like butter🎵
🎵Like a criminal undercover🎵
🎵Gon' pop like trouble🎵
🎵Breakin' in your heart like that🎵

Me: Seriously Jungkook?

Jungkook: What?

Me: You have been listening to Butter since morning.

Jungkook: And?

Me: And its giving me a headache.

Jungkook: Do you even know that this is like the best song in the long line history of songs?

Me: Dude it just got released today.

Jungkook: Every BTS song is the best song no matter when or where it releases.

Me: You're actually right dude. I love how it showed that BTS and ARMY will always be a huge family. Not to mention how they have been flirting with us throughout the whole MV.

Jungkook: Ikr. Plus the looks. Everyone looks so damn hot. I am literally drooling over hot Jiminie. Dawg that rainbow hair is dope.

Me: But V looked like total daddy material. Damn that's hot.

Jungkook: Not to mention Jhope looking like a real butter snacc. So delicious.

Me: Dont forget how Suga's rapping infected everyone. He is literally the best.

Jungkook: And Jinnie looked like a handsome prince charming. If were ever a princess I swear I would've kidnapped him and married him already.

Me: RM said that he would not dye his hair pink. Now look at him. He looks like a cute cotton candy.

Jungkook: And lastly but not least my main man JK. Dude be literally rocking them looks and the purple hair.

Me: No wonder he is the World's Most Sexiest Man.

Jungkook: The advantage of being an OT7 stan. You get to drool all over them.

Me: Ikr. But seriously Jungkook we really need to find the logo.

Jungkook: Right. I totally forgot.

Me: We can listen and sing to Butter together. And stream it to you know.

Jungkook: I like the idea. And the ARMY who are reading this story with great interest. Remember to stream Butter like a normal person. AND LETS GET THIS SONG NUMBER ONE ON THE CHARTS WITH ONE BILLION NEWS!! This time the Grammy will be ours.

Me: Um Jungkook. Who are you talking to?

Jungkook: I'm talking to the readers beyond the fourth wall.

Me: Ummm okay so. Did you find anything yet?

Jungkook: *sigh* Nope. Nothing. Its like we are back on square one.

Me: I know.

???: Do you kids need some help?

A voice of an old woman was heard. I looked up and saw the librarian looking down at us.

Librarian: I saw you kids looking for something. If you cant find it then let me help you.

Jungkook: You can?

Librarian: Yes I will.

Me and Jungkook looked at eachother and nodded in agreement.

Me: We are actually looking for a symbol that we are not being able to find in other books.

Jungkook: Here is the symbol.

Jungkook gave the librarian the pictures from BBQ and Sleepy Time where the symbol was located.

Librarian: Follow me.

She walked into another section of books. The title of the section was Demonology. Why are we in this section? Then she picked out a book and handed it to us. Its cover was black and the book looked quite old. The title was written in gold letters. Demonology Symbols.

Librarian: You will find everything you need in this book. Now please excuse me I have work to do.

Then she walked away leaving me and Jungkook with puzzled looks.
I held the book in my hand looking at it.

Jungkook: Why on Earth did she hand us a Demonology book?

Me: I dont know.

Jungkook: That old crook is messed up like seriously.

Me: Well. It wouldn't hurt to check would it?

Jungkook: Yeah I guess you are right.

We entered in the reading room with the book in my hands. We found an empty table and chairs in the corner so we sat there.

Me: Let's search it real quick.

Jungkook: Namjoon took out the pictures of the symbol and the guy under the water.

I kept flipping the pages of the book. There were so many Demon symbols here. Different demons with different symbols and different abilities.

Jungkook: Stop Raven. Here it is.

I stopped at the page and looked closely at it. It was the same symbol! We finally found it!

Jungkook: Oh no. Oh God no that can't be true.

Me: It is real Jungkook. We have to tell this to Namjoon.

Jungkook: But will he believe us?

Me: He has too.

Namjoon POV:

I was in my office at home right now. And I was alone too. I opened Skype on my laptop to contact the logo expert. I dialled in the number. Now I was waiting for him to pick it up.

His camera turned on that means that he received it. I looked at the guy on the screen and I was baffled by his handsome looks.

???: Testing testing. Hello on the other side. Can you hear my voice or not?

Me: Yes I can clearly hear your voice here on the other side.

???: Good then. Nice to meet you Detective Kim. I have to say that I am a huge fan of yours. Jackson told me so much about you.

Me: Well thank you. I can see that you and Jackson are great friends.

???: Yes we are Detective Kim.

Me: You can just call me Namjoon umm-

???: Mark Tuan. But you can call me mark.

Me: Okay then Mark. Jackson told me that you are a very good symbol and logo expert.

Mark: Correction. I am the best symbol and logo expert. And also an expert in Greek mythology and Demonology.

Me: That's great then. I'm trying to find a symbol in the books but I couldnt find it.

Mark: Send me the photo my email.

Me: Okay.


Me: Did you get it?

Mark: Yes I got it and let me tell that you got a nasty one.

Me: What do you mean a nasty one?

Mark: Hold up for a minute I'll be right back.

Mark got up from his seat and went to who-knows-where. I can actually hear shuffling from afar. I wonder what he is looking for.

Mark: Okay I'm back.

Me: What were you looking for? And why are you so dusty?

Mark: I went to find something important that will definitely help you in your case.

Me: What did you find?

Mark: Is this the symbol?

Email recieved

Me: Yes this is it! But where did you-

Mark: My father's researches.

Me: What?

Mark: Do you know what this symbol means?

Me: No.

Mark: Its the symbol of a demon.

Me: Ummm what?

Mark: I know you dont believe me but it is.

Me: Demons dont exist Mark.

Mark: That's what we all are made to believe but they actually do. Ever wonder why you always felt like as if someone is watching you?

Me: Yes. But that doesnt explains the family murders.

Mark: It actually does Namjoon.

Me: How?

Mark: Every demon has a symbol. And every demon has a name. This symbol is the mark of The Bughuul.

Me: Bughuul? What is that?

Mark: In children language you can say The Boogeyman.

Me: The Boogeyman? That's just a kids story. It's not real.

Mark: What did the story say?

Me: That it comes out at night and gives children bad nightmares.

Mark: The Boogeyman isnt just a children's myth. It's real. And it exists in this very world. People say that monsters live under the bed or behind the curtain and when it is the right opportunity they come out at night. That's how The Bughuul is and that's how it does it.

Email recieved

Me: What's this?

Mark: The legend of Bughuul. This guy doesnt just give kids nightmares but it also targets them.

Me: What do you mean?

Mark: There are many demons in this world. Some lurk out at day and some lurk out at night. Every demon has an ability. They can shapeshift or not. The Bughuul however doesnt do that. Instead of shapeshifting he goes inside the mind of the child. Ever wonder why demons always attack children? Because they are dependent on their parents and their family. They have loyalty in their heart with an innocent soul not capable of doing bad things. We all are born from light. But everybody has a demon living within them. That demon is not as strong as it seems but if the mind gets filled with negative emotions then that demon starts to take over the light within us.

Mark: However in the child, the light is too strong to be taken over. The demons mostly feed on the fears of a child.

Me: Like Pennywise?

Mark: Yes like Pennywise. But Bughuul doesnt do that. Instead it expands the mind of that child by filling it with negative thoughts that effects the light. Some demons possess the souls of people or the innocent but Bughuul doesnt possess them but instead he controls the mind of the child making them his puppets.

Me: But that still doesn't explains the family murders. What has this got to do with it?

Mark: Why is there always a child missing in the family when the murder happens?

Me: Are you saying that-

Mark: Yes Namjoon you thought correctly. The Bughuul has them. That's why you saw those symbols.

Me: I still dont believe it.

Mark: Let me explain more. Some people can feel the presence of a demon or s spirit in their surroundings. But sometimes the non-living and the living things in our environment also react when there is a demon present. Like for example, in the movie The Nun, whenever Valak appears in a room the crucifixes inside that turn upside down signaling the presence of it. And in the movie whenever there was a snake present in the church it went back to Valak. That's what I am trying to say. It's the same with Bughuul but only has one sign and that is a black scorpion.

Me: Black scorpion?

Mark: Yes a black scorpion. Did you see it in your house?

Me: Not yet.

Mark: I guess it didnt give you a mark that its here.

Me: You said your father did a research on this. What was his research?

Mark: Its actually quite a long story. But here it goes.
Did you know about the murder that happened in 1998? Where the family was tied to their beds and-

Me: Yes I remember that very clearly.

Mark: Well my father started finding about how the family got murdered. We came into this house too the one where you guys are living at. My father saw all those tapes. He completed his investigation but everyone thought that he was crazy. So for the safety of me we moved out of that house. Later, another family murder happened in 2005 and-

Me: Whoa whoa whoa whoa did you just say 2005?

Mark: Yes I did. Why what's wrong?

Me: There is no tape about 2005. Only 2020 that happened last year.

Mark: I guess it wasn't finished then.

Me: What wasn't finished?

Mark: The murder.

Me: What?

Mark: A murder Namjoon. A murder.

Me: Explain.

Mark: Back in 2005 a murder happened. The Lee family was murdered brutally inside Dr Lee's dentist clinic.

Me: How were they murdered?

Mark: A drill machine was used to drill the upper part of their mouths till the drill blows a hole in their brains. They were found strapped to the dentist chairs the next morning. Their 2 children went missing that day. One was a boy named Aiden Lee who was 7 years old and his sister Y/N Lee who was 8 years old.
They were no traces of Aiden found except for Y/N's. They found her footprints on the muddy ground but all hope got lost when they went towards the sewer. The girl was not found. So the police assumed that she is dead. After that the case was closed.

Me: Oh my God. So that means that she had escaped from their. And because the killer didnt got to kill her, its film wasnt complete.

Mark: Exactly.

Me: But I still dont believe it.

Mark: Its okay Namjoon.

Me: But thankyou for helping me.

Mark: No problem bud.

Me: I'll be going now then. Bye.

Mark: See ya.

I ended the call. That was really a long talk. I wish I could believe in all this but my nature doesnt allow me to do that.

I picked up the photo of the thing that was underwater. It surely doesnt look human at all.

Who are you?


Wow now that's what I call a long chapter.

Also new appearances. Its Mark Tuan and Lee Y/N ladies and gentlemen.

But what are your theories? What happened to Y/N after she ran away?
Comment me your answers. 🤗

Also have guys seen the Butter MV. Holy shit that song is so AMAJIN. 😍

Everybody rocked their looks, their singing and dancing.

Well since I am an OT7 stan you can read the part in the chapter where I was gushing about the members. 🤤

RIP fourth wall. 😂

If you haven't seen Butter yet then go watch it.

ARMY let's stream Butter and give it 1 billion views. This song should be number one on the charts y'all. And we will win the Grammy award this time. 😎
Because what Yoongi wants Yoongi gets. PERIODT 😤

Also, Taehyung is number one on being handsome again. YAYYYY!!

Get it, let it roll!


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