back to me I Minsung

By jeonginatedxx

5.7K 277 73

"You're my husband, we have kids, Hanie." "𝗜'𝗺 𝗮 𝘃𝗶𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝗹, 𝘁𝗿𝘆 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻." Wherein Minho ha... More



284 16 6
By jeonginatedxx

"Congratulations!" Everyone shouted as the wedding ended, Felix and Changbin is now officially married.

"Aesel, are you sure you'll stay here-wait are you crying?" Seungmin asked when he saw the girl's teary eyes, she was looking after the kids on the kiddie area.

"Sorry, It's just that I couldn't believe that they're really married now." she said then smiled bitterly, she saw it all, from the very beginning and now another beginning has started, she knew Felix was pregnant, she can read thru his actions, she's just waiting for him to tell her.

The reception started, everyone tapped their wine glasses with spoon to make the newly wedded couple kiss. They both appeared shy at first but they still kissed, not smack but French.

"Oh please, My single ass can't relate." Jeongin said before rolling his eyes and started drinking water from his wine glass. He roamed his eyes around the room and saw Minho and Jisung being all lovey dovey, while Seungmin was already starting to eat, their table was in the front so he couldn't see who was at the back.

"Oh my gosh, it's time!" Jisung said before leaning to Minho as he gets excited about Felix's announcement of his pregnancy.

"And now, our bride will present his gift for the groom! Mr. Felix?" The MC said before looking at Felix who looked so excited about his gift, of course, who wouldn't be? They're having a baby!

"Babe, don't be too shock, alright?" Felix asked Changbin before grabbing the envelope which contains the medical papers and the ultrasound they got. Changbin just nodded, pretty excited of why his husband has an envelope on hand.

Felix gave him the envelope, Changbin looked at him before starting to open it. The guest was also anticipating about his present since it's unusual to give envelopes as a gift on weddings. Seungmin looked at Jisung and so did the older, they both smiled widely as they were also thrilled about how Changbin would react about it.

Changbin's eyes widened as he saw the ultrasound, he looked at Felix with teary eyes and stood up, "You're pregnant!?" he asked, Felix nodded and smiled widely, "I'm going to be a father!" Changbin shouted before running to hug Felix so tightly that he even lifted him up. The guests gave them a round of applause, it's something to be thankful of since a child is a blessing.

"Are you happy?"Felix asked whispering to Changbin since the older was hugging him tightly but still making sure that his stomach was safe.

"I am babe, more than I can imagine! Gosh, I love you so much." Changbin said before kissing Felix's forehead.

Everyone awed as they watch the new couple being so in love with each other.

"Love, were we also like that before?" Jisung asked Minho, he didn't mind calling him Love anymore, it felt very natural. Minho, however was still processing the fact that they're going back to where they were before.

"We're already 5 months married when you got pregnant, love. Aesel was the first one to know since you passed out while shopping with her." the older explained, receiving a hum from the younger.

Hyunjin just watched them from afar, his chair was at the back and the only thing he could see is the stage where Changbin and Felix was. He'll be honest with himself, he was envious of everyone, they looked so happy and contented with everything. He was jealous of Jisung and Minho, they were already a happy family. He was jealous of Changbin, his already a father and a husband now. Everyone just seem so happy, except him.

He had been searching for Seungmin but he was nowhere to be found, maybe he didn't attend? he asked himself, it's not likely for him to just leave his daughter... right? he asked again before looking at Seujin who was playing on the kiddie section.

"Ok, start! ten, nine..." Aesel started counting, the kids started hiding but Seujin was desperate to win so she got out of the venue, Hyunjin looked at her, following where she was going, it seems like Aesel didn't notice since she was still counting so he followed the little girl.

Felix saw what happened from the stage but he doesn't know how to tell Seungmin as the younger was still eating and it's hard for him to move as all guest eyes are on them so he searched for Aesel who he knew that was looking after the kids. She was already searching for the kids but it seems like she haven't notice Seujin's disappearance.

Jeongin stood up to get the gifts off the stage since they're already opening up the gifts. Felix lowered his head and whispered to Jeongin, "Seujin ran out of the venue, tell Aesel to find her but don't tell Seungmin yet." he said, Jeongin's eyes widened but immediately nodded to walk towards the kiddie section.

"Aesel! Are you Aesel?" Joengin asked at the girl who looked worried, she realized that Seujin was out of sight, again.

"Yes, sorry I don't have time to talk to you, I'm currently on a kid crisis right now." she said, not even looking at Jeongin.

"Seujin went out of the venue, Felix said you should look for her. I can look after the rest of the kids here, besides, they trust me more than you." Jeongin said as he knew every child on the section but he received a glare from the girl. She rolled her eyes at him before walking out to find Seujin. Maybe that was unnecessary? he asked himself but shrugged it off, there was something about the girl that he likes, especially her eyes.

"Ji, Minho, I'll check on the kids first. Maybe they're playing too much, Seujin might be sweating a lot." Seungmin said, he felt the strong urge of danger during that time, it felt like Seujin was in danger but he couldn't figure out why. He was scared that Seujin's asthma might attack so he fastened his pace.

"Jeongin? Wasn't Aesel the one looking after the kids?" he asked, he roamed his eyes, unable to find his daughter again, the anxiety from the morning occurred again, "Where's Seujin?" he asked.

Jeongin panicked internally, he didn't know if Aesel already found Seujin or what will he say to Seungmin. "Uncle Seungmin, we're playing hide and seek! Seujin is a really good hider, Aesel haven't found her yet!" Sungho said smiling brightly, trying to ease Seungmin's worries, he overheard them earlier so he knew what was happening.

Seungmin didn't know if he should be eased with what Sungho said but the kid's smile gave him some positive energy so he looked at Jeongin for confirmation. "Don't worry, they'll be here any second now. Your daughter just knows how to hide well!" he replied, trying not to stutter. He looked at Sungho and patted the younger's head as a sign of thank you for saving his butt.

"Papa!" They all looked at the door where Seujin came running, smiling brightly, looking fine and seemed enjoying.

"Seujin, stop disappearing please. You're going to give papa a heart attack." Seungmin said as he hugged his daughter tightly, thankful that she was fine and wasn't missing again.

"Sorry, papa! Aesel was counting so fast so I had to find a very good hiding spot! I'm the last one to be found!" The innocent little girl said before tugging her arms on her papa's neck, asking him to carry her. "Papa, I'm hungry." Seungmin kissed his daughter's forehead before walking towards the catering table.

Jisung arrived at the kiddie section after he saw what was happening, "What happened? Did Seujin disappear again?" he asked, Jeongin nodded but he pointed at the father-daughter who was already at the catering table picking food. "Thank God, she's fine. Where's Aesel?" he asked.

"Yeah, where is Aesel?" Sungho asked but Jeongin also didn't know.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's here... somewhere." Jeongin said, trying to convince himself that the girl was fine.

Aesel on the other side is with Hyunjin, she knew whatever the beef was between Minho and Hyunjin but she just couldn't get the fact that they make him look bad at everyone's eyes, she knew Hyunjin was a great friend to Jisung before, she was pretty sure that Hyunjin know's her too.

She found Hyunjin following Seujin earlier that's why she ran towards the child and tol her to go back, she found it strange that Hyunjin hid when he saw her. She also couldn't deny the fact that they look-a-like. Is he Seujin's father? she asked, No, Aesel, stop meddling with other people's business!

"Aesel I don't know if you remember me, but can I ask you a question?" Hyunjin asked, she nodded in reply, she didn't mind at all, she also had a question to ask. "Is Seungmin still single?"

Aesel looked at his eyes for a couple of seconds, she was told that Seungmin doesn't want to talk about Seujin's father and even Jeongin, Seungmin's bestfriend never knew who it was. Seungmin also didn't have any love interest after Seujin came so it was given that Seungmin is single. "He is."

"If you'd look at Seujin does she... does she look like my daughter?" Aesel was taken a back, she didn't want to meddle at whatever was going on with both parties, but she couldn't hide the fact that it could be possible... very possible.

"She does... but I don't think you're her father." she said, just not wanting to give the older hope.

Hyunjin just smiled and turn his back on her. "Thanks, you can go back now."

Aesel found it strange but she stared at Hyunjin's back while he was walking away. There was something she wanted to bring out to him but she didn't know what. She can tell that he's lonely but she couldn't find the reason why.

"You're here! Hey, Changbin has been looking for you, why are you standing here?" Aesel came back to her senses before looking at Jeongin badly, she hated how the boy was so smiley and bright, something she never was.

"Leave me alone." she said coldly before heading back to the venue.

Jeongin just looked at her with a smile, he really like the girl's attitude even though they just met.



hi guys! I just wanna say that I really like reading all your comments, although there's not much but they feel like my achievement while writing! Thank you so much, I hope y'all stay safe!

I miss Hyunjin :(((((

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