Robbing the decade between us

By Antusama

6.3K 378 92

"Girl, I'm not kidding. I'm actually going to kill you,"Baekhyun said while pointing his gun straight at her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 15

174 9 0
By Antusama

"Please just bury me!"

Jian sighed and plopped down on her desk in school for the umpteenth time. Last night she wasn't thinking correctly. But now, when she's completely back in her senses she feels like shit for everything she's done last night. She feels embarrassed. She doesn't even remember everything correctly because of the shot she took. She doesn't even know which part is correct which is a fragment of her imagination. All she remembers is that she went to a club to distract herself from the sound of rain and there a creep was hitting on her and Baekhyun appeared there. She remembers till then perfectly but after that everything is hazy. She got a image of her hugging Baekhyun for a split second and that was enough to drive her crazy with embarrassment. She even remembers him covering her ear and then looking after her when they got back home.

And if all of this wasn't embarrassing enough, he apparently left his mission last night for her. She got to know that by Taehyung's text this morning, asking her if she knows what happened last night and why Baekhyun left the mission. Jian knows how excited Baekhyun was for this mission but the fact that he has failed it because of her is making her feel beyond guilty.

And God knows what Baekhyun is thinking of her now. The image she's built of being emotionless was completely ruined after last night. And why exactly did she hug him? And why is this particular image flashing in front of her again and again and why's she remembering how warm and comforting it felt?

Jian hit her fist on her desk loudly.

This is so fucking embarrassing.

How the heck do I face him after last night?

Jaemin was sitting by her side, trying to understand her actions but to no avail. He was really worried last night when it suddenly rained so heavily and knowing that she was alone at home. But now by her actions it seems like last night her and Baekhyun were together and she had done something embarrassing. Jaemin doesn't know what she did but he tried to tell her whatever she did was okay because she definitely wasn't in her right mind. Even Baekhyun knows that. But during the whole school period Jian has been cursing herself.

Even now, after school ended and everyone went home. Now only the two of them are in the empty classroom, she refuses to go home and face Baekhyun and Jaemin doesn't want to leave her alone. But God knows for how long she would keep this up, even he's getting fed up.

"Jian-ah?"Jaemin called sighing.

Jian groaned in response.

"I'm going to buy an anniversary present for Minhee. Do you wanna join me?"

Jaemin is sure that she's gonna refuse and go home instead. But she looked up and said,"Even that is better than going home and embarrassing myself again."

Jaemin was shocked as she got up and slung her bag on her shoulder,"Let's go."

Seeing Jaemin with widened eyes, she asked,"What?"

"I'm shook that you actually agreed to this. How much did you actually embarrass yourself?"

Jian sighed,"Please don't even ask."

Jaemin chuckled and got up,"Seeing that you feel other emotions than being annoyed is nice. I never thought this day would come, thanks Baekhyun hyung I guess."

"If you don't wanna fucking die you better shut the fuck up. And what anniversary are y'all celebrating? It better not be that stupid one month or two month anniversary.."

"Don't worry, it's one year anniversary,"Jaemin smiled widely.

"Damn, 1 year passed by so fast?"

Jian rolled her eyes. She hated this corny stuff and in the past she would never be a part of this no matter how much Jaemin begged her. But today there's no way she's going home this early.

Jaemin had brought Jian to the biggest departmental store of their town and he's been doing the absolute most by going to every floor and every store to find perfect gifts for his Minhee. Jian was just trailing behind him while sipping her bubble tea, rolling her eyes at every cutesy and ultra expensive stuff Jaemin has been buying. Where he got so much money from is a big mystery and Jaemin is so excited while Jian was wondering if Minhee even remembers their anniversary. She wouldn't be too shocked if Minhee didn't remember. But it would sadden Jaemin. Jian was even contemplating whether or not she should remind Minhee secretly and discreetly of their anniversary so Jaemin doesn't get sad.

At one of the plushies store Jaemin had brought her, something caught Jian's eyes. She liked it very much and it reminded her of a certain someone. She wonders is she should get this as a peace offering and also because she is really thankful for last night?

Baekhyun has been going through hell since last night. He has been feeling like shit for abandoning his mission. His gang mates can't believe that he left a mission undone. Their gang leader Yunho had been giving him hell on phone since last night. Yunho is really angry at Baekhyun. He wouldn't be this angry if Baekhyun had given him a reason as to why he did what he did. But he knows if he tells him, Jian would be in danger. That's why all Baekhyun has been doing is assuring Yunho on phone that he's gonna complete the mission within this week perfectly. Convincing Yunho to give him this week before he starts digging for Baekhyun's reasoning behind leaving the mission was hard. But Baekhyun convinced Yunho somehow. Only he can convince Yunho in this world, no one else can.

And on top of that Jian hasn't been home the whole day. God knows where she is. She went to school before he woke up today. Baekhyun was ready to give her a whole ass lecture on how dangerous what she did last night was. Drinking underage, going to a club underage, lying to grandma, going to that club knowing how shady that club is. But she was gone in the morning and she still hasn't returned, purposely ignoring him.

And after last night, there was no question that she needed help. Why does she refuse to get help is the question.

Baekhyun sighed, remembering the way she was crying in his embrace last night. It was heart shattering for Baekhyun too. Last night he saw Jian under a complete different light. He couldn't leave her alone after that. He wanted to make her right. But he really isn't sure how to. He sighed thinking about that.

That's when a knock was heard on his door. Baekhyun got his stern expression on, cleared his throat,"Come in."

Slowly the door creaked open and Jian's head peered in.

"Well hello there, Ms. Delinquent. Where were you all day? Back in the club, underage drinking?" Baekhyun asked.

"It was one shot,"Jian said while coming in and leaning against the door. She was hiding something behind her back,"And I was with Jaemin all day. What are you, my mom?"

Baekhyun crosses his arms,"Do you think you are in position to act sassy with me when your ass is going to get grounded without your beloved games for God knows how long if I tell grandma what her beloved grandchild was upto last night?"

Jian sighed,"It was one night. And please don't tell grandma, she would be.."

"Devastated. I know. And you should've thought of that before doing.."

"I had my reasons, okay? I believe you can guess that. I go crazy when rain falls and I'm alone,"Jian said that and quickly regretted saying that to him. So she quickly changed the subject,"Listen, I don't want grandma to know what happened last night and because of me your mission was ruined so I feel obligated to do something for you.."

Baekhyun frowned,"Who told you my mission was ruined? It's completely not true.."

"Taehyung Oppa texted me this morning."

Baekhyun sighed,"That boy just can't keep his mouth shut, can he?"

"Your brother after all. Anyway..tell me anything. I promise to do this in return of keeping your mouth shut about last night."

Baekhyun smirked,"That sounds interesting."

Jian shrugged, a bit tensed about what Baekhyun might ask her to do.

Baekhyun rubbed his chin with his index and thumb pretending to think when in reality he already knew what he was gonna ask for.

"Can you be quick?"Jian asked, frowning,"Or should I go to my room?"

Baekhyun snapped his fingers, pretending to be struck with the idea just that moment,"Got it."

"Dude, you really need acting classes. What is it?"

Baekhyun smirked,"Start studying and acing your exams."

"What the fuck?"

Baekhyun nodded.

"Are you insane? Do you not have anything bett.."

"No. I know this would annoy you the most. I deserve to annoy you, after all you ruined my mission last night, right Ms Jung?"

"What kind of.."

"And I'm tired of grandma nagging you about your results every day during meals. I want to stop that.."


"If you don't do what I say and start studying your ass off for your the remaining semesters Imma tell the whole town what you've been up to.."

"I don't mind the whole town knowing, don't tell grandma.."

"She would be the first one to know."

Jian stayed quiet for sometime.

Baekhyun knows she's gonna agree sooner or later. She really doesn't want her grandma to be stressed and feel like she wasn't able to help her grandchild.

What Baekhyun is telling her to do is hard. Especially when Jian was determined to not study and keep failing at her exams to piss her dad off. This is a form of her rebellion against her dad. Jian was so good at studies in America, she had a dream, a bright future. Baekhyun knows it and would push her towards that, whether she likes it or not. Grandma had confided in him how worried she is with Jian's results and get future. She had asked Baekhyun to see if there's anyway he could get her back to start actually studying and today he found the perfect chance.

"You think you are some great charity work over here, aren't you? Quit it..."

"Don't lecture me, Jung 'idrinkunderage' Jian. Do what I say or you are so busted."

Jian rolled her eyes,"Fine I guess. But only for the last semesters of this year and you won't bug me in my senior year."


Baekhyun lied. He was totally gonna bug her on her senior year as well to study.

"Imma head downstairs now,"Jian turned around, skillfully hiding what was in her hand.

"Hold up, what are you hiding?"Baekhyun asked.

"Nothing. School supplies. Bye.."

Baekhyun jumped up and grabbed the small shopping bag from Jian's hand and sat back on his bed with the bag. Jian was a bit shocked by his speed but she quickly hid it. Baekhyun smirked at her reaction. A world famous thief should have at least this must speed, shouldn't he?

He quickly opened up the bag and got out what was inside. There was a very soft and cute plushie inside. It was of a Disney deer character. Baekhyun doesn't remember its name but it's so cute. Baekhyun was confused at why she brought that. Plushies totally doesn't go with her character. He looked at Jian and raised his eyebrows signing her to explain why she brought it.

She seemed a bit ashamed and...shy? To hide that she cleared her throat and looked away,"Umm..last night I was a bit grateful that's a thank you present I guess?"

Baekhyun smiled,"What are you thankful for? That I hugge.."

Jian widened her eyes and coughed,"Let's not talk about that. Or anything that happened last night. Ever."

Baekhyun chuckled. Her embarrassed, slightly blushing self was so cute.

"Well..then why didn't you give it to me?" Baekhyun asked,"You bought it for me."

"Because you told me study, knowing damn well why I don't study. So I changed my mind."

Baekhyun chuckled again,"What's this little guy's name? And I thought you liked cats and dogs more."

"Oh, it's name is Bambi. It's huge eyes reminded me of you and it seems as nosy and annoying as you. Also 'Bam' means night and 'bi' means rain. So yeah.."

"Damn are clever. What do y'all say? 'Big brain energy'? Only if you used that brain of yours to study all these days.."

"You know what, fucking give me my Bambi,"Jian said while trying to grab the Bambi,"It was my fault wasting my money to get you something."

"No,"Baekhyun said while standing on the bed and holding the Bambi up,"It's mine. You gave it to me. I am not giving this back."

At one point Jian was also standing on the bed, jumping while trying to grab the plushie.

"I didn't give it to you, you snatched it, you freaking thief!! Bambi would be far happier in my room than living with a lowlife like you."

"I'm not sure Bambi wants to live with a delinquent either!"

They don't know for how long they were jumping on the bed bickering and trying to get the Bambi. But both of them jumped down when the bed made a loud noise, as if it were breaking. That's when both of them panicked and jumped down from the bed, falling on the ground together by each other. They both fell on their butt side by side.

"Ouch!!"Baekhyun shouted because of the immense pain in his bed. Baekhyun waited for a few seconds, there was no sound by his side. He turned to Jian's side quickly trying to figure out if she fainted somehow by hitting her head somehow. But what he saw shocked him.

Jian was laying down by his side, trying her best to control her laughter. But when he looked at her, she couldn't contain and burst out in a small, barely audible chuckle. That shocked Baekhyun. That chuckle wasn't out of sarcasm like her usual scoffs. It was different. It sounded so different. So nice. So sudden.

"That was so stupid. Keep your Bambi and your possible broken bed," Jian said stopping her chuckle, getting up while still being a bit smiley. The smile was barely visible but Baekhyun saw it and was so stunned by everything he couldn't get up from the floor. He just kept staring at her.

"I'm leaving. Have fun sleeping at the couch tonight."

With that Jian left, the small smile didn't vanish from her face. After Jian left Baekhyun slowly got up, still thinking about her sudden burst of happiness. He doesn't know why this small thing made her chuckle but he feels good about it. He wants her to keep smiling like that. It felt surreal for some reason.

Baekhyun slowly inspected the bed, it didn't break so thankfully he wouldn't have to go and sleep on the couch tonight. He lied on his stomach in his bed and kept the Bambi in front of him. A smile appeared on his face when he looked at it.

"Hey, Bambi. As soon as you came in the house, such a good thing happened, from now on you are my lucky charm."

Baekhyun paused for a few seconds and then got up and went to his desk to write something down.

"Now that we've succeed mission get Jian to study, should we start planning on mission emerald ring part two?" Baekhyun asked the Bambi while setting it down on the desk in front of him as he began to plan out what he should do next.

He would have to make sure he succeeds this time, or God knows what his hyung would do.

Oh emerald ring, you are definitely going to be in my hand by the end of the week.



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