Loss is a part of victory

By SKS_Official

54.6K 590 879

(basically a Ash betrayal story) after Ash lost in kalos league final by Calem everyone thought him as a lose... More

The heartbroken
A hard decision
with great power comes great responsibility
Training and the letter
The tournament
The reveal
The Second Match

The tournament Begin

7.3K 80 203
By SKS_Official

Yo what's up people I am back with a new chapter I don't have anything to say so enjoy it

Right now mr goodshow is gonna tell the rules of the tournament.

Mr goodshow: now that the introduction is over let's get to the rules of the tournament also we have a special guest who will come after I finish announcing the rules, mega evolution, z-moves , dynamax and gigantamax are allowed the matches are all randomly picked first the matches will start with two Pokemon then three and In the semi finals the trainer can use six pokemon. now to the special guest of ours please welcome the world coronation champion, champion LEONNN

Then there was a loud roar as they all saw someone coming down from the top of stadium on a Charizard when he came down they saw that it was Leon then they all started cheering loudly for him he then took the mic.


Me: Its the wrong anime GODDAMNIT

Leon: ah sorry sorry

Me: don't you dare repeat that,it takes so much money for booking Palkia to fix the fourth wall

Leon: why hello my fellow people,I am Honoured to be a guest in the tournament and watch many talented young trainer and with all my wishes I therefore announce that the tournament BEGINS. he said and the crowd went wild they all started to discuss about stuff and shit's and started to walk off the stadium.

After the audience all cleared the stadium it was the participants time to leave, while the 'group' stayed behind to talk to Ash

And to the champions they were the same waiting for the crowd to clear so they can talk to Ash,and our Ash welllllllllllll..............he not caring about the world was listening to music.

At last when the crowd cleared the 'group' walked towards Ash(A/N: if you have noticed that Pikachu is not with him he is in a luxury ball, surprisingly he found it comfortable) followed by the real friends and champions.(Leon already left because he had some work to do)

Lance: Ash Ketchum you have some explanation to do you know how much sad we were to here the news of your death anyways we are happy that you have returned and have become a champion. lance gave his speech

Ash:*removed his earphones* sorry did you said something. with a emotionless voice

He said as he saw lance was in a corner with depressed clouds on his head muttering something about his great speech and everyone sweet drop.

Brock: it's good to see you alive again Ash

Ash: it's good to see you back too Brock. he said with little emotion in his voice

Gary: I knew you wouldn't die so early and this soon ashy-boy

Ash: yeah yeah whatever you say gare-bare. he said with a bit happiness in his voice as everyone smiled at them

Then Out of nowhere came a voice

Aria: hey ash it's been quite long huh. She said while blushing slightly

Ash: oh aria,ya it's been too long how have you been. he said with the same voice

Aria: I've been doing good. she answered *sigh*while blushing

Seeing this serena, Cynthia and diantha were jealous.(what a drag)

(Now listen here,I am lazy ass so I won't everytime write this so when ever Cynthia diantha or aria or even serena are talking they will be blushing and jealous of eachother,this will continue until I say and also NO AMOURSHIPPING

Then came our asshol— *cough*  I mean calem

Calem: well well well if it isn't Ash Ketchum the great loser

Ash: well well well if it isn't the great fu**ing Arabian camel. he said coldly yet with a smirk

To say everyone was shocked by the language he used as they all know he never swears. then serena tried to speak (keyword tried)

Serena: Ash I—

Ash: Now if you will excuse me I have to meet my elite four and I don't have time to deal with random idiots so bye

He said took out a pokeball from which pidgeot came out he climbed it and flew off his friends tried to stop him but he was long gone. while serena and the 'others' were shocked and sad that he called them random (I mean not even noticing the idiot part what a idiots)

To Ash he is currently flying towards the back of his hotel to meet his elite four, after a while he arrived and returned his pidgeot when he saw them his elite four which contained lillie,mallow,kiawe and the 'SERIOUS ONE' gladion. Ash then walked up to them.

Ash: yo what's up. he said in his normal voice (which is cold and emotionless)

Lillie: oh Ash it's good to see you again

Mallow: yeah it's been a long time since we've seen you

Kiawe: yeah,I bet you got a whole lot stronger

Gladion: you done revealing?. he said in a serious tone

Ash: yeah yeah now let's go and check out the first match.

They then went to the Main lobby
And waited for the first match to show up on the screen.

After few minutes the matches showed up for the first batch who were:

Random vs random (I am lazy to think)

Lillie vs sabrina (new after Agatha's retirement)

Brock vs barry—

Barry: I am gonna fine you for sending me against Brock

Me: stfu and get the hell out before I kick your 'fine sorry ass'

And the last battle of the day:

Ash vs iris

Ash:'oh this is gonna be fuuuuunn hehehe'.demonic smile

kiawe, lillie and mallow looked at Ash and thought:oh no there is the look on his face again RIP in advance iris's pokemon.and gladion thought uh well he didn't care

Somewhere else:

Iris and her pokemon got chills down there spine

They: why do I fell like something bad is gonna happen

Back to Ash they all went their own ways to train or do whatever they want.

Ash went to his room it was almost night as the ceremony took quite a long time.

A shot Time skip brought to you by
Lance slowly eating his food still depressed about his speech as all the other champions sweet dropped:

It was almost the middle of night Ash couldn't sleep so he took out a luxury ball from which came the legendary Pokemon.....................................Pikachu

Ash: sorry to disturb you pikachu,it's just I can't sleep.he said as pikachu tilted his head confused

Pikachu: And why is that

Ash: I don't know maybe excited or something

Pikachu: oh that's a surprise you haven't shown any excitement or any emotions since a long time

Ash didn't reply instead he went to his bag, seeing which Pikachu was confused he thought he was gonna take some snacks or something but he was shocked when he saw him taking out a fricking guitar out of nowhere I mean does he have a 3 dimensional space or something anyways.

Then Ash went nere his balcony sat on a chair and started to sing

(Song name 'let me down slowly' and also video not mine)

After Ash finished he saw pikachu in a corner with depressed clouds on his head muttering something like

Pikachu: my whole life was a lie *Mutter Mutter Mutter*

As he sweet dropped after he slowly went to sleep with Pikachu still muttering while sleeping 😅

Time skip to the next day by mangekyo sharingan

It's the day the battle starts everyone is hyped for the battle the stadium is looking more crowd then yesterday we see Ash walking towards the champions and elite four's VIP room.

As he entered every eye on the room was on him he just ignored it and went to his seat.

Cynthia: it's good to see you ash,we were not able to talk to you yesterday as you were busy.

Ash:...yeah,it's good to see you too you see I am less of a talker now so yeah.

He said with his 'normal voice' then everyone became silent and then the announcer came

announcer: Hello everyone,how is your day been so far,good? because mine is, today we start the tournament with our first batch of trainer now let's get to the first match

Time skip to Ash's match (cause you know)

It's the last match of the day everyone is mare hyped for this match then any match.in the last matches lillie and Brock have won(of course).

announcer: Nowwww to the final match of the day for which everyone was hyped for,Now presenting our first trainer The First champion of alola ASH KETCHUM. he announced as the crowd went wild cheers Ash's name with many girls having heart on their eyes,and Ash didn't care he just walked out of the hallway to his position.

"Next we have the dragon queen of unova,the dragon master from the village of dragon IRIS". he said as the crowd cheered, she then came waving her hand to the crowd and stood on her position they then turned towards the referee.

"The match between alola champion Ash ketchum and dragon queen iris is about to begin! It'll be a two–on–two battle,the trainer will be able to substitute their pokemon at any time, the match will be over when neither of the trainer's pokemon is able to battle!understood?they both nodded.

Iris:Ash allow me to introduce my only pokemon you'll be able to see in the tournament Haxorus battle time. With that declaration Haxorus jumped into the battlefield and let out a mighty roar.

Ash didn't even flinch at the site of the awe jaw pokemon.he reached his belt and selected his pokemon. he knew she would start up with her trusted partner.

Predictable. he thought as he tossed his pokeball in the air. When the ball opened,a light flashed. when the light dimmed,an otter-looking Pokemon stood in front of him. The Pokemon was predominantly orange with tan front section,hands,and tips of his two tails.bluefins could be seen on the sides of his arms and a yellow collar-like feature that warped around its body.(man first time in my life have I done this much detailed description)

The Pokemon came up and shouted
"Zel zel Floatzel!" The pokemon crossed it's arms in front of him and looked at his opponent with no fear in its eyes.

The referee looked at both Pokemon, satisfied with what he sees, he raised the flags and yelled,"let the battle begin!"

"I'll take the first move"iris shouted.
"Haxorus use dragon rage!"Haxorus could be seen beginning to glow,as he  concentrated energy in his chest before unleashing a glowing blue ball from his mouth.

Predictable as usual. Ash smirked before calling out his counter move
"Floatzel use ice beem" Floatzel responded by firing a light blue beem from its mouth

The two attack speeded towards eachother until they met head on,but to the shock of crowd the blue spear of Haxorus exploded and the beam, from Floatzel, continued its course as if it hit nothing at all.

Iris gasped in horror. "Haxorus get out of there!"she shouted. Haxorus barely evaded the attack. Before iris could stop think,she saw her opponent jump into the air. "Ha! Big mistake Ash!Haxorus go after Floatzel with dragon rush!" A blue aura surrounded Haxorus as it send itself flying through the air towards its opponent.

Ash's smirk God bigger. "Quick Floatzel,use ice punch!" The sea vessel pokemon's first begin to glow light blue. floatzel hurld the panch right as
Haxorus to him. The to attacks clashed in mid air caused an expression. From the cloud of smoke
Came the awe jaw Pokemon,as it's was sent cascading towards the ground while making contact with the floor of the field hath thud. Floatzel; how were gently landed in front of ash, as if nothing had happened.

Haxorus I was desperately trying to get up. iris was about to call out a command,but she was too late, Ash beat her to it.

"Floatzel, finish this with hydro pump!" He said flatly. The water Pokemon leaned back, and then threw his head forward and then threw his head forward and powerful steam of water came out of his mouth. The steam of water made its way toward
Haxorus slamming the already weak Pokemon into the wall.

"Haxorus is unable to battle, floatzel is the winner!"the referee announced

Ash's friends sat there is shock."wow his Floatzel has become strong it doesn't even look like it broke a sweat out there."Misty said in admiration of the water Pokemon.

Iris look over her opponent before enlarging the Pokeball in her hand and smiling, "I have to give you credit Ash you are better than I thought but that's the last time I am
underestimating you,dragonite come on out"the pokemon stood tall with a mostly Orange body, antennas and a horn protruding from its head and green wings that formed from its back. it roared its challenge to Ash.

Ash took out a pokeball and threw it in air from which came a jackal like looking Pokemon with white for all over rate it, gave a loud howl and look at Ash

"You ready silver "

"I will not disappoint you master"

And and with that lucario rust on to the field the battlefield he assumed a battle pose,while his I never leaving dragonite.

The battle between dragonite and lucario started. Before iris could even say a word, Ash commanded his first attack. " extreme speed Lucario!" The steel and fighting type Pokemon vanished only two reappear underneath dragonite's chin. "Now aura sphere" Ash shouted. Lucario created an aura sphere and smashed it under its opponents chin, sending it flying into the air.

"Close combat!" Ash commander to which Lucario responded with a barrage of kicks, jabs, and knees to the stunned dragonite.

Iris was stunned. she was watching her most powerful Pokemon getting tossed around like a rag doll by fighting moves, and then, it hit her.

Fighting most don't do much to dragonite. he hasn't taken that much damage. we can still win this, but we'll have to go for broke here. Iris thought.

"Dragonite " she commanded,"focus and use hyper Beam!"

Got ya!Ash smirked, then yelled his counter," Lucario dodge,and then, get behind it!"just like that, Lucario vanished from infront of dragonite, while still in mid air, before dragonite could hit him. the dragon type send the hyper beam but barely missed its target. instead, landing a few feet from Ash who acted like he didn't even notice it.

"Time to finish this Lucario,use dragon pulse!"Ash commanded. Suddenly lucario appear behind dragonite and formed a darker blue spear with yellow light in the middle. lucario stuck the defenseless dragonite in the back with the attack sending it plummeting to the ground. "Now send another one!"as dragonite hit the ground, lucario send another dragon pulse to the injured Pokemon, while causing and devastating explosion, before softly landing by a Ash's side.

"That'll do, Lucario. That'll do" Ash said as he messes with the fur on top of his pokemon's head.

"Thank you, master. It was good to get out and excercise, for a bit". Lucario stated as he enjoyed himself during that battle.

Status settled, it was clear that dragonite was down for the count. Iris went to her knees. The sound of the referee making the final call drifted into a void of nothingness.

How could I lose?! iris pondered, as she returned dragonite to its pokeball and stared at it.  I worked so hard, gone through so many obstacles, only to be crushed in the first batch.


And cut. woof what a long chapter, so how do you like the chapter I thought of changing my writing style so yeah here it is and also, I thought of you guys about me so here it is

The author's secret:

Do you know that the author like 'nightcore' as the best music type

Anyways vote if you enjoyed and don't forget to follow me for updates see you in the next chapter or maybe in the other book. bye.

(Word count :*holy shit* 2760)

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