A life at Hogwarts (Marauders...

By fanmadewriting

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You, Y/n Druid have just been sent by your kind parents to Hogwarts even though they didn't want you to go. W... More

The Blonde Boy in the Train
First School Day at Hogwarts
What a Headache
Where's the Holiday Spirit Gone
Ah Yes...Christmas
Anxiety Attacks?
He Who Must Not Be Named
So the Rumer's Begin
First Day Back
Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
Quidditch :D
Sleep Walking Quidditch?
The Truth
My Pet
Slughorn's Party
The Minister
Western Love Story
Double Love Confessions
Remus <3
The Parents
Mad Eye
The Full Moon
Hogwarts Year 6
Meeting Death as an Old Friend
Goodbye Home
What is the Function of a Rubber Duck
Authors Note

Regret and the Close

82 2 0
By fanmadewriting

July 10th was only a day away. You had sent a letter back to Potter telling him you'd love to make an appearance. Zem came back without a response so you assumed he had nothing to say. You sat up in your bed as the hot sunlight burned into your eyes. Footsteps creaked in the hall, "Y/n I have to go to Diagon alley for school supplies. You'll be alright, right?"

You jumped out of bed and made sure you at least had shorts on as you met Severus at your doorway, "Sev I'll be fine. I have every charm necessary. Oo can you maybe buy me some basic potion supplies. I'm pretty bored, the library wasn't enough." He smiled and kissed you on the cheek.

"Of course, I'll be back tonight. Maybe I can cook for you for once?" You shook your head slowly as you messed with his long hair twirling a few pieces between your fingers.

"Sev cooking gives me something to do. I'll make a surprise okay?" He kissed you on the lips before apparating away. You stretched as you looked over at your dresser not wanting to get dressed. Honestly without Severus with you, you had nothing to do. Molly was giving you a day off and you couldn't leave your house. You walked in the living room and plopped onto the couch and melted instantly. "Maybe I can write to McGonagall, no harm in that right?" You lifted both of your hands into the air and a piece of parchment and a quill flew into your hands. They stayed in the air as you dropped your hands and it began to write.

Dear McGonagall,

    I wanted to assure you I am alright. You have to know I was set up and had no control. I'll step away from that subject... If you've been to my vault then you'd have seen it's empty. Severus buys me food and supplies with my money. Only he knows where I live. I used the fidelius charm so neither the ministry nor Voldemort can find me. I hope you get some awesome first years, you're always excited to see who'll be put in Gryffindor.

    With love and worry, your troubled Hufflepuff

You rolled up the parchment and whistled for Zem who happily flew over. He quickly left without you getting up. You laid in the quiet enjoying it, "My life might seem bad but it's the happiest I've been."

Hours passed and you just laid on the couch with your eyes closed. CRACK! You shot up and looked out the window hoping to see Severus was back early. A cloaked figure walked up the stairs of your front porch and slowly jiggled the handle. You slowly backed up behind the couch, "Accio wand." Your wand was now securely in your hand pointing at the front door which was just blasted open. The dark tall figure slowly walked in and spotted you but only stood a few feet away doing nothing. "Get out! I don't know how you got in but you're not going to take me away!" The figure took a few steps forward and the couch went flying with a flick of his wand.

"Let's make this easy, I'd rather not hurt you." It was a man's voice, familiar too. He slowly took his hood off and Lucius Malfoy was revealed. Your eyes widened but you quickly sneered at him.

"Malfoy, you don't stand a bloody chance." He took a step forward and you backed up.

"You seem scared, I thought we were friends?" You raised your wand and sent a spell at him which he deflected. "You won't even use your favorite spells. You know the dark arts, the one you used on that boy." You shot a few more spells and he deflected once again. "Forgot it already? I'll show you." He aimed right at you and your whole body started to burn as you fell to the floor. "Learned to not scream huh?" The spell just worsened and you started to go numb.

"L-L-Lucius, y-yo-you're just making me st-stro-Stronger!" He stopped and you took this chance to throw him across the room with your wand. Your kitchen table snapped in half. "I liked that table...Well I'll see you around Malfoy." You turned and walked into the hall to disapparate. Another cloaked figure was standing in front of you, she however was not scared to hide her face.

"Oh wow your body has gotten nice. How does it feel to just walk around shirtless?" You quickly turned but Lucius appeared in front of you. "Malfoy you let them out of the curse that easily?"

"I'd rather them not get stronger Lestrange!" You looked back at Bellatrix and was confused on who to point your wand at.

"You got married Bella? Wait actually I don't care. Good-bye." You tried to leave but nothing worked.

"Oh Y/n, the dark lord is also prepared. NOW!" Lucius came up from behind you and tied a cloth around your neck.

"What th- You cut off my magic?" Bellatrix smiled as she took your hands.

"Yes, now let's go."

Within seconds your body felt distorted and weird. Your eyes were closed tightly shut and everything was quiet. "You can open your eyes, kitten." You slightly opened them and looked around in a panic. Everything around was unfamiliar, would anyone be able to locate you. "Stop panicking love, you're much safer here." He kissed the top of your head before guiding you down the long pathway. "Lestrange how do you think the dark lord will award us?"

Bellatrix turned around and smiled, "His complete trust in me."

Lucius stopped and clutched your shoulder tighter, "In you, I got the cloth on them. I also found their location!"

She crossed her arms still smiling, "You used a curse on them. The dark lord said no harm is to be done. We want our little Y/n to willingly join." She reached for you and you flinched before she messed up your hair. "Now then Malfoy, we are running late." She turned and once again led you up the pathway. It felt like forever till you finally walked up a few steps and she opened a door.

"State the purpose on why you are bothering me." The voice sounded very annoyed and sort of familiar.

"Dark lord we brought Y- I mean the dark heir." Bellatrix slightly shrunk as she stepped back. Lucius carefully took you around the corner and left you without speaking a word.

"Y/n have a seat." You looked up and froze at the sight of Voldemort, he seemed angry. You looked at the seat that was placed across from him.

"I'd rather stand, Riddle." He glared up at you and sighed before adjusting himself in his seat.

"If you want, this won't be a short conversation." You looked at the seat and slumped right in to it. "You don't know how worried I was, if your not with Dumbledore then you have no protection."

"Cut the bullshit, seriously I have betrayed you so much. Why even try the nice way?"

He got up and started to pace stroking his wand. "Oh because Dumbledore forced you to leave and into hiding. I'd rather you finally have a choice to join me or not. There's a room awaiting you, all you have to do is become a death eater." He walked behind your chair and lifted your left arm. "All you have to do is ask." You looked down at your arm then quickly stood up facing him.

"Severus! Did Lucius hurt him!" Voldemort looked back at his wand.

"No, Severus had nothing at all to do with this. If you join I'll add back that protection I've always promised." He walked over and held your left arm once again. You stared at it and didn't know why you were actually feeling like accepting it. "Your freedom is right in front of you Y/n." You looked right at your arm then up at Voldemort.

"Go ahead, father."

Months maybe even a year went by, you have had no way to keep track. You grabbed your wand off of your nightstand as well as your death eater mask. Your room was way below the surface, you had to climb up through the dungeons and the basement just to get up to the ground. Bellatrix was standing in the hall way besides the front door awaiting you just like every morning. "What do I have to do now Bella?"

She placed her mask over her face, "The dark lord just wants to talk to you." She paused and started to walk out which you quickly followed, "Instead of translating creatures for him you just get to talk to him. I could spoil it for you." You placed your mask over your face before apparating with her. You were now in a mucky forest and it only seemed this way since the sun hasn't yet come up.

"Spoil it how Bella?"

She turned to you and jumped a bit, "Oh you'll love it! Lucius is the only other who knows. He told me after their Hogwarts year ended that Snape has decided to become a death eater!" She started to giggle but stopped slowly, "You're not excited? Oh come on, your love will finally know where you ended up and you both can work together to help out with our pureblood society!" You nodded slowly then walked in front of her.

"Oh um yes of course Bella, that just caught me off guard. Now then where is my father?" A hand crept onto your shoulder and a snake slithered beneath your feet.

"Right here." You stood frozen, the tone to his voice was not safe. "Lestrange leave us, your husband needs help." There was a crack and Voldemort walked in front of you so you were face to face. "With that Severus boy on our side you could be twice as powerful or twice as weak." You realized you were holding your breath and quickly relaxed and anger lashed out.

"I told you to leave him alone! You obviously did something, you wouldn't want me to leave you when you're finally starting to make progress." Nagini started to wrap around your legs and up.

"I thought this childish behavior had passed, I've been mistaken. I hope that bedroom of yours will work as a great dungeon for you." Your eyes widened and you yelped as Nagini's fangs dug into your thin skin.

You slowly fell into his arms, "Bella will tell him..."

He frowned but smiled quickly, "No, no she won't. People will think you finally died, how does death from too much power sound?" You glared at him even if he was just a blur. You felt the pulling of apparating then sunk into your bed. "Next time I need you I will come down for you."

*3 years later- October 31 1981*

The door to your bedroom creaked open and light had finally entered your room. The slithering of a snake and quiet footsteps slowly made their way to the side of your bed. You opened your eyes for the first time in ages but couldn't move your numb body. "It seems you've finally come to some use, Druid." His pale face hovered over you as he placed a small vile to your lips and liquid entered your desert of a throat. "Hurry and stand. I'll explain our task on our way there." You turned your head and looked out the bedroom door. It was covered in enchantments, no wonder no one found you. With no other choice you slowly sat up and stood next to him. You turned away and caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror which you did a double take. Your hair was three times as long, your skin was now pale and slightly sunken in, you also were so thin you could probably snap like a twig. The black cloak you had on was now torn at the bottom and at the sleeves revealing your bare feet. "I hope you've learned your lesson. Now then let's head up stairs." He turned and undid the enchantments before leading you out the door. "There is a prophecy that an infant is the death of me or something. I've finally found that family which they were using the fidelius charm, someone helpful is now the secret keeper." You felt like you were going to turn to dust when climbing the stairs. Your legs keep buckling. You reached outside and he held out his arm, "You're too weak to use magic so I'll fly us there." Your eyes widened, once you touched him you ascended into the air and saw everything as you flew by. A small smile formed on your face, you forgot how pretty the world actually is. Within minutes you stopped in the middle of Godric's Hollow.

Raspy words exited your mouth and it startled you, "Why here? Last I checked, no one young lived here." Voldemort looked at you and began to walk to a pretty house that had a light on on the second floor.

"You haven't been out and about for three years. Also this family might interest you." You looked at your feet confused as you followed him through the front gate and through the threshold. Panic arose upstairs as footsteps ran about. A tall figure with glasses started to run down the stairs and Voldemort slowly took his wand out. The figure stepped into the light and held up his fists. Tears rushed into your eyes, it was James.

"I'll use my fists if I have to! You're not going near them!" Voldemort raised his arm but you lowered it using your whole body.


Voldemort hissed in parseltongue, "Filthy child!" You were flung off of him and slammed against the stairs railing. You looked up and saw James, his eyes were full of fear but he still lunged at Voldemort. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" His body flew back and landed perfectly on the turn of the steps. You ran up the stairs after Voldemort and took one last look at the lifeless body of James Potter.

"Stand aside."

"NO! Kill me instead! Let him live!" You saw Voldemort lift his wand once again and you pointed your hands at him letting out the cruciatus curse. He laughed, it didn't do anything...

"Y/n do you really think I'd create you to be able to hurt me." In anger and no other option you ran in between the two out of breath.

"You'll...you...leave them alone." Nagani quickly wrapped around your legs and snapped them in half causing you to fall to the floor. "AHH!" You laid there on the floor frozen in pain when a green flash echoed in the room. You heard Lily fall to the floor and the child began to cry. You sat up and started to crawl over. Right as Voldemort casted the killing curse you saw the baby's calm face looking down at Lily's body. However the child stayed standing and Voldemort was gone as well as Nagani.

"Ack...where did..." You gripped your legs and slowly healed the snapped twig like bones back together. You stumbled over to the crib where the baby stood crying. You picked him up and held him close crying with him. "Shhh I'm so sorry...I- I should've done something else...I deserve to rot again..." You bounced him as you swayed and a crash of the front door and a crack next to you made you jump causing the babies screams to grow.

"Severus is walking up those stairs. He can blame you for all this or you can put that stupid infant down and come with me." You turned and faced Lucius.

"B-but I deserve to be blamed. I didn't stop him..." You held the child closer and backed away from Lucius.

"Let's make this easy for everyone Y/n." He held out a hand and you backed up even farther.

"Leave Malfoy! Before Severus finds you..." Lucius stepped back before running over to you. He death gripped your wrists causing a  cracking noise. You let out a yelp and a tear before he pushed you towards the crib. 

"Put the child down so I can take you home. You can help raise Draco if you want a child that badly." You carefully put Harry back down and kissed him on his scar. He giggled and went to reach for you. You smiled as you held your wrists crying, not from the pain but from the fact you don't know when you'll see Harry again. "Good, now then." He took your hurt wrists and gripped it tightly so you let out a scream. Lucius put his hood on and faced away from the doorway. Footsteps stopped at the doorway and you looked up staring into dark eyes that stared back into your own. You began to struggled and his grip only got tighter. 

"Severus please..." He finally snapped out of his trance and took a step forward.

"Y/n..." At that moment Lucius smiled and apparated the both of you out of the house. Severus's last look at you was sorrow and that stuck into your mind for years...

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