Give It Up: One Chance Only

By simone_mc

179 7 3

Love is kind...At least she thought so. Amelia grew up in the slums of Florida. Never in her life did things... More

~The Feels Con.~

~The Feels~

50 1 0
By simone_mc

~Nostalgia, another word for saying feel sorry for yourself~

     January 21, 2014

 Amelia sat at her vanity doing her makeup in a long t shirt with her hair pulled up into a messy bun. Not that she needed makeup, but everyone needs a little sense of security every now and then.

 "I hate doing this shit."  She said as she finished her eye makeup.

 "Well don't paint ya f*ckin face." Said a voice behind her. She turned around quickly ready to fight. She faced a tall beauty with brown eyes, it was her bestfriend of three years, Jamie.


 "Stupid b*tch" She mumbled.

 "And who were you gonna fight. The air?" He stated rather than asked. Jamie eyeballed her as she searched for something to wear. He always wanted her, but she never seemed to notice. He wanted her because of the way she walked, the way she talked, the way her a** looked good in every pair of jeans she owned. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her torso.

"Boy if you don't move. Get out I'm tryna get dressed." Amelia never seemed to realize what she had right in front of  her. It would be ever so terrible if  it slipped away.

 She picked out a blue blazer, printed crop top, joggers, and black heels. Her hair was fixed in long beach waves. She headed downstairs to see Jamie eating whatever he could find in the fridge.

 "Get out my refrigerator fat a**."  Amelia growled as she walked towards him to get a granola bar out the cabinet.

 "I am not the fat a** in here ma'am."

"Are you callin me fat?" She said getting defensive.

 "Nah, I'm callin that a** fat." She rolled her eyes and got her granola bar down from the cabinet. Jamie pulled her from behind and gripped her waist.

 "Jam-" He cut her off by placing his lips on her neck leaving soft kisses.

 "You know I want you, so stop playing with me."  He whispered softly yet aggressively into her ear before walking to his car. Amelia just stood there in shock with weak knees. She wanted to run back upstairs and not go to the trap, but duty calls and Mel doesn't like not knowing what's going on at the trap.

 The ride to the trap was beyond awkward, it's not that Amelia felt shy or anything she just didn't want this incident to ruin their friendship. Once they reached the trap her demeanor changed and the past events left her mind as she became Mel. She only needed to be in the building five minutes tops so Jamie stayed in the car. Mel walked up to guards greeting them politely as they opened the doors to the big run down building. The trap was busy, just like she liked it, seemed like the pushers were working extra hard today. After she observed everyone, her money, and her office, she left.

 Once she stepped foot into Jamie's car awkward silence filled the air. Amelia hated silence so she plugged the aux cord into her phone and let Sam Smith's angelic voice replace it. Before you know it her and Jamie were singing together. The two headed to her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. Walking into the restaurant Amelia tripped over her own two feet and bumped into a short latina woman.

 "Watch out dumb b*tch" Amelia had a nostalgic feeling when the words fell out the woman's mouth. The voice was so familiar that she had to look back at the woman. Amelia was quiet all through her meal, which was odd considering the fact that she can't stop walking while eating.

 "Are you okay pookie?" Jamie asked her calling her by the nickname he gave her when they first met.


~Hey lil ma, What's yo name~


~The h*ll~

~Boss, as in I'm your boss~

~Oh sh*t, I ain't know I was working for somebody like you~

~Well, now you know~

~You look a lil too soft to be a kingpin~

She shot her gun right past his ear two good times. Enough to make him shake a little bit. She could see it in his eyes he was beginning to question talking to her, but just as fast as the look came it went.

~I'll call you pookie, witcha soft a**~

  "Yea, I'm good. Just tired is all."

 "Want me to take you home?"


 Amelia fell asleep the whole ride back to her house. She stirred in her sleep, dreaming about her mother. After over twenty years she wanted to show up now. And to greet her with the words "Dumb b*tch".  

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