Beckon From Olympus( Editing~...

Da H_Raymond

257 44 38

Have you ever sparked an inevitable war or a fate? It's the same era we've known, the era of the gods... Altro



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Da H_Raymond

“He never feared any woman before until he met her domineering ways”

i⊱⊰i⊱⊰i⊱Matilda of Euthymia⊰i⊱⊰i⊱⊰i⊱


“You shouldn't have spoken to him like that, you know?”

Dark heels with murky leggings strode to the edge of the bed before Siena seated on it with heavy sigh.

Amber eyes flitting through the structure and beauty of the dim chamber with steep ceiling hung with translucent grey chandelier, yet with opaque edges. And as she let her eyes rove the peripheral of it, part of the lit that streaked down the chandelier succored her white hair for it rekindled its sheen glory as it glowed like amber and pale gold. Her pale skin morphed unto fair, complimenting the hair as they both basked in beauty together while the hair, now golden, flaunted eagerly.

Siena gawked like she'd seen it all for as she beheld the creature in front of her, her mouth had already spoken in its own accord before she berated herself silently in shyness.

“You're...beautiful...” and when she realized how awkward her words were, she hesitantly added “...I mean...way more striking than I will ever be”

Trinity promptly withdrew from the sight of the chandelier and looked to Siena's awe, yet blushing visage. Her hair had morphed back to utter white.

And when Siena saw her staring, she continued.

“I—I apologize, they were tempting” she stuttered.

Trinity smiled which gave the red-haired girl assurance that she was unbothered by her awkward admittance.

“It's okay, I got used to it...this...” she assured. She turned back to the light decorated walls of the room “it's like a Palace”

Siena chuckled silently “from what I've seen about you, I would be surprised if you had seen a Palace before”

“I had, a rather more comical experience”

Siena chuckled before she shifted comfortably like she was about to be told a tale

“Oh, tell me” a grin plastered on her crimson lips.

Trinity sighed then walked to the edge of the bed and seated beside Siena “I...was on a mission and infiltrated one by...mistake, and there was this maidservant who spotted me lurking behind a wall, she instantly thought I was one of them for she took me as a member of the royals, she said 'are you the princess from the South-West? For your appearance surpasses those parasites at the court dressed in fine silks from the East before the bay and rich tunics that make for harlots' I was...dumbfounded, staring into space for a while because I had no idea what to say to her”

Siena laughed for a while before she uttered “so, pray tell, how did you escape from her grasp?”

Trinity was hesitant for a while for she did not know how to put it “I...rendered her...unconscious”

Siena's amusement had promptly disappeared, she didn't expect the outcome of the narration to end in an aggressive way, she stared widely and the only thing that surged out from her crimson lips was “oh”

Trinity raised her brows in skeptical then added to defend herself from Siena's view who might think she was being cruel.

“My mission was my priority, and the maidservant was just at the wrong time and place, alerting the guards was far from the last thing I wanted...and I think she was fortunate I didn't kill her”

“She really was” Siena, nodding as she smiled, staring at her companion who she found strange in all aspects.

“What? Why are you smiling?”

The red-haired girl paused for a while, her crimson eyes not averting from Trinity's amber ones.

“You people are becoming unbearable every second” Trinity let her eyes sway from her sight.

“You and Thorgrine would fit as a fiddle if you were to be siblings, his ways of handling matters are as cruel as yours are...but, yours means to an end is more justifiable”

She didn't acknowledge her words and Siena wasn't expecting her to retaliate, yet she wanted to hear her view on Thorgrine.

“So...where were you before you came here?....And of course, before you say 'I was battling the Outlanders' I mean your stronghold, village perhaps”

“Questions just seem to blurt out from your mouth, right?” Trinity questioned blankly, quite on edge.

Siena pouted her lips, yet not uttering her mind. And when she thought she wouldn't answer her, she said silently, her words barely heard.

“Right...I'm too forward, I apologize” she gestured her head in a bow. And there was another silence before a soothing tone raised her ears.

“I slogged from beyond the mystic rivers of glaciers of the West; after the Caribbean Sea, between the rises that crossed the two intercepting village is not far from there; the rises, they act as a boundary and protection for the dwellers”

Siena squinted her eyes, mind pondering on the location she mentioned “hmm...the only place that's quite familiar with your location and that's accounted down in the Reconnaissance wing is the forlorn settlement of the people of...”

How come she knows the location anyway? That area has been cast off from the face of the earth by the Reconnaissance. Siena mused, left thumb on her lips firmly.

“ that can't be right unless...” Then her eyes widened in realization“... You're one of the people of Ethia?”

Siena's eyes brimming with uncertainty and reverence as she once again took in her form.

“The name isn't worth fetching” she said, calm and indifferent without looking at the baffled and stuttering girl

“I-I know b-but...the mystery lurking behind the sudden destitution of the village is one of the unsolved cases of the Reconnaissance, albeit, there is a clue...but it is not helping”

Trinity's demeanor had changed promptly and Siena looked to her, wondering why a frown took over the former calm visage

“And what clue is that?” she asked, her face still askew from Siena's sight.

“Um...It was years ago, perhaps ten. It was a time when King Klaustie  was desperately in need of allies from distinct regions that made the Empire their State. He sent numbers of higher class Legionnaires and the Royal Guards to recruit from the lower class strongholds and villages who were in need of treaties”

She turned to her, perplexed, yet repressed the urge to ask more than she craves for.

“Allies? I thought the Empire would protect its subordinates”

“The wars of the North brewed hot, even if the Empire helped the cause, Amoria wouldn't hold its stead in battle. That's why the king sent those warriors to recruit more talents from the regions nearby. Half of them went to the West; to Ethia. Hearsay about remarkable talents in Ethia were common in the city and that compelled them, but when they arrived at Ethia. To their surprise, the land had been utterly destroyed, not even a fly could be seen, fellows thought they were extirpated by the uprisings but that was a guess until after a rough search through the land and they spotted a burnt young man, yet still alive, hardly breathing”

Trinity shifted uncomfortably on her seat while Siena proceeded. Her attention was clearly and intensively on her and somehow Siena found her trick progressing.

“The man lamented that his land had been cursed by a demon—a demon child—which I found ridiculous anyway. He said one of the families brought a child whose appearance was none like mundane. But unfortunately, the man died before they could ask about the name of the child...” she sighed heavily

“I pity the know, a whole village incinerated by a demon, that's a lot to take in...why would a child destroy a village anyway? Was it for amusement or revenge?”

“Perhaps...resentment” Trinity muttered out the words with solemn visage.

“You said?” she asked and Trinity looked her way, she smiled then clasped her fair palms firmly against each other.


“Right, you said you were one of those people? Then you must have heard of the story right? Or perhaps the deeper cause behind it”

“No...I don't know. I had strayed far from the village when the grave events took place”

She's lying. Why would she lie?

When Siena knew she held the power of the air, she realized that she could detect lies by acknowledging the people’s breathing. And Trinity lying about her past surely made her background even more mysterious.

“And I would like you to withdraw from that conversation....hearing more about how my people died isn't pleasant” she added.

“Oh okay...sure” she nodded emphatically before a silence reigned between them.

“Why did you speak to the Prince with such hatred?” Siena asked suddenly and Trinity breathed out a sigh of frustration before she answered her. She was obviously not one for many conversations.

“I don't hate him, I just hate the royals; their domineering attitudes albeit they delicate. Feeble-minded creatures whose purposes are to torment the poor after tending to themselves” Trinity asserted with vile while Siena stared at her, baffled.

“If you loathe them that much, then why did you accept their proposal?”

“I have my own reasons”

“I guess...which includes the sudden admittance of the thief as your apprentice?” Siena's eyes glued to her even though Trinity didn't look her way. And she also ignored her question.

“Look Trinity, I know my mind can't comprehend what you have experienced outside the guidance of a friend or family, or your grave encounters in the Outland. But, acknowledge my rede when I say, the world and the people are like the girdle in the loin and the sword and its scabbard. The scabbard is the people you see everyday while the sword is their character; two edges, one of evil and good. And you won't know each potential until you strike first...Only a fool won't know the reason you chose Thorgrine as your companion to your first mission; you want to have your revenge, right? Because he attacked you?”

Trinity's demeanor had changed from soft to the usual blank one as she stared at Siena. And there was a while of utter silence for she took a moment longer before she answered her.

“Is that your insight of the mother earth and her people?” She inclined her head to the left.

Siena realised she intentionally didn't acknowledge the question part which made everything hard for her, for it was part of the reason for being in the room with the fierce girl.

“Yes, and I know I told the truth” She asserted

“What you know is insignificance, tale parents tell their children before they go to sleep so that they won't go astray”

Siena chuckled briefly “that's not what it is”

“Then if you say what you said is the truth, have I not known you enough? Then why don't you trust me? For now you have accused me of being a heartless fellow...”

“Trinity...that's not what I meant” Siena shook her head in quick succession; she'd wanted to convince her without knowing the effect of her words would make her feel this way.

Trinity stared at her for a moment before she said

“I'm stupid enough for chatting with you. When do we embark?” she stood upright, in agile motion she walked to the ajarred window. A silent crick before it forced itself open with unknown force.

How did she open the window without touching it? Is she also a bearer of air, like me? Siena mused, appalling countenance glued to the girl whose majestic form was like that of the foreign body.

She wasn't surprised of her manner and how she'd changed the subject quickly for she knew that no one would understand Trinity, unless she wanted them to. And also, she seemed to deliberately end the conversation, perhaps, she knew she was here for a reason.

“Few hours, the mounts have been prepared and....” she answered briefly and her speech was cut off by a sudden knock at the door.

“Who's it?” Siena asked before she stood and walked to the door.

“Dame, I have an urgent matter to discuss with you” the voice outside uttered impatiently.

Siena looked to Trinity, awaiting her order for she was now the owner of the chamber they were in.

“Open it, it's Bia” Trinity assured.

The door opened with a quiet creaky sound before Bia entered with hesitant steps. She was anxious for her visage showed of insecureness when she looked to Siena who wear frown expression for interrupting them.

Bia's eyes flitted to her mistress and back to the red-haired girl beside her.

“I need to speak with private” her eyes landed back to her mistress before she finished the sentence.

Siena creased her brows at the girl for a while before she said to Trinity without looking back

“Sometimes, giving people the benefit of doubts help with the grudge against the past, that I have experienced”

She walked out without waiting for her response, albeit, she knew she wouldn't answer her, yet, she wanted to hear her speak once more.

And a further more away from the threshold of Trinity's chamber. Siena stooped low and breathed heavily. She clutched her right palm firmly over her chest.

“I'm never doing this again” she panted once more.

And after a quick, yet loud sigh. She composed herself and walked back to Project Saia's space.

She went in and beheld as different sets of orbs looked her way after the guards opened the towering door for her.

Robben's usual amusing countenance took command and Siena reckoned that he would be the first to speak.

“So? How did it go?” he uttered, his shrewd lips instantly reinforced his intention.

She fought against the urge to roll her eyes before she answered him; the answer she supposed he wanted to hear.

“Well, she cracked a joke”

“And?” excitement displayed on Robben's countenance for he did not expect Trinity to be one for amusement.

“And I ruined it”

“What!?” his scream frightened Siena for she instinctively moved a step back from him

“That was a rare sight and you ruined it?” his former soothing eyes were now straining as if he'd missed a great event and he would do anything to witness it if only the time could rewind itself.

Siena looked in horror, unknown of what to say to calm this deranged Prince.

“B-but, that wasn't my mission. I was not to...” she trailed off as she let her eyes rove to General Vincent to save her from the predicament and the intense scowl of Prince Robben.

Vincent shrugged defenselessly when he saw her staring at him.

“Are you certain you both fare well?” Prince Eric interfered as he regarded both of them distastefully “I'm sure you're both aware of why we're here which is not in any way concerned about Miss Trinity's expression but of her motive”

“Siena...?” General Vincent called silently

She looked to him before flitting her eyes to the Warlord who wore a blank countenance. Then she sighed deeply, her face was of pity and regret.

“She trusted me General and...I took advantage of that, as much as I'm loyal to this...Saia, I still hate what I did”

“You were ordered to pry information from her, it wasn't your intention and no one can doubt that it was for the greater cause” Dirk said, hoping to assure the red-haired girl of her regret

She nodded at him, pleased to see someone who understand her. She would be grateful if at least, Prince Eric could trust Trinity and gave her a chance but his usual cold manner was too frightening to let go of the thought.

“She said she was one of the people of Ethia” she declared

“That lost village?” Dirk surged forward to Siena a little bit while she also moved backward in fear.

Siena could see surprise written on their faces barring Eric of course.

“Can you all please stop frightening her, she would lose her mind if you continued to sound hysterical whenever she speaks” Vincent said and Siena could almost hug him.

“The folks were rumored to have had an extraordinary talents. I didn't want to believe it” Robben's eyes trailing them all as he said.

“Hmph! It's not that simple” Eric murmured but loud enough to be heard by everyone.

“What more is it to it?” Siena asked in a rather more furious tone.

Cold, emerald eyes with horrific aura shifted sharply to Siena and she instantly moved a step back in fright.

“I don't dispute the fact that she was one of those barbarics...” Eric's words were interrupted by the disdain glare from the Warlord.

“And by Barbaric, you mean?” He asked him, his words were rather more competitive than he intended them to be.

He did dare to talk to the prince like that? Siena mused gravely but later concluded that Trinity had already done worse.

Eric turned to him, his blank expression didn't change the fear behind them, perhaps, he little did respect the Warlord.

“You sure understand what I mean Dirk. The man narrated to us of how the villagers tormented the child because of her appearance; a ten years old child. What name could possibly befit them than a Barbaric?”

“They were afraid of what she possessed, of who she was. And if you think I'm in any way supportive of their actions, then I'm afraid you're wrong....But that was their last call, who wouldn't save himself when faced with a situation that threatened the existence of his tribe?”

Eric snorted dismissively, eyes swayed from his crimson, yet dark eyes to the General who was unbothered of their argument.

“Um, I still can't see the reason you're both vexatious on this idle matter” Robben said nonchalantly

“Prince Eric” Vincent called after musing for a while “Please elaborate your hypothesis”

“I don't care about the villagers. She's here for a reason, I don't know what or why but I have this feeling....she's not telling us everything. First, she lied about being a mercenary, then second. Her power can contend with a mercenary that had the highest kill count. I find that suspicious enough for her age?”

“Maybe...she's a talent?” Robben suggested

“I thought about that” Vincent agreed.

“Or she's working for someone. Her intention is vague, it's either she wants to join the academy for ultimate reason or perhaps...have access to something or someone”

“Mhm! Agreed” Dirk nodded after his concise words

“But....We still haven't known the reason she chose Thorgrine as her companion to the hive” Siena reminded, quite on edge ever since Trinity chose him.

Vincent looked to her worried expression “you seem to care of the boy's condition than I thought”

“No...I don't, not in that way. But I—do care because he's part of the league...” she said incoherently, yet she chose her words carefully.

Vincent nodded at her, his blank face glued to her before he withdrew.

“I see, but rest assured. The boy is pretty stronger than you think, I'm certain he can take care of himself, besides, what man would let a girl bully him?” Robben said.

“Siena, your work isn't done” Eric said “if she completed her mission and came back, you would need to get closer to her and be our eyes in case she went astray”

“But, w—what if she finds out?”

“She won' will send the message through the raven, if you use ethereal form, I'm afraid she will notice”

“I—I...I still have doubt about this plan. If she finds out, she will attack me, cut off my head or worse break up the ties we have with her. What if we beckon her attention and...?”

“No...from my perspective of her temper, she won't agree. You do as we plan. After her arrival, the king shall summon the team and discuss vividly on your missions. We can't allow a con into the King's mansion, can we?”

This is too much for me to handle alone. If she continued on her flimsy excuse, she would have no chance to forbear this trouble from her path


“That's enough Siena, she won't cut off your head and the mission is on condition, you needn't to worry about it now....” Dirk interrupted her “...Go. The dusk will soon rise. We should escort them to the gate”

“And...I think, I won't be present next time you're all here. I'm going North, the King decreed and there's nothing I can do to change that. Barring the stress, I personally want to check its state whether Hugh makes a progress this time” Eric said.

“The General in Calhaja Stronghold?” Dirk asked, his voice was of surprise for no one was expecting the issue to have become more intense than they thought.

“Aye, I heard rumors about his abilities to hold the situation at bay. I'm quite interested to know more”

“Hm. Good, then we shall send you letters about our progress too” Vincent said.

“I would be glad” he smiled “we should escort them now before the night makes to the sky”

I hate to be the captain. She froze on her stead and locked her eyes to the floor before she sighed deeply and turned away from their sights; the sights of predators.

Trinity was right all along.

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