Amber. (KnyxReader)

By skideedle

163K 5.5K 3.5K

[INCOMPLETE] "Hey have you heard? Muzan Kibutsuji has a twin brother!" Pretty much, your Muzan's twin brother... More

Y/N Kibutsuji
Uppermoon 0
2 | Tanjiro and Nezuko
3 | Hanafuda Earrings
4 | Deck of Cards
5 | Boulder
6 | Sabito and Makomo
7 | Yoriichi's lessons
8 | Hinokami Kagura

9 | Cheating

9.8K 382 157
By skideedle

When Y/N once was a mortal from a era long ago, his emotions were still stable yet his personality was prone to mischief.

He used to be the twin who does all the havoc, despite he loved his hobby of watching drama... but to others... they see it as a drug to him.

(this whole f*cking book is a Danganronpa reference to me)
The day of Final Selection, a test to be willingly be slaughtered. The test was yet barbaric and ruthless yet that only happens when the people are yet the same.

'What is needed in the Final Selection would mostly be combat and survival, but its probably best to think before you do.' Those were the words that I explained to Tanjiro before he set off to the trial.

The test was filled with demons, there were demons that were once young and now old... forever hungry as some even tried feasting on themselves.

'No demons goes out and no demons go in.' that was their saying of the whole prison, yet it is unknown of how demons would get inside due to wisteria crops. Some say they lure them in, while some say they get caught by the hashiras..

This prison was their little test site of where mortals would experience themselves into an atmosphere of dystopia.


"Brother, successful recently?" I stated as he faced me in unsure.

"Close yet far but I managed." He muttered out before taking out a test tube of unknown liquid.

"I can smell a whiff of wisteria..." I scrunched up my nose in disgust as that probably gives the reason why Muzan was holding a handkerchief against his mouth.

"Yes, but however I may have tried it on some demons.." he said before closely inspecting the tube with eyes slightly darkening.

"They are somehow now immune to wisteria."

He then put some of the liquid in a bamboo cup before sealing it with wood and a sack tightened by rope. "Keep this a little test sample, try it on some people... maybe on yourself if you like?" He smirked as he handed out the bottle.

Flashback end

Thanks to big brother, I could have a little bit of play time. "I may have no slot for emotions, but I am always thrilled when drama is meant to be told."

I took out the bottle of wisteria and unpacked it making sure to cover my mouth to keep the wisteria aroma from reaching my nose. Not that it's lethal or anything, it just has that nail polish smell.

It felt quite uncomfortable wearing cream, yet it was only for the best. This was my opportunity to cheat.

Tanjiro POV

There were many people that looked quite extraordinary once I entered the gates. Many looked serious, some looked scared while some seemed to be talking to each other.

But the people that stand out the most to me was a male with a scar across his face, a lady with a butterfly clip and a boy with striking yellow hair.

Two twins appeared in front of the stage, each in purple wisteria patterned kimono's with the same painted doll face. "Welcome to the Final Selection, please wait here before the test starts." They both said.

"Right now we are covered by wisteria trees, once the test starts... there will be no more wisteria surrounding us... just demons." One said.

"You have to atleast survive for 7 days in order to pass the test, along with finding the way to the end." The other said. "Now, we shall start the test."

The gates opened, inside was darkness while some can here the growling of demons inside. There was only one thing that I should focus on...

Survive or Die, Nezuko wouldn't like that.


"DONT KILL ME! I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR THIS!" A yell was heard when a man in a yellow yukata was sprinting away from a humongous beast trailing right by his tail.

That humongous beast was a terrifying demon in murky green, covered in a huge amount of arms that hovered its fat torso along with an amount of yellow eyes.

It wasn't just that, but it was holding an already dead human awaiting to be its dinner. "Kekekeke!~" an eerie giggle came out as it bye greedily gobbled the whole body in its large mouth while stomping its way to the flabbergasted male.

The mutated demon giggled once more as one of its hands reached out to the male grabbing his legs successfully. "You'll be my meal today kekeke~" the male screamed as they slowly hovered over the demon's mouth only to be stopped by a blade of water.

"Oh?~ A little fox has come to play?"

Tanjiro however stated at the demon in disgust, only to flinch at the sudden scent he caught. It was a foul stench coming from
the demon... "Master Urokodaki once told me that if there is a strong scent coming from the demon, it shows how many times the demon ate." Tanjiro thought as he dodged a hand incoming from the air.

The other male however cowardly tried to flee as Tanjiro kept on fighting with his blade, using water breathing techniques against the demon. He then used a random hanafuda card to slash against the demon, surprisingly it slashed half of the demon's hands.

"This blade! How did it slash through my arms!?" It mumbled as it then grew even more aggressive throwing out hands against Tanjiro.

"You called Tanjiro?"

A trail of fire slashed against its arms making the green mutated demon wince by the burns it took. Tanjiro watched the male in front of him gracefully dance in the trails of fire.

"You know... you shouldn't cheat in a test Tanjiro."

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