His Lil' Baby 3

By TaylorMonaee

28.6K 1.1K 977


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

4.6K 261 68
By TaylorMonaee


"Nuri, please stop hitting your sister. Y'all been fighting all day" I said as i poured me a glass of wine.

"Tell her" Nuri said pointing to Nova, who now stood there with the fakest innocent smile ever.

I chuckled, "I ain't supposed to say this, but y'all annoying". I swear i loved my girls to death, i was blessed to have them both, but the constant fighting and bickering they did day in and day out drove me up a wall, hence the glass of wine i was having in the middle of the day. Nova and Nuri had just turned 4 a few days ago, so yes exactly what you're thinking twin girls. My doctors were completely wrong, luckily they caught their mistake in the last trimester which gave me enough time to return most of the baby boy things Troy and I had bought.

"Can we go to the mall?" Nova asked.

"See what I mean... annoying" I laughed. "For someone with no money you sure do ask to go to the mall a lot" I said.

Nova was my attitude queen already at the age of 4. "Daddy gave me money" she said sarcastically.

"Oh really.. when?" i questioned.

"This morning before he left" she answered, pulling the money out of her little purse.

I bursted out laughing knowing Troy had left out at 5am this morning to handle some business. "Girl what were you doing up at 5 in the morning?" I said. "Just up begging" I said making them both laugh. "Its already going on 4pm, if y'all wanna go y'all better hurry" I said as they both ran out of the kitchen. My kids loved the damn mall & just spending money overall. I guess the apples don't fall far from the tree. While they went to get ready for the mall i decided to check my Instagram timeline....

Liked by ChytheBaddie, Daveeast, Ashbashh and 233,900 others

@Milanchanel: Outfit inspired by ..  

@Ashbashh: Girl we know who 

@Random: its the fresh face for me 😍

@Daveeast: the 🐐

@ChytheBaddie: Laniiii lmao you look cute tho sis

view all 19,000 comments


Liked by ChytheBaddie, Milanchanel, Theshaderoom and 25,009 others

@TrizzyT : Cant play wit my creations 💗 #Nuri #Nova #2of3

@Random: omg so cuteeeeee 😍😍😍

@MilanChanel: Nu Nu and No No 💗 💗 💗

@Theshaderoom : Wow they are perfect 😍😍

view all 9980 comments

Liked by BreahHicks, MIlanChanel, MeekMill and 22,900 others 

@EastsideRell: Mind Racin 🏎 

@Random: 😍😍😍

@BreahHicks: Babyyy 😍😍

view all 2900 comments 


"I'm tryna figure out what exactly yall two could need from the mall" I said as we walked through the mall with our security following closely behind us. You know Troy wouldn't let us go anywhere with security. 

"Well I want a y'all" Nuri said, mispronouncing pretzel. 

I chuckled, "That's it mama?" I asked as she nodded her head.

"& I really want these shoes so I'm can wear them for SuSu's party" Nova said, being the fashionista she already was. She pulled her phone from her mini Louis purse, showing me a picture some sparkly Golden Goose sneakers.

"I like those mema" i said calling her by her nickname i gave her. Don't ask me where i got it from, when you're a mom you just say things and they stick. "Lemme find out you got style" I said tickling her neck, a lil making her laugh. 

"But i want a pwetzel too" she assured. 

"Girl i know" I said, as we walked into Justice, which was their favorite store. They were so girly and i loved it. Nova was more girly than Nuri, but Nuri was so chill she wanted to do whatever her sister wanted to do. "You like that boo?" i asked as Nuri picked up a sequin purse with the letter "N" on it. I looked down as my phone as it began to ring, "Hey baby" I said answering through my Air-pods, while looking through the clothes on the rack.

"Wassup boo" Troy replied. "What y'all doing, it sound like y'all out?"

"You know exactly where we at" i said laughing. "Spending money" 

He chuckled, "What y'all ladies do best" he said. "I'm sitting out here wait for Su to come out from dance, I should be home soon though how much longer y'all gonna be ?" 

"Uhh not too long" I said checking the time seeing it was already close to 6. "Mall gonna close soon anyway, it's Sunday" I said. "You ain't running the streets tonight huh?' i asked rolling my eyes.

He sucked his teeth "Gotta drop Su off first" he said sarcastically. With me being a say at home mom for the past few years, it sometimes annoyed me that he was always so busy. I knew he stayed busy to take of home while I took care of the kids, but I missed feeling like a "Baddie", shit just not the same after you have kids. Troy made time for us, but I wanted my man home more. 

"Im actually never running the streets you know that." he said. "I'm handling business boo" 

"I'm just messing, I been missing you all day" I flirted as Nuri tugged on my jacket trying to get my attention. "Yes baby" 

"Can you tell daddy to answer his facetime" she said turning her Ipad towards me showing me she was calling him. 

"Girlllll what, Im talking to him already" I said as both Troy and I burst out laughing. I couldn't eve talked to my man in peace anymore. "You do know this is my man" 

"But he's my daddy" she said, laughing. She played no games when it came to her damn dad, I never had him to myself anymore, between the twins and Su. I could admit it was so special seeing how they loved Troy and how much he loved being their father. I loved seeing him in super daddy mode. I'm guessing after all the shit he did to women in the past,  god knew it was only right to give him all daughters. God truly said YOU GONNA LEARN TODAY

I heard the line clip on my end and saw as his face popped up on Nuri's screen, "Woww, you really gonna hang up on me" I semi yelled into her screen. 

"It's complicated baby" he said shrugging his shoulders. 

"Look daddy, wemember we told you about this" She said as Nova struggled to hold up this giant unicorn plush. 

"Yeah mama, I remember" 

"We found itttt" They both screamed in unison, making a lady standing nearby chuckled. "It can go in our woom" Clearly they had a hard time pronoucing there "R"s", it always made me laugh.

"I guess mommy better get it for y'all then" Troy said as i walked over looking at the price sign, seeing this was a $200 unicorn. 

"Yup... & I guess we gonna be using daddies credit card for this" I said as i pulled my wallet out searching for his card. 

"You was gonna do that anyway" he replied laughing. 

"Cause that's just how i am" I said reciting one of out favorite viral meme videos. 

He bursted out laughing, "Man i'll see y'all when y'all get home" 

"Okay daddy" the girls said in unison. It was kinda weird they actually did that twin thing, I always thought it was forced. 

We walked through the mall for about another hour and half, stopping at a few more stores, some for me but mostly ended being for them and Su since i couldn't step foot in a store without buying them something. 


As i pulled up to the red light, I looked in the back seat of my new 2023 white BMW truck, with the red interior, that Troy had got me for mother's day a few month's ago. Both Nuri and Nova were sound asleep, with the ridiculously large unicorn in the middle of them and their Ipads on full blast. What was that with kids and their Ipads on 100 at all times. I learned to tune it out but.... volume on 100.... on not one but two Ipads... Kinda crazy. I looked over at the passenger seat, at my phone ringing causing the music to stop. 

"Girllll" Lani said almost immediately as the facetime connected. 

"Hey pooh" 

"I haven't talked to you all day girl, what the hell" she said rolling her eyes, laughing. 

"These kids had me playing chauffeur all day" I said. "I can't wait to have a night off tomorrow" Tomorrow was Lani's big birthday party, even though her birthday was a yesterday, and I just knew we planned on getting lit... Real bad. 

"Imma act a fool tomorrow" she said, flipping the camera showing herself dancing in the mirror. "It's giving stay at home mom, kid free night" 

"A mom on a kid free night.... we be down for whatever" i agreed. "I want every drink at the mf party" i said as we both laughed. I turned into our driveway of our newly renovated home, that Troy and I purchased right before the twins were born. I was always more of a condo, penthouse kinda girl but with these kids, they need space and a yard, you know the whole 9. It was everything I imagined, probably because it was hand picked by me. I parked behind Troy's car letting me know him and Su were back home now waiting on us. "Let me call you back once i get settled in the house, both of them are sleep back there and we got all this stuff chile" i said pointing the phone to thee back of the car showing my girls. 

"Aww look at them, sleeping like angels" 

I made a "yeah okay" face laughing. All the real moms know, these kids be tearing shit up when they're awake. "Girlll bye" i said hanging up the phone, seeing Troy opening the front door walking towards the car. He wore a nicely fitted white tee and some grey sweat shorts, the "Hoochie daddy special.  I unfastened my seatbelt and opened my door, just as he reached the car. "Damn baby, you was waiting for us" i laughed 

"You know it" he chuckled, grabbing my hand to help me out the car. He pulled me into a hug, running his hand across my booty. I stood there for a minute just taking in his scent, he always smelled so good, thanks to me and my expertise in cologne and perfumes. "They out huh" he nodded his head towards the girls sleeping.

"Mhm, so get your daddy arms ready" I said placing a kiss on his lips. 

He gave my booty a light squeeze, "I got this girl" 

"Good, cause my hands are full" i said breaking away from his hold, only carrying my purse and my cellphone. I began walking towards the house as Troy opened the door to the back seat, grabbing Nova from one side and Nuri from the other. "Don't forget the big ass unicorn" I yelled from the door laughing. I kicked off my Chanel slides at the door, as he trailed behind me.

"At least you look good, doing nothing" he said walking past me carrying both the girls, their Ipads and the unicorn. 

I busted out laughing, " and you look too too good doing it all baby" 

"Did they eat at the mall" he said standing before the stairs.

"Chic fil A" 

He carried them up the stairs, as I stood in the foyer opening a package that was delivered while we were gone. It was my Givenchy Shark lock boots, i had ordered to wear for Lani's party tomorrow. "Last minute as hell" i said to myself taking them out the box. I stood there examining them, already knowing exactly what they look like since I been waiting for them on back order for months now. 

"Ugly ass boots" Troy said walking up behind me leaving now space. 

"Fashion is fashion" i said pushing hims back playfully. He been making fun of these boots for just as long as i been waiting for them to come. Men just don't get it... these boots were tea. "Did you decide  on an outfit yet" i said putting them back in the box and spinning around to face him. 

"Probably the Dior" he shrugged. Don't get me wrong, my man got dressed dressed but he was always much more chill with his fits than I was. I became his personal shopper, especially for events. 

"I was hoping you picked that one" 

"Mhm" he said pulling me into another hug like the one we shared a few minutes ago outside.

"Where Su ?" I asked. 

"In her room, probably sleep by now she said dance class wore her out today" he said still caressing me. 

"You missed me huh" i teased. " I missed you" i said circling his ear with my thumb. 

"I always miss you crazy" he said. "You was walking around that mall looking all good like this" she stepped back looking at me. 

"Boyyy, i got on tights" I said, running my hands down my Lululemon set before turning to walk towards the kitchen. 

"The skin tight Lulu's" he said making me laugh. I loved when he knew about the things that interested me, it made me feel intuned. "That shit always look so good on you" 

"Does it" i semi yelled, since he was still standing near the stairs. 

"Just wanna rip it off you" he sang playfully. But I knew he wasn't playing at all. 

I laughed, as i turned off the kitchen lights cause no one else ever did in here. "I'm coming" I said from the kitchen. 

"I know" he yelled back as he walked up the stairs. 


I stepped out the bathroom connected to our master bedroom expecting to see Troy waiting for me but the room was empty so i continued with my routine. I walked into the closet, deciding what bra and panties to put on tonight. No lie, most nights i'm wearing a big t-shirt and a bonnet, but sometimes i like put a little effort. Troy wanted me in whatever wore to bed, the t-shirt get up turned him on more for some reason sometimes. After picking a sexy red set, I walked over to the mirror admiring my body as it glistened from the shea butter. I saw my flaws that came after pushing out twins but, i still looked good asf. 

"Oh shit" i heard troy say from behind me, making me spin around. "I ain't even know you was coming like this tonight" he licked his lips. 

"Oh I can get the t-shirt out" i laughed, as i walked closer to him. 

"You know i don't give a fuck what you got on" he said watching me. "The  shit is.. coming off" he said almost in a whisper as i walked past him with probably an inch of space between us. The sexual tension between us always been there for us since the beginning but now with the kids, the shit is through the roof. Maybe it was because we rarely had the time to ourselves that often, so when it was time... it was a time. 

I walked over to the light switch on the wall, dimming the lights as the candle I lit before getting in the shower flickered. He pulled his shirt over his head dropping it on the floor. Nigga was hot and ready, i laughed to myself.. But so was I. "Those too". I said pointing to his shorts that clearly showed his dick poking through. 

He made a face, "Girl you ain't running this ship"  he said, all while taking his shorts off like I said. 

"I see you taking them off" i said now close enough for our lips to touch if i was on my tippy toes. He scooped me up throwing me on the bed. 

"Stop playing with me" he said hoovering over me. He knew exactly what turned me on. Our thing was definitely rough sex, it was always passionate but it always came with a choke or some sort of aggressiveness. "You take these off" he said giving my panties a tug. 

I smirked "You take them off" 

He gave me this look, and i just knew exactly where we were going. POUNDTOWN. He hooked his finger into my panties sliding them down on one side and then again on the other. I watched as he licked his lips, turning me on more than I already was. He stared at me the entire time while putting both of my legs on his shoulder, while coming face to face with my pussy. I could feel it throbbing just waiting for him to show it some attention. He flicked his tongue across my clit making me jump a bit. "I know you not scared" he chuckled, before sending another licked to my clit. One thing about it, he knew what he was doing and i enjoyed every single moment. He pushed my legs up towards my body giving him full access to whatever he wanted to explore down there, and also making it hard for me to run. I squirmed under him as he licked and sucked all the right places. 

"Wait" i moaned, but I knew better than that. Words like that only made him go harder. "Oh my.." i could barely get my words out. He continued to suck my clit, bringing me closer and closer to an orgasm. "Babyyyy" I moaned, he ignore me once again. I arched my back up off of the bed and began to grind his face unintentionally as I worked though my orgasm. 

"You taste so fucking good" he said coming up wiping his beard with his hand. He reached down, grabbing my neck pulling me up to his face, putting his lips on mine. I tasted myself on his tongue, which I knew was the point of this kiss anyway. He slipped his briefs off, now with his dick pressing against my clit that was still very sensitive, I immediately began to water again. He grabbed my neck again pushing me back down onto the bed, and put one of my legs on his shoulder again. I reached down, guiding him into me while he kept his hand wrapped around my neck. I watched as he watch himself sliding in, "Shiiiiit" he whispered. He started off rather slow but, the pace definitely picked up after a while. I let out a stream of involuntary moans as he stroked me, not hard and not super fast.. but just right, hitting that button every single time. "Turn around" he said through his teeth, as he pulled out. I knew he was stalling but,  I definitely became a very submissive women, especially during sex so I did as i was told. I arched my back, with my booty in the air as he slid back inside of me, this time a lot faster than before causing me to moan. His hands were placed right in the arch on my back, allowing him to pull me in as deep as he wanted to go. "Fuck" he said in a low tone as he drilled me. By default my body began to lose its arch a little, he slid one hand under me and pulled me back into position. "Stop playing with me" he said reaching up grabbing my pony tail, luckily I wore my natural hair out today.

"Im not playing" i moaned. He let go of my hair, allowing my head to hit the bed again. He began to let out a stream of moans, letting me know he was close to cumming. That sound always added fuel to my fire. I gained some strength, throwing my ass back on him, meeting his half way between strokes. I fucked him back, knowing he couldn't contain himself any longer. 

"Fuckkkk Chy" he said as he released himself, letting his grip go allowing my body to slid down on the bed. He rolled over next to me, as we both laid there in silence, trying to get control of our breathing. I felt my body slip into a kind of bliss that could have me falling asleep any minute. The perfect way to end a night. 

Taylor Monae 💋

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