Sinister // BTS HORROR FF

Von DEVIL729

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It comes after the kids. Only those who are the youngest ones in the family. ---------------------- BTS and a... Mehr

Main Characters
Author's note


1K 83 66
Von DEVIL729

The next day:

The Police station:

Namjoon POV:

I kept searching for the symbol on the internet. I searched every website and every search engine but there wasnt even a single picture or mark that would match the symbol in the photos. By the time I kept searching my brain started hurting from all the stress. I didnt even get to sleep properly last night after what had happened to Taejin.

I thought about going home and taking some rest so I closed the computer and exited the Police station.

Author POV:

Taehyung was sitting on a chair in the makeup room where the stylist was setting his hair for his photo shoot.

He was staring into space with a confused and scared look. After dreaming about himself drowning last night he couldn't sleep at all. No wonder why he woke up with dark rings under his eyes.

Exhaustion was filled in his eyes. He wanted to sleep but was afraid that he would dream about himself drowning again. But what scared him more was, what if he actually drowned in reality?

Those negative thoughts made his skin turn cold. He rubbed his sweaty palms together trying really hard not to get himself a full blown panic attack.

Stylist noona: Sir your set is ready.

Taehyung: Okay.

Raven POV:

Something felt really odd. Even though I cant seem to see it but I can definitely feel it. Even Jungkook did.

Ever since we entered that house, weird things have been happening. First Namjoon found those tapes in the attic which showed the killer killing the families and kidnapping their child. Second, Yoongi saw the lost kid from the BBQ tape. Third, Soobin started acting weird and then so on.

So far nothing has happened to me, Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok. But my gut feeling is telling me that something terrible is about to happen.

Now here we are in the library, skipping classes looking for the symbol that would slightly match in the books. But guess what. We found nothing. Empty handed again. It feels like as if we are going in circles. Every time we watch a new tape, one question always comes into my mind. Where the hell did their goddamn child go?

Jungkook looked very tired. Even I did. Can I just give up?

Jungkook: *sigh* Nope. Found nothing. Did you find anything Raven?

Me: No. I didnt.

Jungkook: Darn it! What are we missing?

Me: I dont know. But what I do know that we will be getting detention tomorrow.

Jungkook: Why do even have detentions in university? What university has that?

Me: I guess our university is superior.

Jungkook: *groan* Mrs Montague is so gonna kill me.

Me: I feel you dude.

Namjoon POV:

Jin: What is this Taemin!? Huh! Why did you draw that!?

Great. Just great. The first thing that I didnt wanted to hear was Jin hyung's angry rapping. Guess fate decided something different for me.

Me: Hyung what happened? Why are you yelling at Taemin? Oh hey Taehyung. You're home early.

Taehyung: My shoot ended earlier.

Me: Oh. And Jin.

Jin: You better lock your office next time if you ever leave the house!!

Me: Woah what happened hyung?

Taehyung: Well this young man *points at Taemin* drew four hanged people ON THE CLASSROOM BOARD!!! AM I RIGHT OR NOT!?

Jin: And because of that he got suspended for 2 weeks!! TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!

Me: First of all you two, need to calm the hell down. And second of all, kids do such naughty things. But that doesnt mean that you have to shoot at them.

I looked at Taemin. He was shaking due Jin hyung and Taehyung's scolding. He was also crying while looking down at his feet.

Me: Taemin? Can you stop crying? Tell me what happened? Why did you draw that on the class board?

Taemin: *sniff* Because she told me too. *sniff*

Me: Who?

Taemin: *sniff* *sniff* The girl in the blue dress.

Taehyung: What?

Taemin: Yes hyung. I'm sorry I drew that. I will never do it again I promise. *joins hands*

Jin: Hey stop that. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just mad okay?

Taemin: Its okay hyung. It was my fault anyways.

Taehyung: No it was nobody's fault okay. Come here and give your hyung a hug.

Taemin went to Taehyung and embraced him in a tight hug. It was such a lovely sight to see.

Taehyung: Now go and play with your sister you little devil.

Taemin chuckled and then ran outside to play football with Taejin. She had to stay home because she had a high fever since morning. I felt a presence behind me.

Me: Hyung what the hell!? How long have you been standing there!?

Yoongi: Since this drama started.

Jin: Wow Yoongi. You really are mastering the skills of being a rock.

Yoongi: Thanks hyung. Oh and Hoseok said that he and Jimin will be coming home soon.

Taehyung: That's great then.

Yoongi: And I also got a call from Principal Lee.

Jin: Why did he call you?

Yoongi: Raven and Jungkook didnt come to uni today.

Me: Damn.

Jin: They really wanted to get a beating from my spatula huh.

Taehyung: Speaking of my love. There they are.

I saw Jungkook and Raven walking towards the house while talking about something important with eachother.

Jungkook: We are home.

Jin: After skipping lessons. Yeah ofcourse you are.

Jungkook: Oh no. He told you didnt he?

Jin: Yes he did.

Jungkook: I swear I'll murder that bald crooked man someday.

Jin: Yeah but first its gonna your boths turn.

Taehyung: Hyung please dont kill Raven I still have to marry her and produce 5 kids.

Raven: You know what oppa, kill me first. I swear it will be a great opportunity.

Yoongi: Can I go first? I really want to kill this parasite.

Raven: Did you just call me a parasite oppa? How dare you?

Yoongi: I was talking about Jungkook.

Jungkook: Ouch. You wounded me hyung.

Yoongi: Great. Then I hope you're wounded forever.

Jin: Hey stob it!

Me: Its actually stop it.

Jin: Shutup Joonie. No one is killing eachother. And you two are going help me make lunch. Got it?

Raven: Yes oppa.

Jungkook: Yes hyung.

Jimin: We are home!

Taehyung: We can hear that!

Hoseok: Wow. All of you are here.

Me: We were going to have lunch. Wanna join?

Jimin: Who on Earth would deny food? Ofcourse we will.

After lunch:

Yoongi POV:

I wanted to go to sleep right now after lunch. I was about to get up from the couch when Hoseok called all of us.

Hoseok: Guys I have to tell you something.

Taehyung: What do you want to tell us hyung?

Hoseok: Its about your brother Taehyung.

Namjoon: What did Taemin do now?

Hoseok: It was not something he did. It was something he was doing.

Me: What?

Hoseok: He was sleepwalking last night.

All of us: WHAT!?

Hoseok: Yes he was.

Taehyung: But he stopped doing that three years ago. And we make sure that give him his pills. Why is he doing it again?

Hoseok: I dont know but he came into my room last night. He was like talking to someone in my room.

Me: Who was he talking to?

Hoseok: I dont know but he was saying that it didnt have a choice. That's why it killed them. I asked him who he was talking about then he told me that there is a girl in my room wearing a blue dress.

Jin: This explains why Taemin made that drawing in the classroom.

Jimin: Wait what drawing?

Namjoon: Taemin drew the hanged family on the classroom board. And now he has been suspended for 2 weeks.

Jimin: Sheesh.

Me: Anything else happened Hobi.

Hoseok: No hyung. Nothing else.

Why do I have a feeling that there is something in this house that wants to play with us?

At night:

Jimin POV:

We all slept the whole damn day. But I couldnt sleep properly after the dream I saw last night. It felt so real. Like I was actually drowning in water.


Last night:

I felt my chest getting heavy every second. There was pressure everywhere on my body. I couldn't breathe because I didnt where I was. But later I realized that I was in water. Wait. Am I dreaming?

If I am then why does this feel so real? I tried to swim upward but hand touched something. I tried to look only too see glass in front of me. I looked around and there was glass everywhere!!

I was trapped inside a glass container filled with water!!!

I started struggling. I kept punching the glass hoping it would break. But nothing was happening. Not even single scratch was made on the glass. I felt the bitter water going into my nose. My mouth. Into my lungs. I was running out air.

I dont want to die. SOMEONE PLEASE SAVE ME!!!

Flashback ends

That was what had happened. I got terrified real bad. I wanted to tell everyone so badly but I was scared that they will think that I am crazy.

*knock knock*

Me: Come in.

The door opened and Taehyung peeked his head inside.

Taehyung: Hey Jimin.

Me: Hi.

Taehyung: Why didnt you eat dinner?

Me: I didnt felt the need to eat.

Taehyung: Is everything okay?

Me: Yeah everything is fine.

Taehyung: Namjoon was calling all of us in his office. The kids are asleep.

Me: Already? Okay I'm coming.

Taehyung: I'll be waiting.

Me: Okay.


Taehyung closed the door. But what was wrong with him. His face looked so pale and tired. His eyes had black rings underneath. Despite all this he still looks hella handsome. No wonder he is the World's Most Handsome Man.

I got out of my room and then me and Taehyung went inside Namjoon's office.

Jin: Hey Jimin are you okay?

Me: Yeah. I'm fine


Hoseok: You didnt eat dinner are you really okay?

Me: Yes I'm okay.

Still lying.

Yoongi: You know if there is something wrong you can tell us.

Me: Nothing is wrong.

Liar. Liar and a liar. What a pathetic person you are Jimin.

Huh? What is that sound? I must be going nuts again.


What the-

Namjoon: Okay then. Let's watch the next tape.

Jin: Well pool party is way old. Dont you think?

Yoongi: Yeah it goes all the way back to 1966.

Namjoon: Let's watch this now.

Hope you have fun Jiminie.

Excuse me?

Taehyung: We are all set.

I'll be waiting for you.
I'll be waiting for you.
I'll be waiting for you.

Raven: Jimin! JIMIN!

Me: Woah what in the- what happened?

Raven: You spaced out that's what happened.

Me: Did guys-

Jungkook: Yes we set the tape hyung. Now let's watch it.

Me: Okay.

Well that was weird.

Yoongi POV:

Suddenly someone grabbed my hand tightly when the film started. I looked at the person who was holding me. He looked scared and frightened. He was sweating so badly. Uneven breathing. Like when it happened to me when I saw that BBQ kid. It was none other than Taehyung. He was having a panic attack!!!

Me: Taehyung! Taehyung what's wrong are you okay!? Taehyung!

Jin: What happened?

Me: He is having a panic attack.

Jin: Oh shit! Wait here.

Jin hurriedly went outside and ran into the kitchen. Everyone's attention went towards Taehyung except for Namjoon.

He was looking at the screen with a shocked look. I saw what he was looking at and I was shocked too. There was someone or something in the pool. Watching the family being drowned intensely. What the hell is that?

Jin: Here is your water Taehyung.

Taehyung grabbed that glass and chugging all that water down when the tape ended. He was still holding my hand tightly. He began to breath normally and his grip on my hand loosened a bit.

Jimin: Are you okay now Tae?

Taehyung: Yes I'm fine now.

Namjoon: There was something in the water.

Hoseok: What Namjoon?

Namjoon: Didnt you guys see it? There was something in the water.

Me: Yes there was.

Hoseok: What? We were so busy because Taehyung had a panic attack.

Namjoon: Let me show you.

Namjoon rewinded the tape again and stopped where we saw that thing in the water.

Jimin: Oh my God. What the hell is that?

Namjoon: I dont know but it is in the water.

Me: It doesnt look human. And its watching the family being murdered.

Jimin: Is he the killer.

Namjoon: Nope. He's not.

Hoseok: Wait really?

Namjoon: Yeah. It was someone else. It was pulling the beach chairs into the water where the family was tied on. And he was just watching.

Jin: But whoever that dude is, he really needs some skincare treatments.

Me: Seriously hyung.

Jin: What? I'm just pin pointing the facts okay. No need to judge.

Namjoon: I'll definitely find out who that is. But Taehyung are you okay? What made you have that panic attack?

Taehyung: I saw that boy in the tape beside the pool yesterday.

Me: You that boy who is wearing brown shorts?

Taehyung: Yes him. I know you guys wont believe me but it was him.

Me: We believe you Tae. It's okay.

Taehyung: And-

Jungkook: And what hyung?

Taehyung: I saw myself drowning last night.

Jimin: What!?

Taehyung: Yeah. I got so scared. Someone kept pulling me down and I wasnt able to swim upward. I thought I was going to die.

Raven: We are with you Taehyung. It was just a nightmare. Look it's going to be okay.

Jimin: I saw myself drowning too.

Taehyung: You too!?

Jimin: Yeah. But I was stuck in a tank full of water.

Namjoon: I took out a print of that guy. I'm gonna go to the police station tomorrow and find out everything about him.

Me: Goodluck dude.

Jungkook: Me and Raven will go to the library again.

Jin: *glares at Jungkook and Raven*

Jungkook: After our classes.

Jin: Good. We should call it a night now. It's getting late. We should sleep already.

Me: Okay then never see you in my dreams bishes.

With that I walked out of the office and layed sprawled on my bed in my room.

12:35 PM

Jungkook POV:

It was getting a little chilly in my room now. I was looking at the messages on my phone to see if I got a single text from Afifa. But there was none.

I pouted and put my phone on my stand. I was about to go to sleep when I started hearing some hoarse breaths. Someone was in my room.

But no one came in. Then who is in my room? The breathing sounds became louder and I got more scared. I looked closely at the corner of my room. There was silhouette of someone standing there. The figure was tall. All black but shadowy.

It growled. I got even more scared. I instantly took my sleeping pills. I ate some of them and covered myself with the sheets.

I looked from under the sheets and saw the figure looking down at me.

It's just a dream Jungkook. It's just a dream. Ghosts dont exist okay. It's just a dream. Just count till one thousand like your mom told you and you will sleep instantly.

I started counting. And I didn't even knew when I fell asleep.

Meanwhile in Luna's room:





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