Someone Is Here To See You!

By GonAffiliation2

154 3 0

An Epic Seven Book made by yours truly. I can't say it'll be a good one but I think this will come out well... More

Prologue - Heroes Of The 6th World

Act I: A New Beginning

46 1 0
By GonAffiliation2



Somewhere in the world, there was a damaged stone coffin floating across the incredibly rough sea. Lightning hit the damaged coffin now renewing its damages. It was now wooden and looked newly built.

The coffin took a long while to reach the shore. The coffin lied there then the door of said coffin flew off into the sky. A kid with long black hair sat up from the coffin. Not smiling or doing anything.

???: ...Where the hell am I?

The boy thought. He got up from the coffin and started walking around the beach he was at. It looked gloomy. The sky was cloudy, the beach was filled with trash, and there was a forest that looked like it was about to fall apart ahead of him.

???: There doesn't seem to be anyone here. Did something happen?

The boy turned around looking towards the forest. It gave him a slight chill down his spine just staring at it. He slowly walked towards the forest, going inside of it. There were many thorns the boy had to go through, not to mention the steep paths that lied within it.

He kept walking until he heard a low growl. He turned around quickly and got a cut on his cheek. He fell back and groaned in pain. He looked up to see a Giant animal that looked like a wolf accompanied by 3 of its companions. There was also a wood like creature next to them.

Fear was all the boy could feel. The wolf like creatures started talking towards the boy, baring their teeth. The huge wolf jumped towards the boy, who shut his eyes tightly. He awaited his life to end however it didn't happen. He slowly opened his eyes to see a girl.

She had long lavender colored hair, a black crown on her head, and a black and white uniform well somewhat. She turned around and looked at the boy with her red irises.

???: Are you okay, little one?

She asked in a concerning tone. The other creatures started to back down a bit, waiting for her to move towards them.

Boy: Yes, I'm fine. (Mostly anyway.)

???: That's good. Let me finish up here so we can get you out of this god forsaken forest, okay~?

Boy: O-oh, okay.

She turned back to the creatures. The wood like one extends it's arm an aims for the lavender haired girl's ankle. She seen this coming and jumped into a tree, then quickly jumping towards the wooden creature and knocking its head off.

She turned to the wolves who ran to her left and right, both trying to attack her at the same time. Suddenly a black coffin comes out of no where and opens up. A black substance appears before the creatures and chomps down on them, then returning to the coffin it came from.

???: So now that that's dealt with, what's your name?

She turned around and walked towards the black haired boy. She knelt down, even though it was unneeded considering he wasn't that small.

Boy: My.... Name?

Lavender Girl: Yeah, your given birth name? What is it?

The boy desperately tried to remember his name. Clutching his head, suddenly he remembered something.


???: Huey, save your energy.


Huey: Can't I just fight them alone?

Flashback End

Huey: My name...? My name is Huey.

Melissa: Well my name's Melissa. It's nice to meet you. So, what are you doing in here? It's dangerous you know? How old are you? Where are your parents?

She ruffled the boy's long hair then starting to take twigs, leaves, and other stuff out of it whilst throwing many questions at him before he could even finish each one.

Huey: Well uhm... what year is it?

Melissa stopped messing with his hair after she put it into a ponytail and put her index and thumb on her chin.

Melissa: I'm not really sure. I haven't been keeping up with what year or day it was. If I had to guess... maybe ?


???: So, who's the oldest out of all of us? We never really figured that out. In Heir Years.

A light feminine voice spoke out.    

Huey: Who cares, what we need to figure out is who's older in human years. I'm 176 years old if I were a normal human.


???: Idiot.

Flashback End

Huey: ...

That number was way too bizarre for someone that looked like and practically was a child. Huey kept quiet trying to think of an answer that made sense. Though, making sense was never something Huey could comprehend.

Huey: Well... I don't really know how old I am.

Melissa: Hm? What do you mean you don't know? How could you forget?

Huey: I'm not sure. As for parents, I don't have any, well don't recall having any.

Melissa looked around once Huey said this. Squinting and glaring at every tree surrounding them. She swiftly grabbed Huey and jumped from the spot they were standing on. Dodging a gunshot.
Huey turned his head in the direction of  the shot and seen a man in a green uniform, aiming some type of gun at them.

He shot again, this time the coffin coming in to block the bullet. It quickly opened up and Melissa placed Huey inside.

Melissa: Don't worry, I'm going to keep you safe. I promise.

And with that the coffin closed. Huey being engulfed in darkness again. He wasn't used to being in the dark, in his past life he was never a fan of it either. However, he didn't struggle. He just slept.

12 years later

Rustling can be heard in the forest along with loud footsteps and laughing. Through the bushes and pass the trees, we see a boy with Short White Hair and Red Irises. He was running and slightly laughing as another individual was running after him. That individual was none other than Huey himself. He had a smile on his face, a huge one.

Huey: Haste, you cheater! You ran before I said go!

Haste: Should've been faster. Not my fault you're slow.

The two kept running until they seen a castle. They were now side by side, running in zigzags and jumping over each other. They finally reached the entrance to see a girl standing there with her arms crossed. She also had a tick mark on her head.

Huey: Ah, hey Melissa.

Melissa: Eh...!!

She grew more angry from that.

Huey: I-I mean mom...

Haste: Sorry we're back so late. We were having fun and lost track of time.

The two scratched the back of their heads with a sheepish smile on their faces. Melissa was pissed for a moment but because of their smiles it caused her to smirk a bit before giggling.

Melissa: Alright, get inside. Can't stay mad at you two for long.


It was late at night and everyone was sleeping. We'll mostly everyone anyway. Haste was awake and looked ready to go somewhere. He packed his things and took whatever belong to him. He took one final look at Huey with a sad smile on his face.

Haste: I'm sorry guys. I'll remember you, you can count on it. I'll even come visit some day.

With that, he left through the window. Sliding down the roof and onto the grass below. He got up and ran as fast as he could. Leaving everyone he grew up with behind. There wasn't much reason, he just wanted to explore.

Not long after Haste's leave, Huey woke up. He barely opened his eyes and looked where Haste was supposed to be. Though, when he didn't see him he jolted up. Desperately searching the room and noticing almost all of his stuff was gone. Huey took notice of the open window and looked out. He only seen what was left of his footsteps and without thinking he jumped out.

He fell once he was close to the ground, he would've laid there to take in the pain but the rush of adrenaline suppressed it. He got up quickly and followed Haste's footsteps. They went pretty deep into the forest until he couldn't see the footsteps anymore. Huey stopped and looked around, fear now creeping it's way into his body.

He want to go back but the footsteps he followed were no longer there. He just kept going forward, praying that he'd get out of the forest eventually. He fell a few times, getting cuts on his arms and legs while twigs and leaves were in his hair. Brought back a few memories when he first met Melissa.

He saw an opening and ran through it, looking across the grassy field as the moon shined across the land. He never figured out where Haste went, but he was enjoying the moment that he hasn't experienced in a long time.

He was going to turn back but he forget his way. All those twists and turns in that forest confused him and he clearly didn't mark anything on his way to ensure he would make it back. So he just wandered off. Not knowing where he was or where he was going.

He didn't even know if he could defend himself if something if were to happen. He thought he'd find his way eventually, but how long will that be from now. He's only a teenager who can only do so much. So he found a lone rock sitting on top of a hill not too far from him.

It didn't take him long to get to his destination and once he did, he sat down on the rock. Looking down and wondering if he'll ever see his family again. He then started shaking due to how cold it was but he just sucked it up and fell asleep right where he was.

I guess the adrenaline hasn't run off yet.

Melissa: Haste... Huey... where are you?

End of Act I


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