acotar one shots + imagines

By MadlyMythical

285K 4K 619

stories about your favorite bat boys and more! Characters: Cas Nesta Rhys Feyre Nyx Az Elaine and Gwyn fro... More

(Rhys) How/ where you met
(cassian) How/ where you met
(Azriel) How/ where you met
Meeting Morrigan
What they call you
What you call them
mating bonds!
meeting the other highlords
The youngest Archeron (imagine)
bat boys x sick child reader
What's a soulmate? Azriel × child reader
The masked pianist (the youngest Archeron pt.2)
If you were their child
starfall outfits!
You get hurt
Questions I'll ask if you request
Nightmares: Azriel x reader
inevitable introductions
Az x reader
the fourth Archeron sister's mate
Injured (Cassian x reader)
heartbreak Cassian x daughter reader
The sun and the stars collide part 1
The sun and stars collide pt 2
Az x reader pt.2
Golden eyes
Hold on for me (Azriel x reader)
Hold on for me pt. 2 teenage years
unrequited or returned affections?
Promises and bonds
Just a quick note
Older Nyx
Older Nyx: Starfall
Nesta x female reader part 1
Nesta x female reader part 2
Asking for feedback
Poisoned: Cassian x reader
Moving on Azriel x daughter reader
Just checking in
Matched with the high lord of Day part 1

Modern AU Cassian x reader

3.1K 72 10
By MadlyMythical

You and Cassian argue as a married couple in modern day. If you requested this I hope you enjoy and I apologize it took so long.

Also sorry to all my Nesta stans I kinda made her a bad guy so if you don't like that then I suggest you skip this.

The car ride home was the quietest that it had been in years, you just stared out the passenger side window, watching the buildings and other cars fly by. You refused to look at your husband who you knew had a harsh grip on the steering wheel.

Soon enough, you pulled into the driveway and you got out slamming the car door, getting into the house within a minute or two.

He got in when you were already changed into your pajamas, brushing your teeth for bed. You heard his keys hit the wooden table near the entryway before he started addressing you. "Can we please talk this out?"

With no response from you he came into the bedroom and tried again. "Why is it so bad that I wanted to see my family for Christmas?"

"It's not bad, what's bad is that you snuck out of my parents' party to go over there." You replied calmly. "Some communication would have been nice."

"You would have said no." He scoffed.

"You are a grown man, I am not your mother I am your wife. The only person who stops you from seeing them is you."

"You don't trust me with them."

"No, I don't trust you with Nesta. That's different." You shot back in annoyance.

"She's always with them, what do you want me to do? Throw her out?"

You were getting more irritated and frustrated. "No of course not, I just don't want you staring at her ass and tits whenever she gives you the slightest bit of attention. And I don't like how handsy she is when I'm not in the room."

"What do you expect me to do about it?"

"Tell her to keep her hands off!" You yelled. "You're not a bachelor. Any decent man would shut her down the second that shit starts but you just let her do it."

"Oh so now I'm not decent?"

"Not recently. You're acting like I'm your side piece." You exclaimed, walking out of the bathroom. "I think you like the way she pays attention to you."


"Yeah, and I think you just can't admit that you like it because I haven't wanted to sleep with you since I came home from New York."

"You're being ridiculous!" He shouted angrily.

"You kissed her last New Year's! So no, I don't trust you over there!"

"Don't throw that in my face, she kissed me and I pushed her away, that's different."

"If you had told her to back off and made your position clear that wouldn't have been an issue." You growled, driving a finger into his chest. "You haven't been decent since she came into the family and you know it. You are not the guy I married."

You roughly brushed past him and slammed the guest bedroom door so hard that the walls shook a bit.

You knew that last comment had cut him deeply when you heard his keys and the front door slammed. You think it was because his father had been unfaithful to his mother and you were sort of drawing that comparison.

You just hoped wherever he ended up he was safe.


Cassian had been absolutely furious with you when he left so he decided to go to the first place he thought of. His brother's boxing gym.

"She's told you her problems with Nesta for over three years, everyone's always been uncomfortable with the way you act around her."

"Why didn't you say anything then Rhys?"

"Because she asked us not to, she said you were an adult and she wanted to trust you to have the sense to put your foot down and set some boundaries. She's not bothered by you interacting with Nesta on a familial level, but you two were going too far for normal standards."

"So you're picking sides now?"

"Shut up you prick I'm not siding with anyone, you're both being stupid. She's stupid for not voicing these things with you more clearly, and you're being stupid because you ditched her at her parents' house and you're terrible with saying no. You both need to apologize."

"How do I do that? I'm pretty sure once I get home I'll be booted to the couch."

"Reassure her that she can put her trust in you and acknowledge that New Year's was just as much your fault as it was Nesta's. And better yet, set good boundaries, you don't need to cut Nesta out completely to achieve that."

"I get it."

"Good. Now go home before she festers in guilt and gets a hold of the wine."


"What you said was seriously messed up." Your sister-in-law sighed through the phone.

"I know Feyre, you don't have to remind me. I feel bad enough."

"What do you want to say when Cassian gets home?"

"That's the thing, I'm not sure if a regular old 'I'm sorry' will cut it."

"Apologies are a start, future actions are evidence of change and growth."

"What does that even mean?"

"It means that an apology isn't going to do jack shit if you can't improve your line of communication with him. Be more willing to express what makes you uncomfortable.'

"You make it sound so easy."

"Oh no it's definitely not because it's on you to put in the effort and not bottle everything up. It's going to take lots of time and hard work."

You heard the tell-tale sound of an engine turning over and a car door shutting. "Thanks for the advice Feyre, I really needed it."


You hung up the phone just in time for the lock to click and the door to open, a much more tired and guilty version of your husband sat across from you.

You let the silence settle for a moment or two before you spoke. "I'm sorry for not being clearer with you. And for telling you that I thought you weren't the man I married."

"Damn." He sighed. "I had this whole romantic thing planned in my head and you beat me to it."

You chuckled softly. "Didn't mean to steal your thunder Cas."

You set down the glass of wine that you had been nursing for the last hour and crawled into his arms. "I'm just scared of losing you."

He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your hair. "I'm not going anywhere, and I'll start setting better boundaries from now on."

"I'll work on telling you what makes me upset so we can fix it before we argue."

"It's a deal." He smiled brightly. "I love you."

"I love you too Cassian."

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