Take care of us: Yandere! Way...

By Confused_StanWeeb

54.3K 2K 751

"I don't like her." "I see you~" "You shouldn't have come here." "A new toy!" "Princess." "He's dead." "I l... More

New job
My Toy
Good people
Down here
Winwin and Yuta
Met before
First love
My Bella
It burns
Fallen angle
Na Jaemin
I can't protect you
Without you
Trust part 1
Trust part 2
My brother
I'll protect you
Turn back time
I wanna die (Choice 1)
She's mine (choice 2)
I'm coming (choice 3)
Take care of us (Choice 4)
Have a new yandere story

Why here?

2.3K 82 92
By Confused_StanWeeb

   At the moment Johnny and Y/n were in front of a door to Y/n it looked every old, but it wasn't it was just heavily armored. Johnny takes out a key only him and the three other head doctors had. He opens the door with a bit of a struggle since it was really heavy. After he opened it he let Y/n through the door letting her have a look around. The whole place looked as if it was straight out of horror film. Y/n took a deep breath and told herself that she wanted to see it and now she's here. Johnny walks in front of her and leads her to the first room. 

"There's a difference from up there and down here. Up there it's a hospital for mental patients. Down here it's like an asylum for people who wouldn't hesitate to kill you." Johnny explains to Y/n sending shivers down her spine.

"Pull the file that says Xiaojun." Johnny tells her making Y/n look for the file. She pulls it out and shows it to him. Johnny takes the other files so Y/n would be able to read the file. 

Name: Xiao Dejun (goes by Xiaojun)

Age: 21

Date of birth: August 8 1999

Disorder: Air disorder (Cannot breath the air from outside, has to breath in a special kind of air) 

Notes: Xiaojun doesn't like new people nor does he like the outside. His room is filled with pipes of the air he wants. He doesn't want to be near people because they have been outside in the air he hates. 

   Y/n looks up from the file seeing Johnny with a mask for him and her. She closes the file and puts on the mask. Johnny opens the siding door to reviled a man laying in his room with pipes all round him. Y/n saw that there was a glass to block him from them. 

"Xiaojun I want you to meet someone." Johnny says making Xiaojun shoot right up scaring Y/n a bit. He slowly turned around to see Johnny and Y/n. He stood up and looked Y/n right in the eye. 

"Who is she?" He asked Johnny. 

"This is a new nurse, she won't be working down here if that's what you're wondering. I just giving her a tour that's all." Johnny explains to Xiaojun. 

"You shouldn't have never taken this job. Or you'll end up like him." Xiaojun says while looking behind him. 

"I don't ever want to see you again. Not unless I kill you." Xiaojun tells her and then walks away to sit down. Johnny closes the door to see him and takes off his mask, making Y/n to do the same. 

"Johnny why did we have to wear the mask? There was a glass between us." Y/n asks him as he takes her mask and puts it away. 

"Because when the door opens a bit of his air gets out. The first time we brought him in. Someone wanted to see the air he needs. Ended up dying because it burned his lungs." Johnny says showing Y/n the next room. 

"Here's the next file, I can hold Xiaojun's." Johnny asks of Y/n making her nod. 

Name: Wong Kunhang (Goes by Hendery)

Age: 21

Date of birth: September 28, 1999

Disorder: Water disorder (Cannot really breath air, he needs water to be able to breath and survive)

Notes: Hendery was brought in for drowning people, his room has a giant tanks for him to swim around and drown himself. There are fake trees inside because he asked for them. There are also sprinklers inside as well. 

   As Y/n was reading the file she hears something slash into water. She looks up to find Hendery himself in the water tank. She had a look of shock of how calm he was underwater. It almost looked as if he was some kind of prince of the ocean. 

"Don't let his looks fool you. He's a real master mind. If we didn't have this glass between us right now he would have drown us by now." Johnny warns Y/n as she watches him rise form the water. He looks to where Y/n and Johnny were. 

"Is she new?" Hendery asked Johnny. 

"Yes she is, but she's not going to be working down here." Johnny tells him and Hendery goes back under water. 

"Not really talkative is he." Y/n says as Johnny leads her to the next room. 

"He usually is, only with the ones he really knows." Johnny tells her and they find themselves in front of a very colorful room and someone coloring the floor as well. Johnny hands Y/n the next file while she gives Hendery's back. This time the file said Yangyang.

Name: Liu Yangyang

Age: 20

Date of birth: October 10, 2000

Disorder: Bipolar disorder (His mood swings change faster then other people with Bipolar disorder, he's more violent with any mood he has)

Notes: Yangyang is young and when he first came he was on the top floors before he started hurting the people on those floors. No one really wanted to put him down here, but it was for the safety of everyone. He thinks hurting people is fun, it's like a game to him. Life is a game to him. 

   Y/n looked up at Johnny and seen him looking at Yangyang with care. Then he puts his hand on the glass that separated them from him. 

"Yangyang can you come here please." Johnny voice rings making him look at him. Yangyang notices Y/n and walks up to her and looks at her. As he looks at her he smiles then looks at Johnny.

"Is she new? Will she be working down here with you? Will she be my new toy? Please let me play with her! Pretty please!" Yangyang begs Johnny. Johnny looks down and shakes his head. 

"I'm sorry Yangyang she's not working down here and she's not a toy. So you can't play with her." Johnny answers him. Yangyang's smile falls then he slams his fist into the glass. It didn't break, but it was pretty loud, made Y/n jump a little. 

"Then why is she here? If she's not here to play with me then what use does she have? She's useless if I can't spill her blood!" Yangyang screams as he pounds on the glass. Johnny stares and moves Y/n away from him.

"Come on it's best not to be near him when he's like that." Johnny tells her as the go to the next room. Inside was a man chained up to a chair. All around him were chains tying him the chair. Johnny hand Y/n the next file explaining the person in front of them. His file read Winwin

Name: Dong Sicheng (Goes by Winwin)

Age: 23

Date of birth:  October 28, 1997

Disorder: PTSD (Winwin as a child had to watch his father kill his mother, without thinking he grabbed a knife in self defense and killed his father. When growing up he kept getting flash backs and kept trying to kill the first person he sees)

Notes: Winwin wants to go outside it's his only wish, but cannot be granted. Winwin throws fits when he doesn't get what he wants. He's fine with all the head doctors, but likes Dr. Nakamoto more. He is very strong, he was able to break the glass before he was chained up. 

   When Y/n looked up to look at Winwin she saw that he was already looking at her. He smirked once their eyes made contact. His smirk sent a shiver down Y/n's spine. It was like he was looking right into her soul. 

"Winwin would you like to say hi to our new nurse?" Johnny asks him making him look at Johnny now. Once his eyes left Y/n it felt like she could breath again. 

"I would, but.....you're not Dr. Nakamoto. Though I would like to ask she something." Winwin says looking back at Y/n again. 

"Can you be a sweet heart and come in here to take off these chains. I really need to stretch my legs." Winwin says in a fake nice tone. 

"I don't think I'm allowed in your room...." Y/n answers him trying to sound brave when really he sacred her. She watched as his mood turns sour. 

"You should cover your ear right now." Johnny warns her. Y/n does what he says, but yet she could hear the ear piecing scream that came from Winwin's room. 

'This must be the fit the file was talking about.' Y/n thinks as Johnny guides her to the next room. As Y/n took her hands off of her ears she noticed the next room. It was like a cage for a bird or something bigger. There was platform that hanged and on there was a man with a shirt. The main thing Y/n noticed was his back. 

"J-Johnny...what happened to his back....." Y/n asks looking at Johnny. He looks to the side, which told her he doesn't know either. 

"I believe that Mr. Lee knows the real reason why his back is like that. Just read this." Johnny gives her the next file which read Lucas. 

Name: Wong Yukhei (Goes by Lucas)

Age: 22

Date of birth: January 25, 1999

Disorder: Unknown (Not much is known about what he has, he doesn't like talking about it nor does he like talking to people.)

Notes: Lucas is one of the two special cases which couldn't be identified, he like just staying by himself. No one knows what happened to his back some say he was born like that or he did it himself. He only told Dr. Lee and asked he doesn't write it down. Only Dr. Lee knows what really happened.

"Lucas I like you to meet a new nurse that's working here now." Johnny starts making Lucas look down from his platform. Something Y/n didn't notice at first was the feathers around him. Then she sees Lucas's face. 

"Will she be working down here?" He ask and Johnny shakes his head. 

"She's working on the top floors so you don't have to worry about her being down here. Just me and the other head doctors." Johnny explains to Lucas. 

"Good I don't like her anyway, makes my life better that I don't have to see her." Lucas says laying down again. Y/n would be lying if she said she wasn't a little offended. Johnny leads her to the second to last room, this room made her worried a bit. It was all destroyed. The lights were on the floor glass was everywhere on the floor and the walls were ripped up. 

"This is the one you can't make eye contact with. He likes to scare the ones he doesn't know. It's how he learns your fears." Johnny warns Y/n as he gives her a file named Kun. 

Name: Qian Kun

Age: 25

Date of birth: January 1, 1996

Disorder: Unknown (Like Lucas no one knows what he has, at first he made it seems like he was bipolar and had multiple personalities, but he was just playing with everyone. He likes to mess with peoples minds.)

Notes: Do not trust him, he will use that info just so he can get something from you. He once gotten into the mind of one of the trainees and made them kill themselves. 

  Y/n felt someone staring at her and she knew it was Kun who was looking at her. She also gets the feeling that he's smiling. Y/n looks at Johnny and sees him looking at Kun. 

"Kun can you step away from the glass your making her uncomfortable." Johnny tells him. 

"No I'm not I'm just seeing my new prey. A pretty one too." Kun says the last part only for Y/n to hear. 

"Well this will be the only time you get to see her." Johnny says as he brings Y/n to the last room. One thing she wish she didn't do was look back. There Kun was smiling at her while making eye contact with her. 

"Okay for this last one you have to be careful, plus this one has some history here." Johnny tells Y/n has he gives her the last file having the word Ten. 

"Wait is his name really Ten? Like the number?" Y/n asks Johnny causing him to nod. 

"Yes now read on this is the main important one out of all seven. Well besides Kun." Johnny tells her as she opens the file. 

Name: Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Goes by Ten)

Age: 25

Date of birth: February 27, 1996

Disorder: Obsession (With Ten it's very sad, he use to work at the asylum and with the six boys here in the underground before he became obsess with taking care of them.)

Notes: Ten use to be one of the head doctors making it five head doctors, until he became obsess with the patients. He was really close with Dr. Suh before and now he just wants to be near the boys. Another thing about him is that he's very wary of what's around him. He can get to know someone just by looking at them. 

  Y/n looks up from the file to look at Johnny, she finds him looking at the man who was looking through the windows of everyone else. Then noticed him walking to the two of them. 

"Hi Johnny." Ten says to Johnny. 

"Hello Ten, how are you." Johnny asks him then Ten laughs throwing his arms up in the air.

"I feel great! Unlike sleeping beauty over here." Ten points at Y/n making her wonder what he means. 

"What do you mean by that Ten?" Johnny asks him making Ten giggle. 

"What I mean is that your new little friend over here has a sleeping disorder, and an eating one too. Let me tell you trying to make yourself eat isn't going to help, but it does help you not be too skinny to the point where your unhealthily. So props to you." Ten smiles as he looks at Y/n and the look of shock on her face. 

"Okay Ten we'll be going." Johnny says to him making him laugh some more. 

"Just watch Johnny she'll be back!" 

This is the first time I wrote a chapter with over 2000 words. I usually make them over 1000 words or close to 1000. Wow I really got into it. Anyway hoped you guys liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment! BYEEEEEEE!!!!

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