The Beginning (a Castle Becke...

بواسطة AlwaysCastle88

17.9K 449 54

It was only just the beginning for the both of them. A journey to forever... OFFICIALLY ABANDONED المزيد

The Beginning- Caskett story
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 3

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بواسطة AlwaysCastle88

It was Sunday the 4th day they had been together without interruptions. They were so wrapped up in each other they didn't realise the time they had been sharing had gone so fast. At breakfast on this morning Kate finally realised that there was something wrong with the situation.

"Hey, this has been lovely and all, but where is Alexis" Kate questioned.

"She was at a sleepover," Castle glanced up at the clock on the kitchen wall that read 10:51 "she should be home in about an hour." Castle hoped that he didn't have to keep their new found relationship a secret. "Can I tell people that we are dating or to you want to keep this a secret?"

"Well we have waited far too long for this so I was thinking we don't keep this to ourselves." Kate replied with a tiny smile on her face.

"Okay I will tell Alexis when she gets back at 3. Are you going to stay the night?" He asked, he hoped she would but he never knew.

"I will stay only if Alexis is okay with it and if she isn't I'm going home."

"Okay, I think I can live with that." The hour pasted quickly for Castle he couldn't wait to tell Alexis about him and Kate. He was just hoping that she was okay with the relationship. Alexis knew that he and Kate had their troubles but he was hopeful she would look past it all, because Kate truly did make him happy. He hadn't been this happy since Alexis was born. She would always be number one his eyes but she was going off to college soon and he knew it would be lonely without her. Maybe Kate would be around a lot more and one maybe even permanently. He would like her to move in now after 3 days together but he knew it was way too soon for her. They had already skipped the getting to know each other, so he knew he didn't have to wait long maybe 2 months or even one if he was lucky. And after Kate had actually decided to go out together, he conceded himself a really lucky man.

Before he knew it his little girl walked through the front door, and his life got a little better. No matter how old she got, she would always be his little girl. He rushed over to her with open arms and she accepted with even bigger ones, if that was even possible. When he hugged her, he spun her around; she never got tired of hugs with her dad. She would always be there for her and she knew it.

"Hey sweetie, how was your sleepover?" He asked with genuine interest.

"Yes it was awesome, after we got our school project done. How was your time while I was gone" She wanted to know whose shoes were at the door when she came in. The looked like detective Beckett's but she knew that nothing was going on between the two of them.

"Yeah well about that…"

"Can you just tell me all ready?" She asked impatiently.

"Just wait here for a second." He went to go Kate from the study; she went into there to give them privacy. "You ready?" Kate just nodded and got up and took Castle's hand in her own. The both walked into the kitchen where Alexis had gone to get a drink of water. "Alexis… Kate and I are together now." He watched to see how she would react, but he wasn't expecting this.

A high pitched squeal pierced the loft. "Oh my god, this is so awesome. I knew you two would get together. I hoped but oh my god this is the best news ever." She was often proven wrong; they were actually Kate's shoes by the door. She ran around the kitchen bench and gave them both a massive huge. "I have to go tell Paige about this, she knew you too would get together as well." And with that Alexis ran up the stairs to her room to call Paige even though they saw each other only 20 minutes ago.

"Well I think she okay with everything then." Kate stated.

The next hour went by quickly. Kate and Castle watched a movie, while Alexis was still on her phone talking to her friends. Once the movie was over Alexis came down the stairs, this time she was a lot calmer and there was no squealing.

"I am sorry about my reaction before I'm just so happy for you both" Alexis said apologetically.

"It's fine, but are you sure you are okay with it?" Kate asked.

"Yeas, I am totally happy with it; are you going to stay for dinner?"

"Only if you want me to stay, I'm sure you want to spend time with you dad."

"No, it's fine I can spend time with dad later. I would love it if you would stay."

"Yes, okay I will stay."

"Dad what are we going to do tonight?" Alexis questioned.

"I was thinking movie night and pizza?" They both agreed with the nod of their heads. "I'll call for the pizza and you two choose a movie to watch." Castle got up and collected his phone from his room and ordered the pizza that would take about 30 minutes to arrive.

30 minutes later the pizza arrived and they all sat down to watch the movie that they picked. Castle sat in the middle with Alexis on one side and Kate was on the other. Once they all ate dinner, both of his girls snuggled into his sides. After the movie was finished both of them where asleep; Alexis had shifted off his shoulder a bit whereas Kate had become more attached to his shoulder. Castle gently rested Kate on the couch and picked Alexis up and took her to her bedroom. He put Alexis to bed and placed a kiss on her head. "Goodnight sweetie." He quietly exited her room and made his way back down to the lounge room. He expected Kate to be awake but she was still asleep cuddled up on the couch. He figured since she was still asleep she could stay tonight as well. Once he placed Kate on her side of his bed, he set his alarm for 5am because he knew Kate still had to get up the next morning for work. He got into bed and yet again Kate sought out his warmth and set herself on his side. This was defiantly the best day he had had for a while. He drifted off into a peaceful sleep that night.

The next day Castle awoke to the annoying sound of his alarm clock. He had trouble remembering why it was going off when it was still dark outside. Then he rolled over and came face to face with a Kate that was just coming to terms with the sound of this alarm clock as well. "Rick, please turn that annoying sound off." She said as she rolled over and when back to sleep.

Castle's hand reached the bedside table and found his phone. He turned the alarm of with the swipe of his finger and then dropped it back onto the table. "Kate, honey you need to get up for work." Kate realising what he just said and jumped up from the bed. "Kate it's okay, you have plenty of time its only 5:30am" He said trying to calm Kate down.

"Why am I still here I don't have any clothes, I have to go home." Kate got out of the bed and collected her other clothes that were in his bedroom and headed for the door.

"Kate just stay for breakfast and coffee and then I can take you home and you can get changed." As he spoke he got up and put his clothes on. He walked with Kate out to the kitchen and by then she had calmed down. "What would you like for breakfast? Bacon and eggs or toast?"

"Bacon and eggs please. While you cook, I can make the coffee?"

"Yes, that would be fine. It will be done in about 10 minutes." Castle went to the fridge to get out the bacon and eggs. While he was doing that Kate got the coffee ready. She already knew where everything was from staying with him when her apartment blew up. She always loved his coffee, it was so much better than anything she could afford at home.

Once the coffee was done Kate got the cups and sat down on the kitchen island and slowly drank her coffee while she watched Castle make his way through the kitchen. He had a grace in him that she hadn't seen before. He said he liked to cook and now she liked to watch while he did. Kate had been staring at him and she didn't realise until he was sitting next to her and with a plate of food in front of her. "Ohh… thanks" She started to eat her breakfast but stoped half way through.

Castle noticed this; he didn't think that they were that bad. He was surprised with what she said next "These are really good eggs, Castle." Definitely was not expecting that.

"Thanks" Kate and Castle both ate the rest of their breakfast without another word spoken. Once they were done they both got up and put their dishes in the dishwasher and headed for the front door of the loft.

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