Outside The Gates

By soranokonan

98 1 1

(Boy's Love) Lucas, 26 years old author of variety of books that fulfills different readers' fantasies which... More

Fire Meets Gasoline

Empty Vase

18 0 1
By soranokonan

Sunsets at 6pm was one of the moments Lucas enjoys by himself. He would sit, stare and brainstorm plots and twists for him to write. A typical author habit, as he says.

However, this time it was hard for him to think a new plot for his book when a guy named Seven that was introduced to him earlier was glued in his mind.

"A handsome psychologist whose body's covered in tattoo appreciated as an art." Lucas murmured.

He was peculiar. Lucas thought.

"It's my first time seeing a tall, fit and handsome psychologist who has tattoos piercings."

Might be because Linda always introduces me to middle aged doctors that I thought one like him doesn't exists.

"Why am I even thinking about him?" Lucas sighed and took a sipped from his teacup which has butterfly pea tea in it. He barely drinks tea. The only time that he drinks tea is when he's overthinking or stressed.

I don't want another doctor in my daily routine. They tend to keep on talking and talking about what should I do. They should expect that a patient like me would never subject to somebody just because they said so when I think I'm totally fine.

Although he's not totally fine, actually he's not fine. Lucas know it to himself but because he doesn't want any doctors anymore with him, he needs to be a hypocrite and tell himself he's fine.

"Why are those trashes still on the floor?" Lucas glared at his brother's things which he threw out earlier to burn but he failed to do so since Ahan called as well as his mother, Linda.

I should get rid of those before my grudge towards my brother get ahead of me.

Lucas stood up from the metal chair leaving his empty cup of tea on the tea table when he heard his gate beeped indicating someone got inside.

Lucas was nervous. It was already a pain for him to feel unsafe being alone all the time but knowing that there was an intruder in his house gave him goosebumps.

He didn't do anything except stand up warily at the entrance.

"I don't remember giving my gate code to anyone." Lucas whispered to himself.

Not even from my publishing team so as Ahan and Isabella.

"I knew it..." A guy in a black hoodie showed up with his eyes shot red and his creepy stares at Lucas made him feel uncomfortable just standing a few meters away from the trespasser.

"Leave." Lucas said sternly and the guy slowly smiled and laughed like a lunatic.

"Aren't you going to ask me first who am I?!"

"I don't want to know so leave before I call the security." Lucas swallowed dry as he tried to stay composed on his feet, not showing any weakness to the intruder.

"It's rude for you to act like that to a fan of yours. However security won't do anything for now. I went there earlier and they're all acting like sleeping beauties." The guy stepped closer to Lucas who instinctively stepped backwards.

I know now. He's one of those fans who breached the limits of just being a fan. A fan who wanted more than just a service from the people they adore. An obsessed fan.

"You're not a fan." Lucas provoked.

"I just said I'm your fan-"

"I have no fan of mine who doesn't know morals. An obsessed fan like you who intrudes to my house is nothing more than just a criminal. An obsessed fan who's trapped inside his own fantasy and doesn't recognize the reality. If I were you, I'd leave." Lucas said calmly.

"How dare you ignore my appreciation towards you! You ungrateful fag! It's your fault I've become like this!"

"You're obsessed at someone whom you know there's no chance of you and your fantasies to happen but still holding up on that thought hoping because you have nothing except your useless self. Like an empty vase."

"How dare you mocked me after I have loved you all these years from afar! If I couldn't have you then no one else's could!" The guy in the black hoodie draws out a pocket knife and walked straight in front of Lucas.

The latter didn't know what to do, he was a having a mental battle on what to do next that he forgot his body was rooted on the ground.

I'm not scared to die. Just scared of the pain. It's okay.

All of a sudden the guy was groped by his hair from behind and made him face Seven. The obsessed fan dropped the pocket knife on the floor from the pain on his scalp as looks up at the tall guy in front of him in terror.

"What the hell?! Let me go you damn bastard! Who are you?!"

Seven has a blank expression on his face that made him unpredictable. Lucas was in awe and relieved that someone saved him. But then Seven looked at him directly in the eyes and broke his silence.

"What do you want me to do to him Lucas?" Seven asked out of the blue. Still not letting go of the guy who was struggling from the pain the way the tall guy was holding him.

Lucas was clueless and shook his head.

"What do you mean?" He asked and Seven smirked. Before Lucas could react a hard blow on the guy's abdomen came and another one on the cheeks. Seven looked scary that it looks like beating up the guy was just nothing for him.

Slowly, little by little Lucas felt sympathy towards the intruder and was about to stop Seven when the guy in the black hoodie was slammed face flat on the floor that made him groaned and shout in pain.

"Ah- S-Stop please- I beg you I'll leave now- ack-"

Seven stepped on his head making it hard for him to speak.

"That's enough." Lucas tried and was trying to start a staring contest with Seven however his eyes were focused on the beaten guy on the floor.


"S-Seven, please stop." Lucas begged as he held on the tall guy's arms as he tries hiding his terrified and teary eyed face to the opposite direction from Seven. The warm touch from Lucas made Seven a bit sympathetic towards the guy on the floor.

A smile slowly crept up on Seven's face and he exhaled.

"Run now before you can't later." That's the only thing he said and the guy in the black hoodie ran as fast as he could even though his body aches like hell, he tried.

Why did he let him run away like that?

"Don't worry, Lucas. The police were just right outside your house. Most likely right now, he was in cuffs ready to be jailed." Seven assured him and all of a sudden Lucas felt weak and wanted to passed out.

"Thanks." Lucas lowered his head when Seven held his shoulders to helped him composed himself.

Everything that happened this early evening was too fast for Lucas to absorb. He needs to think. He needs some coffee-

"You need to rest." He heard Seven's concern behind him and they both stopped in the living room area.

"Aren't you going to leave?" Lucas asked a bit agitated to see Seven still with him even inside his house.

"But I'm working."

Finally, Lucas turned around to face the tall guy with furrowed eyebrows, confused.

What work is he talking about?

"I haven't agreed to Linda's condition yet. How did you know my place?"

"She said you would and to make sure about it, she sent me here by sending me your address."

With no second thinking, Lucas ran up to his room to look for his phone and quickly dialed the recent caller earlier.

"I did not agree yet on whatever condition you made. Why did you make him come here??" Lucas was obviously mad with his voice raising a bit higher than his usual calm yet stern voice.

"I figured that it's the only thing you want for your life now. Lucas over the years of living away from us, you showed how badly you wanted live on your own now. Now, just accept this condition of mine and I'll do the other part of it."

Lucas was dumbfounded. He hang up the call since he couldn't agree nor disagree to what his mother said to him.

I lived a decade alone. I left them not because I wanted to but because I needed to do that for my own sake. If I stayed there till now, I'm not even sure if I'd be able to lived up to this date.

"Don't worry, I can do house chores and I can give you some space whenever you asked." Lucas was startled hearing Seven was only a fee inches away behind him.

"Good." He only nodded as a response while looking down at their feet. He was not used in having another company except himself.

"Am I going to sleep here with you?" Seven asked while his eyes was busy observing Lucas's room that was has a full mirror on the ceiling and on one of its walls.

"I, I have a guest room on the other side of the house. Let me just dust the room before you use it." Lucas walked past him when Seven said.

"Just let me do it. Since you have no energy left from what happened earlier, let's call it a day and start our sessions tomorrow." The tall guy smiled down at Lucas's who was surprisingly fascinated by seeing Seven's sincere smile.

I didn't know he could smile like that.

"I'm not sure though if the bed will fit your tall height."

"I'm just 6'6 I think I'd be fine." Seven winked and Lucas couldn't stop thinking about their height difference.

How on earth that these guys exist?? I'm only 5'7. They said if someone as tall as him they also have long and big-

The lights in the office room was open when Seven woke up to take a leak and drink a glass of water from the kitchen. A smell of coffee was lingering inside the kitchen which indicates that the owner of the house was still awake.

"Did you woke up or finding it hard to sleep?" Seven asked as he leaned on the door frame making the person in glasses stopped on typing on his computer and looked at the guy in his boxers only.

Like what I've imagined, his tats go from his neck, his arms, torso and all the way to his pubic-

"Want to see it?" Seven innocently asked Lucas who was caught in act staring at his tattoos intently. The latter blushed and removed his glasses right away.

"No- I, my eyes felt tired so it's hard for me to look at you." He reasoned out and Seven nodded acted like he believed.

"I recommend that you go sleep now. It's no good for you to spend the energy left in your body for another heavy mental and finger throbbing work."

He's right but not that I chose to do this now. It's just that, it's hard for me to sleep early.

Lucas nodded.

"You can talk to me straightforwardly with honest truth and what's really on your mind Lucas. Remember I'm here to help you and as it is my work too." Seven made a smile reassuring that it'd be fine.

For a split second, Lucas was about to say yes when he remembered his past psychologists who were there just to get paid and even say insincere words that were too obvious for him to see.

However, if it wasn't for him I can't imagine what could have happened if he didn't come to help me.

"Are you just going to sit there?"

Lucas asked after he hid himself inside his black covers on his king-sized bed. After he agreed, Seven helped him sort some papers in his office before they went together inside his bedroom.

"Do you want me to sleep beside you then?" Seven smirked and Lucas shook his head as he raised the blanket in nose level.

Seven was sitting beside him on his left side while leaning on the headboard. Lucas wondered if the tall guy couldn't sleep also but Seven already told him earlier that he felt dehydrated so he forced himself up to drink in the kitchen.

"So you lived this life silently like this?" Seven asked trying to make a conversation.

"Uhm. I'm used to it and I have my phone and books to read anyways. It's not like I'm in total isolation somewhere." Lucas chuckled and as Seven has a small smile on his lips.

"There's a lot books here even in your guest room. Do you have a favorite among them?" The tall guy asked as he shifted on the bed comfortably, the guy in the blankets answered.

"I have but there's so many of them that I could barely remember." Lucas said embarrassed however Seven was still fascinated by the fact that Lucas's replaced his regular ceilings into a gigantic mirror.

"Are you a kinky bitch?"

"W-What?!" Lucas's exclaimed and even threw the covers off of him to sat up and looked at Seven who was staring at the mirror ceiling.

"N-No... I'm not." He replied with his ears red and stuttering. Lucas was surprised hearing Seven said 'kinky bitch' loosely.

"Then why do you have a mirror ceiling and mirror wall? The last time that I've seen one like this was in a love motel." That made the house owner's face red and his body in heat.

"N-Not because of what you're thinking. I put that there because I..."

Seven after a long moment of staring at the mirror he finally looked at the house owner, well he wasn't actually staring at the mirror. He was staring at Lucas. The way Lucas look at him and the way he reacts was satisfying for him.

"I don't feel safe living alone. Though I find solace, peace and silence living alone, I still feel unsafe and I feel like there will always be someone out there that will get to me." Lucas said and slowly went back inside the covers, letting his back face Seven instead.

"And what happened earlier proves that."

A calm silence came. Glancing, Seven saw that Lucas was already fell asleep sideways. He leaned closer to see his face perfectly. With his finger tips he let them trail from Lucas's forehead, down to his nose and to his pale lips.

"Just wait Lucas. You'll be somewhere far where those damned people won't be able to see you again."

Seven fisted his hand in the air before turning off the lights and locking the door on his way out.

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