She's With The Band

Oleh leilams31

539K 8.6K 12.2K

You really think you know the full story? You may think you do, but you don't. There's a fine line between lo... Lebih Banyak

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6.2K 112 164
Oleh leilams31


Sorry for the late update!

College is stressful😭😅😅.

Anyways, I hope you guys like this one.

Aubrey's Point of View:

"Aubrey, it's so good to see you. It's been two years."


Ex boyfriend Kyle. Kyle that raped me and had abused me two years ago Kyle.

Kyle that got out of prison recently, even though he should be locked up for much longer Kyle.

Kyle that caused me to go into a state of depression, and caused me to spiral into an eating disorder due to the way he treated me, along with the weight of my father passing Kyle.

Yeah, that Kyle.

I swallowed the acid coating my tongue, and quickly felt bile rise through my throat. I felt queasy, like I could bend over and puke all across the sand queasy. I squinted up at his 6 foot tall muscular figure, unable to realize and comprehend that I actually am seeing his face again. I would've thought that I would've never had to see his absolutely disgusting, terrifying, and sickening face again.

At least that's what I had always hoped.

He looked different from when I had seen him last. More grown up, a lot stronger, and more solid. Maybe prison had screwed him up more than he already is. Maybe he's changed, maybes he's become tougher, less of a pussy than he is and always has been.

Breathe Aubrey.

He offered me an awkward crinkly smile as he stretched out a hand thinking I would actually go on to shake it. His white teeth shined bright in contrast to his red burnt face. He looked tan, obviously, but nonetheless sunburnt. And in between the crinkles on his face, I could see greasy sunscreen that was obvious with the sun. He stood there for a few seconds, his hand stretched out waiting for me to shake it.

And I actually just stood there frozen, unable to form a word, make out a sentence, say anything whatsoever. I was standing there frozen, as droplets of sweat began to form above my eyebrows.

I even tried to open my mouth to try and stammer out a sentence of some sort, but it was like I was frozen. So instead, I gave up. And swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat in result.

He shrugged and pursed out his lips for a quick second. He then wiped his hands on his pink bathing suit shorts as if he was wiping something dirty off of his hands because I refused to shake it.

"So, how have you been?" He asked, staring down at me through his dark shades.

I can't believe that this is actually happening right now.

"I- I have to go." I managed to stammer out as I spun around before he grabbed my wrist which I pulled away from him quickly.

My heart is thumping out of my chest.

He looked me up and down, in a predatory way almost. "Aubrey, look." Kyle began before swallowing nervously.

Do I make a run for it, or listen to what he has to say?

"I- I've been doing some thinking." Kyle began, clearly nervous as he played with his hands, fidgeting with his fingers as he spoke.

I've never seen him nervous.

"Prison probably gives you a lot of time to do that." I fired back.

He laughed uncomfortably before shifting slightly.

"Aubrey, I- I need to talk to you. Is there somewhere where we can talk, or-" He began as he looked down at me.

No way, there is no way. I've always known he was dumb, but I mean... come on.

"Do you even realize what you're asking me right now?" I asked as I shook my head violently in absolute shock.

"I'm not the same guy that I was back then." He said, like that was supposed to mean something to me. Like as if he was justifying his behavior or something, or rather that I should talk to him because now he's "different".

"Oh you're not?" I quipped sarcastically.

His eyes flashed to my cheek, and I realized Nate was going to be back any second, and that Kyle was looking at the deep scar he gave me across my cheek. The deep red gash that hasn't changed one bit since he gave it to me. He pushed his glasses onto his blonde wet hair, and I looked away so I could dodge his eyes, so he could examine what he had done to me while drunk. With his own goddamn beer bottle.

"If you can give someone like DeRosé a chance, then you could give me at least fifteen minutes to talk." He shrugged as he pursed his lips and nodded his head behind me to where Nate was standing, laughing with the guys as he searched for towels for him and I.

He just hasn't changed.

And I feel foolish to think that for one second he could've possibly learned something.

"You really haven't changed have you." I spat, voice filled with obvious disgust.

"I don't owe you anything." I continued as I looked up at him.

"I know you don't, but-" He began as I pulled my eyebrows together, squinting because he wasn't doing a great job at blocking the sun for me.

"But what?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Please, I came to apologize." He said as I exhaled a pent up breath and looked to the side so I wouldn't have to look at him. "I know there's no excuse, but I just want to talk." Kyle said.

I looked down at his hands and felt anxious. His hands that did unforgivable things to me, things I had never wanted. His strong disgusting football muscular hands that took complete and absolute control over me and my body.

"You raped me Kyle." I said, beginning to now get very fucking angry.

And god, I was so angry for so many things.

I try my best to be a kind person. I'm always nice to people, I never have been mean to anyone like ever. I always try to care for people, and I always put others ahead of myself. But I'm so angry and when I get angry I cry. And I honestly just feel like screaming and crying right now. I feel like screaming and crying because he doesn't get to have this power over me two years later where his actions control my choices and my life. I'm angry because he's here, and he's still haunting me. I'm angry because I'm so fucking terrified of him.

"Please Aubrey, please for just fifteen minutes. Up there in that restaurant." He begged as he pointed to the top of the boardwalk where there were a bunch of little restaurants and people walking around happily.

I'm not fucking happy.

"No." I said while shaking my head and closing my eyes tightly, hoping that this was just a terrible scary nightmare.

"Aubrey-" He tried.

"No Kyle." I said, knowing he didn't know what no meant but still.

"What you did to me is unforgivable." I said while shaking my head, hoping he'd accept that I didn't want to talk to him, and go away.

"How long are you here for?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why- why does it even matter?" I questioned, feeling utterly confused.

Kyle opened his mouth to speak before a surprising smirk spread across his lips as he looked behind me. He looked up and down as if he was checking someone out before opening his big mouth again.

Is he really trying to hit on some girl right now?

"Aye, what's up?" Kyle started as a friendly smile spread across his lips. "You must be Nate DeRosé. Nice to meet you I'm a huge-" Kyle began as he stretched out a hand.

A loud crack echoed across the beach, everyone spinning to look at where it came from. Nate had come up from behind me, and swung at Kyle's face. Nate's fist connecting with Kyle's jaw was that hard to the point where everyone around us on the bustling beach had turned to look in shock.

Nate had knocked Kyle out cold onto the sand.

"I know who you are." Nate replied as he stood over Kyle, looking down at him.

I felt my chest tighten as I took in the entire scene. Nate practically glaring down at Kyle. My ex boyfriend was just knocked out in the broad public by my- by Nate. Everyone around us was in absolute shock and so was I. I know Kyle is a fucking horrible person who does deserve all the awful karma that's coming his way... but Nate putting more attention on all of this is the absolute last thing I wanted.

What if someone got a picture, or video? People are going to know that Kyle was my ex and people are going to talk. What if it spreads to the internet like wildfire and people become curious as to why Nate punched him? What if the world finds out what happened to me... I don't think I'd be able to handle it.

I kept my eyes on Nate who was looking down at Kyle. "Here's your towel." Nate said, holding out a towel for me.

He handed me my towel, still staring a hole through Kyle.

"Nate-" I began, staring at him in pure shock.

Nate looked up from Kyle to look at me.

Suddenly, Kyle let out a groan of pain and pressed a hand to his jaw. Nate's eyes instantly were ripped away from mine and back to Kyle. Nate kicked him hardly in his stomach to shut him up as I gasped because it was so unexpected. Kyle groaned again, this time louder at the effect from Nate's strong kick, and rolled around on the sand in pain.

If I got a kick from a combat boot straight to the stomach. I'd never get up.

Glancing around people were still staring, I mean why wouldn't they be. It's Nate DeRosé after all, beating up some random guy. I'm still surprised that nobody has even attempted to break this up, and there aren't even any lifeguards out so...

I heard the laughing from behind us, but didn't turn to look. "Woah, mate you're in a fight already. How is that possible?" Brendan asked as he walked over with a beer in his hand. Arm swung around Evie's shoulders who was looking confused at the scene.

"This is Kyle." Nate stated as we all stared down at him. "Aubrey's ex." Nate continued as he glared down at Kyle who was still on the floor groaning in pain.

"And you punched him because..." Brendan said not following.

"Because he's a prick who deserved it." Nate replied angrily, keeping his eyes locked on Kyle who's clutching at his stomach in pain.

I'm surprised that Kyle's in this much pain. I wouldn't be shocked though if he were faking how much pain he was in to make this all more dramatic and make me feel worse about the entire thing. I know Nate's really strong, but I didn't think that Kyle would still be on the floor right now with everyone staring down on him. I would've thought he'd try to make an effort to fight back... at least that's what the old Kyle would've done...

"Get out of here." Nate spat down at Kyle who had finally managed to make it to his feet.

I hate this.

And it doesn't even make sense. I guess it's because I'm in a way sort of a shy person, and this is embarrassing me somehow. I like to keep to myself and I hate when the attention is on me. And wow is the attention on me right now.

Dean, Tahlia, Jackson, a few random girls, Sammy, Chris, and Matt had come over. Additionally people on the beach were- well actually everyone on the beach was staring at this scene, and it was too much for me to handle. My face feels like it's on fire right now, and I feel like crying because I hate this all so much. I didn't want Nate to cause a scene this big, and I didn't want him to punch Kyle.

I'm about to cry and call me a baby or whatever, but it's too much for me to handle at once. I honestly should be feeling great that Nate cares about me that much to knock out the guy who ruined my life, but I don't feel great on the inside. I feel flustered, embarrassed, anxious, and ashamed. My stomach is twisting and turning, my face is burning and flushed. I feel like I'm going to be sick, and like I said, I'm about to fucking cry.

Maybe I'm really just sensitive. Or maybe I'm not. Who knows, and who cares. I'm mainly freaking out over the fact that this is going to have to be explained.

"Why did Nate punch Aubrey Clair's ex boyfriend?"

What is Nate going to say to that? What's a good reason for that?

That he cheated on me?

That he raped me?

That he abused me?

People are going to know, and it's causing me to have a panic attack. I didn't want people to know about Kyle, in fact like not many people know except my family and people that went to my school.

I turned around and began walking away, my face aflame as the hot breeze added to the heat. Of course like the literal baby I am, I felt tears drip down my face and along the scar.

Oh and that, everyone there just saw my cheek because I didn't have time to put makeup over it.


"Aubrey, Aubrey-" Sam's voice said as he caught up to me and stood in front of me.

"Aubrey are you okay?" He asked as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

I couldn't even glance up at him.

"No." I answered dryly as I walked around him, trudging through the sand. I pulled my sunglasses down to cover my eyes because the sun and tears mixed was becoming too painful for my vision.


I turned around to face him.

"I want to take a walk, I need to take a walk. Okay?" I said as he nodded.

I love that Sam always respects what I want and need.

"I got it." He nodded as I pressed my lips into a thin line. I began to walk forwards before Sam spoke up again. "I'll leave you alone. I'm not sure he will though." He added as I turned around and saw Nate who was walking towards us.

So I began to walk away again.

"Aubrey- Aubrey-" Nate yelled as he followed me.

I clenched my jaw. "I want space." I shot back, not turning around to look.

"You have space, look we're outside at a whole beach. Practically the entire beach is back there checking on that dick, so you have plenty of space." Nate joked as he raised his shoulders and smirked.

"You're really not funny." I replied through gritted teeth, feeling my eyes begin to go wet again.

"Aubrey." He laughed, not realizing I was actually upset.

"I need some space Nate." I said, feeling my chest tighten even more. "Whenever you have your little meltdowns or whatever you want to call them, I provide you with as much space as you want." I said to him as he narrowed his eyes on mine. "You want space? I give it to you no questions asked." I continued.

"So please just be kind to me and give me the space I need." I stressed, feeling my voice crack while I continued to walk, the tears now flowing heavily.

"Aubrey." He said as he grabbed my wrist so that I would turn to face him.

I was so scared, and with everything going on, with my head feeling like it's pounding, and a million thoughts running through my brain... I actually freaked, and had a flashback to Kyle. A flashback to Kyle grabbing my wrists.

"No!" I gasped loudly, feeling like my heart was about to explode from out of my chest.

"Aubrey what's-" Nate began softly with a worried look on his face. He bent down a little so he could see my face better since he was so tall.

I managed to quickly collect myself by running my hands over my cheeks and swiping off the tears, trying my best to not imagine how ugly I probably looked right now. Salt water soaking up my curly hair, sand sprinkled across my legs, and especially with the stupid scar.

"I need to go. I'm taking a walk I'll be back soon." I replied, collecting myself before I continued to walk away, shrugging my bag over my shoulder.

I walked off the beach, and up the boardwalk not even turning to glance back. I knew everyone was watching me and god this sucks.

Normally I'd want to be with my best friend Tahlia. Only now, Tahlia and I are in a weird place.

I plugged my wired headphones in, and slid my phone into my back wet short pocket. I sighed as the tears began to slip less and less, and I wasn't crying anymore.

I looked around at all the happy people on the boardwalk and it actually began to make me feel better. I love my alone time and I feel like I haven't got literally any since being on this tour. I've always been with someone which is kind of nice but I also love to be by myself. So this... this is extremely calming for me.

My breathing has returned to a normal speed, I didn't feel as flushed and anxious anymore, and everything felt a lot better than it had on the beach. The breeze on the boardwalk cooled me down as I walked alone. The boardwalk was filled with restaurants and people walking, people riding bikes, children eating ice cream. Everything felt very very peaceful.

I pressed shuffle on Spotify only for "Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High?" By: Bloodline to come on.


I hit it again, and shuffled until a song I actually liked came on, and then slid my phone into my back pocket again.

I continued to walk through the town, genuinely enjoying that I didn't have someone strapped to my side the entire time. I liked having freedom, and I feel like I haven't done something for myself in a long time like this. Like take a walk alone, read at home alone, just literally do something alone.

Since I'm kind of a secluded person, it's been so strange not being able to be by myself, and living with other people. I like having friends, but I also miss just not socializing with people. I know that sounds bad but it's the truth. I've always liked being able to do things for myself, being able to buy things for myself with my own money, being an independent woman.

So today I walked for the first time in public in years without makeup on my cheek. It felt exhilarating and new to say the least. I mean, it felt really good, and I'm really proud of myself.

As I was walking I spotted a crystal shop. Something about it drew me in so following my instincts, I clumsily stumbled in, knowing absolutely nothing about crystals.

I don't really know a lot about astrology, and magic, and crystals, but I've always thought it was cool. I don't know if I'd ever believe in any of it though, but I've always wanted a crystal necklace. Even though I know nothing about them... but today I'm going to buy one for myself.

When I walked in, I smelt some sort of strong incense, and Fleetwood Mac was playing throughout the store. I felt like I had walked into some sort of weird incredible dream. A dream that doesn't include Bloodline, Nate, this tour, or the newly bitchy Tahlia. Just a dream for myself and to make myself feel relaxed and less stressed. Everyone was dressed as if it was the seventies, all in long flowy tops and bell bottom jeans. I felt out of place but also like I was meant to be here right now?

An older lady walked up to me. "Hi, welcome to Destiny's Destinations. How may I help you?"

The woman smiled brightly at me, her eyes crinkling as she waved both her hands. She looked like a witch almost. Not an evil scary witch or anything, but like a good witch?

I'm really going insane.

My lips parted and my jaw was slack. I was in awe at the light and brightness inside this shop. Crystals were everywhere and I mean everywhere. Colorful crystals that sunlight reflected off of, different shaped crystals, large ones, small ones. And I felt overwhelmed but also incredibly mazed. People were looking around the store while "Rhiannon" boomed through the speakers. The older woman who was a foot in front of me was wearing a long flowy dress that had long sleeves as well.

"I- I uh..." I began as I pulled my sunglasses on to look glance around more. Her expression changed from happy and bright to distraught and worried once I had taken off my glasses.

She brought a soft hand up to my cheek and I instantly jerked away from her touch which cause a frown to sprout at her lips. I swallowed and she began to softly caress my cheek as I stood there. "Dear, you look sad. Have you been crying?" The woman asked as I looked down at her and blinked a few times in shock.

"I- I'm okay." I laughed awkwardly, shaking my head as she removed her hand.

She eyed me up and down cautiously. "Well, is there anything I can get for you?" She asked as the warm smile returned to her lips.

I exhaled and looked around. "I'm not sure, I don't really know anything about crystals to be honest. I just wanted a necklace." I answered as I looked down at her.

She nodded and looked like she was pondering over what I had said for a small moment. Then, just like that I watched as it looked like a light bulb had gone off in her head. Her brows raised and she turned to face me, a beaming smile now present on her lips.

"Then follow me." She smiled as she turned around and began walking somewhere. Her long grey hair reaching to the back of her knees.

I faltered for a moment and then followed her through the shop. I didn't miss the stares from people in the shop who probably knew who I was. Ugh, and I'm crying? That's just great.

She brought me to a section in the back where there were some crystals that were strung with a thick black string, and made into necklaces.

She looked up at me and pouted while I looked at all the different colorful crystals.

"Your eyes are swollen." She pointed out. "You have been crying." She continued as she stood there looking up at me.

The last thing I want to do is talk about this.

"Would you like to talk about it?" She asked as I looked through the different crystals.


"My boyfriends being a dick." I spat out quickly. Not even realizing what I had said.

My eyes popped. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" I stammered while turning to face her.

"Shh... relax dear." She said while placing a hand on my shoulder which relaxed and soothed me instantly. "Trust me I've heard far worse. Tell me, what happened. What's he like?" She asked as she closed the curtain separating this section from the rest of the store.

I let out a breath.

"Well he's not my boyfriend but he is in a way. It's complicated." I began as I furrowed my brows and shook my head.

"And what did he do to upset you?" She asked.

"He punched my ex boyfriend." I answered back.

"Did your ex boyfriend treat you badly?" She asked as I continued to browse.

"Very." I replied.

"Does your current boyfriend?" He asked.

"No, not at all." I replied.

"So are you upset because you didn't want him to punch your ex?" She asked.

"I guess so." I said.

"How terrible was your ex?" She asked.

"His name is Kyle, he was the worst. Practically destroyed my life." I answered back before exhaling while looking through the necklaces.

I'm just telling this lady my whole life story with no care in the world.

"And your current boyfriend punched him. This upset you because..." She shook her head.

"Nate punched Kyle because that's Nate and he always wants to protect me. In actuality, Nate could kill Kyle with ease if he wanted to." I started as she looked at me strangely but nodded. "But truthfully, I hate violence... And I don't like when the attentions on me at all. It made me freak out I guess because the attention is always on Nate considering..." I trailed off.


"He's in a really popular rock band." I answered, realizing how ridiculous my story sounded.

"Continue." She said as she brought her hands together.

"So anyways, I don't like the attention, I'm kind of a closed off and shy person I guess you could say." I told her as she nodded. "I hate camera's and confrontations. So I freaked out because everyone at the beach was watching, and two, now it's going to be a thing. If somehow someone got it on video, Nate is going to be questioned as to why he punched my ex, and what else is he supposed to say besides that Kyle raped me!" I ranted as I felt tears prick at the outer corners of my eyes again.

I'm a mess, and I just told this random stranger that I was raped. What am I doing?

"Honey, come here." She said softly as she coddled me and I cried more into her patterned dress.

"Now listen to me, what is your name?" She asked as she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Aubrey." I answered.

"I'm Destiny." She replied with a smile.

Destiny's Destination.

"I know what you need." She said as she nodded and looked me up and down.


She laughed at that, and I gave her an awkward smile. I obviously didn't mean to blurt out my internal thoughts.

"From what I know and can tell, it seems like your past has been filled with pain and heartache." She started as I sucked in a sharp breath of air and turned to the side. "You've been trying to heal but life's just not letting you." She continued with a small smile, interlocking her hands over her stomach and letting them rest there.

"Tourmaline for you." She said as she handed me a necklace with a black crystal hanging from it. I looked up at her and looked at her feeling perplexed.

The cold stone felt good under my touch. I rolled it between my fingertips while looking down at it still feeling incredibly confused. I shook my head and looked back up.

"What's this?" I asked as I held the necklace limply.

"It's a healing stone." She replied, gesturing a hand towards the necklace.

"It's yours." She continued with a warm smile.

I nodded, keeping my eyes glued to the crystal. "How much?" I asked as I began looking through my bag.

"Nothing." She answered with her same warm smile.

"No please, let me pay for it." I sputtered as she just stared at me with a smile.  "I- I really can't just rant to you and tell you things I've never told anyone and have you give me an expensive crystal for free- please-" I began before she grabbed my hands and smiled.

She tilted up my chin with her bent index finger. "You're here for a reason Aubrey." She said before shooting me a beaming smile. "And that boyfriend of yours is with you for a reason." She continued on vaguely.

"I can sense that he loves  you." She smiled as my heart melted into a puddle. "And that he's looking for you right now because he cares about you."

I feel so overwhelmed, and slightly freaked out.

"I don't know what to say- I mean thank you so much." I shook my head as she walked behind me.

She clasped the necklace around my neck and began leading me through the curtain and out of the store.

"Now this will heal you, but you have to let it." She smiled as she stroked my hair.

I don't understand how a rock could do that, but we'll just have to see now won't we.

"Now go on Aubrey. It was nice to meet you, and I hope we meet again." She smiled.

"Thank you?" I replied as I began to walk away, and out of the store.


I sat down on a bench for a few moments and twiddled with the crystal between my thumb and index finger. Just letting the crystal roll between the soft pads of my skin, letting a cool breeze settle over me and calm me even more. Everything felt so much better than it had before, I felt so relaxed, so calm... before someone slid next to me and scared the crap out of me.

Nate's Point of View:

"Ready to talk?" I asked as I slid next to her smoothly.

She looked up confused, but also like I had scared her.

Shit. I don't want to scare her, that whole thing was fucking awful.

"Let me get this straight." I said as she looked up at me like she was annoyed. "You're upset because I punched your ex abusive rapist boyfriend?" I said, not completely following why she was teary eyed and avoidant.

I get it, I caused a scene. But he deserved to get his shit rocked, I mean someone had to do it. And considering the douchebag was only in prison for like two years, I doubt he was knocked around that much. So technically I was doing him a favor by giving him a taste of his own medicine.

"You embarrassed me Nate." She said, which really surprised me.

My brows skyrocketed. Me? I have the power to embarrass someone?

I thought I was cool.

"I- what?" I sputtered, feeling very confused. "Me, I embarrassed you?" I continued, not understanding what she was saying.

"I don't like the attention, and especially in such an open and public place." She explained as she used her hands to gesture just how many people were out an about.

"But-" I began.

She swallowed and shook her head. "No, like- look I- I just don't know why you had to cause a scene on this fun day we were all having-" She shook her head again. "I mean why? Like I get that he's a horrible person and I fucking hate him also but why did you have to punch him?" She stressed as she squinted at me.

I took a deep breath and then exhaled, staring forwards but keeping my arm around the back of the bench behind her.

"I'm sorry if I embarrassed you." I apologized as she stared forwards with crossed arms. "But-" I began, smiling slightly as she turned to look at me irritated. "I'm not going to apologize for defending and protecting you and I hope you know that." I said as she turned forwards again.

"And know that I never will." I continued, hoping she realized where I was coming from.

"You weren't defending me." She shook her head. "You caused an unnecessary scene." She said flatly as I looked out onto the rest of the boardwalk, listening intently while she spoke. "Defending me would be when that weird guy grabbed my neck and then you shot him in the dick which by the way was also extremely unnecessary." She shrugged as I laughed lowly.

"Not unnecessary." I shook my head. "It was well deserved."

"Protecting me would be..." She shook her head like she was trying to think. "I don't know, forcing me on this tour because Brad's mafia wants to kill me." She shrugged, pursing her lips.

"Doesn't make any sense but I'm stuck here now so..." She trailed off as I swallowed the lump in my throat.

She's absolutely correct, it doesn't make any sense.

Because it's a lie.

"You do way too much." She hit me in the side with a slight smile.

"I didn't do enough." I told her as she rolled her eyes, I moved closer to her so that I could whisper. "Honestly darling, all I want to do is beat the absolute living shit out of blondie."

She moved away and shook her head. "Told you not to call me that, and if you cause another scene, I'd beat the shit out of you."

That made me laugh loudly, catching the attention of some people walking on the boardwalk. Aubrey looked down and I thought to myself, why wouldn't she want me to beat him up? I mean this is the same Kyle that raped her, correct? Was abusive and a narcissistic asshole, right? I mean I would think she'd want for me to rip him apart, limb from limb, but no. No of course she wouldn't want that, what the hell am I thinking? This is Aubrey we're talking about here. A girl with the kindest heart and soul, she would never wish harm on anyone. Not even the piece of shit dirtbag who raped her.

"Darling-" I started again in an annoying tone as she put a hand up in front of my face and began to laugh softly because I sounded so ridiculous.

Something I've found out about Aubrey is that she's not a girl who likes all the cringy romantic shit. She thinks pet names are cringy, which I totally agree. She doesn't like PDA, which I also completely agree on, and she doesn't need to be touching me 24/7. We have our moments but she doesn't like to overdo it, and honestly being with her is like an absolute breath of fresh air. I feel like I can be more of myself around her than any other girl. I don't have to put on a show for her.

"Okay." I said flatly. "I understand and I'm sorry." I continued a she pressed her lips into a thin line and raised her brows like she didn't really care.

I rolled my eyes fondly. "Oh come on." I shook my head. "You mean to tell me that you wouldn't want to see him get the shit knocked out of him?" I asked her.

She snickered. "Oh I'd love for him to get pummeled." She said in a sarcastic tone.

I raised a brow.

She shook her head. "Look Nate, violence has never been something I've enjoyed." She shrugged, tucking some curls behind her ear. "I think that he can deal with his karma in a plethora of different ways. The fact alone that this is hanging over his head for the rest of his life is karma enough." She shrugged as I swallowed.

"You're genuinely such a good person Aubrey Clair."

She shook her head like she was embarrassed almost by my words. I tucked some curls behind her ears as she looked down at her lap and began bouncing her knee rapidly. I do that a lot when I'm anxious so when I noticed that she was doing it I frowned. I don't want her to feel anxious when she's with me. That's probably one of the last things I want for her to feel when we're together. She brought her gaze up and stared forwards, not meeting my eyes which stung.

She doesn't really like eye contact though, it's easy to tell.

"Me not liking violence Nate, doesn't make me an angel." She said as she continued to stare forwards.

I played with a loose curl, her hair was still somewhat damp from the saltwater. "You are an angel." I told her and watched as her chest rose and fell while she breathed heavily.

Her knee continued to bounce so I placed my hand on it which caused her to look at me immediately after I had done so. Even though she's currently tan she looks ten times paler than she was just an hour ago. Her lips looked raw as if she's been biting them, and she continued to breathe heavily as I furrowed my brows. She stopped bouncing her knee, but looked like she wanted to move.

"Talk to me." I said softly, hoping the softness of my voice would calm whatever anxiousness was currently flooding over her.

"I-" She paused, squinting from the sun. "I'm just scared." She finished softly, barely above a whisper.

My heart fell into pieces over her vulnerable confession. I know I've been someone in the past who has scared her on countless of times but I had always thought if I could make her hate me and fear me then- then-

"Of him." She swallowed. "I didn't expect to see him here and seeing his face again in person just released a floodgate of horrid memories back into my brain and I-" She cut herself off and I watched as her eyes grew wet.

"I'm so scared of him Nate." She whispered, almost fully shaking at this point.

What happened next was something I wasn't expecting. She laced her slender arms around me and gave me a tight hug. I didn't think she was going to do such a thing because I know how much she doesn't like physical affection like this in the public, but she's doing it. She's that terrified and scared that she's fully embracing me in a hug, clutching to the fabric of my shirt, salty tears dripping onto my jeans.

I am going to kill that motherfucker.

Woah okay...

If you have any questions, please let me know here!

Twitter: leilawritess
Tiktok: leilawrites

All my Love
Leila <3

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