The Immortal (Naruto boys x r...

By kittylovermeow

75 4 1

She lived she loved she laughed she lost she died she remembered past president is here but she never die dies More

Seeing them again pt.1

The Legend Reborn

37 2 1
By kittylovermeow

(???? pov)

Play song

I ran as I'm chased by ninjas the village the people died because of me I ran and ran and ran but this time one jumped infront of me and kicked me to the ground............and killed me

(Like in the picture)

You see I was born without a village or parents to help and rise me my family all died protecting a baby girl but ended up all died but the baby girl lived because she was and is special how I know this well that's because....I was there I was the baby I saw everyone die protecting me

Oh sorry your wondering who I am right well...let me tell you about the legend then me

In the future there will be a special little girl

A girl that has seen many things

A girl that can not be killed

Or die

For she is.......important......................she's immortal

She will have a name but not a clan or village

For it's hidden in her

She will see many villagers and villages

Help lots of people and protect us

Become friends with many of them even the hard ones...even the dangerous ones

And change them

She will make people believe she will make people hope

She will make people see

As best as she can

She will suffer from the pain she has learned over the years and remember it all

Her pain is great and bigger then....................................everyone's worst fear, everyone's worst nightmare,everyone's worst past, or president, or even a......spirits death..even a demon

She believes that she has nothing to live for but her powers and her will save us and we be the thing that....................
......saves her......

Her name is

(Your pov)

I opened my eyes and see the sky and same tree's then people I was a baby girl again

When ever I die I'm always reborn as a baby girl I looked at the people and started to cry trying to reaching my arms out for them

The one with yellow hair picked me up

Smiling...why?...and for some reason I grabbed his hair it was soft I smiled and giggled he smiled and said "well let's bring her back"


And pretty red eyes I reach for him he backed away glaring at me

"How did she fall from the sky and live?"

I looked to my left and see a boy with long brown hair and cool eyes

He looked at me almost like his studying me

"Well I think we should bring her, she is a baby after all" said someone to my right he had short brown hair and little lines that look like a cat under his eyes

They looked cool I smiled more for some reason and giggle and lift my arms in the air the thing that was wrap around me felled down

And showed my (h/l)(h/c) hair that I always had even before I died and was reborn in to this life

I opened my eyes they gasps and I through it was because my eyes were ugly so I closed them and started to cry

Then try to pull my thing over my head

(Please imagine your eyes closed)

But it was not going over my head I opened one eye and my eyes widened all four of them stopped it from covering my face

"It's alright little one" said the cat one

"Yes it's alright we just were surprised" said long hair

"You don't have to hid your beautiful special eyes" said the one holding me

"....don't hid kid...." Said pretty eyes

My eyes widen even more I stopped my let it fall I looked up to the sky and then looked at then and smiled both my (e/c) and (e/c) eyes shinning happily

Little time skip~

They decided to being me to their village long hair now holding me

I also learned that he is the 1 hokage the pretty eyes is the 2 hokage and the cat is the 3 hokage and the one that held me is the 4 hokage

And from that day on everyone in the village know me and became happier and smiled more

I was now 12

Even pretty eyes but only for me

I even made friends with LOTS of kids

I remember My sun smiling at me


"Look lookie My sun look what I found"

He smiles at me and lifts me up

I show him the two bracelets one the sun☀ and the other the moon🌙

(You moon and him sun)

"Wow where did you find them...wait a minute" he said smiling big

"Did you make this?" He asked with kinda widen eyes

I blushed alittle and look away that he found out


I look back only to see him smiling brighter

"Hahaha they look beautiful (n/n) who are they for"

I smiled and said "FOR YOU AND ME SILLY"

I gave him the sun/moon one "Huh why this one"

"So you can remember me silly and I get the moon/sun so I can remember YOU"

He and I smiled and laughed

End of memory

Then I remember making My chocolate smile

I was running playing with the other kids

When all of a sudden I trip and fell the other kids left me behind because we were playing tag and I was it

I sit up about to follow them but pain shot pass my knee

I looked down and see I scraped it I started to cry because it hurt

I then see My chocolate running to me

"Are you okay (n/n)" I shake my head no slowly

The next thing I know was that My chocolate started walking with me in his arms

"It's okay we will get you fixed"

He brought me in to a room and started fixing me boo boo

"Thank My chocolate"

"Your welcome my little (n/n)" "..why did you help me" I asked

He was thinking then smiled and said

"Because That's is what a Hokage is supposed to do" I smiled and hugged him he was shocked then smiled and hugged back

"My chocolate I m-made you this" I said shy because I'm not used to giving people things

He grabbed it and smiled bigger "Thank you My little (n/n)"

I held mine up

I made two crystal's one red and one white/blue

(Red him and white/blue you)

"I made them so we can remember each other" I said smiling

He smiled and put his on then......hugged me..

I hugged back smiling

End of memory

Then I also remembered when I made My cat smile

I was training and I was fast but then I hear

"Huh who's that?"


"Wow she's fast"


A whisper but

"Wow s-she's pretty"

I turned and see My cat I sniled and ran to him


I then hug his legs and feel him pat my head I then opened and eyes

Only to see beautiful and cool eyes


"You have lovely and cool eyes My snake" I said getting closer to a boy around my age he had black hair also snack like eyes and pale like skin

He blushed and looked around whispering a "T-thank you" I smiled and hugged him then looked and see another boy with cool white hair and marks under his eyes

I quickly move to him and he closed his eyes but opened them after not feeling a thing

That was until I lift his hair "WOW THIS IS SO COOL AND SOFT MY SNOW"

He looked back and was completely confused he also has a little bit of pink on his cheeks

Then I see a girl I go and hug her

I smiled big and giggle then I said "If my cat gives you any trouble tell me okay My...sunflower"

She nodded sniling I then get up because I here the bells

And see My cat smirking at me holding two this time

I smiled and jumped on him he smiled and laughed falling down I try to get them

I missed and fall on his stomach

Only for it to poof

I smirk and jumped in the air missing him try to pull me in yo the ground

I ran to him faster then he can react and grabbed the bells but he lift me and put me on his shoulder

I smiled and waved at My snake and My snow ans My sunflower

I then put a necklace around his neck and put on mine

"So we can remember each other"

One said My cat the other (n/n) everyone there smiled

End of memory

Then I remember My pretty eyes smiling

I was sitting on the hokage's heads sad because....I remember what happened to me before is life

When all of a sudden I hear footsteps walking to me

I quickly wipe my tears and look straight

They sit down next to me and....just stare at the sunset

I looked down and that's when they said

"You know..It's okay to cry infront of us...." That's when I realized it's My pretty eyes I put my head on his arm

And said "But I can't..." He looked at me confused but then put is arm around me

"You can your just...not leting us help"



He looked at the sunset again and said

"You know because you remind me that it's okay to cry because you don't always have to be strong.....that even the strongest cry because they been strong for so long.."

I look up at him surprised but then smile and hugged him "Thank you" I whisper

He smiled the biggest smile I have even seen

I then give him a bracelet

One was silver ans one was a mix of orange and purple

"So we remember one another"

End of memory

At that I even met My sun's team I liked them and My cats team I played with them every day I was becoming the greatest ninja they have seen ans at a younger age then everyone in the village

But..I started to lose them again I was lost, broken I felt abandoned

My my chocolate died holding his crystal tightly to his chest then My my pretty eyes died holding my bracelet to his chest crying...then My my sun died holding my bracelet tightly to his chest crying and smiling....

.....My my sunflower left me and is somewhere then My my snow left me...My my snake was gone....My my puppy was gone (Obito) he he died and My my tea was gone to (Rin) she died

I started to stop working again but I keep going for My hero (kakashi) ans My cat but that didn't last long 😖😞😩😫😭


Me and my team where chasing the person we needed and the thing is he looked familiar

But what we didn't know was that he mad clones that attack

First was lily "AAGGH" "LILLY" "NNNOOO"

They Jack "(y-y/n)" " NOO JACK" I was fast and got lilly and jack before they can fall to the ground

"NNNNOOOOOOOO"  The person walked to me that's when I saw HIM

"Well well well looks like you lived some how will time to join them" he then stabbed me

I look into the sky and then....closed my eyes thinking 'I'm sorry..I failed you'


I opened my eyes and see the stars and moon then I see My cat picking me up

(None's pov)

The 3 hokage picked up a baby girl that fell from the sky....again.......the nine tailed fox was just slid into the newly born baby boy 'Naurto Uzumaki'

The 3 hokage smiled at both of them but started to cry because he thinks the baby girl lookes just like his (n/n)....


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