Essence of Islam

By I-m-laiba

482 52 33

This non-fiction book had three parts. First part, dealing with the misconceptions of Non-Muslims and extremi... More

Part 1
Introduction of Part 1
Status of Women In Islam
Concept of Jihad in Islam
Part 2
Languages a Symbol of Allah
Honeybees- A Symbol Of Allah


16 2 3
By I-m-laiba

Big Bang:

"Have not those who disbelieve know that Heaven and the Earth were joined together as one united place, then We parted them? " (21:30)

Astrophysicists believe that the universe was a single mass initially. And then, with a bang, the mass parted causing the creation of galaxies and planets. They called this phenomenon the "Big Bang Theory". All the universe is created as the result of this Big Bang, and Allah has already told us about this phenomena in the Holy Quran.

Sky as a protection:

"We made the sky a protective ceiling. And yet, they are turning away from our signs." (21:32)

The Ozone layer in the atmosphere is saving us from lethal rays or ultraviolet radiations of the Sun. If the sky and these layers will not be present above us, harmful sun's radiations will kill us. So, the sky is a protective ceiling for us which is protecting us from deathly rays. This is one of the signs that Allah is present and this world's creation is not just a mere incident, but a complete plan of Allah. 

Darkness in the seas:

"Or are like the darkness of a fathomless sea which is covered by waves above which are waves above which are clouds, layers of darkness upon the other. If he puts out his hand, he can scarcely see it. Those God gives no light to, they have no light." (24:40)

"Darkness in a deep sea" was used some 1400 years ago in the Quran, which modern scientists are now using. They have used special equipment and submarines to find out about this darkness. Around 200 meters, there is no light in the sea, so human beings cannot survive there without the help of submarines and special equipment. Human beings are not able to dive more than forty meters as after it, they need equipment.


"Does Man think that we will not assemble his bones? Yes, we are even able to proportion his fingertips." (Surah Al-Qiyamah: 3-4)

There is an amazing fact regarding fingertips that they vary from person to person. No human being in this world has the same fingertips. In 1823, Purkinje, a Czeck anatomy scientist, found out about the fact of fingertips to which the Quran has already alluded to. Dr. Francis Galton finds out that fingertips of a person remain unchanged throughout his whole life despite each and every incident happening to him. Fingertips are being used to find out the identity of a person in police or investigating departments. This creation is unique and helpful to every person in this world, and it shows the Power of Almighty Allah. 

Reflection of Moon:

"Blessed is He who has placed in Heaven big stars, and has placed therein a great lamp (Sun), and a moon giving light." (25:61)

This Ayah is reflecting the phenomena of the sun giving light to the moon and the passive moon receiving it and reflecting the light. 

The Quran is in Arabic language which has deep folds of meanings. For explaining sun, different Arabic words have been used in different Ayahs to convey the meaning. Siraag meaning 'torch',  wahaj meaning 'a blazing lamp', diya meaning 'shining glory'; these all words have been used to explain sun and these are hinting toward its giving light to someone, which in the same Ayah Allah has also told us. For Moon, Muneer is being used which means a body that gives noor. This means that it is reflecting the light of the sun. 

These words and such Ayahs have explained to us that the Sun is actively giving light to the passive moon which is reflecting light to Earth. The Quran has explained this phenomena which scientists came to understand after a lot of centuries. 

Complicated and Black Heavens:

"Are you a difficult creation or is the Heaven? Allah constructed it." (Surah Naziat: 27)

Galaxies and planets are an interesting phenomena and Allah has created them. Scientists took the picture of a galaxy and called it "Hat galaxy" because of its beautiful formation. It is 50 thousand light years wide and 28 thousand light years away from us. The light year is equal to 9.5 trillion kilometers. That galaxy contains more than a billion suns like our sun. There are different types of galaxies having different names and shapes. Still, a lot of galaxies and features have to be identified by scientists. The complicated, beautiful and unique shapes amazed the Humans and it is a sure sign of Allah's Glory who has created us as well as Heaven! 

"He raised its ceilings and proportioned it. And He darkened its night and extracted its brightness." (Surah Naziat: 28-29)

On 12th of April 1961, Yuri Gagarin, the first astronaut to reach outer space, described that the sun and other celestial bodies are surrounded by dark night. Quran has said that Heaven is darkened and Yuri Gagarian saw the same thing. Metrologist Dr Elfendi explained that sunlight can only be seen if it reflects or comes in contact with different particles suspended in the atmosphere such as dust, air, water. Due to the contact with these particles, sunlight diverges and hence the blue celestial sphere emerges. These particles vanish in the outer atmosphere so it is darkened. This whole phenomena is explained by astrologists and meteorologists in the 20th Century but Allah has alluded to it fourteen hundred years ago. 

Voice of Creation:

"Then He directed Himself to the Heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the Earth "Come (into being), willingly or by compulsion". They said, "We have come willingly". (41: 11)

This phenomena of voice is explained by Professor Mark Whittle who studies this voice of creation through the help of cosmic radiation. He explained that in the antimatter seconds after the Big Bang, this voice of creation was formed and trapped in the hot plasma of the expanding universe for 380,000 years, and when atoms cooled down it suddenly released and went into an uninterrupted voyage for 13.7 billion years till it reached us. That voice was the voice of Allah as it is explained in the Ayah. This voice's pitch was 50 octaves lower than the human hearing, and its quality was somewhere between musical notes and noise. So, this discovery shows Allah's Might and Greatness. 


"We sent down Iron with its great inherent strength and its many benefits for humankind." (57:25)

Astronomical studies prove that Iron is not from Earth, but from space or heaven. This element is being formed from the explosion of stars. When a giant star nears the end of its life, it expands its supplies of hydrogen, helium and other gases. But it fails to get rid of iron which is present at its core. Eventually, the star collapses and causes supernovae. Debris of a collapsed star, the iron, will slowly start attracting different gases and matter, and eventually becomes a new planet or star with a heavy iron core. Other leftover iron may have fallen in the form of meteorites on Earth.

Ears in Sleep:

"So we sealed their ears (with sleep) in the Cave for a number of years." (18:11)

This Ayah is referring toward Ashad-e-Kahf. They were the group of friends who accepted the true path of Allah, so their society started torturing them. To escape those people, they went toward a cave and here Allah made them asleep for hundreds of years. After that, they woke up when the whole world was being changed outside. This Ayah is telling us that they were asleep for a number of years. "Sealed their ears" refers to interesting scientific information. This expression means that Allah prevents them from hearing so they remain asleep for a number of years. 

According to the scientific discovery, ears are the only sensory organ active during sleep. That's why we need an alarm clock to wake up. So, this specific reference to ears in this Ayah alludes toward this interesting scientific discovery. 

Pair and body creation:

"Exalted is He who created all pairs- from what the Earth grows and from themselves and from which they do not know." (Surah Yasin:36)

In this Ayah, there are two wonderful allusions toward nature and science's facts.

 First is that all things in the world are in pairs. Humans, Animals, plants, matters, the universe, non-living things etc all are in pairs. In plants, there are male and female bodies which cooperate together in reproduction time. In the Universe; sun and moon, day and night etc are in pairs. In matters,  positive and negative charge, neutrons and protons etc, they all are in pairs. These pairs are being identified by scientists which Quran has alluded to 1400 years before. 

Second one is that Humans are being created from earthy components, and it is also being said by scientists. They experimented and found that humans are being made of water, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, hormones, potassium, iron, copper, calcium and other metals. These metals make up our organs and parts of the human body. 

Day and Night phenomena:

There are many Ayahs related to Day and Night phenomena. 

"He wraps up the night up in the day and wraps up the day in the night" (39:5)

This wrapping of day and night hints toward the roundness of Earth. And change in day and Night hints toward that there is something special in this phenomena. 

"Verily the Creation of heavens and earth and coming of night and day alternately"….(2:164)

Scientists find out that day and night changes because of the rotation of Earth around the sun and rotation of it around its own axis. This rotation causes day and night and changes of weather. 

Archimedes Principle:

"............ And the boat that sails in the river for the benefit of people…. .." (2:164)

How can a cargo ship and other ships or boats float on water but a coin sink in it? There is something special in the floating of a boat; this part of Ayah is saying this. Scientists have found out this principle and called it Archimedes principle. 

Ship's shape is a speciality of it. Due to its shape, it is able to balance surface friction and gravity as the weight of water and ship is equal which maintains its balance and it keeps on floating. While the coin's displaced water weighs less than the coin, it sinks. 

Types of animals:

"......there by and scatters all kind of beasts in it… .." (2:164)

There are countless animals and types of animals in the world that we are still not able to recognize. This fact regarding countless animals is being alluded in this part of Ayah. There are 85 percent animals in the sea and only 15 percent is on the land. Scientists are still trying to recognize and find more and more animals. 

Water cycle:

"And that which Allah sends down water from heaven and revives the dead Earth… ...and the change of winds and the cloud that is obedient between heaven and earth, in all of them necessarily there are signs for the wise people." (2:164)

Allad sends water from heavens which help in growing vegetables, fruits, grain and other types of greenery. Then humid winds cause water to evaporate and be suspended in the atmosphere. These water vapours cause cloud formation and then the cycle is repeated. This cycle causes rain and this Ayah is hinting toward this cycle. 

Expansion of Universe:

"And it is He who has built the Universe with (our creative) power and keeps expanding it. (51:47)

In the 20th Century, scientists realized this fact which the Quran has mentioned centuries before. Before this discovery, they thought that gravity is pulling things near to each other, causing the collapse of the universe. But in the twentieth century, they used the Hubble Telescope which told them that the universe is expanding. According to Stephen Hawking: 

"The discovery that Universe is expanding was one of the great intellectual revolution of twentieth century

Scientists still don't know the real reason for this expansion of the Universe. They have called this reason or energy causing expansion as dark energy or matter which is pulling galaxies and things apart. This mysterious energy is making them question Einstein's concept of gravity which says that things attract each other. 

Lying and Movement:

"No Indeed! If he doesn't stop, we will seize him by the forehead, his lying, sinful forehead." (96:15-16)

Abu Jahl was a cruel oppressive tribal leader at the time of the Prophet (PBUH). For him, Allah has revealed this Ayah in the Quran. 

The interesting scientific fact in this Ayah is that Allah has called his forehead sinful and lying. In our forehead, the frontal lobe of the brain is present which is responsible for expressive language and movements. Lying and moments are being done from our frontal lobe to which Allah has alluded toward it. 

Sun's Orbit:

"It is He who created Night and Day, the Sun and the Moon, each floating in its orbit." (21:33)

Until the 20th Century, scientists believed that the Sun was stationary and other planets revolved around it. In 1512, the astronomer Nicholas Copernicus, put forward the theory that the Sun is stationary. In the twentieth-century, Astronomer Harlow  noticed that the Sun is revolving around its orbit surrounding the Milky way galaxy. Before the twentieth century, scientists were denying this Ayah but through this discovery, this Ayah is being proved right by scientists. 

Whirlwind containing fire:

".......... It is hit by a whirlwind containing fire and is burned. Thus Does Allah make clear to you His verses that you might get thought." (2:266)

In the twentieth-century, by the end of 2013, this whirlwind was being observed by scientists. They use satellites, radars and laboratories on balloons to take photos of the rare whirlwind which contained fire. After observing that, they came to the point that Whirlwind is a more appropriate word than Fire Tornado. 


Abu Huraira narrated that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has said:

'All the sons of Adam will decay except for the bone of coccyx (tailbone). From it he was created and from it he will be reconstructed."

Scientists have discovered that when sperms enter the egg cell, the ovule starts to divide and form an embryonic disc. This disc forms a tailbone which contains mother cells and DNA. It is the bone from where Humans are being created. This bone never decays or never gets damaged in any situation, whether it is acid situation, burning situation, death or any other accident. This tailbone remains consistent. And through studying this bone, a person's DNA, it's likes and dislikes, its fingerprints and bio data can be found. So, recreation of a person through this bone is not a difficult or impossible task for Allah. 


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