be with me | hamada asahi


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In which a girl who lost everything finds comfort in the arms of a humanoid named Asahi. 아사히 (ASAHI) | TREAS... More

1 | Asahi
2 | Family
3 | Danger
4 | Somewhere
5 | Trust
6 | Help
7 | Message
8 | Lover
9 | Coincidence
10 | Amiss
11 | Safe
12 | Nostalgia
13 | Desire
14 | Psycho
15 | Dilemma
16 | Vengeance
17 | Friend
18 | Torn
19 | Goodbye
20 | Kill
21 | Reboot
22 | Sorry
23 | Gone
24 | Obsession
25 | Home
26 | Treasure

27 | Grief

1.8K 132 125

wishing you a very happy 21st
birthday and i hope you and the
members stay healthy and
happy always ❤️ thank you for
being one of our robot's closest
friends and being such a hardworking and entertaining
member of TREASURE!

smart and incredible antagonist,

Two days ago...

Asahi ran out of the room and into the elevator. He wasn't panting, and he couldn't, but he was shocked and appalled that Yuna kissed him.

"She still loves me." He murmured, relieved. "Don't worry, Yuna, I'll come back for you."

Returning to Jaehyuk's office, he found the man sitting in his seat, sipping a cup of coffee and staring out at the panoramic view. Furrowing his eyebrows, Asahi put on a blank expression and walked inside.

"I've already had Yuna select her wedding dress." The robot informed him promptly.

"Good, make sure she doesn't go anywhere. The wedding will commence tomorrow, and I want you to be officiating it."

'No! This son of a bitch.' Asahi thought when he heard Jaehyuk's words.

"Yes, Sir." He nodded his head curtly before leaving, but Jaehyuk stopped him.

Halting in his tracks, Asahi heard Jaehyuk stand up from his seat before approaching his direction. He could sense Jaehyuk right next to him now.

"I still can't believe how easy it was for me to reboot you. It's fascinating." Jaehyuk commented, now walking in circles around the humanoid.

Asahi kept quiet, keeping a straight face. Jaehyuk suddenly stopped and faced him.

"I could easily destroy Yuna with your technology... But I won't. I can't find another girl like her. The heavens must've gave me a second chance when she survived that crash. Fate brought us back together, we're meant to be."

'Pfft, as if!' Asahi snorted to himself as he heard the man's incessant talking.

Jaehyuk patted Asahi's shoulder and headed back to his desk.

"Good work today, Asahi. I'll see you at the wedding." He said with a relaxed tone, motioning Asahi to leave.

As Asahi left the place, he bumped into Noa again, whose gaze shifted elsewhere uneasily.

"Coward." Asahi muttered to himself before heading to the elevator once again. "I need to find the guys."

Asahi passed by the building's exit and headed out.

Noa received a signal from his phone when he saw that Asahi had gone.

"Boss! Asahi's left the building!" He shouted in alarm.

Jaehyuk closed his eyes and smirked. "Why do you think so? He's ours now, Noa-kun, there's nothing to fear. He's probably going to destroy those idiots at the hospital."

Seeing where Asahi was headed, Noa nodded his head with assurance.


Haruto was sitting at the lounge with Mashiho, drinking a cup of cola from the vending machine near the wards.

"Ruto, come on! Don't be so gloomy." Mashiho nudged his partner, who looked troubled. "Jeongwoo is recovering well, isn't he?"

"I know that, but I still feel like I could've done more to protect him." Haruto replied, angry with himself.

"And I'm sorry I didn't protect you all." The familiar voice caused both Mashiho and Haruto to swipe their guns out from their pockets, targeting Asahi, who had his arms up high in the air. "You know, if you just get behind my back and turn off the main switch, it's a win for y'all."

Mashiho glanced at Haruto, who didn't seem to find Asahi's joke funny at all.

"I'm not afraid of you, Asahi." Haruto growled, still holding his gun at the robot. "I can shoot a thousand bullets at you, and I won't stop until you're destroyed."

"Look, I know you cannot forgive me for what happened, and I'm sorry. I can explain." Asahi reasoned.

Haruto wasn't convinced. Before he could throw a fist at him, Mashiho held the younger back.

"Ruto, listen to me. I know you're very upset about this whole thing but please calm down first and let him explain. I promise you, if he's up to no good, Yoshi and I won't let him off so easily."

Hearing the elder's words, Haruto calmed down and backed away, allowing Asahi to continue.

"I did not actually get rebooted by Jaehyuk. When he thought he had my memories wiped away, I found that Mr Kawazu installed a secret cache that helped to save all of my previous data during the reboot. I had no choice but to act the way I did or Jaehyuk would've had everyone killed ages ago. I'm truly sorry for what happened and now I'm here to help prove you all wrong that I still care about Yuna and I want to get her out of there."

Shocked, Mashiho walked up to the humanoid and held his hand.

"You're actually serious right now? Oh my god, Asahi!" Mashiho bursted out in relief and hugged him tightly. "This is great news."

Haruto hesitated, but when he saw Jeongwoo and the rest coming out of the ward, he started to relax.

"I owe all of you an apology. But now that I'm here, let's save Yuna, shall we?" Asahi prompted, and everyone exchanged firm glances.

Shotaro appeared from a distance. The agents looked pleasantly surprised when they saw their senior bashfully making his entrance.

"Kanemoto, Takata, Watanabe. I... I am sorry. I should've listened to you three earlier, and instead my team caused even more trouble."

There was a pause before Yoshi wrapped his arms around the agent happily. Overjoyed, Mashiho and Haruto joined in as they did a team hug.

Doyoung and Junghwan smiled at each other and put their arms around Jeongwoo, who was on a wheelchair with his brother, Jihoon, Danny and Kyle by his side.

"Let's go save my girl." Asahi declared.

Present Time

Jaehyuk stared in horror as the back doors busted open, revealing Danny, Jihoon, Kyle, Doyoung and Junghwan from both sides. Danny and Kyle had Noa with them, the young man's arms were handcuffed as he struggled to break free.

The main door that Yuna had walked through came with Shotaro, Yoshi, Mashiho and Haruto with their guns targeted at Jaehyuk. Yuna watched in amazement as they stood in formation, ready to arrest him.

"You... You..." Jaehyuk stuttered, at a loss for words. "How did you..."

"We worked as a team and defeated you, my boy." Jihoon winked at him sneakily.

"Didn't you say Akira Kawazu was a very smart man? Well, you're not wrong. My memories couldn't be wiped out because there was a secret cache in me the whole time." Asahi explained and took Yuna's hand before removing the ring from her finger. "As for the ring, Mr Yoon, you're about to lose your consciousness since this contains sleep chemicals that has entered your skin cells. And it should take effect right about... Now."

Right at that moment, Jaehyuk collapsed onto the ground, fast asleep. Stunned, Yuna turned to Asahi, grabbing both sides of his cheeks.

"You! You- You're back!" She cried, tears rolling down her face. "Why did you leave me like that?!"

Asahi broke into a smile upon hearing Yuna's outburst. He said nothing and quietly embraced her. Yuna continued bawling as she hugged him tightly.

"I'm so glad... So relieved. You're back." She murmured, not wanting to let go.

"Me too. I love you, Yuna." He said.


Yoon Jaehyuk was finally arrested and was accounted for his heinous crimes, responsible for the deaths of Arthur Hamada, Akira Kawazu, Kim Junkyu and his parents Mr and Mrs Yoon, being sentenced to life imprisonment. Noa Kazama was also charged for being an accomplice with a hefty fine and community service.

The police, however, did not find out about Asahi the humanoid robot. With Shotaro's and Neo Culture Tech.'s support, they managed to keep Asahi a secret from the government and especially, the military, to protect his identity. It was for the best as people could use these androids for evil purposes like Jaehyuk, taking away lives unnecessarily.

Yoshi, Mashiho and Haruto joined back the Treasure team at Neo Culture and will continue their work as spies, protecting their country and its people. Jeongwoo was discharged from the hospital a few weeks after Jaehyuk's arrest and could finally return back to Korea with Jihoon and Junghwan. Danny and Kyle opened a music label, and have started garnering a decent fan base after two of their hit singles, 'GO YARD' and 'BLACKSWAN' went viral on the Internet. Doyoung stayed with Yuna in Osaka for a few more days, and would head back to Seoul with Junkyu.

"Thank you for everything, Yuna." He whispered, holding his brother's urn and luggage at his side as they were at the airport.

"Take care of Junkyu." Yuna blinked her eyes slowly as she took his hand.

Doyoung held back his tears by looking up. Asahi noticed how heartbroken he was and gave him a hug.

"I'm just glad that we brought justice to our loved ones. Your father, my brother, and Arthur, whom I'm sure still loves you now." Doyoung's words hit Yuna like a bullet train into her heart as she remembered them, especially Arthur who had been on her mind a lot lately. "Take care."

Yuna waved goodbye to her cousin, with Asahi by her side, as he left to check-in for his flight.

After Doyoung had gone, Yuna and Asahi headed to the car, where she remained quiet the whole time.

"Yuna, are you okay? I can sense that you're in deep thoughts." Asahi pointed out in concern.

"Can we visit my parents?" She asked him quietly.

Without any questioning, Asahi nodded his head and drove off to her desired destination. Reaching the columbarium, Yuna stood facing her parents' ossuaries, looking inside at a photograph of her as an infant with her mother holding her in her arms, and her father next to them as they smiled brightly.

"I never got to spend much time with my mom before she died." Yuna told Asahi as they walked out of the place. "I just hope she got to reunite with Dad in heaven and will no longer be alone."

Asahi didn't speak. Everything he knew about Yuna made him feel heartbroken. The raw feelings and emotions that he got, pierced through him so deeply. He admired how humans like her could be so strong to fight through this pain.

"Asahi." She suddenly said, causing him to make eye-contact with her. "I don't know what has gotten over me, but ever since I met you, my memories of Arthur were constantly reappearing, and I think soon I'll regain all of them back. Why must this happen? I don't want to remember Arthur, I don't want to remember the fact that he died because of me. Does that make me a horrible person? He sacrificed his life to save me, and yet I don't love him back?"

There was silence. Asahi stared at Yuna for a long time before he made a decision. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her into the car and drove away. It wasn't a long time before he stopped outside a cemetery. Yuna realized where the humanoid had brought her to.

"Is this...?" Yuna couldn't bring herself to say those words.

"Arthur's resting place. I contacted the orphanage that Arthur grew up in, and found out everything, his life before the accident occurred." Asahi explained.

Carefully, Asahi held her hand and led her to where Arthur was laid to rest. Yuna's hands and legs started to tremble, until she finally saw his grave.

"Why did you...? I... I know it now. I'll never be happy, I'll never feel comfort, maybe unless... I get to see him once more. Every time I push it away, it comes back, drowning me all over again. You could never understand, Asahi, never!"

"No, Yuna... It can't all be sorrow, can it? I've always been alone, so I don't feel the lack. It's all I've ever known. I've never experienced loss because I've never had a loved one to lose. But what is grief, if not love persevering?"

Yuna stared at Asahi, hearing those words brought the comfort that she needed since the beginning.

"The only reason why you feel this level of sadness is because of the love you feel for Arthur. It's a reminder that you've loved once and that love will remain within you and him."

Carefully, Asahi leaned closer to Yuna and kissed her lips gently.

"Don't put yourself in misery anymore. Give yourself a break and search for the happiness you deserve after so long."

Hugging the robot tightly, Yuna bursted out, "How can I live without you?"

Asahi grinned and replied, "Be With Me."

The End.

#riparthur fun fact about asahi's english name, arthur — sahi said in their debut vlive that this name was chosen from the joker, since the joker's real name is arthur 🥺 i think his fam loves the joker from that tmap episode iykyk

my apologies if the ending seemed a little rushed... writing the ending isn't really my strength.

i will have one last update regarding a new book that'll require you guys to help me vote so stay tuned! :) but before that here's the...


Yuna and Asahi had their dinner together in the apartment that housed the Kawazus, her home.

"Do you like it?" Asahi asked nervously as he watched Yuna take the first scoop of rice.

The humanoid had offered to cook dinner for her, in which Yuna had agreed to let him do it. Asahi whipped up ramen noodles, which seemed like an easy task for a robot, but he was worried that he didn't do a good job, even though he knew the exact amount of seasoning to add into the soup for the perfect flavor.

Yuna sipped the hot soup with her spoon before slurping the noodles. She nodded her head as she chewed.

"It's good!" She exclaimed happily.

Relieved, Asahi got out of his seat and started break-dancing on the floor. Yuna shook her head and sighed, unamused by his antics.

Ding-Dong. Yuna heard the doorbell and looked at the peephole. An unfamiliar man stood outside it.

"Yes?" She asked and opened the door.

The man bowed curtly and gave his ID to her.

"I'm from the Japanese Army and I work under the Colonel's authority. I'm here to ask if you're in possession of any sort of high-tech gadgets?"

At the corner of her eye, she saw Asahi fleeing to the bedrooms to hide himself.

"N-no, why?"

"An anonymous letter was sent to our headquarters last night regarding you, Miss Yuna Son Kawazu, possessing a powerful humanoid robot that has the potentiality of becoming a super-soldier? The Colonel would like you to hand over this android of yours for further investigations."

Oh, no...



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