Miraculous reacts to fanart a...

By thecabbagemerchant11

78.1K 714 339

We visited the Miraculous crew and make them react to fanart and memes. Basicaly what the title says. WARNING... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 1

9.6K 83 54
By thecabbagemerchant11

Marinette POV:

I woke to a slight tugging on my hair that was acompanied by a little voice yelling: "wake up Marinette, you're going to be late! Again!" "Five more minutes Tikki." I told my kwami lazily while trying to fall back asleep. "Marinette, you only have ten minutes until school starts!" Tikki yelled franticly. That woke me up. In ten minutes I got dressed, fixed my hair, grabbed some cookies for Tikki and a snack for myself and made it to school just as the bell rang for the start of class. However, instead of a teacher, two strange girls wearing casual clothing entered the classroom. The taller girl of the two raised a hand in greeting and said: "Hi, we will be your substitut "teachers" for today. You can call me Ms. Appa and my friend Ms. Momo" I wonderd why they had such unusual names but before my mind could dwell on it further Ms. Momo spoke up. "Today we will be showing you fanart and memes of yourselves, understood?" Alya raised her hand. "Excuse me Miss, but where did the fanart come from?" "Well, this will be kinda hard to explain but we acually come from a different universe where your lives are a TV show with multiple seasons. However, we will only show you things that can be understood after the first season." Ms. Momo answerd. After about a minute the meaning of this had fully sunk in and the class turned into chaos while I just sat still hoping that nobody would inquire about the identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir. No sooner had I finished this thought then Alya raised the dreaded question. "Does this mean you know the identities os Ladybug and Chat Noir? The entire class went silent anticipating the answer. Well, exept for Lila who was, as always, spewing some sort of lie or the other about knowing already who Ladybug was. "Shut up Lila!" Ms. Appa said. "Yes, we do know the identities of the Ladybug and Chat Noir but before we reveal them we will look at some ships and other random stuff." While part of me was exited aubout this a bigger part was worried about what my friends, most important of all  Adrien, would say to the fact that I am Ladybug.

Time Skip to theatre:

Adrien POV:

Today was probably the best day of my life!!! I'm going to find out who my lady is!!! When Ms. Appa and Ms. Momo first showed up I was confused about what was going on, but now I know.

To be honest I was slightly nervous when Ms. Appa said: "Alright then, let's go!" because when she clapped her hands we telaported  to a random room with a big screen. Even though I am a superhero things like still tend to freak me out as much as the avrage person.

Anyway, thats when I feel Plagg searching for cheese in my jacket. I try to calm him down before somone notices but in turns out that I shouldn't have worried because Ms. Appa and Ms. Momo ask for everyone to calm down so that they can explain what will happen first. "To start of with we will show you some fanart of you all together and you may comment on them as you please exept for Lila." Ms. Momo says. "Why can't I say anything?" Lila asks indignitly. "Because you're a liar and we don't like you." Ms. Appa states as though it's a fact. (The way she said it implies that where she comes from it is) Five minutes later Lila has been ductaped for silence and the first picture appears on the screen.

Rose: "Awwww, were're so cute!!!"

Chloe, Sabrina, Lila: "Why am I not in the drawing?"

Ms. Appa: " Because not many people like Chloe and Lila and Sabrina always hangs out with Chloe. Thats why."

Kim: "I look good but I don't like the look of mischief on Alix's face."

Nino: "I really like mine and Alya's pictures but I'm confused, why is Adrien blushing?"

Marrinette thoughts: 'I'm next to Adrien and he's blushing in the picture!'

Max: "According to my calculations there is a 75% chance that Adriens blush was affected by Marinette and a 25% chance that it is not blush at all."

Mylene, Alya, Rose, Juleka, Alix: "Adrien is blushing because of Marinette!!!"

Adrien: "Marinette? No, she's just a"

Ms.Appa/Momo: "Don't you dare finish that sentence you oblivious, dense cinnamon roll!"

Adrien (scared): "What did I do wrong?"

Nathaniel (jealous): "Let's look at the next picture already."

Ms. Appa: (clicks to next picture)

Alya: "There is not much to say about this one is there?"

Chloe: "Why is Mari-trash next to MY Adrikins? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!!"

Sabrina: "Cheer up Chloe! At least you look beautiful as always!"

Max: "The quatlity of this picture is astounding."

Kim: "Why is Alix not in it? Not that I care but still."

Alix (sarcasam): "Thanks for not caring."

Nino: "Typical Alya taking pictures."

Alya: "OMGOSH Marinette! You are wearing a Chat Nior sweater and Adrien is wearing a Ladybug sweater AND he has his hand on your shoulder!!!!"

Adrien: "You look good Marinette!"

Ms.Appa/Momo: "Just a friend, huh?"

Adrien: (blushes)

Marinette (blushing): "A-a-adrien alright you are? I-i-mean, are you alright?"

Adrien (mumbles): "I'm fine."

Rose: "Juleka, we are wearing matching headbands!!! But I have to say that Marinette have never looked cuter."

Alya: "High five Rose."

Adrien, Marinette: (blushes more)

Juleka: "Those headbands are pretty cute."

Nathaniel: "Why is Lila looking at me like that?"

Lila (without ducktape for this short moment): "This picture is so wrong. I should be with Adrien because, mpf.."(get's ducktaped again)

Ivan: "I look so happy because of Mylene."

Mylene: "I really should get you a guitar for christmas."

Ms. Appa: "Ok, last picture of all of you. This one is based on what aculally happend"

Ms.Momo: "This was when you were creating that movie before Mylene got akumatized."

Everyone: "Ooooohhhh"

Ms. Appa: "Okay  next we will be looking at........"

A/n: We do not own any of the fanart or the charaters. Thanks for reading:). Please do not be to harsh at our first atempt at fanfictions. Bye!!!!

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