broken souls of blame | milev...

By rndlie

9.5K 409 245

she took all the blame on her fathers death and he took all the blame on his father's hatred towards his moth... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven

chapter thirteen

265 14 7
By rndlie



where u at
u said we were meeting back at the food court
does peeing take that long

will, marshmallows r on sale
idk where i am
but marshmallows!!

hold on
dude no one knows where a marshmallow stand is!
what do u see around u

oh i see u

holy fucking hell

u look super short

el, i swear

i need to get my marshmallows first
can u not see me!!!

no you're short as hell

that's rude
i see a very tall large mike
he can probably see me

yep he can
u r so dumb
couldn't u have just said in front of hollister?

i'm so sorry but at least you found me 🙂🙂

you're so dumb

why, thank u 🥰
why r we still texting
i c u, u c me

because you are still texting

then imma go!
(seen 4:46pm)


"marshmallows, look!" el smiles widely, "they have different flavours too!"

"you idiot, we're not getting these. they're way to expensive." will says.

"no they're not! miss sales lady, how much is the big bags?" she asks the sales.

the woman smiles down softly at her, "one bag is $10, two are $15."

"see! so cheap! i'll take four bags, please. one chocolate flavour, strawberry, sprinkles and oh, the snow frost special!" el smiles widely.

"el-" wills starts.

"oh shush, don't you like it when i eat?" she snaps, taking out her money, "what's my total?"

"you dumbass, 15 times 2." mike laughs at her as she shoots him a glare.

"it's $30, darling." the woman's smiles, "i'll give you a small bag of marshmallows for free. the flavour is special so if you like it you can come back and get it."

el gasps happily, "thank you!" she hands her the money and grabs the bag in exchange, "i will come back."

"alright that's enough sweets." will drags her away as she continues to wave with a smile, "will! let go!"

he lets go off her as she huffs, "i wonder what's the special flavour."

"you can taste it at home. we're going to eat now." he says as she groans quietly.

"but i don't want to eat." she says.

"well tough, mom says-

"i do not care. now hold this, i need to go pee again." she hands him the bags of marshmallows.

"what? again!?" he asks.

"yep." she nods, skipping off to the bathroom.

she sees the long line outside the girls bathroom and it wasn't like she actually needed to go, she just wanted to get away from wills and the party for a little while.

so instead, she walked into the handicap bathroom but before she could close and lock it, a foot stops the door.

"hey, let me in." mike smiles, peeking his head in.

"what are you doing!?" she exclaims but still opens the door wider for him.

"wanted to see why you're running off." he says, shutting the door and locks it.

"i'm not running off." she crosses her arms over her chest, "mhm." he hums, "so you still mad at me as you were last week or what?"

"i was never mad at you!" she denies.

he raises an eyebrow at her, "yes you were. after the fake couple date."

"oh, that. well, i'm passed it. i cried about it and realised you kissed me and it's over with because it's not like my first kiss will come back. maybe i'll just save my second one." she shrugs.

"but what if your second gets stolen again?" he asks, taking a step closer to her.

"and who would want to steal it?" she asks as he steps even close to her where they stay face to face.

"i don't know.... maybe i would." he whispers lowly as her breath hitches, "you wouldn't. why would you kiss me again anyways?"

"i don't know..." he whispers, "would you want me to kiss you again?"

her lips presses into a thin line and stays quiet.

his hand makes his way to her chin and lifts her face up to face his.

smirking, he says, "something about you... there is just something about you." he leans in to kiss her as she gasps quietly and closes her eyes.

his free hand makes its way to her waist, pulling her closer as she whimpers quietly.

she couldn't believe this was happening. mike was kissing her!

the michael wheeler!

oh my god... the michael wheeler.

one of the most popular kids of the school! the guy that every girl fawns over!

why would he want her!?

so she pushes him away with a small frown, "don't use me... please." she looks up at him before walking past him and out of the stall.

running out of the bathroom area, she takes a deep breath before walking towards will, "i have period cramps, can we go home? please." she whispers in his ear.

he nods immediately, "yes, of course. guys we're going home, something came up." he says, grabbing el's hand as they all nod, "fine then we'll just wait for mr-taking-a-shit by ourselves." dustin says sarcastically as they all laugh.

"alright, bye then." will waves before him and el walks off. he turns to her, "does it hurt a lot?"

"what? oh, no. yeah, it's just annoying, i just wanna go home and draw. sorry, i had to drag you away from your friends once again." she apologises quietly before grabbing one of the bags of marshmallows and opening it.

"it's alright, it was a bit boring anyways." he chuckles as she nods silently, placing a marshmallow in her mouth.


"psst! yo freak." someone taps el on the shoulder as she turns around with a hum.

"someone told me to pass this to you." he hands her a note as she grabs it with a nod.

she opens the note secretly just so the teacher doesn't notice.

go to the bathroom, the closest girls one. i'll meet you there in 5.
- mike

she scrunches up the paper into a small ball and turns around to look at him. he raises his eyebrows and tilts his head towards the door.

she sighs quietly, raising her hand as the teacher nods for her to speak, "can i use the restroom?"

the teacher nods and continues to focus on the stuff on the board.

she stands up quickly, grabbing her stuff as well since it was almost the end of the class. making her way out of the classroom, she walks down the hall and to the girls bathroom.

leaning against the wall, she plays with her fingernails and waits for mike. she did consider leaving and to get a drink instead but during her contemplation, he walks in.

"i stand corrected, this bathroom is one of the worsts in the school." he says, shutting the door as she shrugs.

"i don't wanna be late for my next class." she says quietly, "just say what you have to say."

"so about yesterday-"

"can we not speak of it? look you obviously don't like me that way and you just wanted to kiss someone a-and you chose me because i was there. it's fine, really. just... just don't do it a-again and it'll be fine." she rambles on.


"no, mike. it's okay, r-really. you did it for the t-thrill, because i'm fun and dumb. it's fine." she looks down.


"no, mike! we don't need to talk about it." she sighs, "i'm going to my next class." she clutches onto the strand of her backpack and walks past him.

he grabs ahold of her wrist as she winces loudly, making him let go quickly.

she pulls her hand back, holding it close to her chest as she caresses her wrist.

"did you hurt-"

"no." she cuts him off.

"el, don't lie." he says quietly.

"they help with my... nightmares and rare hallucinations." she mumbles, "it doesn't matter, i need to go." she grabs ahold of the door handle.

"el, i didn't kiss you because you're fun and dumb." he speaks up before she could open the door, "then why?"

he sighs, "i don't know but-"

"but what, mike? i'm not of your little barbies where you can kiss and then i'll fawn over you and then you can hurt me! it doesn't work like that!" she shouts as he nods, "yes, i know."

"then stop. please stop, please don't use me and please don't hurt me like this." she begs.

"i'm not trying to." he says as she sighs quietly, "but you are."

"and i didn't mean to." he tells her as she lets go off the door handle, "then why did you kiss me!? why did you treat me like one of the girls you occasionally kiss for pleasure?"

"i don't treat you like that."

"but it feels like it! y-you're the michael wheeler, why would you want to kiss me? what's so great about me!?" she exclaims.

"i don't know, you tell me! you tell me what's so fucking interesting about you!" he exclaims.

she stays quiet making him sigh.

"look, i'm sorry." he says quietly, "don't be mad."

"i'm not mad. i just don't want you to use me!"

"i'm not trying to!" he exclaims.

"then please tell me why you kissed me." she pleads.

now it was his turn to stay quiet.

"you don't even know why yourself." she scoffs quietly, "i'm going to class." she walks out.

"no, el!" he shouts after her as she shakes her head.

"fucking hell." he punches the wall.

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