My Charming Alpha

By volvo098

270 24 0

He hates his family because of the incident that happened in his childhood, which he wants to forget desperat... More

The dinner part - 1
The drunkards
His First Kiss
ominous feeling
Back to home
Creeping Fear
someone sneaked in !!
New beginning
Do you like him...?
Met Accidentally
The family he longed for ....
Pain in the heart...
Everything is over now
Not feeling well
Next step together

The dinner part - 2

25 2 0
By volvo098

  " why not? " jasper said  ' I thought he won't come, well I also have to get to know him, by the way, when did max inform him. '

They headed to a simple but good restaurant and ordered things. The restaurant is lited by gold and red light to give off an amicable atmosphere and there were two candles at each table, it will be like a candlelight dinner if weren't there for three people. Jasper and max sit together while Edward is opposite. Jasper was confused, Edward didn't ask anything and ordered food on his own, then he took a look at the table.
'  Wasn't it all the food Max liked, what!! am I not human? '  he frowned at this partial treatment.

" What did you liked about max? "

" He is beautiful and cheerful " Edward smiled sweetly towards max.

" This old dialogue won't work on me, so can you explain to me why honestly"

" Ha, if this won't work then I know nothing will, I just liked him there is no reason. I know, you think I am a Playboy and all but -- "

*sneering jasper commented " I'm not the only one who thinks that " by cutting the words he was going to say.

" Okay, everyone knows but am not the type to cheat with others while dating. You don't have to worry, I did know about max maybe not to the level you have known him, but I can assure you that I will not make him unhappy or deceive him"

The dinner went silent after jasper nodded to him. Max was happy that his friend permitted him to date him. It feels like someone is there for him, backing him up and making him think that everything is going to be okay from here onwards, that he was also going to be loved.

Edward asked max to get some things from the convenience store after stepping out of the restaurant. They are in front of the restaurant now waiting for max.

" You can say what you're thinking about now,"  Edward said, seeing in distance without focusing on anything. He notices jasper needs to say something to him the whole time they spent but can't get the chance. So, he's giving the chance now. He's dating max now, he has to pull his friend to his side that way max won't feel insecure and think nonsense. He really feels a little wrong,  he was named playboy it's not like he was dating two or three at the same time,  he was just a flirt, he can't deny that though. He suddenly remembered something that occurred three years ago, the time when this two omega's enters the company and were placed in his department.

                  He just promoted as Team leader then and outright he tries to flirt with them. He was stunned to see their beauties even though they act as they are not that beautiful but he had to admit that they are rare beauties. 

when both of them don't even budge during his flirting period he began to doubt his handsomeness, isn't he handsome he is one of the top three attractive men in his company. how come they don't Pay attention to him, little did he know that they got mesmerized when they first saw him but their position as a new employee fear, got them over and directed their attention to work.
After the failure, he swears to himself that he had to make one of them, his boyfriend but he never tried and forget the swearing pretty quickly. He never dated any male omega's, the ones that flock around him were all girls and he didn't bother to find a male to have a one-night stand or in a relationship because his hands were always full.

But he doesn't even dream that he will date max one day, he was bored after breaking up with his ex so he went with fluke to pursue him. He threw his fishnet to catch him and get succeeded at the end of two months chasing. it's was hard for him to get into this relationship. Because of his famous philander rumours, max was sacred at the sight of him when he starts to chase him, after layers and layers of coating and melting he gets him in his hand.  This was one of the new and hardest experiences for him. He doesn't even know why he began to chase max, I mean he has a lot of followers but he didn't dwell on this matter longer when jasper starts to speak.

"  I don't know if max mentioned this to you or not but I have to, he's a orphan, he never sees his parents  and he never dated anyone, can you understand what I am trying to tell you "

" I got it " max voice made them put stop to their conversation.

The ride to their apartment is silent. ' of course I understand what are you implying that if am not serious, I have to get back before the relationship got serious and max gets hurt'. Jasper gets out of the car and enters the building after bidding good night to Edward. Max was sitting next to the driver seat where Edward is.

" What were you talking about when I came back from buying things? "

" Nothing, I have to say something to you max " Edward said

" mm "

They got out of the car and went to sit in the nearby stone bench .

" See I already told this but I have to say it again so listen, I will not cheat with anyone when I'm in a relationship, I will be honest with you, respect you and care for you " but I will like you and love you didn't come from his mouth he didn't want to entangle further in a relationship where there is no love and honest, to love each other the important thing is trust.  so he has to tell everything to make them trust you and open up to you.

" I have been in many relationships sometimes serious and sometimes not and there are many Rumours about me even I knew about that but not all is false and not all is true. I want you to trust me and if anything or anyone makes you misunderstand,  you have to tell me forwardly don't burden yourself and if you feel insecure lean on to me, if I have any problem I too will be straightforward, there will be no lies in our relationship, that way we can understand each other, I want to be serious in this relationship and want this to work out well for us. Do you understand?  I want to love you with all my heart so can you trust me? "

The word came out without his consent he internally facepalmed himself. just now he thought he will only say the word when they trust each other but said it in the next second.

There is no answer, five minutes have passed already, Edward is started to getting embarrassed about the words he poured out like he was in a romantic movie that repeats in his head like a broken radio. He never thought he will say this much just to get them to trust him.

He turns his head to the side to see max face and was shocked a little. He was sniffling, it's okay maybe he get touched by his word maybe not, it's not that romantic but why his face is ripe like a tomato. is he blushing? but why.

Suddenly there is a urge to hug him the next moment he reached out his hand and comfortably wraps around him, it also happens without his consent, it's like a reflex action, but he's happy about it.

There is a ripe tomato in his arms smiling shyly who is a moment ago sniffling " mm? " Edward shakes him slightly in his arm to answer the speech he talked about minutes ago.

" I understood, then are we dating now? " max who is short that is  5.4  compared to the alpha Edward and had a small frame slim, and gentle fits right into his arms, leaning against his chest, peek upwards like a cat. Edward looked down at the ripe tomato and kissed his forehead with a gentle smile said "  yes, as you said we get permission from jasper so we are officially dating now and also a couple ".

Hey readers!! I'm a new author, I hope to write a good story so please bear my writing, I'll try to improve my writing and your comments and likes will be my boasting so comment a lot, if you have any suggestions regarding my story you can also comment me that, add my story in your library if it's good...Thank you 

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