nothing fucking good.

By B4kug0usnumber1s1mp

35.2K 1.4K 1.1K

Bakugou has to deal with COVID and mental issues in one way or another. Let's just say nothing good comes out... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
authors notes (ily all)

Chapter 23

613 34 5
By B4kug0usnumber1s1mp

(Authors note: hi! I'm back again. This chapter is a lot shorter. It only has 1000 words, but it doesn't need to be that long. sassy deku pov. hahah. trigger warning for the usual! enjoy!)

Deku was trying to analyse the situation at hand as best he could. Least be said, it wasn't as easy as he had bargained. Kacchan just wasn't giving him enough clues. Not that Kacchan would if he could.

You see, he had started to suspect something fishy after he saw Kacchan at the shops all that time back, he just didn't really know what to do. But, now, things had changed massively.

Deku could tell that something fishy was definitely going on, no need to speculate. But what he would have to speculate on, is what exactly the fishy thing is.

He tried to guess that Kacchan had gone back to... what he did in middle school. But when changing in the lockers he hadn't seen any new marks on his arms or anything, so he had temporarily crossed that out (in case the situation flipped) and there was also the fact that Kacchan had lost a remarkable amount of weight. He could tell Kacchan had lost a lot of weight when he could see how defined his muscles were, whilst changing in the locker rooms, and how beneath all the muscle, bone was clearly visible.

When looking at Kacchan's physique, the muscle looked almost gross looking, the ropes of muscle poking out of ghostly white skin, and ribs and hip bones jutting out scarily. He looked ill.

Deku wasn't a Docter, so he couldn't diagnose him with any illness, but perhaps if he had an idea of what was wrong, he could urge Kacchan to find a doctor to help.

Not that Kacchan would take any of the advice light heartedly. Knowing Kacchan, it was most likely that he would get yelled at for presuming such 'a strong, independent hero' like him would ever need help, but excuse him for noticing what was obvious.

Speaking of how obvious it was that he looked (and most likely was) ill, most of his classmates didn't seem to notice, or maybe they didn't care. Kirishima for one, would care the most if he noticed. But maybe his skull was a bit too strong and a bit too thick.

Kirishima wasn't the only one with a thick skull though! Kacchan had the thickest skull. Yes, the subject of the topic was also going to get shade thrown at. He had obviously been in pain when he was refusing to go to recovery girl that very day at lunch. Like what the fuck? He had been hunched over, and he was groaning like he was going into fucking labour or some shit. Dumb. He needed to stop being so petty, and just realise that sometimes everyone needs a bit of help.

Back to the subject of finding out what was wrong with Kacchan, he thought the best time to analyse his childhood friend was in the middle of the free study lesson, basically a lesson where you take the time and do work for a class of your choice. Obviously, that wasn't a very good idea since Mr Aizawa usually falls asleep, so everyone uses the spare lesson to converse with each other. He had to feign endorsement in his maths homework so his friends would back off slightly and let him think.

At this point, he wasn't completely sure if Kacchan was losing all this weight by accident. Deku hadn't forgotten the first night back when Mei reported back Katsuki working out calories for his dinner. At first, he kind of felt bad for snooping in Kacchan's business since he was directing his phone away from his friends, and Mei could only see it because of the use of her quirk, but turns out that could be evidence of something to do with Kacchan weirdness.

Eh, he didn't really have to worry about Kacchan's confidentiality in times of need like this anyways.

The point he was trying to make was, what if Kacchan was on a diet or something, and he was fine, he just looked skinny? But there was also the possibility he was turning anorexic, and that's why he was skinny.

In all honesty, Deku wanted to believe it was the first option, but the second one stayed prominent in his mind.

A shiver of anxiety coursed through the green haired boy, and he hunched over his maths homework more, worried immensely. To think Kacchan was right in front of him, the same Kacchan that had the potential to be anorexic, the same Kacchan that had the potential to be hurting himself again, made him feel sick.

He tilted his head to stare hard at the back of the blonde's head, zoning out everything else around him, ignoring the sound of his classmates fooling around.

He swore to God, if Kacchan died from anorexia or anything else akin, he would never be able to call himself a hero again. He wouldn't have the right to.

Alright, maybe he was getting too far ahead of himself, but he couldn't keep his anxiety riddled mind away from the possibility that this seemingly small inconvenience could lead to a big tragic death or some unrealistic shit like that.

From what little he did know; he knew that the circumstances weren't exactly the best, and he had to attempt to do something about it.

With that in mind, he created a plan. The plan went along the lines of this:

Involve 1 or 2 trustworthy people. Spy a little (on Kacchan of course). Find enough evidence of the fishy thing that is definitely going on. Take that evidence to an adult that can (and will) do something about it. Stop the fishy thing and then, boom, a happy ending!

That's what Izuku longed for, but he was a bit stuck on who he would involve and how he would actually go through with the spying.

He needed someone sneaky like Mei that could keep things under wraps and look at things from a distance, and he needed someone that cared enough to help, would be useful, and someone that could help move the plan along swiftly.

Out of all the people he could get involved for the second person, Kirishima, and any other of Kacchan's friends were immediately crossed out.

They were too personally involved with Kacchan and wouldn't see it as much as a mission as helping their friend, and the personal –ness would most likely be a hindrance, not to mention the general chaotically of the friend group.

At least he had got the bases of his plan sorted out now, but he was really tired now. This kinda stuff was really stressful. Maybe he could take a half an hour nap to get his energy up.

(Authors note: hi again. if you're wondering, Kacchan doesn't have anorexia, thats just deku going off on a tangent. he does have other stuff that will be revealed in later chapters! sorry for the kinda boring chapter, bye!)

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