n o v a (incomplete)

By a_soft_bun

151K 6.8K 3.8K

nova lives in a sea of grey. her world is a dull canvas, bleak and lifeless. having grown up with an unortho... More

disclaimer/trigger warning
i n t r o
second account info
o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e
t h i r t e e n
f o u r t e e n
f i f t e e n
s i x t e e n
s e v e n t e e n
e i g h t e e n
n i n e t e e n
t w e n t y
t w e n t y - o n e
t w e n t y - t w o
t w e n t y - t h r e e
t w e n t y - f o u r
t w e n t y - f i v e
t w e n t y - s i x
t w e n t y - s e v e n
t w e n t y - e i g h t
t w e n t y - n i n e
t h i r t y
t h i r t y - o n e
t h i r t y - t w o
t h i r t y - t h r e e
t h i r t y - f o u r
t h i r t y - s i x
t h i r t y - s e v e n
t h i r t y - e i g h t
t h i r t y - n i n e

t h i r t y - f i v e

2.2K 133 97
By a_soft_bun

if you are reading this story on any other platform apart from Wattpad (https://www.wattpad.com/home) you are very likely to be at the risk of a malware attack. if you wish to read this story in it's original, safe form please go to (https://www.wattpad.com/user/a_soft_bun). thank you!

t h i r t y - f i v e 

The dark-haired female sits on the rug, legs stretched out on the floor, limbs being pulled deliciously as she does so, resting her elbow on a pillow and propping herself up with her hand. Her blue sweatpants are baggy on her bottoms, the thin grey cotton tee she wore tucked into the material. Bright, morning white cascades into the room, making it feel open and glorious.

Her mocha hues are currently stuck to her phone, now propped up in a specific angle against the coffee table, camera angled towards her.

The blonde occupies the majority of her screen, which is dark for the most part except the dim hue emanating onto her face from the lampshade, tinting her room a shade of rose pink. It was well past midnight in her old hometown, the blonde just having come home from her shift at the nightclub.

"I miss you bubba," the blonde murmurs, voice low with the lull of sleep heavy in her voice. Nova felt bad that they were video calling at such a bad hour for her, but Kelsey was persistent in doing so, despite her tiredness.

Nova's face curves, features widening and a warmth spreading over her chest. Her voice is soft, lips pouting.

"No, I miss you," it's murmured shyly, the blonde chuckling from the other side.

Despite their contact being a little up and down in the beginning, they had now managed to find a routine, managing to call every day at such hours, with the odd text here and there. The blonde was already updated with everything, knowing every single inch of the events occurring since Nova's move, and it makes the dark-haired female feel good. It's as if Kelsey is right here with her.

She loved her blonde so, so much. So incredibly much. More than anyone. This was her haven, her absolute source of comfort. Here her joy and happiness piqued. Her heart swells, warmth falling all over her, cheeks pulled high into a wide smile.

Only her blonde could make her feel like this.

"Is that Princess Nokia?" her voice is raspy, and Nova's mouth curves, mocha hues narrowing at the culprit, the man too busy making himself home in her kitchen, lean frame moving to the song playing quietly in the background.

"Rocco," and the sole word explains it all, the blonde's features curling into a laugh.

She had heard much about this flamboyant male and was very glad Nova had taken to him. It meant she had someone there with her, another individual there to keep her happy and encourage her growth.

"He's got good taste," the blonde murmurs, and Nova shrugs.

"His music taste might be good, but the same cannot be said for his cooking skills," and the two females laugh to one another, Nova lifting her head to keep an eye on the male with tousled hair, carefully assessing whether her kitchen was still standing.

"What's his ass making today?" and Nova giggles.

"Breakfast muffins," and Kelsey pulls a face.

"Good luck swallowing those baby," the blonde cuddling into her duvet, eyes watching Nova.

"Excuse me? I'm not deaf, I can hear the both of you shitting on me. Blondie don't be talking about Nova swallowing when we all know she aint swallowing nun," Rocco yells, flour smeared on his right cheek, brows narrowed at the both of them.

"Yo, leave my girl and her lack of swallowing out of this. This was about your dusty-ass muffins," the blonde's voice tinges through the microphone. Rocco makes a sound of offence, an audible gasp. Nova giggles some more, turning onto her back.

"Dusty? I'll talk about dusty. And your girl? How the fuck is she yours, when she's up in this house with me? Huh?" Kelsey just kisses her teeth, lips pulled into a smile.

"Yeah, that's what I fucking thought. Your mouth was big, tryna come for my throat. Nah. That ain't it. Yeah, you forgot, didn't you? Nova's mine now. My bestie," the blonde is unimpressed with him, rolling her eyes.

"Have fun consoling yourself with that. We both know who sits in her heart, and it aint you. Control yourself, before I snake you out to her man,"

Rocco just curses in italian, turning his attention back to his muffins.

"You're all good yeah?" and Nova nods, giving Kelsey a soft smile, watching the female break through another yawn.

"He choke you again?" and Nova gasps, pressing her lips to her fingers, eyes darting to Rocco, who thankfully is too busy trying to figure out how to turn the mixer on.

"Kelsey," it's a quiet whine of complaint from her, cheeks red and the blonde laughing in amusement. She loved teasing her. Her eyes roll, narrowing to Nova's throat – bruises still not faded.

She hadn't seen him at all since; it had been coming onto four days since, the Lupus family still present.

"Come on. We both know you want him to. Ask him," and Nova shakes her head. Humiliation floods her, because deep down she does want him to.

"Ask him," she repeats, eyes glinted with mischievousness.

"I'm ending the call," her tone is blunt with the threat, the blonde shouting in protest, before the two collapse into laughter once again.

"Is Reggie good? And Marice? What about Adela and her man?" Nova bombards her with questions, the blonde gazing at her in adoration before beginning.

During their conversation, a yelp from the male in the kitchen distracts the both of them, a sigh coming from Nova when realising that the bowl for the stand mixer hadn't been secured properly, and when the male switched it on, the bowl had flung across, landing on the floor with the unmixed contents falling out.

The chocolate-haired female only sighs, a hand coming to her forehead with the accumulating stress.

Kelsey just stares with a blank face.

"Get some sleep. We'll talk later bubs," Nova murmurs, getting up and grabbing her phone. Kelsey only gives her a grin.

"Have a good day baby," the call ending.

"Rocco, you had one job," it's a grumble from Nova, padding over to the kitchen, the male looking sheepish with his head ducked low.

Rocco hadn't been kidding when he said he was going to eat here often; he'd come over every single day for breakfast. They both agreed that making breakfast would be alternated before them, and that Rocco had to bring his own ingredients.

"I'm sorry," Rocco pouts, eyes gleaming.

"I tried. I even put protein powder in them, because I know you're going to Mara's today to get that muscle," and Nova's lip curve with the extent of his thought, a warmth settling in her.

Today was Saturday, and the two of them were to head out in an hour so Nova could get her own workout in before attending her first session for the self-defence programme.

"I appreciate that," tapping his cheek before handing him the broom and dustpan. The gamma grumbles about having to clean, but does it anyway, knowing it was his fault.

The grey tabby curled at the opposite end of the kitchen, pressed against the pane and watching snow fall snickers, a teasing hiss made his way. Rocco only swears at him, eyes flashing intensely.

"Your cat is fucking rude," and Nova only giggles, watching him dump everything from the floor into the bin, spraying it down and wiping it with a cloth.

"I'm not taking credit for that. That's on his daddy. Whoever that deadbeat is," and Rocco only grins, coming over to join her at the counter, where she shows him how to properly attach the bowl.

They make the muffins together, Nova also making a protein smoothie for the both of them two, setting down into the small table and eating together. Nova enjoyed Rocco's company and the fact that she wasn't alone in the mornings. He still let her keep to herself when she wished.

Rocco had integrated himself into her life smoothly.

"What time is your appointment on Monday?" Rocco asks, mouth full of muffin. Nova wrinkles her nose at his mannerisms, thinking back to the email from the therapist she had reached out to. She needed it desperately.

Though she had moved to a new location entirely, the nightmares still followed and she was too hesitant on calling Romaues for comfort, not when he was incredibly busy, and not after their last encounter. She saw a newer side to both him, and to herself, and she wouldn't be able to see him the same after. Her thighs press with the mere thought, nibbling the crust of her second muffin.

"It's for nine," and Rocco nods, murmuring how he'd be here to give her a ride.

"These didn't turn out that bad you know," and Rocco just gives a sly wink, tucking an imaginary strand of hair behind his ear. Nova only rolls her eyes, regretting complimenting him.

A bell hits the door as they're clearing up, Nova taking the initiative to open it with Leo closely following after, in case it's another mutt needed to be scared off.

"Mama," the word falls from her lips, eyes wide and features curled into an appreciative smile. The woman before her holds adoration in her eyes, lips tilted up. She adorns a heavy coat of black, with a dainty little hat and sleek gloves.

Snow gently falls behind her, covering the porch and path.

"Please come in. You must be cold," Nova ushers her in, closing the door and taking her coat and outdoor things for her, hanging them up.

Mama only gazes at the female, before her attention drops down to the creature of grey circling them. Nova grows stricken, nervously gnawing on the inside of her cheek, hoping Leo doesn't attack her. She didn't want Mama to dislike Leo or her for that matter.

It was her first time visiting and she didn't want the occasion to be disastrous. A bubble of nerves sits in her; what was the occasion. Why was mama here?

Her attention is held elsewhere, looking at the grey tabby carefully.

To her surprise, Leo is friendly, padding forward and tilting his head in demand of affection. Mama only laughs, sound hearty and glorious, making Nova feel all cosy. Leo is petted, before Nova shyly encourages Mama to come in further.

"Rocco. Is that how I raised you?" her tone becomes hard with a snap, surprising the male whose feet are up on the table, jolting him in surprise so hard he almost falls out of the chair.

"No-no. Sorry Mama," it's a mumble, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"I'm terribly sorry my sweet daughter. I never realised my sons were complete buffoons," and Rocco only grows sheepish, muttering out an apology.

"Go entertain yourself elsewhere. I wish to spend some alone time with my Nova," and Rocco complies, shooting Nova a sorrowful look before curving into the furthest end of the living room, pulling his phone out and scrolling through his direct messages.

"I wish I knew you were coming, there isn't much-," Nova's growing worried, before Mama grabs her by the hand.

"There is nothing I want from you, but your presence," Nova blushes, feeling nervous. Mama had such an intense feeling of warmth around her, a type of love Nova hadn't felt in almost a decade.

"There's some muffins. And tea perhaps?" tilting her head, and the older woman nods with a kind smile, taking a seat at the table.

"Your house is beautiful," commenting as the kettle is boiled, Nova pulling two mugs and setting the teabags into them, warming up some milk in the microwave.

Mama watches carefully, eyes noticing the discolouration on her neck. Her mouth curls, making a note in her mind to reprimand the son responsible for it.

"I can't take credit Mama. It was all your Romeo," a soft chuckle. Mama watches this slender female, noting the softness to her and the quiet lull surrounding her. Simple perfection was what Nova was.

Mama couldn't wait to watch her blossom, already planning on taking her through several Luna activities when she was deemed ready enough. Romaues had made her promise not to do such a thing for at least a week.

She was biding her time.

"It was. He's done an immaculate job in placing your presence into these walls," and Nova nods, letting the tea brew, setting some muffins into a fancy plate, with other little trinkets such as cakes and biscuits.

"I would have come much sooner to visit you. I'd love to talk with you and get to know you more, but I fear I've been incredibly busy with our current guests, so much that this visit will be short in length too," Mama murmurs, a frown coming over her.

Nova pulls her lower lip between her teeth, pouring the frothy milk into the mugs, just enough so the tea is rich in colour.

"That's a shame, but it's okay. We have all the time in the world to get to know each other when you aren't as busy. I'll be looking forward to it," giving her a soft smile. Mama beams at her, thanking her as she sets down the tea-cups and the plates.

"How are you settling in my sweet?" sipping her tea, taking some cake. Nova smiles, hands nervously cupping around her own.

She didn't want to seem like a fool.

"I think it's been quite the transition, but having Romaues and Rocco around have made it easier. I've been enjoying getting to know everyone. It's quite a big family," she quietly laughs, and Mama smiles.

"Yes, we are blessed. I'm glad you've taken to us so well, especially considering you didn't have as big as a dynamic. It's been a pleasure having you here; every one of us adores you," Nova's cheeks tinge pink.

Mama speaks in a heavily accented tone, low and rich.

"I came here for a reason darling," and Nova nods, brows softly curving together. Mama takes her hand, placing her palm over hers.

"It's nothing for you to fret over," she begins. Nova nods, tilting her head.

"You're aware of the Lupus family currently taking up the guestrooms here," and Nova confirms this by nodding. Mama sighs.

"And you're aware of the predicament with Romeo?" and she nods again, Mama's features dimming.

"We never meant for such a feat to occur. We just didn't want our boy to rule alone. It's a heavy burden," Nova's inside writhe.

"When he told us of you, we were ecstatic. And after meeting you, there's no way we could ever disposition you. I'm aware of everything you've been through, and I make no move to push you into this world. But I cannot have another woman step into the place of my daughter," Mama's tone is low, fiercely passionate.

"You are mine. Ours," and Nova's head twirls, eyes pricking with never having ever felt such protectiveness. She'd been on her own for so long.

She didn't think she deserved it.

"The Lupus family is leaving today, and as a farewell, we're holding a dinner. I'm aware Romeo has asked you to stay away, but I am taking the initiative to invite you there myself," Mama's hand is soothing, running over Nova's.

Nova shifts anxiously.

"I want you to come. I want you to be there. I want you to take your place in my family. Not as a Luna. Simply as one of my own. I need you there, to show them, that we accept you wholly. Regardless of what happens," the tears spill from Nova's eyes, Mama warmly chuckling, wiping them away from her and kissing the top of her head.

"I speak nothing but the truth. It's been a few days, but we wolves are very familial, very protective. You are seen as our blood and nothing less," she hums.

"So, what do you say? Can you accept this place in your family? For your Mama? If you aren't comfortable, there is no pressure. I would like you there though," and Nova sighs, before nodding.

Mama had personally come here to ask; she couldn't refuse despite the feelings of unease surrounding it.

Mama beams, pressing another kiss to her head in thanks, finishing the rest of her tea.

"Let's keep this from Romeo. He doesn't understand that you can't be sheltered from it all," her eyes twinkle, and Nova softly giggles with a nod to her head, walking Mama out.

Nova doesn't have much time to mill over what had just happened, or to adjust her feelings. Her eyes have found the clock, and immediately begins to rush before she was late. She heads upstairs, changing into her gym gear – a sports bra and some thin grey bottoms that were breathable, pulling over a hoodie over. Her duffle bag is packed, with her essentials and a water bottle.

"Rome's not going to like it," it's the first Rocco's spoken when they've entered his car, venturing down the road. Nova plays with the strings of her bottoms.

"Could I have said no to her?" and the male just sighs.

"I don't necessarily want to be there. She scares me. They all do," Nova quietly admits.

"It's a good thing you have me there then. At least the food will be lit," and her lips tip up, the music from the radio drowning out the silence settling between them.

They reach pretty soon, Rocco taking his leave and letting her be.

Nova utilises the gym, which was wholly empty from anyone in this moment, doing her normal routine that she would do at home. Her muscles would be warmed up, then it would be some light cardio. Today was a core and arms day, focusing on the weights and the planks.

It had been so long since she'd put her muscles to the test, and the burn and the strain of it feels so deliriously good. She liked the pain.

It's enough to have her sweat, the female pacing around in the open air to cool down before heading in.

Her stomach is corrupted with nerves when she's in the respectful room, watching the other humans present, and Mara walking around with some equipment.

"I need you all in pairs," her voice is quiet, but commanding. They all pair up with their normal partners, Nova left alone.

Mara's head tilts, dark brown eyes analysing her carefully.

"Looks like you're with me princess," gesturing for her to come forward. Nova does so with a heavy sigh, curious to see what was to happen next.

Rocco wasn't lying when he said Mara was no babysitter.

The high warrior was stern, with an unrelenting passion for pain instilled within her. She showed no mercy on the individuals participating in her programme, pushing them far enough until they broke and then even further. They had a partner scheme established; it allowed you to find motivation and comfort in the other and was helpful in terms of how things were scheduled.

Nova joining made the class uneven; she got paired with the werewolf in charge for the duration of the course instead.

The earlier sessions were set up in portions of thirds.

The first third took on an extremely strict core-training programme, needed to heighten stamina and fitness, alongside their normal expectations. That is what had the brunette walking around with frail limbs, as if she was a foal standing up for the first time.

Her normal gym routine seemed to be nothing in comparison to this, and she notes to change her days, so she didn't overwork herself.

The second third is what broke her; it was kickboxing. Nova had never done anything of the sort before and was thankful she had worked the pole earlier; she wouldn't have had the facilities to keep up otherwise. The human has now got several bruises, due to her senses and reflexes not having developed yet. She was essentially a punching bag for the dark-skinned female.

The last third was gentler, with them just practicing self defence moves on each other – they were to learn one new move, and practice two older moves each session. The last ten minutes was just Mara reminding them they had to adjust their diet to bulk up, emphasising on the protein intake, ordering them to rest and leaving them with some encouraging words.

The session had been intense; there were many breaks, but Nova used all the time to catch her breath. She hadn't had a chance to interact with anyone but Mara, and the female wasn't one for small-talk.

The werewolf was hard to work with, but Nova could tell she swallowed a lot of strength down to match the human, which she was thankful for.

But Mara was a strong female, so even so after diluting herself, she knew she might have been a stretch for Nova. Surprisingly, the chocolate-haired female had done well to keep up, not perfect, but with fierce potential. Better than the rest – though she pinpointed it to the adrenaline and determination.

Mara watches now with quiet, impressed eyes as Nova packs her duffel bag saluting the female and heading out alongside the rest of them. The high warrior is satisfied seeing the bruises and the winces coming from her students. They had done well.

The strike of cold air nipping at her skin is alleviating, a sigh of desired relief coming from her mouth when she pushes through the very front doors, stepping down the stairs. Snow begins to fall in repeated patterns from the sky, melting into her hot skin, sticky and warm with a thick layer of sweat. The underside of her hair was damp, as were the edges around her forehead. Her skin was flushed red, breathing still uncontrolled as she makes her way over to the blue lamborghini waiting for her.

A sound of surprise is heard from the male sitting at the wheel lazily, legs adorning camo trousers spread apart, the black tee pressed against his skin tightly.

He's about to comment that it looks as if Mara broke her back like a glowstick.

"I don't wanna hear it," Nova's too tired, voice low and quiet.

She sits back in the car, eyes closing as her muscles drop into the leather. Her hand comes up to wipe the underside of her chin, a droplet of salty liquid forming.

The male closes his mouth, resorting to a quiet snicker before starting up the engine. 

A/N - completely unedited.

fun fact: me and my bubba  (my best friend) facetime exactly how nova and kelsey do. it's 90% i miss you's and i love you's. 

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