Thaw [Loki X Reader]

Von 3rinisasimp

258K 7.1K 5.7K

Completed! Can you thaw something that's been frozen for thousands of years? Loki Laufeyson is a coldhearted... Mehr

Meet the team
Space Battle
Return to Earth
Long Process
Up Late
Waiting game
Fightin' on Titan
Gauntlet Removal Service!
Space Princess
Sleeping Insomniac
Power Stone
The Beginning of the End-Game.
That one word....
Faded, for good.
A Soul for a Soul
A u T h O r S n O t E
Cooling down
Mission: Entertainment. [VOTE NOW!]
Luxry Cruise!
The Ship has Set Sail
When Life Gives You Lemon....
Hypothermia Cruise
Everything, I suppose.
Vlogs and Mischief
A Question from the Author
The Big Day?
The Big Day!!!
Princess of Asgard
After Party


2.8K 86 106
Von 3rinisasimp

Extra long (and fluffy) chapter bc I love yall and I graduated Sunday.

[Loki POV👌]

I awoke with a jolt. Y/N was fast asleep, laying on my chest. I smiled, looking down at the woman. It was only then that I noticed why I had woken up. Stinging pain rang throughout my head, and it was warm in the room. As I reached up to try and alleviate my headeache, I noticed my skin was darker.

It took a moment to register that my skin wasnt darker because of the light, or lack thereof.




I gasped and shoved YN off of me, praying to the Norns that she was unharmed.


My eyes flew open and I sat straight up, blinking in the darkness. Did I fall off the bed? I felt the soft mattress under me. Nope. Definitely still in bed. It was hot in the room, not unbearably, just hot enough to make anyone in it sweat.

"Loki?" I asked groggily. Why is it so hot in here? I turned and saw him, standing at the edge of the bed, staring at his arms in horror. "What's going on?" I stood up and went to him, but every step towards him I took, he would only take one back.

"No, Y/N, stay away-" he said, voice shaky. "please."

"Why? What's wrong?" I turned the bedside lamp on and my eyes went wide.

Loki's skin was a deep blue, and his eyes were ruby red. He looked mortified as I scanned his face. His face had raised lines on it, but he still looked exactly the same. His chest was the same, deep blue with detailed lines all over.

"Dont look at me..." he turned away from me.

"Are you okay? Is something wrong, should I call Thor?"

"No. Please, just...-just forget about this." he looked down at his hands angrily. "What is wrong with me?" he growled. "This is pathetic."

I stepped in front of him, but he took a step back. I tried again, one step forward, he took two back.

"Loki." he put a hand to his head and winced. "Please, just talk to me." I walked to him, and he walked backwards. After a few steps his back was to the bedroom wall, and I reached for his hand.

"Dont touch me!" he snapped. I stepped back, shocked. His face dropped to a sad expression. "I could hurt you."


"Have you heard of Jotunheim?" Loki asked. He sat on the edge of the bed. I looked at him and shook my head. "It is the home of the Frost Giants." he looked to his hands. "It's where I'm from. I was never an Asgardian. Never an Odinson." he balled his fists. "Never anything but a monster."

"Hey." I whispered, standing in front of him. "That's not true."

"It is. I'm the monster that parents tell their children of at night." he looked down and shook his head. "The bastard son of Odin..."

I put my finger under his chin and he flinched. I tilted his head up to look at me. "Don't say those things, Loki. You are not a monster." he sighed and shifted his gaze away from me. "Hey, look at me." I said softly, moving my hands to hold his cool face. He grabbed my wrists and pulled my hands off, scanning over my palms.

"How?" he whispered, turning my hands over. "None of this makes any sense. First my magic, now not even my wretched Jotun form is functioning properly."

"What do you mean?" I asked, cocking my head. The room was slowly filling with sunlight, and the clock read 6 am.

"Your hands should be severely frost burnt. But, they aren't." I looked at my hands."but that cant be why I'm unable to use my magic." he sighed and leaned his head on my chest. "I cant..." he pushed his face further into my chest and let out a small sob. "I cant be seen like this. By anyone."

"Okay." I stroked his hair. "But what about Thor?"

"Thor knows, but I doubt he will have any solution." Loki put his arms around my waist and sighed.

"Miss Y/N." FRIDAY spoke, making me jump. "Capitain Rogers and Mr Barnes would like to know if you will be joining them for a run."

"Tell them I'll pass today." I said. "Is Thor awake?"

"I'm afraid not." I nodded, putting my hand on Loki's bare shoulder.

"Dont let me get in the way of your outing." he said quietly.

"Loki." I said, rubbing his back. "I'm not going to leave you." he looked up at me, red eyes sad. "I'm not leaving you, love." I repeated. He smiled weakly and dropped his head back on my chest.

"Thank you." Loki breathed. "For everything..."

"Miss Y/N, Thor is awake now." FRIDAY said.

"Do you want to call him in?" I asked softly. He nodded, then pushed his face into the crook of my neck. His face was cool against my skin. "FRIDAY, please tell Thor to come in here when he can."

"Yes, Miss Y/N."

~time skip~

"AC's out in the entire tower." Tony informed me, striding into the kitchen.

"That explains a lot." I told him, pouring the boiling water into two cups.

"What's up with Horns?" he asked as he searched the pantry.

"He's not feeling well." I stirred the tea bags around in and formed ice inside the cups.

"Must be serious, since he's a god and all..." Tony remarked, plucking a box of cookies off the shelf. "Tell him I hope he feels better." he added, before leaving the room.

I walked back up to my room with tea and breakfast. "Loki?" I knocked softly. "It's me." I opened the door, he was sitting on the bed, wearing black shorts and reading. I floated the tea and food over and set it on the bedside table.

I crawled on the bed and snuggled up to him, looking at the pages of the book in his hands.

"I'm trying to find out why I cant use any magic." Loki told me. I squinted at the strange runes on the pages.

~time skip 2.0~

"This says: 'Sedir may be affected by extreme changes in weather'." his finger traced the line of runes as he read.

"Has that happened before?" I questioned, meeting his eyes.

"No, but I suspect the heat is the reason." he hummed, flipping the page. "Frost Giants dont take too kindly to heat." he added.

"Well, Tony says he hopes you feel better." I said. Tony and Loki had actually became friends over time (even though neither of them would ever admit it) which surprised everyone. "He also said the entire tower's AC kicked the bucket."

Loki groaned and shut the book. "That explains it. I should get the oaf to make it rain, cool things down." he sat up, and I followed.

"Wait. Can I try something?" I asked.

"That depends on what it is, darling."

I stood and went into the bathroom, retrieving a hairbrush, hair ties and bobby pins. I held them up with a questioning look.

"Trust me, putting your hair up on a hot day feels really good." I set the things down on the bed next to Loki. "If you're okay with it."

"I'm more than okay with it." he smiled. I sat behind him on the bed and grabbed the brush. "I've never done anything like this with my hair before." he added.

"Really? Well, I think you'd look really good with a manbun." I said, beginning to brush through his black locks. Loki's shoulders relaxed and he made a light hum. "You know..." I pulled his hair into a ponytail. "I used to do this to Bucky all the time." I chuckled, remembering all the crazy things I would do to his hair when he wasnt off on a mission.

"You two were close." Loki remarked.

"Like siblings." I said, trying his dark hair in a loose bun. "He's still like an annoying big brother."

"Older brothers can be quite obnoxious." Loki chucked. "-and you were right." he added.

"Mhm." I hummed happily.

I stood and walked in front of him, looking at his hair. I pulled a few strands lose at the sides and smiled. "Perfect." I floated a hand mirror over and gave it to him. "You like it?" Loki looked in the mirror, grinning. He nodded and I vanished the mirror. "Let's go get thunderhead." I said, holding out my hand.

"Are you sure I wont be seen? I dont know how the others will react to..." he looked down at himself and his voice trailed off.

"Everyone is in their own rooms, trying to keep cool." I leaned down and kissed his forehead. It was cool, like an ice cube. "It'll be fine."

Loki furrowed his brows in frustration. "Not having magic is proving to be a challenge." he muttered. "Oh well, I'll just do it myself." he stated, standing up and walking past me, to the dresser. He stopped and laughed. "I forgot. This is your room."

"If you want a shirt, I must protest." I teased, joining him at his side. He pressed a kiss into my hair. I opened the second drawer and pulled out a black shirt that read 'My sister will kick your ass'. Nat had given every girl on the team one, and she knew I liked larger clothes, so it would fit Loki perfectly. I held it out to him and he chuckled.

"My sister would do that." he said, taking it from my hands. Loki pulled the shirt on, besides being a bit tight, which I didn't mind at all, it was a perfect fit.

We walked out of my room, Loki scanned the hallway before exiting.

"Fri, where is Thor right now?" I asked, glancing around.

"He is in training room A." the AI said.

"Who trains when the AC is broken?" I chuckled and Loki shook his head.

"Y/N!" a young voice called from afar. Before Loki and I could react, Peter turned the corner. "Mr Stark said Mr Loki was feel-" he stopped in his tracks. "Oh, man." he remarked, walking closer. Loki stiffened and looked away. "Is that what happens when gods get sick? Are you okay, Mr Loki?" he shot questions at the god, who only responded with a weak smile.

"This isnt a result of illness. You know how I'm adopted?" Peter nodded. "This is what my real parents looked like. They were Frost Giants."

"Oh. That's cool!" Peter beamed. "Ha, no pun intended." Loki had handled the situation well, of course, his relationship with Peter was different than ours. "Where are you guys going?" he asked, walking to Loki's side.

"To see Thor, hopefully he can get a storm here to cool the city off." I said.

"Peter." Loki said softly.

"Yeah, Mr Loki?"

"You-" he turned to the boy. "You do not fear me in this form?"

Peter shook his head. "You're still the same. Just blue." he shrugged. I gave Loki's hand a squeeze and smiled. "Do the others know?" he asked, as we began to walk.

"No, just us and my brother." Loki told him, still clearly shocked by his words. "-which is how I wish to keep it." he added.

"Not to be rude or anything, but, why?"

"Where I'm from, Frost Giants are feared, and hated." he said, pain evident in his voice.

"But, you're not on Asgard." I reminded him.

"Yeah, I think that your Frost Giant form is super awesome! Not scary at all." Peter agreed.

We turned the corner and entered the training room, where Thor was punching a training dummy.

"Mr Parker, Mr Stark requests your presence." FRIDAY announced.

Peter made a face. "Right, I'm supposed to be getting fitted for my new suit. See you guys later!" he gave us a quick wave and left the room, running.

"The man of spiders knows of your parentage?" Thor asked, walking over to us.

"He does now." Loki sighed. "Which is not how I intended it to be."

"Peter is sweet, he'd never judge you for that, neither would the others." I said, putting my arm around his waist. "We're family."

Loki nodded. "Yes, I suppose we are."



YN to Loki:

Loki, when Peter shows up in the hall:

FRIDAY watching Thor train when the AC is broke:


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