Spider-Man 4 ON HOLD

By The_Guy_With_Variety

1K 10 5

Spider-Man encounters Black Cat, a sleek and beautiful young woman, who is infatuated with him, after breakin... More

Part 2: A Run For Your Money
Part 3: I'm Too Busy To Miss You

Part 1: Here Kitty Kitty

609 6 1
By The_Guy_With_Variety

*This is my take on what Spider-Man 4 should've been. This will be a "script-like" writing. Some parts will be incomplete sentences or gestures as a script would, other parts are written out as a book or short story. This also, as you see late in the story, would also be as if marvel and Sony signed a deal, but the part is VERY unnecessary and UNNEEDED. You could have the story WITHOUT the MCU part. It was just for fun and an idea to toy around with. Please Enjoy the script/story.*


I was once told, that with great power, comes great responsibility. As Spider-Man I have a job to do: protect the city. That job is going well, I've got the key to the city, people love me and even Jameson has lightened up a bit. But, I'm also Peter Parker. That part of me, isn't going so well. In fact, I avoid it just to be in the limelight love of Spider-Man. Harry is dead, M.J and I are no longer, Aunt my is sick and I can't even find a stable job. Living two lives isn't easy. You try to fill some emptiness until all you have spills over. Nothing seems to go right for me, Peter Parker I mean.

[Shot of New York, IMAX CAM, Night time, Spider-Man is on top of a building just around the corner from times square. Lighting works as a great backdrop behind Spidey for dramatic effect.]

3rd Person Perspective:

The night was rather warm, the air smelled of summer and Spider-Man was alone, sitting on the edge of a building, contemplating his choices up until this very point in his life.

"I've done everything right. I've done all I could. I played the cards I was delt. Hope you're happy uncle Ben," Spider-Man lowers his head, "I miss you so much," he removes his mask and buries his face in his hands, "and I miss M.J. I hope Aunt May is alright and...." He begins to cry before finishing what he was going to say. Wiping away his tears, he puts his mask back on and stands up. With clenched fists, he stands, breathing heavily before jumping off and forcefully swinging into the city lights.

1st Person Perspective:

Spider-Man doesn't cry, Peter cries. I can't worry about that now, I just have to focus on the well being of the city. Tonight has been pretty quiet so far- "Uh oh." I spoke too soon, my Spider-Sense is going insane, yes that's what I'm calling it now, kinda catchy huh?

"Where's the trouble?" I landed on a flagpole and looked around, my spider-sense was going crazy. Usually something is happening by now, like uh I don't know, the webbage of bad guys? Or... Girls... Not too many of those though. Anyway, there's nothing- wait!

Just then my spider-sense alerted me just in time to dodge a kick from a mysterious black figure. When I dodged I jumped off of the flagpole only to web onto it and swing back up on top of the building it was on. I looked around, spider-sense calm now, I couldn't see anything, then again, it was dark out and the figure was black.

I surveyed my surroundings, listening carefully, feeling the ground for any type of movement- nothing. After a while, I gave up. I stood up and sighed in defeat. As I turned around I was shocked as the figure was right there, how could it have been so quiet?!

"Hey there Spider-Man," said a very seductive voice, "I've been following you for a while now." It sounded female.

I backed away from it, "Uh, what?" I questioned the mysterious stranger, but a more important question crossed my mind, "Wait, you said you were following me, what did you see?" I remembered about the removal of the mask.

The figure stepped forward, revealing a beautiful woman whose face, like mine, was masked, but only the area around her eyes, like those old comic book superheroes, "Well I was behind you while you were pouting, if that's what you were wondering," she replied sarcastically, "I didn't even get to catch a glimpse of that handsome face." She walked closer to me as I backed up into the door on top of the building.

Stuck, I had nowhere to go. She was more moonlit now and I saw much more of her. She was wearing a tight, glossy black catsuit, white fur around the wrists and ankles of the suit and bright white hair. Her body was a strong, but flexible build. Her whole aura, or vibe I should say, was breathtaking and, like her voice, seductive. I held my breath as she came closer and closer until, finally, we were face to face. She rubber her hand lightly up and down my cheek, to which I exhaled with somewhat of a "lost-in-lust" feeling.

I quickly grabbed her hand with mine, removing it from my face, "What are you supposed to be?" I asked trying g to avoid the situation.

She jerked back her hand, "I'm the Black Cat," she unsheathed her claws, "can't you tell?"

"I've never heard of you," I stepped forward, "must be new here," she gave a grunting laugh at me, "Well, let me tell how it is around here, I'm the sheriff, so I suggest staying out of trouble, or you'll have to deal with me." I had to enforce my authority to her.

The "Cat" stepped closer to me, "Well then I guess that means I'm going to be a bad kitty." She quickly kissed my masked lips and back flipped off of the building and out of sight.

I sat in silence, confused as to exactly what just happened, "Weird." I said aloud scratching my head. After snapping out of my state of confusion, I webbed onto an adjacent building and swung through the city to my apartment.



Peter sulkingly walked up the stairs to his door, which had been recently fixed by Mr.Ditkovitch, and opened it with ease. He sighed as he threw his shirt on his bed and began removing his costume from underneath his clothes. "What a night." He thought to himself.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, he revisited uncle Ben in his dream like state. "Uncle Ben..." he said quietly.

"Yes Peter?" Ben replied in a concerned manner.

"Have..." Peter paused, "Have I made you proud? Have I earned this life I've been given?"

Ben placed his hand on Peter's shoulder, "Of course you have Peter."

He began to tear up, "Then why is nothing going right for me uncle Ben? Why is everything such a mess right now?"

Uncle Ben was silent for a moment before speaking to him, "Peter... Sometimes, we have obstacles placed in front of us, not to break us down or question our beliefs, but to show us exactly how much we want things." Peter lowered his head as his uncle kept talking, "These obsticales you're facing, they will test you, but as you overcome them, you will realize just how much the other side means to you. Do you understand what I'm saying Peter?"

Peter looked to Ben and then back to his feet, "Yes Uncle Ben."

"Then you get out there, and you reach that side Pete." Ben patted him on the back and Peter reentered the real world, eyes filled with tears. "Ok Uncle Ben." He said aloud.



Cletus Kasady, an inmate at Ravencroft Prison, was that of an abnormal human being. Clinically insane and obsessed with murder, he is an individual that no one would ever want to come across. Kasady's nickname is "the Carnage Killer", and for good reason.

Sitting on his bunk, alone in his cell, he watched as the other inmates walked by, and down the stairs to the mess hall for lunch. Cletus wasn't allowed to eat with the other inmates due to the fact that he caused six fights, eight riots and four murders, while in the presence of the others.

"Look at them all," he laughed to himself, "oh how easily I could cut, and peel their flesh. Mm... Heh, yeah." He smiled sadistically as he bowed his head. He closed his eyes, smile still plastered on his face, and began to inhale and exhale loudly.

A prisoner stopped outside of the cell and banged on it with one hand, "Aye," he momentarily stood in silence, "I'M TALKING TO YOU FREAK!" He shouted. At the raised voice of the inmate, the prison froze and silence dawned on them.

Cletus slowly rose his head, but just slightly, "What?"


Kasady's head cocked, "Killing you." He began to laugh louder than he had before, keeping the smile on his face. Quickly he stood and moved to the cell door, in one swift movement, grabbing the inmate by his top and yanking him into the cell door, "I'm not stuck in here with you, YOU'RE STUCK IN HERE WITH ME!" He shouted.

Cletus seemed to have summoned a blade from nowhere, and began stabbing him vigorously in the stomach as guards came over to break it up. Sending the injured man to safety, multiple guards took down Kasady and drug him it isolation. "You're going to rot in here Kasady!" Said one of the men as they threw him in and locked the door.

[As door shuts, keep a shot of the inside going. Walls are concrete and there is a very tiny window, out of arms reach, providing little to no lumination. Walls also appear to be damp. Smell of the room itself is unbearable. Smelling like death.]

[Next as a teaser to later, we see Dr.Connors' classroom after an outside shot first of the campus for a few seconds. The vile he had of the symbiote is shown, rocking back and forth. IMMEDIATE CUT TO NEXT SCENE]


Is it bad that I'm purposefully searching for the Cat? Like, is that a bad thing? I've searched around the city all day and all night, I'm actually getting worried. Oh my gosh, what am I even talking about? I've seen and talked to her one time. Am I really that desperate?

"Hey there handsome," I smiled to myself at the sound of her voice, "are you looking for someone, or did you just miss me?"

"Where have you been?!" I tried to sound angry but I was still smiling under my mask.

"Oh," she came closer to me, rubbing my arm, "look who is trying to sound concerned about a woman who he barely spoke to once. You're sooo cute."

I put my arm around her waist and pulled her into me without thinking, "Heh, well, who else would be my nighttime dress up friend?"

"Really?" She pulled her head back and stared at me for a minute.

"What?" I questioned confused.

Cat tilted her head slightly and licked her lips, I honestly thought she was going to purr, "Just when I thought you couldn't get anymore adorable, you go and pull a cheesy yet sexy thing like that."

"Well, its nice to know exactly who my number one fan is." With that she slowly began to remove my mask but I stopped her by putting my hand on hers, "Wait."

She tensed up in an angry fashion and sighed, "What? I can't see the sexy man behind this second skin?"

"I don't let anyone see mine as I'm sure you don't let anyone see yours." I replied. It wasn't that hard to send her face what so ever, I'm sure if someone that knew her saw her like this, would immediately recognize her.

"Ok." She said quietly as I slowly removed my hand from hers and positioned it on the side of her face. As she removed my mask, she did so as MJ did the first time she kissed me, stopping it at my nose.

We stood in the silent New York night, vague ambient noises in the background, light barely shining through our closed eyelids. Everything seemed to disappear for the moment. I was getting lost in her, and I'm not sure why. It was as if nothing else mattered. The sky could be falling, ground crumbling into an abyss, and we'd still be standing there, locked in an amazing, perfect, never ending kiss.

We slowly, and regretting, came to a stop and touched foreheads, breathing heavily into one another's mouths. She was the first to break away from the lock we had each other in, "How about I break into a nice hotel room and you come catch me, Spider? I promise I'll put up a fight."

She slid my mask back down my face, "O- ok." I replied blinded by lust. She backed away from me, winked and lept off into the night, now I had to follow. I didn't want to seem too desperate so I hung back for roughly 30 seconds, and I figured if I lost her, I'd just start at the most expensive hotels and work my way around town searching for her. After all she does have a particular scent, not like I have super smell or anything, I'd just be able to pick it up is all.

Also, I know what you're thinking and no, it isn't of cats or anything related to them whatsoever, its actually a nice smell of lavender and an ocean breeze detergent... Must be what she washes her costume with. Oh wow, I'm actually thinking about what she washes her costume with, nice.


I had no idea where to start at this place, its not like I can walk insinde, go to the front desk like, "Hey I'm Spider-Man, did a woman dressed as a cat come through here?" That would be completely ridiculous. Oh man, I'd look like such an idiot. Lucky for me though, I went to the roof if the building and there was a note on the door leading to the stairwell: "Spider-Man, room 215. I'm waiting." There was a lipstick stain on the note at the bottom.

I found the room after what seemed like forever of searching and apparently it was forever because the first words out of her mouth when I entered were, "What took you so long? I was beginning to think you weren't going to show." The tone of her voice was more annoyed and relieved, than flirtatious and seducing as it usually is.

"Sorry I didn't know where to look and actually contemplated going in the front door." I laughed as I spoke and she sighed with a slight giggle, so I was in the clear.

"Oh you poor baby, come here." She held out her arms from the bed she sat on and I began to walk towards her. The room was dark and only moonlit, so I couldn't see much, but as clichéd as it sounds, she was in the moonlit part of the room, at the center of the bed.

Her body was covered by sheets but she left a part of her body show to reveal that her clothes were indeed off, and yet, she still had her mask on. I crawled into the bed next to her and removed my gloves and boots. "Shall I do the rest?" She asked quiet and very nervously. I actually couldn't believe she was nervous, I mean I was yes, but she didn't seem like the type that got nervous.

"Just-" I put my hand on the peel part of my mask.

"Yeah, I get it, not your mask." Being quiet still, she moved closer to me and began removing my costume.

I got to thinking of whether or not I could trust her, and in this vulnerable state, I think I could. "Actually," I put my hand on her face, "I'm going to take it off- my mask. Just... Don't look."

She was silent for a moment, "Ok. I won't." Her head lowered as if maybe she was sad or disappointed.

"Hey," I ran my fingers through her hair, "don't think I don't trust you. I do trust you. Otherwise, I wouldn't being taking it in general. I trust you enough to not look when I do take it off. It sounds bad yeah but, maybe if this becomes something..." I trailed off.

"Ok this is taking too long," at that moment she grabbed my mask, looked away and took it off. I see now that the bowed head was a signal to take off my mask and I just rambled on about nothing. Great start Spidey.

We began kissing slowly, but that didn't last long, it soon turned into a quick paced make-out fest of passion between us. I didn't mind it actually. It felt great and I could finally convey my emotions like a normal human being. I was surprised though, when she pushed me down to the bed and hopped right on top of me, straddling my lap in way, and then continued her succubus make-out.

I am not known for brilliant decision making. Especially not in the spur of the moment... With a hundred and ten pounds of ready, willing and able on top of me... That knows exactly how to whisper in my ear AND breathe on my neck in just the right way... But for a change, I made the right call...

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