Divine Seers

By SK-Roy

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Sensitive but smart, Olivia Clifton moves from leafy Surrey to the noisier suburbs of north west London with... More

1. Lowlands High
2. Ethan
3. A dream come true
4. Kayleigh
5. Worry wart
6. Dead meat
7. New Crew
8. Divine Seer
9. Crystal Ball Meditation
10. Poster Mania
11. Sister Power
12. Dinner Party
13. Telekinesis
14. Lunchtime talks
15. Audition time
16. Pink and Green, it's not what it seems.
17. Catwalk debut
18. Maths Buddy
19. Mind power magic
20. Star of the class
21. Smoking
22. Meditation time
23. Birthday Magic
24. Panic, Panic, Panic
25. Closer and Closer
26. Basketballs have wings
27. Shopping time
29. Regrets
30. A young Seer

28. Hello-ween

46 12 1
By SK-Roy

It was Friday and it felt like the best Friday ever at Lowlands High! Today was one of the biggest parties of the year! The Halloween party!

The school day finished earlier so that we could head home to get ready for a spooky and sparkly night out, which is what the school posters read.

After my Geography class had ended, I walked straight to my locker. When I arrived at the locker area, everyone was gossiping about the party.

Groups of guys hovering around their lockers pulling out their Halloween outfits. Ghost outfits, devil horns and scary face masks. Excited boys were running around imitating ghost sounds.

A pair of girls were standing in the corridor shaking a pot and asking for charity donations. Everyone was excited and talking about the Halloween party. Teachers were telling students not to stand in crowds in the corridors.

I bumped into Lucy. 'Hello-ween Olivia,' said Lucy giggling! 'I'm so excited about tonight,' I said. 'I'll be coming over to yours later with Grace and Priyanka so get your scary gear on,' said Lucy.

I headed home to do exactly what Lucy had mentioned. It was time to get my outfit on and look the scariest I had ever looked!

When I arrived home, I went straight upstairs to my bedroom and got all my makeup, jewellery and cat ears out of my cupboards and drawers. I then took my dazzling cat woman outfit out of the wardrobe. I slipped straight into the cat suit and it fit perfectly.

I walked in front my bedroom mirror and posed feeling so excited. I imagined myself walking through the school hall looking dazzling and Ethan swooning at my feet.

While I was posing in front of the mirror, Sophia had also come home and changed into her witch's outfit. She came into my room to get a pair of shoes and I still felt there was an awkward friction between us.

'Olivia, I'm just letting you know that Samuel will be coming over to pick me up. Do you want a lift with us? Let me know if you do,' she said.

I was not expecting Sophia to offer me a lift to the party but it was definitely kind of her. 'Thanks, Soph but Grace, Priyanka and Lucy will be meeting me here and we will be taking a cab to the party together,' I said.

'Ok not a problem. I just thought I'd ask anyway. Your outfit looks great. I'll you see you later,' Sophia said.

A few minutes later, Grace, Priyanka and Lucy arrived at the house. They came straight up to my bedroom. We all began gossiping about our outfits.

'Hello-ween guys,' said Grace.

'Right am I missing a vital joke? Why are you and Lucy calling it Hello-Ween?'

'Olivia, haven't you seen the posters? It's a sponsored event and every time we greet someone with 'Hello-ween' we are meant to donate money to charity... haha,' said Priyanka.

'Oh, I had no idea? I've just been so excited about the party. Well, 'Hello-ween' to everyone,' I said.

Sophia came back into my bedroom and looked at all of us. 'Wow you guys look really cool,' she said. 'Olivia, I think you're rocking those cat ears,' she said.

I felt like Sophia was being kinder towards me. Socializing was definitely having a positive effect on all of us and I was really excited about tonight's party.

'Do you guys think we should call a cab and head to the party?' asked Grace. 'Definitely,' said Lucy. So that's exactly what we did. We left together in a cab under the blue moonlight sky. I was so excited and couldn't wait to get to school!

When we arrived, the school grounds were dark. Boys were running around making ghost sounds. At the back of the building was a large marquee with an outdoor barbecue.

Mr Stevenson, the Year 9 PE teacher was cooking hot dogs and sausages on a barbecue grill. The smell of the barbecued meat and waft of the hot smoke was making me hungry and I knew this was gonna be a Halloween party night to remember!

The actual party was taking place inside Chambers Hall which was another large school hall to the east of the school and building. It was mainly used for dance and drama performances but tonight it was full of scary looking students, party lights and a DJ!

When we arrived at the hall, I noticed a lot of people from my year group standing outside the hall and a lot already inside the hall. There were a lot of people I didn't recognise because of their face masks and scary outfits.

Suddenly a pair of hands behind me covered my eyes. 'Muahahahaha!' said a scary voice. 'Guess who?' the voice said.

With my eyes covered, I would have not been able to guess who it was. I was praying it was Ethan but the strong American accent told me that it was Justin from my English class.

'Well I always recognize that Chicagoan accent from afar,' I said. 'Haha, oh I forgot to change my accent. I'll remember next time,' said Justin.

'No problem, you're looking very scary-ish,' I said whilst looking at his monster face mask.

'Happy Hello-ween to you my dearest. See you on the dance floor,' said Justin.

Inside Chambers Hall, there were groups of students standing around in amazing outfits. A group of Zombie cheerleaders waving their pom poms in the air!

Another girl was dressed as Cruella De Vil and her friend as a dalmatian. A group of boys dressed as hungry looking werewolves. It was like a dream Alpha fantasy movie coming alive tonight!

Near the DJ was a girl in a big pumpkin shaped dress twirling around with a bag and a drink in the other hand. 'Happy Hello-ween everyone!'

'Right please donate to our Hello-ween charity fund,' said a witchy looking brunette next to her. She was holding a collection box and asking for donations from whoever said 'Hello-ween!'

'Oh, I don't have any money on me,' I told her. 'Even just a penny will do. Sorry but it's the rule of tonight's party. Anyone who says Hello-ween must donate at least a penny to charity unless you are being sponsored separately?'

I kept wondering which charities they were donating the collected money to. Apparently, they usually donated to children's and homeless charities which was good but did they collect enough money? I just hoped the girl in the pumpkin dress had a penny on her to donate.

Behind me were a big group of girls and boys dressed as vampires walking around. Next to them were several Grim Reapers gathered together talking, eating and drinking.

'Happy Hello-ween Lowlanders! Please take your positions on the dancefloor,' said DJ Yannis. He was an older student from Year 12 who frequently opted to DJ at parties at the school.

Just as everyone was walking to the dance floor, a group of boys were running around pinching girls bums! I turned around to look closely and who else could it be but the troublesome trio, Dominic, Bradley and Archie!

Dominic and Bradley were dressed as Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee! They both wore head masks. Archie was dressed as a vampire with red blood painted on his face. Their unrecognizable faces really worried me! Was this an opportunity to cause trouble without being caught?

Although the hall was full with students, I began wondering where Sophia and Samuel were. Had they got stuck in traffic? Were they hidden behind a group of scary vampires?

Dance songs were playing loudly with some spooky effects in the background. Just as my ears were tuned into the music, I turned around and saw Natalie and Sarah walk into the hall.

They arrived as the Grady twins from the movie The Shining. I thought this was very inventive of them considering they were generally quite timid and bland as people.

A few moments later, Sophia and Samuel walked into the hall. Sophia was dressed in her witch outfit with a broom in her hand. Samuel was dressed in his long wizard outfit. They made the perfect couple!

A pink angel outfit caught my eye near the entrance of the hall. When I looked closer, I realized it could only be Kayleigh trying to keep up her glamourous self-image.

I tried to say hello but after her rude behaviour towards me at the shopping mall we had not spoken to each other. She also seemed to be making less effort with me.

Alicia was walking behind her and she was dressed as the little red devil! Her face was splattered with red blush on her cheeks and bright red lipstick.

Another girl dressed in a red coat with a red hood walked into the hall. I barely recognized her until she came closer. It was Amelia dressed as 'Little Red Riding Hood.' She didn't look scary but her outfit was definitely cute.

After looking around the hall and outside in the school corridors for my adorable crush, I finally saw him! Just after Amelia walked into the hall, a fluffy green wig followed behind her. It was Ethan and he was dressed as The Joker from Batman!! Ahhh he looked so handsome! What an outfit!!

The DJ turned the music up and everyone was dancing like crazy! I started dancing next to Grace, Priyanka and Lucy. All of us together having so much fun! Smiling and dancing! The lights were flashing like mad!

A few minutes later, a verbal fight between some girls broke out behind us. Cups of drink went flying everywhere. I looked behind me and realized Shannon's friend Courtney Smith had bumped into a group of girls and spilled their drinks everywhere!

The DJ made an announcement asking the crowd of people to calm down. 'Guys please calm down. It's Halloween so don't be mean! And guys, music requests can be made by coming over to me one at a time! Also, Halloween hot dogs are outside, but please don't bring them inside. Thanks, enjoy your night,' said DJ Yannis.

I carried on dancing, swinging my hips and shaking my butt. I was having such a good time dancing with the girls. I was hoping Ethan could see me but I couldn't see him anywhere. I kept looking around for his green wig but couldn't see it. I continued to dance.

I danced for about an hour and a half non-stop but then became tired. I decided to go outside to get some hot dogs. When I got to the entrance of the school, Dominic, Bradley and Archie were standing there wooing lots of girls.

I grabbed a hot dog from under the marquee that Mr Stevenson was standing under. 'Ketchup and mustard?' asked Mr Stevenson. 'Oh yes please, can I have an extra sausage on my plate too?' 'There we go,' said Mr Stevenson

I munched my hot dog down and as I was eating, there were lots of other people eating and gossiping outside. Once again, I looked around for Ethan but he was nowhere to be seen. Not a green wig in sight.

I came back into Chambers Hall and danced with Grace, Priyanka and Lucy. We boogied down to music from the noughties. Sophia and Samuel also joined in with us. It was amazing!

Dancing with Sophia was a lot of fun! I felt like our relationship was getting better. We danced together like how we did at our Aunt Daisy's wedding. That day we really danced like we were the best looking sisters at the wedding. It felt the same today.

Sophia and Samuel also danced like the cutest couple in the school hall. Thanks to me, they were fantastically in love!

DJ Yannis played lots of dance music at this point and everyone began dancing together. I really wished I could be dancing with Ethan but I looked around and still couldn't see him anywhere.

After drinking lots, I really needed to wee. In fact, I had been bursting for a while. I decided to walk to the toilets and there was strangely no queue outside.

Outside the toilet was a hazard sign. It looked like there had been a few drink spillages. On the door, it said 'Toilet locked for cleaning. Please use the toilets upstairs.'

The basement was closer so I decided to make my way there.

I sat on the toilet and let go. Boy did I feel free! All that fizzy drink was finally released. When I left the toilets, I noticed a group of boys walking up the stairs in front of me dressed as Grim Reapers. They were taking their time like snails and I couldn't be bothered to wait for them to move.

I turned around and spotted some stairs that went further into the basement. I went closer and could hear some noises. I decided to walk down those stairs to see what was going on down there.

There was a lot of chitter, chatter and giggling further down the stairs. I kept walking down and could hear more chatter.

The stairs were quite long and as I walked further down, I could see a green wig lying right at the bottom. I realised it looked like the green wig that Ethan had been wearing. I walked further down the stairs and I saw a medium sized hole to the right of me on the wall.

I leaned in closer to the wall and looked through the hole. I had the biggest shock of my life! Ethan and Amelia were snuggled up together under a blanket kissing! My heart sunk and I stopped breathing normally.

A sharp pain like a knife slicing through my heart left me in complete agony. I held the area around my heart because it was hurting so much. I thought my eyes must be deceiving me so I looked through the hole again.

To my disbelief, what I was seeing was true! Ethan and Amelia were snuggled up and kissing! I felt so betrayed! Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

I felt angry towards Ethan! But I felt more angrier towards Amelia. Amelia was at the dinner party when I had announced that I had a crush on Ethan. Why hadn't she mentioned that she also had a crush on him? So many questions were running through my head.

I stepped closer to look through the hole in the wall. All I could see was Ethan snogging Amelia passionately. It was a nightmare seeing him in love with someone else. Suddenly at that moment, Ethan looked up towards the hole and spotted me peering through it. His face was bright red and he had an expression of shock on his face. I quickly turned my face and walked back up the stairs. I didn't want Amelia to see me. I just had to get away from there.

My heart was completely broken! I couldn't enjoy the rest of the night. I felt torn and worthless! I decided to walk back to the dance floor.

When I got back to the dance floor, my mood had sunk completely. I didn't feel like dancing or enjoying myself. I walked over to the girls to tell them I would be going home because I felt unwell.

'Hey where have you been? Come and dance,' said Lucy.

'Oh I'm not feeling very well. I had a bit of diarrhoea in the toilet. I might go home actually,' I said.

'Oh gosh what did you eat? I hope your stomach is okay.'

I told Grace and Priyanka I was heading home. 'Guys my stomach is not doing very well. Got a bit of an upset stomach,' I said.

'Oh gosh sorry to hear that. Are you catching a cab home? I might come with you,' asked Grace. 'Yes, I'm calling a cab now. We can go together,' I said. 'Cool I'm just gonna go to the toilet and I'll be back. Wait for me,' Grace said.

Justin appeared from behind me again. 'How's your night going? What a great night to remember eh?' Justin had taken the words out of my mouth. It was definitely a night to remember and a night to forget.

I ordered a cab to the front of the school gates for Grace and I. It arrived quite quickly and dropped me off at home first. 'Text me when you get home,' I said to Grace. Boy, was I glad to be home and ready for bed. All I wanted was a deep sleep so I could forget about what I'd seen this horrible Halloween night.

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