By ElementraSweets

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- A boy who is smart, strong, quiet, has a feminine body but puts on an emotional mask of a complete opposite... More

Part 1 - Minato is back
Part 2 - So He's My Father
Part 4 - just a filler day - the academy days
Part 5 - The Meet: Time Travel - (Part 2) -

Part 3 - Time Travel - (Part 1) -

1.3K 42 8
By ElementraSweets

Part 3 - Time Travel - ( Part 1) -

(Before the time travel)

Third pov ~Somewhere in the future (in Boruto timeline)~

"Hey dope!" said a man with raven coloured hair with half of his face covered with hair, whose name is Sasuke. "Hey dad!" said a boy with yellowish-golden coloured hair whose name is Boruto. "Welcome back everyone, how was your mission?" asked Naruto, who sat behind a desk who had the same coloured hair as the boy. "Everything went well, just a couple of fighters here and there." said Sasuke "did anyone get hurt?" asked Naruto, getting a little worried "we are all fine lord 7th!" said a girl whose name is Sarada who also had Raven colored hair as Sasuke.

Naruto said "good now why don't you all go home and rest? Boruto, I'll take you home since Hinata went on a mission with Sakura-Chan for a whole week as you can see since I have Himawari on my shoulders speaking of which my shoulders hurt."

As if on cue the girl who was sleeping on Naruto's shoulders woke and rubbed her eyes. "Oh sorry tuo-Chan! I fell asleep on your shoulders. I thought I was on my bed since I was very comfortable like my bed and your hair felt like my pillow since your hair is very fluffy." said Himawari while jumping off Naruto's Shoulder while doing a flip.

Naruto said "don't worry about it, well are you ready to go home?" while looking at her with a smile. "Yes I am and welcome back Nii-san! How was your mission?" Himawari said/asked while running up to give Boruto a hug. "It went well!" said Boruto while hugging her back.

Naruto said "Well let's go home, your mother made some ramen for us before she left, then afterward we can do whatever you guys want to do." "Hai!" said both the siblings. With that they left the office but before they stepped out of the room, Naruto stopped and turned around and said "bye Teme, Sarada, Mitsuki rest well because tomorrow is another big and bright day!" then turned back and headed home while holding Himawari's and Boruto's hand.

"Hey dad, I was wondering if there is anything you regret in your life, so do you?" asked Sarada while looking at Sasuke. Sasuke looked up at the ceiling then at the door that Naruto and his kids went through. Minutes of sasuke who was having a flashback of the old times that played in his mind like a movie. Another set of minutes passed and no one said anything. Sarada and Mitsuki just stared at him. "Wow, I never seen sensei take this long to answer a question." said Mituski and then Sarada said "yeah, he's never that deep in thought.

Minutes passed and Sasuke just shook trying to get out of his mind, which was successful. "I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll see Sarada at home and you should go home to Mitsuki. It's starting to get dark." said Sasuke "you didn't answer the question Sensei." said Mitsuki in his calm voice as always. "And what was the question?" asked Sasuke and Sarada said "the question was is there anything you regret in your life?"

Then Sasuke said "I have 1, 2 many to count, that's how many things I have in life I regret." in a monotone voice. "Can you tell us one thing you regret?" asked Mitsuki then Sasuke said "I guess I can, one thing I regret is ever leaving this village."

"why is that?" aske both Sarada and Mitsuki in ciriouscity. "Because that's how I lost the person I once cared and loved." said Sasuke then Mitsukisaid "Wait, I thought you had a thing for Hokage-sama." then Sarada shouted "he is the one he's talking baka!" while pushing her glasses back. Sasuke just stood in shock but of course he didn't show it unless you look closely in his uncovered eye. All sasuke said was " guys should get going before it really gets late" The two kids nodded.

Sarada hugged her father and said "night dad!" then walked toward the entrance with Mitsuki. Mitsuki and Sarada stopped but still facing the exit said "good luck dad/sensei." Mitsuki walked ahead of Sarada who was still standing there. Sarada said in a low voice "I still love you, don't forget me when you go back." with that ran after Mitsuki. Sasuke softly smiled and quietly said like a whisper "thank you and I will not forget you" to no one particular than the shunshined out the building and now he was in the village toward the forest of death.

Third pov ~with the Uzumaki and Hyuga family~

Naruto, Boruto, and Himawari were eating their dinner (ramen) peacefully while talking about how their week/day was.

Minutes passed and everyone had finished their dinner and Naruto was cleaning the dishes, while Himawari was watching anime on the T.V, and Boruto was getting ready to go out. "I'm going out!" Boruto shouted then Naruto came out of the kitchen still wearing his orange apron. Boruto tried out to blush but failed miserably.

Naruto started to worry and thought 'is he okay! Does he have a fever! I was just fine just minutes ago!' the fox that is still inside Naruto started laughing 'why are you laughing?' he mentally asked the fox who only said 'no reason.'

Naruto shrugged it off and asked Boruto "are you okay?" while putting his hand on top of Boruto's forehead but by ten he had cooled down. Boruto said "I'm fine dad, I'll be going now." Naruto said "don't stay out too long, your sister and I might be in bed by then though, so good night!" with a smile. Boruto only nodded and hugged Naruto then ran out.

"Did he have to run?" Naruto asked himself at least, he thought he did. "Yes, he did." said Himawari who was watching the whole thing trying not to laugh but it didn't work. Naruto just looked at her with a blank look and asked "why did he have to run, and why are you laughing?" Himawari said "I am not supposed to tell because I made a promise and I will not break it. For I am laughing to see something you will most likely not understand Tou-Chan. No affiance." then she walked away before Naruto could say anything.

'She's right, you know. Don't ask me either because I won't be telling you.' Kurama said to Naruto who only thought/said to Kurama 'no one asked, you fur ball' then he went back to the kitchen.

End of Part 3 - Time Travel - (Part 1) - This chapters was only to show you a little bit of what happens in the future before the time travel. There'll be more about the future but it'll be like  a flash backs or show a little of what happens (changes) in the future. 

Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter!

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