Pokemon Re:juvenation

By Ibrex2000

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Years ago, a catastrophe took place in the Aevium region that nearly destroyed it. Now, the evil team Xen pla... More

Arc 1: Shipwrecked- prologue theolia
Chapter 1: Ray's bizarre 'Xen'counter
Chapter 2: love at first fight
Ray's side Adventures 1
Chapter 3: Date with destiny
Chapter 4: Rift
Chapter 5: The kiss of death: Ray vs Venam!
Arc 2: Redemption- (Ray's test/ Tesla and Zumi)
Chapter 6: Nim-ble greetings
Chapter 7: Web of despair
Chapter 8: Sheridan and the soul stone
Chapter 9: Mountain of atonement
Chapter 10: Next frontier
Christmas Special: the fight before Christmas
Reborn!: Crossover Trade off!/Battle of the Gangs
Chapter 11: Gate of Babylon
Chapter 12: The curious case of Marinette
Chapter 13: Silver soul
Arc 4 Isolation: Zumi's Ring theory/ Pip's Poké-Conference

Arc 3: Tainted light/ Ray's side adventures 2

214 4 4
By Ibrex2000

This chapter is the last one that follows the version 12 storyline the next chapter will follow version 13 strictly.

Story 1: Ditto milk!
Sheridan village early morning
Local store
Around 6:30am the dark skinned teen left the dojo in search of sustenance.

Coming across a local 24/7 store he enters there only to greeted by a snoring beauty.

"Snoooooorrrrrrreeee!" The girl sitting on a wooden bench makes this loud noise while napping...
She's wearing farmer attire consisting of blue jeans and suspenders with a yellow inner shirt and a cowboy hat, her face is freckled and she's light skinned, her blonde hair is braided into two by her left and right side.

Sitting next to the girl is a pink bipedal cow who's also taking a snooze peacefully.

"Yo" Ray tapped her slightly.

"Kyahaaaaa! What? Want some milk?" The girl woke up pissed. "Wait a second I'm late for my delivery!" She cried.

"Hooo? Seems like you could use some help, and I could use some milk" Ray smiled like a con artist.

"Heh!!!! But...... Fine I'm Beth by the way and this is Miltank, if you make 5 deliveries I'll give you 12 cans of Moomoo milk, deal?!" The cowgirl said.

"Hah! Perfect! Witness the delivery skills of the future champion of the region!!!" Ray says this and rushes out with a a crate of milk and directions.

After going to 5 different houses he arrived at a strange looking one on the other side of the village he knocked on the wooden door.
'knock, knock' the door rattled and opened up mysteriously.

"Helloooo..." Ray enter the house to see two pokemon plushes one of a purple Scorpion with wings and the other of a golden fairy. In the middle was a crying woman she has long black hair tied in a red and white hairband, her black kimono, with golden patterns looking beautiful.

"Huh, who are? Wait more importantly can you help me Find someone?!" The woman took the youth's hand.

"Ummmm sure" he blushed a bit at how soft the woman's hands were almost like Gel.

"Thank you, my name is Daria
2 days ago, my boyfriend went to pick herbs in amethyst cave but he never came back, could you search for him there, he's got a straw basket with him" Daria said worried.

"Sighhhhhhhhhh sure thing" Ray thought about all the stuff that had happened in that cave(not fond memories).

Amethyst cave
The crystal lit cave was still the same as ever, Ray walked for about 6 minutes before seeing a basket with strange herbs with red berries on it too.
"This must be it, but how far could he have gone?"Ray wondered and followed some blurry footsteps.

"Help!! Help!!!" A cry for help echoes in the distance which our teenage hero races towards.

"Help me! Stop that Solrock" the cries came from dark skinned young man in a light brown Gi, with a black headband on his head looking tired, Infront of him was a floating sun shaped red rock creature that was glowing blue.

"Wow! a Solrock? Hehehe perfect time for this, Luna I choose you!" Ray send out one of his new Pokemon, a moon shaped rock Pokemon one he caught in this same cave.

"Lunatonee" the rock Pokemon said robotically.

"Stop that thing with lunar dance!" Ray commands and the moon rock starts moving strangely.

"Lunnnna!", "Sollllaaa!" Lunatone dances increases it's stats and soon after Solrock joins in the dance mesmerizing itself.

"Great now Pokeball Go!" Ray tosses a PokeBall at the sun rock 'biiiipp, biiipp, bipp' 'twickle' a successful capture.

"Alright! I just caught a.... Solrock!" Ray holds the ball firmly and smiles with lunatone posing behind him.

"Thanks for saving me and catching
That Solrock, I accidentally pissed it off because when I was picking herbs I unrooted it by accident" the dark skinned man said rubbing the back of his head.

"Ah! then you must be the one Daria was worried about" ray pointed.

"Oh my Arceus! Daria must be worried sick, I'm Marcus by the way her boyfriend, we should get back as soon as possible" Marcus panicked.

The both then ran back to the village

Daria's house
Getting back Marcus and Daria embraced in a warm hug and a hot smooch Ray turned away cause it was awkward as hell.

"Ummmmmaaaa" the two broke away from the french kiss and Daria turns to ray "Thank you for saving my darling I have a special gift for you" she smiles.

"Hell yeah!" Ray rubbed his hands together Greedily as a noise came from behind him 'creeeekkk!' a door opened.

"Hey Marcus I'm home....wait what the fuck?!!" A woman looking just like Daria yells as she walks into the house.

"What the hell?!!!" Ray jumped up in fear

"Wait Daria?! If you're here, then who's?" Marcus turned to look at the girl he just kissed only to see

"Ditttooo!" The woman in front of Marcus had dots for eyes and goofy smile and suddenly her body started changing 'blop blop blop' until she became a purple slime creature on the ground, 'swoopp' 'craccccckkkkk!' the slime then copied the appearance of the golden fairy plush then flys through the window and escapes.

"I..... Kissed......a....... slime?!!!" Marcus suddenly faints as ray and the real Daria run to him.

Ray tells Daria about what had happened as she holds the knocked out Marcus in her arms "Oh Arceus, thank you for everything Ray, I hope that creature never comes back ever! Take this for your troubles" Daria hands him a pack of herbs that he can make tea with.

"Thanks, sorry about.... Everything as well" Ray takes the pack and leaves the house.

"That Ditto.... I wonder if I'll get a chance to catch it..... For research!" Ray blushed heavily.

Story 2- The hidden library 2!
The Sheridan help center looked different than Gearan's in the sense that it looked more traditional with folding doors and wooden walls, here Ray discovers that Ayuda and Mei two powerful trainers started the help center to help people, he sees a familiar request about a library and heads out there...

"Hey, you're Ray!" A man in dusty brown clothes calls out to the youth, his fair skin darked by dirt.

"Ah! Jack, so you still need help finding the library from last time?(read Ray's side adventures 1: story 5).

"Yah but I've pinpointed 3 locations it could be in, and I need you to check them out" the man known as jack said not minding the dirt on himself.

"Alright I'll go check it out"(I sure hope nothing weird happens) Ray said and moved unknown to him that he just jinxed it.

Gearan city
Christola hotel
Ray returned to the starting city by truck and was heading towards the hotel he had met Saki and the old Kermit receptionist however.

"Huh is that... Karen?" Ray questioned as he saw a familiar woman in black, pink and green clothes checking out a fountain.

The woman turned and smiled, "Oh the little Dove from the pier, Ra.... Rasmussen right?" The crazy brown haired lady said confidently.

"It's Ray! What are you doing here anyway weren't you supposed to be re educating those thugs"the dark skinned teen sighed.

"Oh them, their at my mansion cleaning up, they send their regards, anyway you're also looking for the hidden library aren't you? If so then this place is a dead end" Karen said a bit serious.

"Damn, then I'll have to check Jenkel's laboratory next" Ray hissed.

"Hey here's a thought, why don't we look for it together. You'll need a strong magic user to fend off any monsters along the way" Karen gave a goofy smile.

"I'd rather not meet any monsters but alright, let's team up!" Ray got pumped.

"Yay!!!! The magician and the Dove team assemble!!!" Karen posed like a super hero and so did Ray to the confusion of passerbys.

Jenkel's laboratory
In the closed off warehouse where Ray had fought pulse mushrana, he and Karen raided it once again.

"Where is it, where is it?!!!" Karen threw decks and other equipment into the air searching for a hidden entrance.
"Trowen ma' acneeth" she chanted but nothing happened. "I knew it, this place has too much water, no way a library could be hidden here" she hissed.

"Hohoho, intriguing" Jenkel smiled at Karen looking at her curvy hips most especially.

Karen hissed and turns towards him "Look here you emasculated pig, my goods aren't on display! So the next time you even think about my body prepare to be buried six foot under!" She then leaves.

Jenkel turns to ray and says "She's hot as fuck" his face a shade of red.

"Never thought I'd see someone turned on by a death threat" Ray said
A bit embarrassed at jenkel's claim (whatever I guess the last place to check would be the park) Ray thought to himself and left.

Gearan park
This green location was were Ray caught his lazy ass plant Bellsprout, covered in plants and shrubs a statue of a Pokemon stood in the middle of the whole part.

Karen moves towards it "The moment of truth Trowen ma'acneeth!" She yelled but nothing happened.
"Sigh... Fate is so cruel, but don't cry Ray, don't let them see you..... Waaaahhhhhhhh!" The middle age woman burst into tears at that moment.

"Calm down Karen maybe we..." Ray wanted to comfort her however the statue began to shake 'grigaaagrigaa!'

'kahhhhaaaaa' a stairway appears underneath the statue leading to the hidden library.

"Ohh my! We found it! Momma would be proud.... Oh I miss her. Let's go little Dove" Karen then pulls Ray into the Library.

The hidden library
A huge stone wall with a strange blue symbol stands in the way of the party.

"Now this is an obstacle trowen ma'acneeth " Karen says her hand glowing bright green.
'dgrrrrrrriiiiiii!!!' the stone wall falls revealing a large Library of old books, black alphabet pokemon can be seen flying around.

Ray took out his pokedex
The symbol pokemon
These creatures have lived for millions of years appearing in sites of ancient secrets.

"I'm catching one for sure go PokeBall!" Ray tosses a red and white ball at a "T" shaped unown 'tic!!' 'twiiiiiiikkkk' almost immediately he catches it.

"Alright have fun catching the rest of them, I'll be looking for cool stuff!!!" Karen runs off.

"Wait a.....huh" ray tries to catch up with her but is distracted by the sound of a falling book 'pittaaa'.

The book fell from the hand of a strange looking pokemon, who's appearance was that of a small floating green alien with a tail,
"Elgggg?" The creature said.

"An Elgyem? I haven't seen one of these since that time I got lost in Unova, hey little guy need some help" Ray asked kindly.

"Yemm!" The creature sensed ray meant no harm and accepted his offer.
Ray and Elgyem then looked around the huge Library with tons of dusty all books placing the fallen ones back in their original positions.

"Wow, we're done! How was that Elgyem?" Ray swept off the sweat from his forehead.

"Ellggggg yeeeeee!" The tiny alien hugged Ray tightly not letting him go.

"Hah, you sure are friendly... Wanna come with me on my journey" ray asked.

"Yemmmmm!" The alien danced happily in the air.

"Alright welcome to the crew Elgyem!" Ray proceeded to capture Elgyem and add him to the roster.

After the heartfelt capture, ray entered a secret chamber with two old looking slabs of stone one was. White with a drawing of Gardevoir and the other pitch black with the drawing of Zoroark on it, the writing on both were ineligible to ray at the moment.

In the center of the room was Karen smiling while holding two objects she had collected from the stone alter in front of her.

"Hahahaha! Finally, the mega Ring is mine!" Karen yells showcasing a strange looking green bracelet with a keystone embedded on it.

"Haaaa?!! A mega Ring! I wanted one!!!" Ray yells in frustration.

"Ha? Don't be a sore loser Ray, here take this, since I like you, the same way it liked my parents" Karen tosses the teen an orange book.
"That's the ancient Garufan tome, it enables the owner to read Garufan texts give it a go and read these slabs, Tataaaa!" Karen then dashes off in the most elegant fashion ever by skipping, "Also I wouldn't give that out to just anybody, some people would do crazy things with it" she says one last time and leaves.

Ray opens the book and strange enough the once ineligible text on the slabs turn into proper words "Amazing! Let's see what they say" ray begins to read.

Light prophecy
With death there is also life, with life, there is also death. On the darkest day on the darkest night, tragedy shall befall the earth. All those caught in the lord's shadow shall be drained and destroyed. The world can be brought to peace again with four lights not born of man. They shall preserve and save the land, and breakdown the establishment to single layers of sand. Light shall once again be restored to the world. Prosperity and peace shall mesh in one giant swirl and the land shall be guided by a new light, the strongest of the four lights to rid the world of the everlasting evil and blight

Dark prophecy
With life there is also death, with death there's also life, on the darkest day of humanity, the world shall shake, houses will burn, people will be killed. The land shall shift and innocent beings shall fall between the crevices. Four darknesses born from man shall reign supreme and create a world in their own likeness the balance between light and dark shall tip snuffed out and destroyed forever. A world born out of hatred, evil, jealousy and prejudice. Disaster shall be the only known hope in creation of yet another world.

Ray took in every word he had just read, not knowing what they implied he left the library, back to Sheridan.

Sheridan village
Ray returns to Jack and shows him the book.

"You found it! Amazing you sure are a great kid, hand over the book" jack reaches for the ancient tome.

"I...... Think I'll hold on to it for now" Ray moves back.

"Seriously I'll give you some ice cream for it" jack tried to bargain.

"Bro, I'm not 10" ray facepalmed and walked into the help center to collect his reward.

"Damnit! Why isn't he 10!!!" Jake screamed in disappointment.
Reward- P550 and a water Stone

Story 3- stolen cargo.
Once again the help center quests have led ray to Oceana pier.
There the dark skinned youth heads an abandoned warehouse. To capture some thugs.

'bang bang bang!' Ray bangs the iron warehouse door rigorously.

"Who the hell is that?!!" A man in a red jumpsuit with messy blonde hair comes out.

"Yah bad news bro, I'm here to capture you guys" Ray says causally.

"Oh okay just head inside, let me go pack my stuff" the man opens the warehouse door and goes back inside

"Ha, how polite" ray walks in, only to be greeted by 'bzzzzzztttttt!' the floor tiles flashes with yellow electricity.

"Damn! Electric terrain!" Ray screamed as the door shuts behind him and his trapped in an electric death trap.

"You're one dumb son of a bitch!" The track suit man yelled from a distant.

Ray is then surrounded by two big thugs in torn clothes "going somewhere little man" they teased the boy.

"Touch the field and get shocked hard, team Xen ordered us to keep this place safe especially from a kid like you! Boys rough him up!" The man said and left to another sector of the warehouse.

"Got it Usain!" One of the thugs said before throwing out one of his pokemon "go Zebstrika!" A zebra like creature appears and stands on the electric field.

"So electric Pokemon are fine on this terrain huh? Let's go Pichu!" Ray sends out his baby electric rodent

"Zebstrika use shockwave!" The thug yells "zebbbuuyy!" The zebra sends out a strong current to attack the rat powered up by the field.

"Pichu tank it!" Ray yells forming and "X" with his hands "pichuuuuu" the rodent takes the hit with only slight damage.

"Nani?!" The thug says in surprised.

"Ha! such a weak shock, don't you have anything better?" Ray mocked the guy.

"Why you!!!! I'll show you weak shock! DISCHARGE!!!" the thug yelled in anger.

"No don't fall for it!" The other thing cries but it's too late.

'bzzzzzzzzzztttttttttttttttttttttttttttt' the zebra sends out a powerful electric wave that affects the entire warehouse stopping all the machines present and cancelling out the electric terrain, and once again Pichu survives.

"No way?!!" The thug falls to his knees as his zebra is exhausted.

"Gyahahahahaha, thanks for shutting off the field dumbass, Pichu was absorbing Zebstrika's electricity now he's super charged let's go" Ray and Pichu then chase after Usain with no fear of the floor.

Ray then sees Usain closing up a black and red case. "Damn, team Xen weren't joking when they said you were persistent" Usain cursed.

"It's over bro, I've got the high ground!" Ray makes a star wars reference and gets ready to battle Usain.

"Tsk you've shut down the power, pretty clever but this ends here Boy! Boltude sick em boy!" Usain snaps and an electric dog, with yellow,black and white fur.

"Ahhh! I've never seen that kinda of pokemon before! Pokedex? Wait unavailable?!!" Ray tries to scan Boltude but his pokedex seems outdated.

"Oi!!!" A loud voice comes from behind them "I'm not gonna let this go the way you want" a girl with bright purple hair appears.

"Venam!!!" Ray yells happily he hasn't seen his friend in ages.

"A gym leader!, Team Xen better pay me extra! Boltude thunderbolt!!" Usain yells and his dog shoots out a powerful bolt of lightning.

"Pichu block it!" Ray yells.

"Zubat let's go! Supersonic!" Venam yells.

"Pichhhhuuuuuuu!" Pichu tanks the hit again but the electricity is too much to absorb damaging it.

"Baaaaaaaaa!" The poison bat then proceeded to confuse the dog with sound waves.

"Booool? Tuuuuu!!!" The dog bites itself in confusion.

"Oh no! you damn mutt!" Usain shouts in frustration.

"Ray let's do a combo physical attack together to finish this guy" venam suggested.

"Alright, Pichu, use a full power tackle!" Ray commanded.
"Zubat, follow with a poison fang!" Venam added.
"Poison Tag tackle!" Both said in unison

"Piiiiiipiiiipiiiiii!", "Zuuuuuuuu" the rat and the bat charged towards the dog at full speed their bodies getting covered with a bright white light.

"Woooowww!" Ray said in awe as he figured out what was happening.

'Bammmmm!' the two pokemon
Slam the dog backwards knocking it out with a bash of white and purple as the smoke cleared obvious changes could be seen.

Pichu's body was a bit bigger and it's tail was a lot longer with a heart shaped pattern on the tip, it's face was full of confidence.
While Zubat was a lot bigger too, with it's eyes now being visible and it's mouth being huge.

"Pikachuuuu!", "Golbattttooo!" The duo yelled together after overcoming the hardship in front of them, their prize? Evolution.

"They evolved at the same time, talk about unison" venam smiled.

"Hahaha, finally!!!(also Pichu was a girl?!!!)" Ray pumped his fist in the air, he found out Pikachu is a girl from the shape of the tail.

"Goddamn it, this is the last time I work with team Xen!" Usain returns his pokemon and gives up.

After the police arrested the thugs and seized the boxes full of black chemicals, Venam had a heart to heart with Ray, sort of...

"What were you thinking Baka!!!" The gym leader yelled.
"Entering a dark warehouse?  Expecting everything to be cool?!!" She continued.

"Ummm sort of" Ray said nonchalantly.

"Listen Ray! You can't trust anyone in this fucked up world, not even yourself, not even yourself's self" she lectured.

"But I trust you" Ray said harmlessly.

"Eh.......you...... Just don't get into anymore trouble when I'm not around" she walked away red faced while ray headed back to Sheridan
Rewards- P800 and a bunch of gourmet treats.

Story 4-cute pokemon
Near the dojo in Sheridan village a girl with short curly blue hair with a black training Gi is seen training with a black and white panda like pokemon.

"I hope someone from the help center comes soon" she said tiredly.

"Ask and you shall receive! The future champion of the region appears Ray!!!!!" As if summoning him the dark skinned boy appears with a purple monkey on his shoulder "aipommm!".

"Oh my! You managed to catch an aipom!!!" She said surprised.

"I actually caught 5, but that doesn't matter! I'm here to trade with you! Behold “A4” my favorite female Aipom" Ray plucks the monkey off his shoulder
"Aipommm!" The monkey grins.

"Thank you so much let's trade right away!!" The girl then drags Ray to a pokemon center.

The details of the quest entailed that Ray would catch a cute Aipom and trade it with that girl for her Pancham.
In the pokemon center the nurse Joy took both pokeballs and put them on a strange machine 'dukaaaa dokkkkaa dokkkk!' two bright lights come from within the balls and switch places.

"So this is how trades happen, so cool!" Ray said taking his PokeBall.

"Say hello to your new partners" nurse Joy smiled.

"Here we go, glad to have you here Aipom" the girl sends out her new Pokemon and hugs her.
"Aiiiiii!" A4 also hugs her back.

"And you Pancham welcome to the team" ray smiles at his pokemon.

Story 5- get an item
Underground prison
Ray is in dark dungeon surrounded by metal bars and he thinks back (what the fuck led to this)

10 minutes ago
Route 2
Ray's new quest sends him out to get a particular item a shiny stone from a strange talking chameleon. In the Sakura/cherry blossom park of route 2, he sees 2 chameleons there (what the...) He rushes there.

As one of the chameleons sees him it's body starts to morps 'bipobipooo!' until only purple slime remains and it swiftly escapes out of sight.

"Ditto!" Ray fails once again to catch the elusive being.

"I'll just ignore that" the other chameleon says nonchalantly.

Then next to him a strange looking woman with red glasses and green hair styled into spiky pigtails
"Yonk! This item is mine now!" The woman steals an item from the chameleon's mat.

"Pay for that now!" The green lizard yelled.

"Shut up you damn Kecleon! I'm taking it for free!" The woman tries to escape but at the speed of light 'twiiiiiiikkkk' the chameleon touches her and her body disappears "ahhhh!".

Ray is dumbfounded by the event until he picks up the shiny stone from the mat "how much for this" he asked timidly.

"P999,999" Kecleon said smiling.

"......... Ok I'll just be..." Before Ray can even finish his chest is grabbed

"Thief!!!!!!!" The chameleon cries and Ray is poofed.....

"Hey you kid, I've been here for longer than you (5 minutes) what'd you say we team up and leave this joint" the green haired woman suggested.

"Sure thing, these bars Don't look that strong anyway" 'cricccckkk!' ray breaks one of the steel bars easily (they were rusted to the core).

"Ha, ha, ha!" The duo rush out through the dungeon doors passing by a strange looking map and meeting a crossway of 3 paths.

"One of these lead to freedom" the woman said.

"And the other 2 death" Ray said grimly.

"Well I'm left handed so I'm going left! See yah sucker!!!" The woman abandons ray and leaves.

"The...." Ray wants to comment before 'brakkkkakakakakak!' the dungeon door behind him breaks open with tons of Kecleons screaming "thief!!!! Thieffff!!!!" Ray instinctively jumps into the right door to escape from the onslaught of chameleons.

"Haaaaa! What the fuck was that!!" Ray yells until he sees a shiny stone in the room "Oh at least I got the stone, time to leave, I wonder what happened to the woman tho..." Ray says before he leaves through another door to safety

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" The woman screams as she's swarmed by a horde of lizards, a fitting end for a thief 🦎.

Reward-P850 and a Casteliacone

Story 6- Battle me again!
Help center
Ray enters the center again only this time he meets up with Novae
Once again.

" I was hoping to see you again Ray, do you mind battling with me, I've already given the reward to the clerk" she bowed.

"Sure thing, Pip was starting to get rusty anyway" the teen agrees and the two head to the battle field in the amethyst cave.

Amethyst cave
Despite Novea's growth Ray is able to sweep most of her team with only prinplup, remaining her monkey like pokemon Pansimian which were going hard on each other.

Rock smash!, Metal claw! The attacks collide cause sparks as the two pokemon refuse to back down from the other.

"Now take this our secret brand move
Full body rock smash " Novea shouted.

"Pannnsemiannnn!" The monkey charged at the penguin his body glowing yellow.

"I guess I won't hold back either! Pip! Bubbly slash!" Ray could feel the tension in the atmosphere and ordered a powerful attack too.

"Prrrriiiiiiii!!!" The penguin covered his flippers with bubbles and charged at the monkey.

'cllllllaaaaackkkk boooooommm!' the attack hit on the mark knocking out both pokemon.

Haaaaa, guess I still need to improve my self, return pan, you were great" Novea smiles and returns her partner.

"Yah same here, get a good rest Pip" Ray thanks his penguin and returns him back into the ball.

"I'm glad I have a rival who pushes me as hard as you, I'll keep on training till the day I can fully beat you" Novea says to Ray before leaving.

Ray smiles and heads back to the center to collect his reward.

Reward- p800 and an Eevee.

Bonus story- version 13 new world
Gearan city library
Not satisfied with the outdated version of his pokedex, Ray seeks out the only person who can help him unfortunately Ray makes a wild discovery.

In the upstairs section of the library, Ray checks on zumi but finds another wan who's design differs from the nerdy ginger he once knew.

"Um excuse me are you Zumi?" Ray says confused.

"You know it! It's me your girl Zumi!!!" The woman yells she's wearing a black tank top a black Barrett and glasses, the strange thing was her bright red hair.

"Um really?! You look and sound different" ray asked seriously confused.

"It's a new version! Get with the times boomer!" She said disrespectfully.

"Ok.... What else is different?" Ray continued.

"Well" Zumi gets a mic and starts to sing the "🎶 It's a brand new world, it's a brand game! New rivals! It's a fight for survival no one can stop Rejuve nation, pokemon!!!🎶" She then drops the mic.

Jan comes from the other door and says "I also have a new look" he points to his now Black hair and new black shirt.

"Cool do I get a new look too?!!" Ray asked curiously.

"No! That's too much work, now give me your pokedex so you can catch some Galar pokemon" Zumi grabs his device twicks it a bit and hands him a cooler silver and purple version.

"...... I'll have to get used to this won't I" ray said worried.

"Yes baby cause their 6 more versions to come!!!" Zumi then break dances and ray just sighed.

Next chapter Arc 3 starts  with a new world!
To be continued!!!!

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