His Heartbeat

By gulle_jana

513K 25.8K 14.2K

~ Zindagi or kuch nahi.. Bas! Teri meri kahani hai..~ (life is nothing! But! A story of yours and mine!) ☆☆☆☆... More

Chapter 01
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 04
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 51

7.4K 457 468
By gulle_jana

Happy reading beautifuls....

"Zindagi se kya Lena hai,
Shahadat hai tan apna!
Sarhadon py dafan hongey,
Wardi hai kafan apna!"

Author's p.o.v

Whole night passed in blur.

Fajar azan was calling out when all of them were making ablution.

Ali was done before everyone so he started spreading prayer mats for all of them.

"Who will lead the Salah?"
Aafan asked.

"Offcourse major khan! He recites Quran so beautifully."
Ramish said getting mesmerized.

" Is it so? I never had a chance of praying with him."
Aafan said.

" Me too but I heard him reciting some ayahs once. I wish I could also lead Salah like him. You know Aafan! Once I saw him praying at the corner being hidden from everyone's eyes. I was passing by so I hide behind a tree and kept on looking at him. He was so lost in salah that he didn't even notice.
I guess that's what salam demands from us in real, the sincerity!"
Ramish said in trance.

"Everyone on the mats!"
Just then Zain shouted pulling them both back to the real devastated word.

There was a single mat which was spread ahead of all separately for the one who will be the Imaam for Fajar prayer.

Ali called upon him who was lost somewhere.

" Yes major?"
Ramish stood straight quickly.

"Why don't you lead salah today?"
Ali asked putting his cap on his head.

" Me?"

" Yes!"


"Don't you want??"

"No no! I mean Yes! I will!!"

"Go get ready then!"
Ali said and headed towards prayer mats.

Ramish looked upward and smiled at sky that how fast Allah had fulfilled his tiny wish.

" You are great Allah g!"
Ramish said excitedly.

Zain shouted and ramish ran towards them who were ready to pray.

And few moments later sky was witnessing all of them who bowing after their Allah.

No matter who was an ordinary soldier or who was a major or lieutenant or captain among them. All of them were standing in same row showing equality and beauty of Salah.

After salam all of them raised their hands in air to ask their Allah for their small wishes WHO is the  most merciful and the most beneficial.

"O Allah! Make us among the ones who fought till their last breath and last drop of blood in their bodies.
O Allah! Make our hearts among the ones who beat only for You and YOUR Prophet Muhammad (P.B.UH). Let us be the fragnanace which brings life to your people. O Allah! O Allah!!!"
That's when Ali burst into tears.

"O Allah! O Allah! Ya Rahman! Save humanity! Save Muslims! Help us to fight for cause of Muslims bravely! We know that indeed Your help is near."

He held his face in his palms while crying silently.

He was feeling the pain of whole Muslim ummah in his heart. He was feeling as if his heart will burst.

That's when Allah gave the proof that HE says right when HE says, "My Zikar brings peace!" By showering peace on all of them who were distressing over humanity.

All of them stood up and folded their prayer mats.


It was 8 in morning when Ali was browsing his gallery and stopped when one of his and Smahairs picture came in frame.

It was their mirror selfie he took on Mahir's mehndi night.

The way she was smiling carelessly made his heart skip a beat.

He was continuously caressing her picture in trance.

Just then Zain entered in but remained silent. He knew that Ali was in deep thoughts.

"Zain? When did you come?"
After almost 5 minutes he realized that Zain was standing at door steps.

"Just now!"
Zain lied. He didn't want him to feel ashamed of being absent minded on duty.

"Oh okay!"

"I came to that all the peopel you asked have arrived. When you want another meeting?"
Zain demonstrated.

"Around 3 pm till then make the weapons on the list available in basement."

"Roger boss!"
Zain saluted and Ali nodded.

"Major! Can a ask you something?"

"Go head!"

"Why are you so off today?"
He couldn't help but claped his eyes at Zain's voice.

"I want to go home for a while Zain. Can I go?"
Ali sighed.

"Sure major! Why are you even asking?"
Zain asked stunned.

"Won't you think that I am taking advantage of my position and having free time at my home when you all are working hard?"

"No way! All the soldiers  included in our selected teams are those who just came back from long leaves. Just go home! I will see you around 3."
Zain said enthusiastically.

Ali nodded and stood up.


Samahir couldn't sleep last time.

After praying Fajar she took Ali's books and diary and sat on floor leaning her back on bed.

She was going through different pages when she spotted a hand made card.

It was decorated beautifully.

There was a poem written on it.
She started reading it out.

"They asked,"What is life?"
I replied," A wink!"
They again asked,"What is life?"
I replied,"A punch!"
Again asked,"What is life?"
I replied,"A sweet melody!"
Again asked,"What is life?
I replied,"Lonely road!"
Again asked,"What is life?
I replied,"A heartmelting hug!"
Again asked,"What is life?
I replied ,"Cool breeze!"
Again asked,What is life?
I replied,"An enthralling smile!"
Again asked,"Which smile is enthralling one?
I replied,"Hers!"
They smiled and asked,"Who is her?"
I smiled and replied,"Life!"

22th May, 2005 ♥️

She realized taht it was the date of her tenth birthday.

"O Ali!"
Tears were running down her cheeks making it difficult for her to breath.

She took card out and was about to close the book when another card fell on her lap.

"Wish of every soldier"

The title made her heart wrenched bit she kept on reading.

"I don't want my teenage queen,
Just give me my craft F-16,
If I die in battle zone,
Box me up and send me home,
Put my medals on my chest,
Tell my mom I did my best,
Tell my nation not to cry,
I was soldier born to die!..."

"O Ali! How strong Alllah had made you!
I missed you!
I missed you every freaking day!
I missed you!
I missed us!
I missed everything about you!"

She hugged cards whiel crying with hiccups.

She didn't know how many moments passed when she heard him of his car.

She quickly wiped her tears and packed everything as before and put his books back on study table.

She turned around when she heard door opening.

There he was standing in his all glory with his arms stretched in air for her.

She quickly ran towards him and hide herself in his chest.

Tears started running down on their own.

Ali pulled her more closer holding her in air whiel kissing her face continuously.

He felt as if he got one of the pieces of his body back.

He put her down and joined their heads together.

"Why are you crying? You are my lioness. It doesn't suit you!"
He smiled wiping her tears.

"Then why you make me cry?"
She asked wiping her nose with the corner of her sleeve.

"I am an idiot! You know that, right?"
He hide his smile.

"A big idiot!!"
She said pinching his nose.


Later Ali had breakfast with whole family.

He was smiling whole time but deep down something was sinking in him.

It was 2 in afternoon when Samahir entered in room only to get stunned.

He was standing in front of mirror combing his hair whiel dressed up in uniform.

"Where are you going?"



"Actually I have lots of work remaining."

"But you just came."
She protested.

"It was morning not jist Mrs."
He said encircling his arms around her waist pulling her towards him.

"Don't they have any other officers? Why you always have to be there?"
She asked getting angry.

He said seriously.

"What Samahir? Ok go!"
She said going away from him.

"So you will say good bye in such tone? "
He sighed but she kept on looking outside the window.

" Ok fine! I am going!"



She didn't turn.

Ali sighed and hugged her from behind and kept on inhaling hers cent for a while and after planting a kiss on her shoulder he retreated back.

"You will miss me AFTER I go!"
He smiled.

"Not at all!"
She was angry and wasn't feeling anything except anger.

Just then his phone rang and he kissed her forehead quickly and ran out.

"Allah Hafiz!"
He shouted and went out.

On his way he collided with Wali and hoorain.
Ali hugged Wali making him stunned and kisses Hoorain's head and ran put before they could ask anything.

He had already met with his father and mom and everyone at breakfast table.


Whole auditorium was filled with soldiers.

There was dice with mic attached on it at the left corner.

Their was white sheet on wall which was being lighted by project.

"Assalam o alikum  gentlemen!"
Ali said standing against mic.

"Walikum Salam!"
All of them shouted back.

"As you got the news about our troops being attacked 2 times, so it's high time for us to take action. Today in this room we are having our talented majors, lieutenants, captains, soldiers and squadron leaders. "
He said proudly looking at the humans in front of him.

All of them nodded.

"At 4 and radars tonight, a joint operation will be conducted by Pakistan Air Force and Pakistan army. A package comprising of F-16 and F-17 thunders will strike the high value target and foreign terrorists. A  team of Pakistan army special services group will be paratrooped to lace the target. Everyone must ensure that there will be no collateral damage. Keeping the tradition of zero failure we will achieve the target In Sha Allah!"
He inhaled sharply.

He was standing with broad shoulders and straight face. His uniform was adding more glory to his appearance.

"Now I would like to have captain Zain on board to give further briefing."
Ali said and Zain stood up.

Within few moments a map was displayed on projector.

"First time we were attacked from East and second time from North. Last night we sent 2 army troop trucks with an auto drivers being activated under the leadership of Major khan. Major khan said that they will surely attack from different dimension and if they do then it will be proven that they are scattered all around the mountainous valley. He was right! One truck was being attacked from North and other from South."
Zain stopped to breath.

"We will send 4 trucks together this time and will surrround the valley. Our thunders will be scanning the areas for our soldiers. When they will come out to attack the trucks we will open fire. No soldier will cross the green line without any command. Everyone has to stay together as this operation is deadly dangerous. Thunders will only fire rockets when they get command of area being out of control. They should keep the thing in mind that the lives of our soldiers are very precious."
Zain said looking at unknown spot.

" Any questions?"
Ali asked.

" No!"
All of them shouted.

"Great! Just remember that we are born to fight! Trained to kill! And ready to die every time. The ones who are afraid of lossinh lives can step back NOW! There is no place for cowards among us."
Ali shouted.

There was a complete silence for a moment in auditorium.

But after a moment Squaderon leader Fahad stood up with his palm on his heart.

"Our flag doesn't fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of every soldier who died protecting it."
With his all those pilots he brought with him stood up with their palms on their hearts.

Ali was quiet cause none of soldiers of his own academy stood up.

He was about to step down when Adeel stood up.

Ali recognized him in a second.
He was the one for whom Ali asked captain for favour so that he could give re-examination.

"At every call of duty  what we all say is?"
He asked.

And the audition rang up with their enthusiastic screams.

Ali smiled proudly saluting them with two fingers.

"That's surely your trained officers! They  interpret it all!"
Squaderon leader Faheem said.

Ali and Zain looked at each other and exchanged smiles.

The bravest and fearless smiles are the best of all!!!


It was 2 at night.

All prepations were done.

Ali was feeling strange things in his heart.

He dialled Wali's number. He knew he must be awake.

"Hello? Whats up bro?"
Wali's voice rang from other side.

" Wali..  do you love Samahir?"
Ali asked in low voice.

" What? Why?"
Wali shouted bursting his ear drums.

"Just tell me!"

"Offcourse! You know I never differentiated between Samahir  and Hoorain. They are my love of life."
Wali shrugged.

" Wali... Just take care of her! She is so innocent yet so brave. If....(sigh).. I don't come back... Be the shoulder on  which she could cry her heart out. Be the hand she will be needing in  difficult times.."
Ali sighed heavily.

Only he knew how much pain he was feeling.

It was seeming that his heart was going to burst anytime soon.

" Ali? Are you okay? What happened?? Is everything okay?"
Wali asked getting serious.

"I am going for an operation and it is bit different from previous ones."


"Its just... I don't feel like I will be able to cope up this time...!!"
Ali inhaled sharply.

"Don't say like that yar! You are bold enough to handle such operations man!"

"When Death sees how brave and bold the person next to It? No matter if the man is Salahuddin Ayubi or Badar or Musa or Khalid... everyone's has an end."


"I have to go now.. Just remember to wish her on 22th May on my behalf. Do tell her that I didn't forget her birthday... and I loved you all and will be loving no problem if I am not around there will still be Ali in all of you. "
Before Wali could reply Ali hung up.


After almost an hour there were continuous gun shots.

Ali was among the front liners. Soldiers were scattered all around.

Whole valley was rung up by gun shots.

It was an unexpected attack for terrorists but they were still prepared.

Soldiers were having trackers in their jackets which were telling pilots thats where were they so that they won't fire in that area.

Ali signal them to move forward.

"Zain! Ask your team to move backward."
Ali whispered on walkie talkie.

Zain whispered back and signalled his team to clear the area.

Terrorists were thousands in number she soldier were only 100.

"Fahad! Fahad! Scan area 3  and fire rocket! I repeat scan area 3 and fire!!!"
Ali shouted immediately cause the hi shots were getting heavier from respective area.

"Major there is still one of our soldier left in area 3."


" Yes! I guess he is injured!"

"No way!"
With this Ali jumped towards area 3 and loaded his gun when his eyes landed on a bleeding soldier.


"Major! Go back! They are so many here!"

Ramish inhaled heavily.

" No way in the hell!"

Ali pulled Ramish on his back and started running towards area 4 sneakily.

Just when he handed Ramish to other soldiers they all heard a gunshot.

Initially Ali didn't feel anything but the blood which was laying from his left shoulder said it all.

"Fahad! Fire! We don't have much time!"

"All if you run forward! Zain! I have you mini bombs where are They?"
Ali asked.

Just then whole Earth vibrated by rocket which just collided with its chest.



Whole valley once again rang up.

Ali took bombs from Zain and was ready to through when again serious if gunshots started.

"Positions everybody!!!"
Zain shouted and all of them took their positions.

"We have to plant bombs! Situation is getting out of hand now."
Zain said.

" You are right!"

"Faheem! Fahad!"
Ali called upon them.

"We can't fire Ali! Soldiers are scattered everywhere. You guys are closer to target. We can't risk their lives."
Faheem said.

"But they are no safe either way."
Ali protested.

"We won't fire Ali!"
Fahad said.

Ali sighed and took a bomb in his hand.

"Wha t are you doing Major?"
Zain asked getting alert.

He somehow knew what Ali was planning to do.

They were tiny bombs and they couldn't be fire from far.

"Its time to fulfil the promise I made to my homeland!"

"No major... you won't go!"

"Its too late Zain! You won't come after me!"


"That's an order captain Zain! Go do your duty!! You are a responsible soldier! "
Ali said in authorities tone and Zain kept quiet.

Zain was about to again stop him but Ali jumped and ran towards terrorists territory.

Zain shouted from behind.

All of them stopped firing when they heard 4 consecutive bombs being blasted.

Only few terrorists were left and soldiers started firing back at them.

"Area 3 secured sir!
I repeat area 3 secured sir!"
Zain whispered near walkie talkie.

All of them were rising their guns while chanting "Allah O Akbar".

Just then a warm smile made its way to Zain's lips when he saw Ali limping towards them.

His face was somehow black with smile.

Ali shouted and Zain hugged him quickly.

" Ali! There is a bomb in an old and devastated truck at your left at some distance. We can't diffuse it now only 50 seconds are left and if it will blast... only town beside this valley will be turned into ashes! "
Faheem' s voice made Earth under Ali's feet to move.

Ali gave a last look to soldiers.

" My Soldiers! My trained students!"
Ali whispered to himself and and ran back with injured foot and climbed in front seat of truck.

He knew that there was a river behind that valley.

"If bomb will be blasted there it won't cause much demage. No live will be lost! No dreams will be crushed!"
He whispered and ignited the engine.

He stated singing national anthem if Pakistan with a smile on his face.

Zain got the information and along with other soldiers he started running after truck but when he knew that Ali won't stop he asked them to stop or else Ali's  whole sacrifice for saving their lives will be gone in vain.

He could the scene when one of majors asked soldiers that why they used to believe Ali so much and they replied that 'no matter if he is wrong. We will still jump in the well of fire on his single signal.'

The face of Samahir was flashing in front of eyes.

He could see the names being projected in front of his eyes he selected for his children. When did he know that they will never see this world?

"Muhafiz aman k hum hain  yeh duniya ko dikhana hai!"

He whispered to himself.

"O Allah! The most merciful and...."


Whole town heard ear piercing sound.


All of them cried out loud and took their caps off.

There was huge fire in river.

Different body parts were flying here and there.

After almost hall an hour Zain stood up and went towards river bank.

Rescue teams were there and were treating injured ones.

He was looking around with teary eyes when he spotted a watch.

He sat down and took it.

Its glass was broken badly.

"Ahh Major!"
Zain cried out loud pulling Ali's watch near his heart.

"O call of duty call of peace!
We are here, we are here!
O earth beloved all of peace!
We ate here, we are here!

No matter what we call it so,
As all the oceans paint in blue!
We sail through the tide of love!
We know the dream of peace is true!
We know the dream of peace is true!!"

Ali's  voice was echoing in his ears.
Colliding with the tides of river and was coming back to Zain.

"O Allah! My heart!"
Zain wiped his tears which were running down uncontrollably at the martyrdom of his beloved major.


Assalam o alikum my janans!!

So how's it?

Longest chappyy of the book!!☄

I want lots of comments!!!!

Don't forget to vote !

Allah Hafiz

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