His Mafia Queen

By veinna_tae

94.7K 12.1K 1.5K

( COMPLETE ) SIDNAAZ❣️ Read the prologue just check it out , u will love it More

chapter 1
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
new story

chapter 19

1.7K 237 31
By veinna_tae

Next morning

Next morning Naaz went downstairs and saw sidharth

Naaz frowned- shouldn't u be at office right now asked seeing the time in her watch

Sid- well dad told me that grandpa has ordered that I can't go office till everythings gets normal between us

And naaz frowned
Naaz- okay then do anything there r playrooms , home theater , pool , bar.......and was leaving when sidharth stopped her

Sid- where r u going? U r not okay!!

Naaz- sidharth I am fine and u why do u care? Asked confused

Sid- bcoz I want to!!! Now have ur breakfast

Naaz- sidharth grandpa will get mad if he got to know I am not present there.......it's important

Sid- I am coming with u then

Naaz- there will be people who r involved in mafia stuff sidharth.......and something u might can't see

Sid- I have seen my parents dying......nothing can be worse than that now let's go and left

While naaz was just looking at his back
Naaz- he must feel the same loneliness like me!! But why is he alone? He is not like a monster I am......then why this all happened to him!!
And went behind him

They reached the deck but before coming out of the car
Naaz- take this!!! And gave him a gun!!

Sid's eyes widen- no!!! I don't need this

Naaz- yes u do!!! I don't want anyone here to think that my husband doesn't like this!!! Or they will lose their expectations from me as a leader

Sidharth looked at her confused but she just put the gun in his hand and left......he also tucked it in his jeans and came out all bowed to him and followed naaz

Guy- boss the stock has reached last night and a man bring a fish to them

Sid frowned- u have a fishing buisness too!!??? Wispered to her
Naaz rolled her eyes and the guy cutted the fished stomach and pull out the bags filled with drugs and gave it to the guy who just in seconds come back and gave it to Naaz......who sniffed and glared and throwed it on floor

Naaz- make sure that they can't deal with anyone else from now on and make sure to kill that bastard really brutually.......I want the vedio and if u disappoint me I will show u how to actually kill someone brutually

The guy nodded sweating while sidharth looked at her shocked
Sid- Naaz but she glared him and took his hand and started walking away

Sid- why did u order to kill the drug dealer ? Naaz u don't have to kill someo......

Naaz turned - sidharth in this world either u kill and survive or die........and I just order to kill him........if grandpa got to know about this shit......he would kill his whole family!!!! And this is why I told u to not come....now u r leaving

Sid- no!! No!!! Listen I wouldn't say anything ok but plzzz let me stay......if grandpa will know that we r together here than he will be happy......and naaz nodded

They left from there and in some hours they reached a werehouse
And went inside...... sidharth looked around....there were many gaurds working with gun and computers

They reached a office door
Naaz- don't freak out ok....... sidharth confusingly nodded and entered behind her but took a step back with wide eyes

There he saw

His head snapped at the door and he ran towards Naaz......sidharth pulled her back and the lion roared and was going jump on him when

Naaz- stop!!! And it wimpered like a baby and lay down on the floor with his eyes were on sidharth........sidharth chill.....he wouldn't do anything....ND went and kneel down beside him and caressed his head smiling and the big lion purred?? Really?!!

Sidharth was looking at this but then he focused on naaz and saw genuine smile on her face

Naaz- he's Xerxes
and stoodup and took Sid's hand and went towards a room behind Xerxes and sidharth was shocked again

The tigeress looked at her then at sidharth and growled
Naaz- it's fine Adira
And they heard some sound and looked to the other side of the room and sidharth smiled

Sid- Naaz this?

Naaz- um.....yeah actually they r my family

sidharth looked at her smiling at down at Xerxes who was licking her hand

Sid- where is their mates?

Naaz smiled- they r mates sidharth......and he looked at her wide eyes

Sidharth then saw Xerxes going towards Adira and licking and nuzzling in her neck

Sid- what about the Cubs then?
Naaz rolled her eyes

Naaz- sidharth they r mix!! Then she got a massage....um sidharth I am coming back in a bit......why don't u play with them.....don't worry they will not harm u and left while they were looking at him and then he felt something on his leg and looked down and saw the little cub and kneel down and rubbed on his head and neck the other cub also came to him and Xerxes&Adira also came and licked him and the Cubs went towards Adira while Xerxes layed down on sidharth's lap snuggling into him.....he looked at him amused then chuckled rubbing his neck......they he took notice of of the picture on wall


n those pictures Naaz didn't looked like she behaves with everyone but there is sweet smile at her face......the door opened and the gaurds came and putted their food sweating but we're shocked to see Xerxes being so comfortable with sidharth while both the lion&tigeress were glaring at them

Gaurd- boss is just coming master and left while Naaz entered and looked amusedly at Xerxes and adira

Naaz- my babies now love someone more than me huh....and they both got up and jumped at her licking her while she laughed whole heartedly and sidharth smiled
Sid( thankgod I came today here or I don't think I would've seen this side of her)

Naaz- come sidharth let's have lunch and they came and sidharth saw that the food was indian and looked at Naaz who just sat down on the couch to eat......he sat beside her

Sid- this?

Naaz- I wanted to eat Indian food and also last night u made dinner for me and served him

And sidharth smiled- so this means u also cares for me? Asked smirking

While stopped but then after a second of silence
Naaz- maybe!! And sidharth looked at wide eyes.....he didn't thought she would say that

Sid- um well since when u have them.here with u?

Naaz- some years back........ashley had bring me to go zoo with her and there I saw my babies......Xerxes was really ill and adira had a fight with his lioness

Sidharth - lioness?

Naaz smirked- well.....it will sound stupid and fantasiesed to u......but Adira was brought from the jungle while Xerxes was born in the zoo.....so he already had a lioness but when Adira came she started claiming him......I mean it's really wierd but this is what I think true love is.....they both r from different breeds.......and can't even understand what love is but they want each other and that's why they faught everyone......when I saw there fight and listen what was happening there I brought them both here.......it might sound like a story and senseless but look at hi right now.......they have a family.....their babies and are happy together......it's not only humans who have love stories even they do but it's just that they don't betray each other!!!
This is love......in which u go to all extent to have them.....and fight with the world if that what it takes to be with them.......bcoz the pain of separation u will feel will be nothing when u will see them in pain......
Um well let's start now
And sidharth was just looking at her.......

Sid( I never thought u would talk this much to me naaz and chuckled inwardly.......u r nothing like how u show urself naaz......I never thought u have ur own definition of love )

Hii guys.....
I tried to put this in the right way.....plz tell is it too stupid or something😅.....I don't know if u all will like it but just cmmnt down and let me know ur pov. And also do vote ok

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