By SonamDiwakar2

313K 7.9K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... More

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
21. Normal
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

27. I'm Not Your Son

6.2K 177 48
By SonamDiwakar2

Stiles was wide awake whole night. He tried to stop but kept thinking about his dad, Stiles know he isn't his father but he always tried to look at him like one. He did everything he can for him but got nothing in return. He was counting so many things he kept doing just get neglected. But it was all in the past and he know what he have to do.

He checks the time witch was five in the morning. He gets up from his bed leaving his book there, and walks towerd a wall. He pushes a button and whole wall was lifted inside his cealing, leaving a glass wall in place of it. That is Stiles's favourite spot in his room. He can look at almost whole city from here, not as beautiful as it looks from terrace but still breathtaking.

Spacially at night, it looks like whole city is celebrating a fastival of lights. He always heard that New York is a really beautiful city at night. Now when he sees that everynight from tower, he know why. He was standing there looking at cars and people, who looks like small insects from his hight when someone knocks on his door. He turns to find Issac standing there. Who also doesn't look like slept whole night. Stiles smiles slightly and gestures him to come in. Issac walks inside and stops at his right looking at same view as Stiles.

"You didn't sleep whole night." Stiles says, casually not looking at Issac.

"No one did. They all are awake on there floors." Issac informs him. Issac was listening to everyone's heartbeat, none of them were able to sleep whole night. Bucky Steve and Sam were on there floor talking. Natasha and Pepper were on pepper's floor. Thor is on his floor. Phil and Clint in there room. Bruce and Tony were in there lab's.

Issac was shocked after knowing Tony is Stiles's biological father. But he was happy by the news. Sheriff is a shitty parent. Who didn't trust his son or gave time to him. Maybe sheriff never accepted Stiles as his son. He know how is it to have a abusive dad and Stiles was going through same but more mental abuse then physical. Sheriff is one of the biggest culprit after Scott for making Stiles life a living hell.

And no matter how much unprepared Tony was to be a dad he will be a great dad for Stiles. He was just a little nourves about how Stiles will react. But he also know Stiles have given countless chances to the people who he knew were not worth a shit, he will give Tony a chance too. But how will be his sudden reaction is something no one was sure about.

"Why are they scared....I'm not going back with my father they know that. Right?" Stiles says, he can't understand why thay all are acting like he will leave for Beacon Hills today. Thay know he never wants to even look back at that place.

Isaac just smirks when he heard Stiles say father instead of dad. He know Stiles never called sheriff his father, instead he always calls him his dad. It was like a personal rule for Stiles.

"Thay are just worried." Issac says, looking at Stiles, who finally looks back at him.

"You were awake whole night becouse you were worried." Stiles teases.

"Yes. I was worried." Issac admits, surprising Stiles. "I was also thinking about something else too."

"What." Stiles asks, completely turning to look at Issac.

"That how I can thank you." Issac says, leaning on the glass. Stiles gives him a confuced look.

"I think I should be the on to thank you not the other way around." Stiles says. Also leaning on glass. Issac shook his head in no

"I want to thank you for giving me a family." Issac said with a sad smiles, he took a deep breath before continuing. Stiles turns serious by his words "After dad I never thought I will get a family. But then Erica and Boyd came, and when I was starting to feel some connections....then they were gone....for forever. Then you, Allison, Scott and I were a disfunctional family, but not close enough. Then I was in love with none other then Allison argent. The girl who hunt me once. But after she was also gone.... I don't even wanted to have a family after that" Issac wipes some tears. Stiles just listened to him quietly, knowing Issac will never let his emotions out again if he inturupted.

"I left the town with Argent, who himself was broken and most of the time out of that country. He was able to get me out of my depression but I never had a hope for happyness in my life again. Then after a year... I found you....I knew that you were not good. I followed you and thought I was helping.... but now look around me. I finally found a family....a perfact family and friends. Who understands me. And I want to Thank you for that." Issac smiles, at Stiles, who is now crying. Stiles wipes his face by his sleeves and smiles sadly at Issac.

"You deserve this." Stiles said, in a strong voice. "And you know why they understand you? Understand what it was like for you. Becouse they know how it is to be alone, scared, hunted, used, tortured, betrayed neglected and casted out." Even if every word breaks Stiles heart he know thay are the truth of their life.

Issac's heart breaks by the thought of that they all went through some of that, but Stiles alone have to go through every single things. Thay didn't said anything for a while, just watched sun slowly appearing in the sky and paint whole city and Stiles's room orange. The only shade of orange Issac likes. Issac left after a making sure Stiles is coming up for breakfast.

Stiles sat there for more thirty minutes before taking a shower and change his clothes. He walks out of his room for common floor knowing that if didn't go, everyone will be more worried then thay already are. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator he was wrapped in Natasha and pepper's arms.

"You don't have to meet him if you don't want to." Natasha says, as she and Pepper released him. Stiles looks at both females with smile.

"I said it before and I'm saying it again. I'll be ok. And you guys are here if I became uncomfortable." Stiles said, with a smile so thay would believe him. Thay both just exchange a uncertain look.

Stiles walks inside with Natasha and Pepper and looks around to see Steve and Sam looking at him from kitchen with smiles. Phil and Clint walking towerd him with Issac.

"I told you he's coming uncle Clint." Issac said looking at Clint.

"Are you hungry?" Phil asks, ruffling his hear. Stiles is glad he wasn't asked about meeting again. Maybe thay heard him with Nat and Pepper.

He nod in yes and thay spend next hour talking about normal stuff and eating. Thor was gone again and Bucky was still on his floor. Stiles was surprised to know that Tony and Bruce were still in their lab's. Thay both really make Stiles worried sometimes, spacially Tony. After some time Stiles asked the question witch was ramming his head since yesterday.

"When is he coming?" Stiles asks, looking at everyone's face. Asking how long he have to prepare himself. Everyone's face turns dark by his question. Bucky chose that moment to walk in.

"He should be here in hour. Security will bring him in this floor. You just have to tell us who else can stay here at that time." Bucky informed, walking inside and sitting in front of him on dining table.

"Just you, Issac and uncle Phil. Becouse I don't want all of you going all Avenger mode on him." Stiles explains further in loud voice so they will listen. Thay all made disapproving sounds but then Clint said.

"But we will be watching everything and if that guy said anything wrong to you....we won't be responsible for what we'll do." Stiles sighs and nods. Knowing if he denied thay will still found another way witch might be worst.

And he don't want him to know about all the Avengers. He know he will be already suspicious by the place of meeting but if he saw all the Avengers with him he might tell whole pack in Beacon Hills, and that will be bad.

Next hour was like blur for Stiles. When Jarvis informed them that Noah stilinski was in lobby and was waiting for their approval Stiles was scared. But he hide that and again convince everyone to go on their floor. Natasha and Clint were hardest to convince.

After sending everyone out Stiles turned around to see Issac, Bucky and Phil. He nods at Phil who told Jarvis to bring Noah on there floor. Roaming living room with anxiety for next five minutes Stiles heard elevator's door open, making him close his eyes. He will make it as short as he can.

"He isn't here yet?" Stiles turns around to find Tony walking in. He looks back at Phil, Bucky and Issac who didn't look suprised at all by Tony's sudden appearance.

"So you decided to show up now after being invisible for whole day." Stiles scolded Tony like a kid, forgetting about the situation for a second.

"I was just doing some import..." Tony's sentance was cut off by elevator doors opening again. This time without a doubt thay know that it would be Noah....and it was.

Noah walks inside in front of them and Stiles took one step back unconsciously. Bucky places a grounding hand on his shoulder making him relax. Stiles was little surprise when Tony came at his side not Phil or Issac, who were standing behind him. But he have bigger problem to think about. Sheriff.

Sheriff's eyes land on Tony first and hardens. But he narrows his eyes after seeing Issac.

"What are you doing here Issac?" He asks, confuced.

"Doing something you failed to do. Standing by my brother." Issac says, making Stiles look at him for a second. Wow. He got promoted.

Phil was now beyond angry that Noah noticed Issac before Stiles. He decided he can't stand with his promise to not attack Noah with Stiles. Befor anyone can react he was in front of Noah and next second Noah was on floor clutching his nose.

"I was so sure you will do that." Noah said, standing on his feets again. But Phil was not done. He reached behind his back and points his gun at Noah. Now Noah's eyes widens.

"This is what I want to do." Phil said, dangerously. But Stiles came from behind and placed his hand on his shoulder, making Phil look at him.

"You don't need to do that Uncle Phil. I know you're angry but... I want to talk to him." Stiles says, calmly. Phil would have protested but he know Stiles is calm means he is serious. Phil slowly lowers his gun giving Noah a death glare. Who looked nourves.

"Isaac. Please be with uncle Phil." Stiles requests Issac, who himself is looking ready to attack. Phil sighs angrily and walks back but still giving Noah a glare.

"Oh Stiles. I missed you so much kiddo." Sheriff said, with a sad smile taking a step forward to hug Stiles but Stiles takes a step back.

"But I didn't missed you at all." Stiles says, taking one more step back. Others just stayed behind letting Stiles talk.

"What do you mean?" Sherif is genuinely confused by Stiles's behaviour. He thought he was on his side after he made Phil back off.

"I didn't missed you and I am happy here.....just do what you came here to do so we all can be free." Stiles says, without any emotion. Noah is shocked but other four are relieved that Stiles is not in any mood to give Noah any chance.

"I came here to see my son and take him back home." Noah is doing what he know works best on Stiles, emotional manipulation. No matter how many times he fucked up in past, him calling Stiles son was enough to win him back.

But Stiles know this trick like back of his hand now. Hearing Noah calling him son would have broke his all walls in a second and he would run in his embrace but now it infuriated him. He curls his hands in fists and tighten in jaw. Issac takes a step back after smelling Stiles's anger.

"DONT YOU DERE CALL ME YOUR SON. YOU'RE NOT MY DAD." Stiles screams making Noah's eyes wide and he took some steps beck. Tony, Bucky and Phil looks at Stiles shocked becouse of his anger but thay know the worst is still to come. Stiles points his finger at Noah accusingly.

"You didn't come here to meet your son. You didn't came here to take me back home. You just want you're and you're house's caretaker back. But I'm not that Stiles who was always there to take care of you, you're house and your every small need. if it was you're medicines, food or even keeping you out of your bottle. I'm not that ten year boy who still had the scorch mark when he was trying to cook for you and you don't know, I'm not the Stiles who died for you the same day when you screamed at him in front of whole hospital! So don't dere call me your son...I was always just a caretaker to you. You took me in becouse you wanted to marry mom. But after she were left with a boy you never wanted. I was just a burden, witch you wanted to throw away but couldn't." Stiles let all his anger out at once, witch left Noah terrified but he regains his posture quickly.

"So thay told you I'm not your real dad, so you would hate me." Noah says, bitterly looking at Phil and Tony. Phil, Bucky and Issac are shocked that Stiles knew about Noah, but Tony looked like he would call his suit any moment.

"I knew since I was fourteen. Ask Melissa." Stiles says, looking close to tears not from sadness but anger. Now Noah looks like he was punched in the face by Stiles.

"You knew from thag I never found out." Sheriff says, in disbelief.

"You're unaware of so many things Noah stilinski. And I don't think you even deserve to know." Stiles says, with a bitter laugh.

"Even if not biological, I'm your father and you can't talk to me like that." Noah says, angrily.

"Watch your tongue with Stiles if you want to go back in one piece stilinski." Tony threatened from behind Stiles.

"I was waiting when you'll speak stark. I know you're the one to put that venom in my son's head against me." Noah spats, at Tony. Walking towerd him leaving Stiles behind. Tony was now looking little worried. He didn't want Noah to tell Stiles about him in that kind of situation.

"You put that venom in me you're just getting the test of it. And what will Tony gain by turning me against you." Stiles said, looking back with both hands in tight fists.

At this point Noah realised that Stiles don't know Tony is his dad. He was thinking Phil told Stiles that's why thay are in tower, but it might be Tony's trick. He looks back at Stiles with wide eyes and then at Tony and other three. Phil, Bucky and Issac looks little pale by the thought, that what Noah will say. Tony is sweating and his hands are shaking becouse of anxiety. Stiles was oblivious of their reaction. He was just wishing inside that everyone else wouldn't come storming in.

" haven't told him about his real father." Noah says, thinking if he told Stiles about Tony Stiles will come with him, becouse he will feel betrayed by Phil, Tony and Issac. He still wasn't sure why winter Soldier was in room. Stiles eyes widens at Noah's words.

"You knew about my real dad." Stiles asks, Phil. Who is now visibly pale and couldn't utter a word.

"Stiles we just found three days ago. We were going to tell you after today. We thought we should let you settle in you're new school first. We were scared." Bucky says, trying explain becouse he was the only one who was able to even open his mouth. Stiles looks at him through teary eyes not giving any sign of approval, witch will tell Bucky that he understands there reason.

The only reason no one has come yet becouse thay must be frozen where thay are seeing all that. Just like others in the room.

Noah chose that moment to strike.

"I won't hide anything from you Stiles. Not again. I'm sorry for everything I did...and I promise that, I will be a good father, that you always wanted. Just give me one more chance son. I can also tell you that person's name." Noah say, walking in front of Stiles. Who's looking at ground not moving at all.

Tony, phil, Bucky and Issac are looking at two not able to move at all. With their breaths caught in their throats. It felt like all the air was sucked out of the room, making it hard to breathe. Stiles's one choice can change everything.

"Get out." Stiles said, in too slow voice that if room wasn't completely silent they would've missed it."

"What." Noah says, being caught off guard by Stiles's words again. He thought Stiles will ask him about the name of his real father. Stiles slowly lifts his head up. Tears in his eyes are replaced by redness. His face was controlled by anger. Noah took a step back scared. Stiles never looked that much dengerous to him.

"You herd me. Get Out. I don't want to hear my father's name from your mouth. So get the hell out of here before I will do something, I might not regret." Stiles threatens in low voice.

Other four looks relieved and calm by Stiles's reaction but not completely

"You're not my son." Noah says, like he said once in loft and countless times when drunk.

"That's not the first time you have said it. And. I. Know." Stiles retorts.

Noah looks like he was about to say something but Stiles again beats him to it.

"Get out. You know the way and if not Jarvis will escort you till the doors. You're never welcome again." Stiles opens his hand in direction of elevator with no expressions on his face. Noah glares at Stiles before storming out of the floor and disappearing in the elevator.

Room goes deadly silent. Tony and Phil felt overwhelming relief and joy. Same with Bucky and Issac but thay ares also looking at Stiles, who's not facing any of them.

"Stiles?" Bucky asks.

"How could I've been so blind to not see his real face." Stiles chocks, looking back at four of them with tears.

"You know now.... that's enough." Tony says, proud after how Stiles threw Noah out. Stiles looks at him and slowly nods, wiping his tears.

"You did the right thing kid." Phil says, before hugging him, Stiles hugs back. Phil was so scared for a moment thinking he will loose Stiles, but Stiles was smart enough to not fall for Noah's words.

Thay broke their hug when thay heard elevator's open and everyone walking in. Everyone except Bruce, Thay were joined by Thor too all were smiling at Stiles proudly. But before any of them could say or do anything Stiles spoke.

"First I want to know my real father's name." He says, making everyone freeze in their tracks. Thay all change worried look by Stiles's demand.

"I know you all know. And I get why you couldn't tell me then. You must have told Issac yesterday.... that's why he was acting weirdly. I want to know now." Stiles says, looking at all of them, spacially phil. Not giving them any chance to object.

"Me" Tony says, hesitantly making Stiles look at him. Whole room turns towerd him.

"Then tell me! Did only you know his name?" Stiles asks, not getting what Tony said. Tony looks at him and almost scared, he have no idea what he's doing.

"I'm you're dad." Tony says, again, taking a step towerd Stiles.

This time Stiles understands and all colour drains from his face.

Everyone else just look at two.

"W- what." That's the only thing Stiles could say. Tony nods.

"Your mom was not just my best friend...she was my first love fiance. Then my perents died and I shut her out...her dad died too but I didn't knew that. She left me after leaving a letter that she was taking something mine with her." Tony's voice breaks by what he says next. "She took you away from me and I was too late to stop her." Tony says, crying. Stiles just looks at him with wide eyes.

Stiles tries to say something but his throat feels hollow. He tries to move his fingers but found he couldn't feel them. His breathing became too slow to be normal. He blinks and a lone tear falls from his right eye, leaving a trail on his cheek but he didn't felt that too. Only thing he could see was face of Tony...his dad, waiting for his answer. For his approval or rejection. But he was numb.

He finally felt something but it wasn't good. He felt a weird buzzing in his ears. Stiles realises it was increasing too. Buzzing kept increasing until his head was hurting. He wanted to cover his ears so he could stop the sound but he couldn't move. He saw black spots covering his vision like snow fall. He blinks again and again trying to clear his vision to no avail. After what was for Stiles like an hour but for others some seconds Stiles was able to move his hand. He bring it up on his ear, same with other hand, but buzzing just increased.

He suddenly felt like his body was
too heavy for him and his vision completely turned dark. He close his eye letting his hand fall to the sides. His body went limp but he didn't the floor becouse two arms caught him.


He heard someone scream his name over the buzzing before every sound was gone too.

After writing when I read it, I was so exited to know what will happen next but then I realise that I have to write.😂😂😂😂 Then I was like....shit.

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