Project Alpha. Codename: Neon...

By MysteGUI

109 9 2

once an experimental super soldier, now a deadly bounty hunter. Project Alpha had now given birth to a superh... More

Project Alpha
A contractual obligation
Answers and Explanations
So it begins...
Packing heat
Government confrontation
Prep phase

Ready. Aim. Fire!

5 1 0
By MysteGUI

Gen activates his holo sheild as it tanks most of the shots that the officers were throwing. After the holo shield's limit was up, he goes in and shoots one of the officer's head off with his shotgun before sliding into cover. "Keep shooting! That fucker's got no where to go!" The officer commanded as they all kept shooting at him. Gen paused for a moment to think about his next move before deciding to create an opening by throwing a smoke grenade in between him and the soldiers to block their vision. Once he did so, he then grabs an EMP grenade and tosses it through the plume of smoke. The EMP grenade flew through the smoke as it coincidentally hit on of the officers head before sending off an emp blast, knocking everyone's tech out. "Sir! That was an EMP grenade! Our all of our tech is offline!" Just as the officer said that, he was then met with shotgun shrapnel in the face as they all looked towards the plume of smoke which had subsided to reveal Gen, menacingly standing there with his shotgun.

Without even hesitating, he rushes in as the officers fumble in their places to quickly reload before they get merked By the contract assassin. It was then they realized it was too late as Gen had breached their perimeter as he begun to kill them all one by one. Gen takes one down with his shotgun before switching to his U.M.W. and stabbing another one that was right by him. He then used the officers body as a meat shield as it tanks some rounds from the officers. Once the body was no longer usable, he tosses it over to an officer who then gets his head blown off by a shotgun. "Jesus christ! Hes a fucking monster!!" One of them says as that person tried to abandon ship and leave but was soon killed by a pistol shot to the back of his head. Gen was about to continue bur was prevented on doing so as he was launched into a car, making a big indent on it. He looks at the attacker to see 3 mechs  standing there with their pulse blasters pointed at him. "Take this, shitstick!" They says as they shot a pulse round which bade the car that Gen was on flip over on its head, crushing Gen underneath. "We got him pinned! All units! Close in!" The commanding officer commanded as they start closing in on Gen who was still stuck under the car. "Shit. This is a bad. I guess there's no going around it." He says to himself as he reaches into his grenade belt and grabbing something from it before chucking it at the officers. "Grenade! Incoming!" One of them shouted as they all braced for it. But no explosion came as the so called "grenade" landed right by their feet. "What? Its a dud!" The commanding officer said as he chuckled. "I might want to retract that statement if i were you"gen said as he activated his suits ear mufflers. As he did so, the "grenade" started whirring before emmiting an ear deafening sound ehich made all the officers fall on the ground as their ears were experiencing the worst pain imaginable. "Gaaaah! W-what the hel is that!?" One of them exclaimed as Gen has lofted the car off of him as was now patting himself off. "A frequency grenade. A special type of lethal which can deafen and incapacitate anyone who hears it. But i guess this explanation is useless since none of you can hear it." He says as he reloads his shotgun while walking towards the writhing soldiers. Once he finally got near all of them, he proceeds to turn them all to pools od blood as one by one. All of them got shot by the armored hunter.

Now we see Prisca and Karl sitting on shipping crates as they both were engaging in a bit of small talk. "Sorry about your shop Karl." Prisca apologized to the boy as he returns it with a smile. "Its alright. Not like it was a shop that was run by my family for generations." He said as the sarcasm was very apparent in every word he said. Prisca just lowers her head to cringe at the revelation of what the shop meant to the boy. Suddenly, they were alerted to the sound of a door opening as they both jump from their seats and point their weapons at the door. They soon sigh in releif to see that it was only Gen who was standing in the door way. "Christ almighty! You almost gave us a heart attack!" The red head exclaims as she pockets her weapon into her jean jacket. "It lookes like you dealt with them.... And i assume it was messy?" Karl says as he eyed the hunter up and down. Gen was stained woth a lot of blood as most of the white on his suit was now red. "Yes. It was very messy. Now, continuing where we left off." Gen says as he changes the topic. "Prisca, the map." Gen says as Prisca pulled out the map from her jacket and tossed it over to Gen. "Got it" she says. "Good." Gen says as he took the map and placed it on one of the crates. "What are planning?" Karl asked. "Im planning to cripple the Cershire military." he says as Karl and Prisca were shocked to hear his apparent plans. "Cripple an entire military!? With what!? 3 people!?" Prisca exclaims as she's baffled at the outrageous plan. "1. Actually. Im the only one who's gonna do it." Gen tells her as the two became even more baffled. "Your going to fight them alone!?" Karl said in shock as he couldn't fathom the fact of one man, crippling an entore military force. "Oh, no you dont! I'm not gonna lrt you go out and fight alone!" Prisca said as she grabbed a hold on the armored individual as she made him look at her. "Why are you stopping me? You arent even a part of this. In fact, why havent you left me yet? You know you will get killed if you stay with me." Gen tells her but the red head did not back down. "Look. The moment i saved your ass from drowning was the moment i was now an associate of a eanted criminal! So like it or not, im stuck to your metal ass buster!" She explains as Gen just stood there, unfazed as ever. Gen then just gave in and sighed before responding. "Alright. Fine." Gen says as Prisca finally lets go of him.

"Good." Prisca says as she gave the hunter some space. "Im joining too." Unexpectedly, Karl spoke up as they both look at him with surprise. "You sure Karl?" Prisca asked the boy. "Of course. Im not just gonna let them go after they destroyed my shop along with all my hard work. Ill make those bastards pay!" Ksrl says with determination. "I guess that makes it 3. Fine. You guys can help me with this. But dont say i didnt warn you." Gen tells them as they both nod in understanding. "Alright. Heres the plan" Grn starts as they both listen to his plan.


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