
By OrnsteinSlayer

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This year begins in a plot future of 2020 As all of you Know Tom Felton decided that to have a Harry Potter R... More

Chapter 1: Harry Potter Reunion
Chapter 2: The Greatest HP Reunion Ever
Chapter 3: Amazing Day Ever
Chapter 4: Dinner At Seven, Char?
Chapter 5: Sweetest Love (Explicit)
Chapter 6: You Slept With- Tom...
Chapter 7: Soulmates And Always
Chapter 8: Venice Beach
Chapter 9 : Celebration Party
Chapter 10: I think I had Too Much
Chapter 11: I've Always Love You
Chapter 12: Two Red Lines
Chapter 13: You Have To Tell Him
Chapter 14: Were... Having A Child?
Chapter 15: Two Peas In A Pod
Chapter 16: Is it a Secret?
Chapter 17: A Merry Feltson Christmas
Chapter 18: Dinner With The Watsons
Chapter 19: Proposal And Desired Pleasures (Explicit)
Chapter 20: Not Wanting Each Other Apart (Explicit)
Chapter 21: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Chapter 22: Luckiest Day of Their Lives
Chapter 23: Happy Valentines Day
Chapter 24: Valentines Surprises
Chapter 25: The Unexpected
Chapter 26: Telling Everyone (Explicit)
Chapter 27: The Charity Golfing Match
Chapter 28: Adorable Baby Kicks
Chapter 29: Emma's Birthday Gift
Chapter 30: Emma's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 31: Lovely Days Goes On Forever.
Chapter 32: The Greatest Day Of Their Lives
Chapter 33: Getting Fiesty Aren't We?
Epilogue: 2 Years Later...

Chapter 34: Mr & Mrs. Felton

568 10 12
By OrnsteinSlayer

6 Months Later, Their Wedding Day, December 7th, 2021, Paris...

Knock* Knock* Knock*

"Come in!" Emma cheeringly called in, facing the mirror, looking splendidly, admiring her beautifulness over the beautiful wedding dress she's now wearing while she looks at the mirror, breathtakingly.

As Jacqueline entered the room. She gasps into tears of joy as she looks at her beautiful daughter in her wonderful wedding dress who's now going to be finally marrying the man she loved since they were sweet childhood sweethearts.

Tom Felton...

Emma turned around and greets her mother immediately as Jacqueline slowly approached her, holding her hand warmingly as she looks at her beautiful daughter very dearly in her eyes with the heart-melting emotions she's now feeling.

'She couldn't believe it, her daughter is finally getting married," She said happily in her thoughts.

"Oh, Emma, Darling, You look wonderfully beautiful!" Jacqueline praised, viewing her daughter's dress very beautifully from top to bottom.

Emma's cheeks flushed as she giggled shyly from her mother. "Thanks, mum, So do you," She kindly said with a blushing smile that she couldn't hide from her mother.

Jacqueline heartily giggled. "You're always welcome, Darling," Sliding a tear away from her eye as she smiles happily at her daughter. "I am so proud to be your mother. I just wanna say, Darling congratulations on finding your true love. I hope You & Tom's love will grow stronger & deeper through each other's passing years together with your children and I hope you two will have a wonderful life together, Darling." She said dearly with tears that she couldn't be held anymore.

Emma's felt her heart melted with tears from her mother's kind words as she embraces her very dearly in her loving arms. "Thanks, mum,..." She embracingly responded before finally parting from their warmful embrace.

Ms. Luesby smiled adoringly at her daughter. "You're always welcome, Darling, I'm so proud of you." She said proudly, cupping her daughter's cheek once again with tears of joy she's feeling.

Just then 3 Knocks behind the door cut off their moment, making them both turned towards the door as they glance at it.

"Come in!" Emma titled her head, calling in whoever's behind the door.

The door opened slightly and Bonnie came in. "Hey Em!" She greeted, poking her head through the door before noticing her mother was there too. "Oh, Hello Ms.Luesby," She greeted shyly with a light blush on her cheeks.

Ms. Luesby kindly smiled at Bonnie. "Hello dear," She greeted dearly. "I think I'll leave you two for a moment," She said, before turning back to her daughter. "I'll be waiting for you downstairs okay, Darling?"

Emma happily nodded in her mother's response and kissed her in the cheeks before finally leaving the room as Bonnie opened the door for her to exit.

"Thank you, Dear," Jacqueline said nicely as Bonnie nodded with a wry smile before finally closing the door behind for her to give her best friend something special for her today's wedding night.

"What's in the bag, Bon?" She asked, cocking her eyebrow questionably, noticing her best friend bought her something.

Bonnie just grinned while she opens the paper bag. "Something you'll be wearing for 24 Hours till You two will be having your wedding night," She sang the two words teasingly

Before Emma could say anything. Her eyes widened in surprise, unbelievably seeing Bonnie just bought her a wedding garter belt and a beautiful pair lace designed stockings.

She was totally flushed and embarrassed that Bonnie bought her something sexy for her wedding.

"Bonnie!" She whined as her face was fully flushed while Bonnie laughed at her reaction while handing the gift over to her. "Really!?!?"

Bonnie couldn't hide her giggle as she covers it with her hand. "Oh c'mon Em, Where's the fun?" She told her sarcastically. "It's your wedding day. Why not give this a shot, I'm sure Tom will fancy you when he sees you in that," She pointed out, giving her best friend a teasing look.

Emma sighed as she looks at her gift for a moment. "You promise, you'll help me with this?" She asked, giving her best friend a glaring back look.

Bonnie nodded quickly with an approving smile. "Of course why not. Give it a shot, Em. Enjoy the moment, you know" She explained teasingly as she giggled.

With a deep sigh, Emma stared down at the gift that Bonnie gave to her as she immediately thinks about wearing it or not.

With her decision finally decided. She finally gave in and decides to get on with it. Besides their Wedding night will be a special night for them both as a newlywed couple, especially Tom would be likely to love seeing her wearing this beautiful sexy lingerie for their lovely wedding night.

She sighed and finally gave Bonnie her decision. "Fine..." She said lastly, giving her best friend a glare.

Bonnie just giggled. "See, I know you would, Em!" She knowingly expected as Emma just rolled her eyes playfully.


As Tom was admiring the magnificent view of Paris from here over the beautiful luxury hotel of La Peninsula Paris. 

He couldn't believe this day is finally happening. He's finally getting married to the love of his life and he couldn't believe that their time has flown wonderfully together as best friends, to becoming a lovely couple together.

He glanced down at his wrist to check out the time when suddenly the doors behind him opened, making him turned as Dan, his best mate came into view.

"Well, well... Who would have thought, The famous Draco Malfoy, finally getting married to the famous Hermione Granger, hmm?..." Dan teased as Tom gave his best mate a teasing look also.

"Nah Dan, I think you're just jealous, " He smirked, fixing his black suit jacket properly in front of the mirror.

Dan laughed as he sat by the nearest couch in the room. "You wish, Malfoy..." He retorted smirkingly as Tom punched his best mate playfully over the upper arm. "By the way, the view in here is breathtaking," He commented, glancing himself over the window, watching the beautiful snowing city of Paris.

Just then Rupert came in as he checks for Tom if he's finally ready.

"Hey, guys It's nearly time!" He informed the two immediately. "You ready, mate?" He asked, glancing at his best friend.

Tom nodded with a confident smile. "Yep, One sec, Rups," He informed as he fixes his black tie for the last time in front of the mirror.

'This is it, Felton.' He thought nervously within...

Taking a last confident breath. He gave himself a relaxing smile in front of the mirror before finally leaving the room together with his two best friends. Slowly making their way up towards the beautiful luxury Le rooftop of Peninsula Paris.


A/N: Play The Music Everybody.

Once the beautiful music started playing over the wonderful venue. The wedding officiant finally announced Tom's entrance, making Tom finally walked down the red aisle as he smiled towards the guests, strutting down in his Black Magnnani Tristan shoes as he finally reaches the spot, facing the entire crowd.

After his entrance, the groomsmen & bridesmaids soon walk down in pairs, making Bonnie, Evanna, Erin, Rupert, Georgia, Matt, Angela, Louis, Natalie, and the rest of the wedding entourage, beaming with excitement as they're finally tying the knot.

Finally standing in their seats. The music soon changed into a blissful soulful piano-violin over the wonderful wedding as Emma finally walked down over the beautiful aisle together with her father's side.

As she walked slowly down the aisle. Tom chuckled nervously at the sight of his bride. It was his first time seeing Emma in that beautiful dress and she looked wonderfully breathtaking from head over heels.

She was wonderfully gorgeous...

Dan hiddenly nudged him over the elbow, making Tom look at Dan as he gave his best friend a teasing smirk towards Emma, knowing he was very much a lucky man.

Tom shook his head out laughingly under his breath as he went back staring at his beautiful bride, fixating their gazes within each other's eyes as they're knowingly soon going to be husband & wife.

Her movements seemed to be in a slow-motion, like a perfect moment to watch her every move. Tom felt the world slowed down its pace as Emma walks towards him. He studied her every feature as he bit his lips and place a hand over his freshly trimmed beard. He couldn't help his tears from falling down his eyes as he was very touched and happy, knowing he was ready to spend the rest of his life with Emma Watson.

As Emma reached his spot, her father kissed her on the cheeks and hugged her tight.

After Chris hugged her daughter he then turned to Tom and gave him also a hug. "Take care of my princess, son," He whispered.

Tom pulled away and smiled back at Chris, nodding slowly. "I will, sir," He promisingly vowed.

Chris smiled and slowly left the two, walking his way towards Alex and Jacqueline's side, together with the twins.

Tom took Emma's hand as they happily walk towards the wedding officiant.

Holding each other's hands, the wedding officiant finally started the wedding ceremony, but the lovely couple couldn't take their eyes off each other as it was a peaceful & heartwarming moment for them both.

The wedding opening went smoothly as the 'Questions of Intent' were next.

"Emma," The Officiant began as he begins to ask her. "Will you have this man to be your lovely wedded husband, to love together in the covenant of marriage?"

"I Do," She replied calmly while she couldn't hide her lovely smile over Tom.

Tom lowly laugh, underneath his breath as he calmly smiled, holding her hand for more comfort.

"Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both live?" He asked her again.

"I Do," She replied again calmly but this time with a lovely smile.

After her intents. The officiant next turned to Tom. "Tom, Will you have Emma Watson to be your lovely wedded wife, to love together in the covenant of marriage?"

"I Do," He answered calmly, hiding his nervousness within as he smiled over his bride.

"Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both live?" He asked him again

"I Do," He replied lastly, giving her a lovely smile.

After his Intents, the official turned towards the crowd. "Will all of you witnessing these promises do all in your power to uphold these two persons in their marriage?"

"We do," The crowd answered in unison with smiles on their faces.

After the Questions of intents and a few more words were said, the vows were soon next.

"Please repeat after me," Tom began, saying his vow to his bride as Emma calmingly smiled at him, holding his hand for more comfort.

"I, Tom Felton,"

"I, Emma Watson,"

"Take you, Emma Watson, to be my lovely wedded wife,"

"Take you, Tom Felton, to be my lovely wedded husband,"

"To have and to hold from this day forward,"

"To have and to hold from this day forward,"

"For better,"

"For better,"

"For worse,"

"For worse,"

"For richer,"

"For richer,"

"For poorer,"

"For poorer,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"To love and to cherish till death do us part,"

"To love and to cherish till death do us part,"

After saying their wonderful vows the officiant soon continued, beginning his reflection over everybody around the crowd. 

"This is a moment of celebration. Let it also be a moment of dedication. The world does a good job of reminding us of how fragile we are. Individuals are fragile; relationships are fragile, too. Every marriage needs the love, nurture, and support of a network of friends and family. 

On this wedding day, I ask you not only to be friends of Tom Felton or Emma Watson but friends of Tom Felton and Emma Watson together, friends of the relationship. May the love you have found grow in meaning and strength until its beauty is shown in a common devotion to all that is compassionate and life-giving. May the flow of your love help brighten the fate of the earth. May the source of all love, touch and bless us and grace our lives with color and courage."

After the wedding officiant finished his reflection, it's finally proceeding to the exchange of rings.

Everyone around the crowd was in tears, including Tom's and Emma's family as they started the ceremony for the exchange of rings as the sign of their love and happiness.

Their journey of Emma and Tom was a long bittersweet ride. They took a tough road together and somehow manage to make it through. None of them ever thought of having these two different people, who started out on a journey as strangers, would end up in each other's arms after all they've been through.

"And now by the power vested in me," The wedding officiant said. "I hereby pronounce you as husband & wife. Mr. Felton, You may now kiss your lovely wife."

Loud cheers from the crowd lightened the ambiance. Tom lifted Emma's veil as they couldn't believe they're finally married!

Officially Married...

Tom touched Emma's face in one hand, tilting his face as he leaned in, finally kissing his lovely wife with love & affection.

Emma giggled from their kiss as both of them can hear the loud cheers from the background, slightly pulling away, as they affectionately looked at each other's eyes.

"I Love you, Mr.Felton." She whispered softly with sweetness within her voice, touching him lovingly.

Tom chuckled beneath his breath as he lovingly smiled over his lovely wedded wife. "I love you too, Mrs.Felton." Sweetly kissing her lovely wife once again as their families and friends cheered more loudly around them as they couldn't believe they're officially Mr & Mrs. Felton...

Officially Mr & Mrs. Felton...


After their wedding recession. Their reception was held around the beautiful luxury hotel of La Peninsula Paris together with their friends & families.

While everyone was cheering over them, Tom scooped up some cake on his fork and fed it to his beautiful wife making Emma giggled as she slowly ate the delicious cake in her mouth while Tom gave her a sweet kiss on the lips as the crowd cheered once again over them.

As everybody was enjoying the reception, they went to the dancefloor and dance slowly in each other's arms, listening to the lovely music around them as Tom couldn't stop admiring, looking at his beautiful wife in his arms as they couldn't believe they're finally married.

An Officially Married Couple.

Emma giggled as Tom slowly spun her around, interlocking with his hands once again as he held her gently around the waist, swaying their movements perfectly together as they connected their foreheads against another, romantically while closing their eyes together.

It was a dreamy and wonderful moment for the both of them together as they listened slowly together over the romantic music.

"Pretty romantic isn't it?..." She asked softly between breaths making Tom chuckled in response. 

"It is... And so do you..." He replied softly between breaths, touching her face gently as Emma opened her eyes for him as she giggled. "I love you..."

"I love you too..." She smiled as she leaned in, claiming his lips with hers.

Parting off from their kiss they giggled between their breaths as they couldn't take themselves off from one another as they looked at each other with affection and love.

It was the greatest day of their life...

After their reception has finally come to end, it was time to say goodbyes to their friends and family as they couldn't believe they'll be spending their time together for their wonderful wedding night.

While everybody was continually saying their goodbyes and farewells. Emma and Tom went up to their children giving them both kisses & hugs as they said their goodbyes to them.

"Oh, sweetheart." She coos overly to her 6-month-year-old son, caressing & giving him a kiss on the forehead while he continually cries over her. "Mommy's not going anywhere okay. Daddy & I will be just spending time together. We promise we'll be back for a few days, okay? I promise you,"  Feeling bad that she'll be leaving them for a few days for their honeymoon together.

Sharon meanwhile just smiled at her daughter-in-law as she gives her grandson a rub over the back, trying to calm him down. "Don't worry Dear, It's only just for a few days, you know." She reminded. "Don't worry, Andrew & Charlotte here will be safe on us. I'm sure we'll be enjoying our time together for our grandchildren right Peter?"

Peter chuckled as she agrees with her wife happily. "Of course!" He laughs. "Charlotte here seems to grow fawned of me," He commented, cooing and making funny faces on his granddaughter as she giggles gurgly over her grandpa.

Emma laughingly smiled as she caresses her daughter's hair before turning to her mother-in-law who's calming Andrew in her arms as she embraces her dearly. "Thank you, Sharon," She said dearly softly in her voice.

Sharon chucklingly smiled. "You're always welcome, dear," She said dearly to her daughter-in-law as they parted off. "Now off you go now you both. You don't wanna miss this entire night, you know," She reminded teasingly making his son and daughter-in-law blushed as they lightly laughingly giggled

"See you within week mom," Tom regarded, giving her mother another farewell hug.

"I will, Darling." She said with a smile as they parted off and finally said their goodbyes to everyone at the reception hall.


While they walked down the hall towards the elevator doors with his arm around hers.

Tom carried her by surprise, making Emma squeal with delight as she quickly wraps her arms securely around Tom's as they both laughingly giggled.

Once the elevator doors finally opened, both slowly step inside as she quickly clicks the button towards their suite making the elevator slowly closes within them as they look at each other lovingly with affection.

Finally arriving from the final floor. The lovely couple stepped out from the elevator doors as they slowly made their way towards their beautiful rooftop garden suite.

Arriving at the door. Tom put her down for a moment as he entered the keys on their suite. After the door is finally opened. He carried her once again making her squeal with delight as they both laughingly giggled, entering the suite.

Kicking the door shut gently by his shoe and dropping her carefully over her heels from their beautiful nighted room over the beautiful snowing city of Paris, Emma gently wraps her arms around Tom as she slowly kisses him tenderly with emotion.

Tilting from one side to another. Their kisses became warm and romantic as they lead themselves towards their beautiful bedroom before finally parting off from their breathless kiss.

"I Love you, Thomas Andrew Felton..." Smiling softly with sweetness within her voice, touching his face by one hand as Tom smiled softly back at her as she gave her a sweet chaste kiss.

"I Love you too, Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson Felton," He whispered, holding his wife's hand, still on his cheek as he leaned in, claiming her lips once again with passion.

Slowly discarding each other's clothes off. Tom soon trailed down his kisses slowly down her wife's shoulder towards neck making her moan, hooking his thumbs gently behind her straps as the dress slowly discarded off from her feet.

Stepping out from her wedding dress. Emma looked beautiful as she gazes her eyes unto Tom's blue orbs, making her lost in it. She was the most perfect and stunning perfect thing around him and Tom couldn't believe what he is seeing over her beautiful wife.

"Like what you see, Mr. Felton?" She giggled teasingly, revealing the lingerie she wearing right now as Tom couldn't help but crawl up a smirk between his lips.

"You're... beautiful, my Love.." He praised breathlessly, caressing her cheek gently with his thumb as Emma looked at him affectionately with her beautiful brown orbs.

"And so do you..." She blushingly replied, giggling softly as she kissed his husband with passion and love. "Take me..." She whispered between their kiss. "Take me to the stars, Tom Felton... Take me as I'm officially, finally, yours!" She moaned.

Tom chucklingly smirked between their kiss. "Patience love," He whisperingly teased, slowly taking his wife towards the wonderful stars over the wonderful night as they slowly make love over the beautiful night city of Paris.

It was only their beginning, they thought blissfully...

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